Supreme Demon

Chapter 3130: Kill everyone!

"Supreme God and Demon"

Stormy weather.

Peerless Taoism caused changes in the sky, and the entire spiritual **** universe was in turmoil, and the world was paying attention. Although there were not many figures in this battle, any big figure was enough to provoke endless storms.

Many people have come to Tianxiang Mountain these days. Because the name of the Tianxiang Taoism is too loud and rare in the world, they want to get a glimpse of the true face of the peerless Taoism. They will not be able to get out when the major powers in the dojo and ban Tianxiang Mountain. Now it is coming here especially, causing a sea of ​​violent prisoners to rub shoulders.

You Gu Yun, Lie Bai Yuan, Xu Yue Hongtian, these three are all **** emperor-level figures, their strength is extraordinary, a rain of light hits out, ten thousand ways are mourned, the sky is torn like rags, and the space collapse is extremely serious.

Moreover, the law of time is turbulent. Blue is like a storm of time, and purple is like time frozen. The flames are suppressed and turned into ice wonders. The strange mountains and rivers are razed to the ground and destroyed.

People are amazed and enthusiastic, and martial arts has always been the goal of Wu Xiu.

But what makes people sigh sadly is that the roots of the Xiaoling King and the emperor of glory were destroyed, and a generation of Tianjiao ended up in this end.

It should be noted that any one of the Glory Son and the Little Spirit King can grow up to become a pillar and benefit an ancient country and a spiritual land. They are expected to impact the gods and even the realm of ancient sages.

How many ancient sages have historically existed in Lingshen Tianyu?

Very rare, as rare as phoenix feathers.

Even the glorious ancient country, the small spiritual soil, and the Xuyue ancient family do not. The so-called glorious ancient sages and Xuyue ancient sages are not real figures of the ancient sage realm. Difficult.

Therefore, the **** emperor is equivalent to the top existence in the spiritual **** universe. These characters are the glory kingdom, the small spiritual soil, and the Xuyue ancient clan. There are not many forces, such as the Xuyue ancient clan, and there are only two **** emperors. There is only one half-step ancient sage.

The **** emperor fought fiercely, and everything moved.

The entire fierce prison was dyed scarlet red, the blood of the **** emperor was burning, the field was shattering, the ripples and fragments could wipe out the sky, the waves were magnificent, sweeping three thousand miles.

If it were not for the fierce battle in the fierce prison, I am afraid that the sky and mountains will be destroyed.


Incompatible with this battlefield is a martial artist. He is lying in a hot spring with sharp eyes, squinting into the distance. There is a bird beside him, but now the gray plumage has been wetted by the hot spring water. Lying in the hot spring, bathing with Ling Feng.

One person and one bird enjoyed it very much. They closed their eyes slightly, watching the battle while experiencing the comfort brought by the hot spring water.

"When are you hunting?"

Shen Lie closed his eyes slightly, a little blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and his face was a little gray. If it hadn't been for Lingfeng's all things to be moisturized, he was afraid that he could only lie on his stomach.

"Wait a minute, don't worry!"

Ling Feng said with a smile: "At present, they are all small fish and shrimps, just watching. With our current strength, naturally we will not do such small things. If we want to do it, we will get a big vote."

"Don't do it because you are young."

Shen Lie smiled and persuaded that Ling Feng just didn't understand the principle of accumulating less and more. According to his character, he should abduct all the martial arts around him.


Ling Feng felt that this bird was very speechless now. Of course, he also knew that Shen Lie was doing it for his own benefit. Now they are too lonely. If it is in its heyday, Ling Feng would not be so stretched, and he would be guarded and vigilant everywhere.

But now Ling Feng had to be more cautious, because once he fell, it was equivalent to them falling. Without any rescue, it would be difficult for Shen Lie to regain his decline.

Shen Lie didn't want Ling Feng to hit the **** emperor's idea, it was too dangerous and would fall easily.

"Don't worry too much."

Ling Feng said: "I am not so reckless and narcissistic. Although I am indeed wise and martial, wise and brave, and my dantian creates everything, I am still sober and not addicted to it."

"I really want to give you a face of saliva!" Shen Lie was very angry, this girl is getting shameless.

Of course, he also knew that Ling Feng was deliberately distracting him, not to worry about it.

"Really move?"

After a long while, Shen Lie frowned, his face became serious and serious, and asked, "That's an ancient country, an ancient tribe. Once touched, the consequences would be disastrous."

"I know." Ling Feng said nonchalantly.

"I'm worried that they will be left behind, but the real murderer can be traced, and we don't know these at the moment." Shenlie pondered for a moment, and said, "It's too dangerous."


Ling Feng nodded and said, "With my current strength, a **** emperor is very strenuous and may not be able to defeat it, but if it is a **** emperor who is severely injured, you can give it a try."

"Actually, you don't need to be too anxious, God Tianyu is so vast, we always have the time and energy to find those kinds of drugs." Shen Lie comforted Ling Feng and said, not wanting Ling Feng to be too risky.

"At the beginning of the secret realm, have we ever had such fear?"

"At the beginning of the Star Atlas, why did we hesitate like this?"

"Just because we are from the other end of the world, do we have to be trembling?"

Ling Feng suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes released extremely sharp light, his voice was clear and full of masculinity.

"At that time, we had no such worries."

Shen Lie said with a heavy forehead: "But now we have more concerns, starry sky responsibility, heavy responsibility against God, and people who don't want to miss in this life."

Obviously, Shen Lie became vigilant.

What if a single person died in battle?

Now they are "dragging their families", if they fall, they are afraid that many people will collapse.

Ling Feng opened his mouth, and finally let out a sigh: "I will be more careful."

They fell silent, and it took a long time for Ling Feng to speak, "I don't know if they have also entered the realm of God."

"So, we have to find them as soon as possible, or open the situation as soon as possible."

"Then what do you think of the Little Spirit King, the King of Glory?" Shen Lie looked at Ling Feng with deep eyes. Now the King of Glory and King of Glory Daogen are destroyed, and ordinary methods cannot save them, but if they fall in Ling Feng's hands Here, there are still some ways.

"They are not Bai Yuheng, Tangjiu!"

Ling Feng shook his head, Shen Lie can underestimate the Little Spirit Land and the Glory Kingdom, but he will not.

This is a shocking force, unfathomable. Although the roots of Dao are destroyed, it is difficult to heal, and ordinary medicine stones have no solution, but Ling Feng feels that the little spiritual soil and the glory kingdom should not be so fragile.

"This is not a land of rebelliousness. Be cautious about everything, at least until we have enough ability to protect ourselves."


Afterwards, one person and one bird flew out, leaving the range of the hot spring, with a smile on their faces, because they felt that the battle of the **** emperor was about to end, because they saw the **** emperor coughing up blood and falling in the distance.


At the same time, a tyrannical force came out overwhelmingly. On the dark sky, several big hands protruded, forbidden to press against You Gu Yun, Lie Hundred Yuan and Xu Yue Hongtian.

These three **** emperors fought fiercely and fiercely, and those **** emperors who were watching wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of these three rivals.

"You guys are looking for death!"

You Gu Yun was furious, got rid of Xu Yue Hongtian's entanglement, and directly killed Nine Heavens, tore the void, and fought fiercely against the dark sky.

"Dare to see the truth?"

Xu Yue Hongtian yelled and stopped fighting with You Gu Yun. If he had to fight again, he might not be able to survive. For the time being, let go of grievances and solve problems.

The next moment, Lie Baiyuan also rushed towards the sky.

The Son of Glory was abolished, and also because of the dark culprit, how could he not hate in his heart at this moment?

Now, those dark culprits even want to kill themselves, which is too vicious.

The three **** emperors all flew out and hit the dark sky, to reveal the true face of the dark culprit. This is against the three major forces, and naturally they will be condemned and fight hard by the three major forces.


This was a fiercer battle, the entire sky was blown up, and the endless **** emperor dyed the sky red.

You Gu Yun, Lie Bai Yuan, Xu Yue Hongtian had no scruples, and attacked with all his strength, while the culprit in the dark was a lot of taboos, afraid to use all his strength for fear of being seen through.


In the end, a **** emperor was blasted out with a normal face and a prominent forehead. Even You Gu Yun and others could not see its origin. Obviously, this person used the law of changing heaven and earth to make himself another person.

Moreover, he carries a heavy treasure, which can shield the divine emperor from detection.

He opened his mouth and vomited blood, his face was pale, and he fled.

Although You Gu Yun, Lie Bai Yuan, and Xu Yue Hongtian wanted to chase after him, the **** emperor was too fast and disappeared in the blink of an eye. They could only slam into the other **** emperors, and proceeded to arrange forbidden strange doors, not wanting to let one go. .

"This may be a game, the three major forces want to kill everyone!"

Suddenly, someone shouted in surprise, You Gu Yun, Lie Bai Yuan, and Xu Yue Hongtian had obviously not done their best just now, but at this moment they were killing them decisively and terribly.

"You wait to entrap my spiritual land, Tianjiao, and now you want to encroach on me, is this what you said we want to encroach on everyone?"

You Gu Yun said coldly and retorted.


Someone shouted in the darkness and rushed into the distance.

You Gu Yun and the other three **** emperors chased them out in a flash, and they had to keep a few at this moment, otherwise they would be really sorry for the efforts of the King of Honor and the Little Spirit King.


They shouted loudly, attacking the **** emperor in the dark with all their strength.

However, the **** emperor is overwhelming. Although he has scruples and dare not use his full strength, it is too difficult to be left, even Lie Baiyuan and others can't do it.

"Let them slip away!"

You Gu Yun looked at the front coldly, somewhat helpless.


"How can I make it happen if I hurt my spirit king?"

You Gu Yun left with the little Lingtu characters, and disappeared in front of people in the blink of an eye.


Lie Baiyuan took the Son of Glory and flew into the distance.

"It's time to chase after!"

Xu Yue Hongtian's face was a bit heavy, but he still chased into the distance.

"A big picture is over!"

Ling Feng looked at the three divine emperors with a heavy heart. They borrowed a small game and almost killed a few divine emperors. Now they disappeared only to join forces and secretly punish the enemy.


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