Supreme Demon

Chapter 3144: Beast, dare to yell at me? !

"Supreme God and Demon"

The ancient beast breathed low and occasionally escaped, causing the surrounding mountains and rivers to be turbulent, and the ancient spirit was calm.

The grass that was flat on the ground was annihilated and turned to ashes.

These ancient beasts are extraordinary, at least they are Heavenly Dao-class ancient beasts, they are very powerful, and there are as many as eight such ancient beasts, all of which are pulling that divine light chariot.

The ancient chariot was mottled with the breath of the years, and a shabby curtain fell down. The curtain was stained with residual blood. I don't know which era it belongs to, and it still exudes a strange atmosphere.

The remnant blood breath is very similar to that ancient chariot, and they are all very broken, as if they were picked up from a broken battlefield.


No one would underestimate that ancient chariot, because it exudes waves of waves, like a wild beast, and its momentum can make many people kowtow.

There was a figure sitting in that ancient chariot. He couldn't see the true face. Only the occasional lifting of the curtain could see a white arm, like jade. He wanted to be an extremely handsome figure.

At this moment, the eight ancient beasts all looked towards Ling Feng, their eyes bursting with fierce light and rain, like death staring, just like the six figures standing in front of the ancient chariot.

"who are you?"

At this moment, a figure walked out in front of the ancient chariot. He was an older young man who was about to enter middle age. He was carrying a war spear in his hand, and he was full of hostility towards Ling Feng.

It's not so much a question as a scolding.

Ling Feng didn't raise his eyes, he didn't put that character in his eyes, and he knew the origin of these people without asking him, he must have found the Euphorbia in his hand.

"Ask you, who are you?"

The older young man was irritated by Ling Feng's attitude, since ancient times, few people have dared to ignore his questioning.

Ling Feng was still speechless, didn't even move his eyes, treating the older youth as air.

"Boy, are you looking for death?"

The older young man's complexion sank, and with anger from the sky, he pushed towards Ling Feng step by step, while the war spear in his hand sent fierce light and rain.

"Go away, don't covet my spurge!"

Ling Feng still didn't turn his eyes, but the voice finally came, extremely cold and stern, and he identified the older youth as a robber, coveted the big halberd in his hand, and wanted to do it at this time.


The older young man was shocked, and he didn't expect Ling Feng to respond like this.

Covet that euphorbia?

Simply unprecedented!

"Boy, where did you get the big halberd in your hand?" The older young man continued to push forward because he was angered by Ling Feng and wanted to get rid of it.

"Pick it up!" Ling Feng replied simply.


The older youth is about to explode. Does this person treat him as an idiot?

That is, the other five characters are full of anger, but that is a treasure of Tianzun, belonging to Linggudongtian, how can it be picked up?

"Boy, if you answer dishonestly, you may regret it!"

The elder young man's eyes were full of anger, and he was completely angry. The pace of the forward pressure was obviously much faster, and the war spear in his hand was piercing the sky with majestic light.

"Go away, I picked it up, don't let it!"

Ling Feng said roguely, he was looking at the ancient road to see through the ancient phoenix transformation, but was interrupted by this older youth.

"I picked it up?"

"Do you consider me an idiot?"

"Aren't you?" Ling Feng retorted.


The face of the older young man was blushing, and he had never encountered such a confrontation. Before, even the emperor of the Glory Kingdom had to be polite to him, but now he was scolded as an idiot by a character.

How can he bear it?

"That big halberd is the treasure of the ancient cave of my spirit, it belongs to Yunqi, why is it now in your hands?"

"Also, I sensed the blood of Elder Liao Tian and Liu Ruoge in you, where are they now?"

"Have you encountered a bad hand?"

"do not know!"

Ling Feng responded rather neatly, and then ignored the older youth.


It's very angry!

Angrily smoking!

Don't say that the older youth, that is, the other five Linggu Dongtian characters were blushing with anger, that person was too strong, and he didn't put them in his eyes at all.

This is extreme contempt!

"You don't want to say? Then I will let you say!"

The elder young man gave a sneer, completely angry, he flew out with a stride, and a war spear pierced Ling Feng directly. When it was pierced out, the war spear turned into a poisonous dragon, shining with a gloomy breath.

A space appeared, and there were really poisonous dragon rules and laws inside, and he turned out to be a pioneer.


Ling Feng turned around, staring coldly at the older young man: "It's endless, right?"

He blasted out with a punch, like an ancient phoenix, although there is no strong aura, but there is Tianyin Zen singing, forbidden to meet the war spear.


One punch shattered all the magic, shot down on the battle spear, solid and immortal, as heavy as a huge mountain, and suppressed the battle spear. Then the battle fist broke through the battle spear, and hit the old youth with a punch. Boom, blood and blood, almost lost.

What a mess!

Either, verbal insult and contempt; or, it is a shocking bombardment!

"You are too vicious!"

The other five characters all changed color, their hearts were beating, and they felt a very sad feeling. Because this person was very strong, if he met Liao Tian, ​​Liu Ruoge and others, it would be difficult to be good, or it would be a tragedy.

That euphorbia was probably the person who snatched it from Yunqi.

"Today, you must be removed!"

"Say, what did you do to Elder Liao Tian and Liu Ruoge?"

Five people asked materially, all of them looked ugly. Although they knew the ending was sad, they still wanted to ask.

"They met a Taoist palace, sank into the mud, and finally gave me the Euphorbia!" Ling Feng was very "happy" and told them some "truth".

"You...killed them?"

The five characters were dumbfounded. This man is not unbelievable. The wise Dongtian Spirit God has come, and even dared to be the character of Linggu Dongtian.

"Hey, you have to make it clear that they sank into the quagmire by themselves, and they have to make the idea of ​​Dao Gong before giving me the Euphorbia."

Ling Feng shook his fingers and said, "Speaking of which, I still have a fate with you."

"Go to hell!"

The five characters can't bear it anymore. This person has no face and skin. He has eliminated all the other characters in Linggu Dongtian, and now he has to reverse right and wrong. Are they really idiots?

At the next moment, all five of them flew over and surrounded Ling Feng.


A giant light flashed, and an ancient cave was in full bloom.

A war knife ran across the air, and a bowl fell down.

Five people shot together, the sky is vast, and they want to break the sky.

To be able to become a servant of the spirit god, its strength is absolutely not weak, otherwise it is not qualified.

These five characters are the same as the older young man, and they can all take a different path and play the unparalleled rules. Although they are not as good as the real Tianzun, they are extremely not weak.

At least, these five people are much more tyrannical than the dozens of people like Liao Tian and Liu Ruoge.

Unfortunately, they met Ling Feng.

"It was a fate, but you have to evolve into a tragedy!"

Ling Feng yelled coldly, fighting fists like a roaring dragon, suddenly out, carrying the sound of heaven trembling.


One punch broke the ten thousand spells, Jane became violent.

He blasted a martial artist with a punch and shook him into the air, breaking his bones and damaging his dantian.


Ling Feng blasted another punch, violent to the extreme.

Fist falls, Wu Xiufei!

The second Wu Xiu couldn't hold the punch and became a waste. Dan Tian was blown up on the spot. The so-called space law was completely useless at this moment.

Afterwards, Ling Feng flew out, blasting the other three figures with two kicks, causing them to bleed and fall one by one in a pool of blood.

"I didn't intend to kill you, but you are deceiving too much!"

Ling Feng was very angry and said, "Is it really a bully?"

After finishing speaking, he walked to the older youth who was blown off first, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Brother Dao, they had no intention. They just wanted to ask me about the whereabouts of more than a dozen people in Linggu Dongtian. If you really do it, I'm afraid you can't be kind."

A voice came from the ancient chariot, and the Spiritual God of Dongtian spoke, extremely coldly, and full of warning.

In this spiritual **** heaven, even the supreme figure must give him some face.

"Isn't it impossible to be kind just now?"

Ling Feng stopped and looked at the ancient chariot indifferently.

"I'm the cave god!" Another voice rang from the ancient chariot.


Ling Feng raised his foot and stomped directly on the forehead of the older youth, causing his soul sea to collapse and his body and spirit were destroyed on the spot.

"what did you say?"

Ling Feng raised his head and asked, "I didn't hear clearly just now."

The ancient chariot suddenly cooled down, and a strong momentum was pouring out. Obviously, the Dongtian Spirit God was angry and killed its servant in front of him. Is this challenging his bottom line?


Ignoring that cold and stern momentum, Ling Feng walked towards the next character, trampled directly on him, and was simply neat.


"Do you know what you are doing?"

Dongtian Lingshen was furious and felt as if he was hit in the face by Ling Feng, and he was in front of everyone.

The whole scene was quiet, even the other spirit gods and several supreme figures couldn't help but look over, with a different look. This man is really cruel, ruthless, and regards the spirit **** as nothing.


The third servant was trampled to death by Ling Feng, like an ant.

"People don't deceive me, I don't deceive others, if people deceive me, I will step on them!"

Ling Feng shot very quickly, and simply trampled on the remaining characters with two feet, and removed them all.

"you wanna die!"

"From now on, you will be my mortal enemy of Linggu Dongtian!"

The Dongtian Spirit God was completely furious, and there was a substantial killing intent in the voice, while the eight ancient beasts made a sound of anger, and opened their mouths in Ling Feng.

"Beast, dare to yell at me?"

Ling Feng shouted angrily, with a pun, the halberd was suddenly picked out, a sharp light flashed, and an ancient beast was beheaded on the spot.


Ling Fengguo made a decisive move, showing no mercy, the halberd suddenly shook, and the light rain hit the sky, and instantly cut off the heads of the seven heavenly beasts. The blood flowed long, dyeing the ground and people's eyes. Chu.


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