Supreme Demon

Chapter 3131: Single God Emperor!

"Supreme God and Demon"

This is a killing game!

The three great emperors are very extraordinary and cold-blooded. This is a deliberate killing game with the purpose of getting rid of the emperors of other forces, but from the surface, the three great emperors confront each other, which makes other divine emperors enter the game.

However, the little spirit king and the emperor of glory were badly injured. They wanted to slaughter the **** emperor. Even the three big **** emperors would have to pay a heavy price. The **** emperor in the darkness had no mercy. They wanted to get rid of the little spirit king. With the glory of the emperor.

They flew out with lightning and hit the secret **** emperor directly. Although each flew in different directions, it was only a blindfold and was only shown to the world. For example, Ling Feng could see clearly that the three **** emperors converged in the same direction from three directions. Then kill the opponent together.

They are so fast that they disappear before people in the blink of an eye.

"It's a pity that the ruling falls to the other side, otherwise it would not fear the emperor."

Ling Feng said regretfully, the ruling divine power is against the heavens, and can fight the immortals. If he is held in his hands, the ancient sages are not afraid of half a step, let alone the **** emperor.

The trees of all things swayed, scattered and filled with clear brilliance, covering the rushing wind, and the first star, the land of nothingness, and the blade womb were all glowing, covering their true colors.

He wanted to do a big vote, so he naturally had to hide his truth. To the God Emperor, Ling Feng had to be more cautious and used top power.

Still not at ease, he sacrificed the sky sack fragments, making it into a face towel and covering his face.

At the beginning, although the sky sack fell apart and was torn apart by the power of the avenue, Ling Feng still took off some fragments, and it was just usable now.

He allowed Shen Lie to spy, but he couldn't see his true face. Although Shen Lie's strength was far less than that of the God Emperor, he couldn't see clearly at such a close distance and familiarity.

Then, even the **** emperor would never want to see clearly at a distance.

"For the first time in the realm of God, our brothers always have to do a big vote!"

After speaking, Ling Fengxiemei smiled and flew into the distance.


The war spread to the sky and the sky did not end, the **** emperors just fell on another battlefield.

You Gu Yun, Lie Bai Yuan, and Xu Yue Hongtian were side by side, fighting forcefully, but their opponent was just a **** emperor, and at the same time facing the three **** emperors, they obviously fell behind, and the beating ones were retreating.


In the end, the sky shattered and pieces fell, the laws of the road wailed, and the blood rained, as if the sky was crying. The **** emperor was hidden in the mist, unable to see the true face, even the three major **** emperors could not see through. , Obviously brought a sharp weapon of the **** emperor level, which can cover ten thousand gods.

However, he was still lost and completely retreated.

The **** emperor spouted a sip of blood, like the holy sun spilling all the radiances, igniting the void, and burning the laws of the great road, the picture is extremely magnificent, it is like a holy sun burning.

He didn't use his full strength, he was still hiding, and he didn't want the three great **** emperors to see through the origins, which would bring endless disasters to the forces behind him.


An altar was thrown out. It was engraved with strange doors. There were eighteen banners. Each banner was engraved with a beast, like a totem, flashing immortal glory, and then the eighteen banners glowed together. , The image of the beast on the banner burned, bursting out the most magnificent waves, rushing to the altar together.


The altar gave off the heavenly power, the strange gate shone, and the void broke open, and the **** emperor disappeared from the battlefield in an instant.

"Damn, he brought the ancient sage-level altar!"

The three **** emperors looked embarrassed. They set up an encirclement and suppressed them, but they still managed to escape. The other party did not hesitate to destroy an ancient sage-level altar, which was extravagantly jealous.

The ancient sage-level altar is too extraordinary, it can tear the void in a moment, distorting the field, and crossing the space. Although it is not enough to cross the long river of time, it has hundreds of thousands of miles of heavenly majesty, and the direction is twisted and cannot be found.

"Kill the next one!"

Xu Yuehongtian's eyes were cold, and he said gloomily, "Perhaps these **** emperors are the real murderers behind the scenes!"

This killing game was supposed to be perfect, but it could slaughter the **** emperor, and even find out the goddess Xu Yue, but now it feels a bit of a defeat, driving her crazy.

"it is good!"

You Gu Yun and Lie Bai Yuan nodded, and now they are also hiding in the dark, encircling and suppressing those **** emperors.

Although the **** emperor fled, it has little impact on the whole situation. They can still use the topic to slaughter the **** emperor. Even if the forces behind them know the truth, they dare not speak, unless they want to stand on the opposite side of the three forces.

After all, the emperor of glory and the king of Xiaoling Daogen were destroyed in the first place, and they were slaughtered in the back. Whether it was a moral stand or a battlefield of force, they all stood up.


A secret soil, picturesque, surrounded by fragments of blue flowers, flowing with rays of sunshine, rainwater is dripping on the broken blue leaves, and the soil is infiltrated.

It was after the new rain in the empty mountain.


With a loud noise, the blue flower rain flew up to the sky, like a butterfly stomping, and the streamer escaping like the wind galloping.

Moreover, those petals collapsed in the void, forming a blue powder.

In the endless blue powder, a person fell with lightning, and his footsteps fell heavily on the ground, making a roar, causing the earth to crack and form a rift.

Light rain is like fog, surging and drifting in the void.

The mighty momentum, such as the giant mountain Tianwei suddenly falling down, caused the surrounding space to collapse, and the blue dust flying around instantly calmed down and fell stubbornly.

Soon after, the world returned to peace, and the sky was full of flowers and rain.

In the rift valley, a person vomited strands of blood, dazzling like a holy sun, falling on the ground, and instantly pierced thirty miles of the surface, forming a terrible black hole.

The mountains and rivers are disturbed, and the ground sinks.

The man's eyes were sharp, like two beacon lamps, beating with immortal flames, his body was tough and burly, and his gestures could make mountains and rivers pulse.

He was breathing fast, his body broke out, but just breathing could cause agitation and almost collapse.

However, there is a layer of colorful mist on his face, which hides its true meaning and makes people invisible.

"It's vicious!"

"You Gu Yun, I really underestimated you woman!"

Obviously, this character is the **** emperor who escaped from You Guyun, Lie Baiyuan and Xu Yuehongtian.

He was seriously injured and was besieged by the three gods. Even with the power of the sky, he was afraid that he would be seriously injured. He was able to leave alive because of the ancient sage-level altar.

"It's a pity that altar!"

He gritted his teeth and said that the altar is very important. Although it is not a symbolic altar within his influence, it is the supreme treasure he obtained from a forbidden soil. Once used, it is difficult to retrieve it.

The prohibitions, flags, etc. on it are already exhausted and broken, and can only be used once.

"Sooner or later, you will pay the price!"

He muttered, then spewed out a few more blood, his face turned paler.

"When I recover, I must make you look good!"

He did not leave Tianxiang Mountain, because there was a problem with the altar, the ban on the strange gate and the law of twisting time and space in it were incomplete. Although he could escape, it would not be too far.

Moreover, Tianxiang Mountain was suppressed by the prohibition of Qimen, and the altar was eventually subject to some restrictions.

After that, he staggered forward, the aura in his body dissipated, turning himself into a very ordinary person, and he did not want to be noticed by the three great emperors.


Suddenly, at this moment, there was a wave above his head. Although it was very slight, he still felt it instantly.


He flew back in lightning, for fear that the three great **** emperors had chased here.


What responded to him was a star, brilliant and sharp, blasting through the barriers of the universe, opening the world, and Wu Zhiyun's unique aura was completely in full bloom, alarming the endless avenue.

"You dare!"

The face of the **** emperor changed suddenly, and now he was seriously injured. At this time, when he encountered an opponent, the situation was very critical.

He was even more worried that the three great **** emperors would be attracted. If discovered, he would definitely die.

While avoiding, he threw a fist to block, because he perceives that a star that strikes is only supreme, not like a **** emperor.


However, the situation was much worse than he had expected. The star broke his fist and hit him abruptly, causing his skin to burst and his bones hurt.


His face changed drastically, and it was a little unbelievable. It was only a star at the supreme level, which could hurt his flesh and blood, almost breaking his entire arm.

How is this possible?

What kind of supreme can hurt the emperor?


A stream of light pierced through thousands of paths and appeared in front of the **** emperor. It was as fast as lightning, so fast that the **** emperor had to frown and trembled to the point of unimaginable horror.

That is a blade tire!

Bright and rainy, the only world!

When the blade tire appeared, the whole world was blasted away, only the light was galloping, only the sky was trembling, and only Wandao was wailing.

A blade tire, but it has split the cosmic bondage, disintegrated the law of ten thousand ways, and even the field must mourn.

It is unique in the world.


Break through a hundred thousand ways with one blade!


This time, the **** emperor didn't even react. He was struck by the blade tire on the spot, his entire arm was pierced, and his chest was damaged, and he was pierced by life. The terrifying blade tire was like a broken bamboo and indestructible.

Even the **** emperor will be tragedy!

The most important thing is that this **** emperor is taboo, he dared not use his full strength, and he dared not sacrifice the real heavenly majesty of the field. He was worried about being discovered by the three **** emperors, so when he reacted, it was too late.

This is a normal reaction!

They are aloft, like a king looking down on sentient beings, have they ever lowered their eyebrows to stare at the ant-like "Supreme"?

The world's supreme peace dare to shake the dignity of the gods?

That is looking for death!

God Tianyu is not without Tianjiao Supreme challenging the God Emperor, but the final result is a tragedy, it is not a level at all, so he did not take that attack to his heart, and when he discovered it, it was too late. .

"who is it?"

"get out!"

He was furious and felt incredible.

He stared at the front, because he had discovered that there was an extraordinary atmosphere there, and there were powerful figures sitting and staring at him.


He is a **** emperor, although he can't use his full strength and needs to be hidden, his strength cannot be underestimated, and he has reached that position in the lightning, and he wants to explode.

However, at this moment, he felt a kind of horror, and a cold breath was emerging on the soles of his feet, making him suffocate.


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