Supreme Demon

Chapter 3145: Dongtian Spirit God!

"Supreme God and Demon"



Ling Feng is interpreting a few words.

The whole scene was frozen by Ling Feng's actions, and people's eyes were filled with awe and looking up. In the Phoenix Forbidden Land, there are really few people who dare to challenge the Eight Spirit Gods.

What did Ling Feng do?

Zhu Ling Gudongtian Elder.

The halberd picks the cave heavenly spirit **** servant.

Beheaded the ancient beast that was pulling the cart in front of him.

Even more angrily called Dongtian Spirit God is a beast!

It's a cruel person!

At least, other spirit gods did not dare to do so excessively, and Ling Feng did just that.

It has to be said that the eyes of other characters looking at Ling Feng have changed, extremely vigilant, but they even show death gaze, because Ling Feng is about to face the ancient cave of Ling Feng.

Even the **** emperor will die!

The next moment, people’s mouths turned into an "o" shape, because Ling Feng ignored the anger of the Dongtian Spirit God and was actually picking up the treasures. Although the six characters of Linggu Dongtian died, their treasures were Not broken, some fell to the ground, some were hidden in flesh and blood.

Ling Feng is picking up these precious treasures.

"Linggu Dongtian? Don't know!"

Ling Feng said simply.

"you wanna die!"

The Dongtian Spiritual God could no longer maintain his demeanor. The ancient chariot made a roaring war sound, and its magnificent power shook the sky. It suddenly emerged, galloping across the world, and coming down towards Ling Feng.

The ancient chariot has an extraordinary origin. It belongs to an immortal figure. It has its residual blood and its heavenly majesty. When it roars, the nine heavens and thousands of roads are crushed, and the power of Tianzun level erupts. The law of space is turbulent, and it is completely crushed wind.


A spear broke through the sky and formed a terrible storm. Although there was no space law to erupt, there was endless light gushing out of Ling Feng's flesh and blood, directly hitting the ancient chariot.


The ancient chariot was hit, and the light and rain scattered for a while. A spear pierced the reel and directly picked it up at the bottom of the ancient chariot. If it was sticky, let the ancient chariot behave. The roar is hard to break free.

Then, Ling Feng vigorously waved the halberd and rushed to the ground with the ancient chariot.


With a loud bang, the ancient chariot made a loud noise, and it was difficult to resist the might of the halberd. It was blasted to the ground and sank. However, the ancient chariot was still undamaged, only the  辘 was punctured.

"Really strong!" Ling Feng whispered.

The petrochemical scene was full, and the gods were all surprised.

That was an ancient chariot. It once belonged to a half-step ancient sage. Its mighty is as powerful as a mountain, stained with its blood, and its power is even more domineering. Although it is driven by the Heavenly Cave God, it is still not to be underestimated.

But it was still bombarded by Ling Feng on the ground.

"Uh, today I'm going to thwart you!"

At this moment, no matter how hard it is for Dongtian Lingshen to maintain his demeanor, he is so angry that he will almost fly out of the car.

However, his wish came to nothing, because Ling Feng had already flew down on the ancient chariot, and a spear of the halberd sent light and rain to the sky and directly pierced the ancient chariot.



That halberd had infinite power in Lingfeng's hands, and every time it hit the tank, it caused violent turbulence and almost collapsed.

"With my blood, light the chariot!"

Inside the chariot, the Celestial Heavenly God exploded, and the essence and blood poured out and poured out on the chariot, causing it to emit a mysterious light, and the residual blood on the curtain was resurrected, half an ancient sage-level Tianwei Swept the audience.


Ling Feng was shocked, how could the chariot be played like this?


At this moment, there was brilliant light in the Phoenix Forbidden Land, and the lightning fell down, causing the chariot to extinguish a lot of light and rain, and it was difficult to maintain the ancient sage-level Tianwei for half a step, and was knocked down to the Tianzun level.

However, within the Phoenix Forbidden Land, the Heavenly Venerate level can sweep the audience.


The chariot broke through Ling Feng's suppression and flew up into the sky again, and a fist fisted on it, and lightning rang together, blasting towards Ling Feng to annihilate it.


With a shot of the Euphorbia in his hand, Ling Feng swept across the army, pressing down at a faster speed, and the light and rain flashed in both hands, causing the Euphorbia to explode into a Tianzun level aura.


The chariot was hit on the ground again, sinking deeper, and even the Spiritual God of Dongtian was suppressed underneath, as if Ling Feng stepped on the top of his head.

"Extremely powerful, breaking everything!"

Ling Feng became serious, endless brilliance emerged from the flesh and blood, the energy broke through the mountains and rivers, swallowed thousands of ways, the euphorbia was trembling, as if he could not bear Ling Feng's flesh and blood secret power.


At this moment, the Euphorbia completely blasted down and shot down on the chariot, causing the chariot to tremble and have a tendency to collapse.

at the same time.

Ling Feng's feet pressed hard and stomped on the chariot, which showed signs of loosening.

Om, the mystery of flesh and blood was fully revealed, and all rushed to a point, and it came out from the halberd, causing the tip of the halberd to tremble, cracks appeared, and it was about to collapse completely.


Ling Feng stabbed the chariot with a halberd, straight through the curtain, piercing it.


A little blood was brought out from the curtain, and it was pale gold, making the whole scene silent.

That big halberd actually pierced the curtain and injured the **** of the sky!

This evildoer!

Even the ancient chariot can't be suppressed, how powerful is it?

"The Eight Spiritual Gods of the Lingshen Tianyu are about to change the sky." Someone muttered, Ling Feng's performance was too cruel.


"This is only in the Phoenix Forbidden Land. Everything has been suppressed. It is difficult for the Heavenly Cave Spiritual God to inspire the full power of the ancient chariot. Space and other things are suppressed and it is difficult to exert its full strength, otherwise it may not be the result."

"That person is a body-refining martial artist. He is afraid that he has entered the realm of Heavenly Venerable. Therefore, he will not be suppressed by the Phoenix Forbidden Earth, so he can restrain the Heavenly Cave God. If he is outside, this battle is hard to say."

"Body refining and martial arts, in this Phoenix Forbidden Land, there is almost invincible existence." Some people sighed, the road to refining body is too difficult and progress is slow, but as long as they become enlightened, they are extremely scary.

Flesh and muscles are the supreme Taoism!


With a loud noise, the light and rain of the ancient chariot was about to be shaken away, and the big halberd in Ling Feng's hand let out a whine and broke completely.


Ling Feng raised his hand and grabbed a Heavenly Sword. It was one of the sharp weapons among the few people who had been killed before. It was much stronger than the eucalyptus, and now it has become a chariot-breaker.

Holding the sky sword in his hand, he directly rushed into the curtain, raising his hands to the mountains and rivers.

The chariot rumbling.

It can be seen how fierce this life-and-death duel in the tank is.

In the end, the curtain was lifted, and a character flew out with lightning, holding an ancient cave in his hand, intertwined with the law and Dao pattern, there is heavenly power, it is suffocating.

His eyes are piercing, like two magic lamps.

The face is handsome, the skin is white, the long hair is **** by a hosta, and the tail is draped over the shoulders, which looks extremely free and easy.

Dongtian Spirit God!

People's eyes widened and dumbfounded. Who would have thought that it was Dongtian Spirit God who was bombed out.

He breathed fire in his eyes, furious, the dignified spirit god, the owner of the ancient chariot, was squeezed out of the ancient chariot.

Where is the face?

"get out!"

The eyes of the Dongtian Spiritual God flew with fire, and his face was feverish. In front of so many people, especially other Spiritual Gods, his face was beaten very loudly.

"The tank is good."

Ling Feng lifted the opening curtain and said with a smile, "The ancient chariot now belongs to me. Let's write off our previous account."

"I'm afraid you won't be blessed!"

Dongtian Lingshen was extremely angry, and his face today was still cut off. If this ancient chariot is lost, I am afraid that I will not be able to raise his head in this life, and the impact will be too great.


With a loud shout, he completely killed Ling Feng.

The law of Tianzun is fully manifested, such as the sun, moon, mountains and rivers, and lightning intertwined in the mountains and rivers, constructing a guillotine, gutting down from the void, and breaking the wind into two sections.


Ling Feng was not afraid, and confronted with the mighty Tianwei, and was fighting purely with the power of flesh and blood. If he hadn't deliberately suppressed it, he was afraid that he would be able to shoot the Dongtian Spirit God to death on the spot.

This battle is extremely fierce, and there are still hundreds of times regardless of the outcome.

But anyone with a discerning eye could see that the Spiritual God of Dongtian was about to collapse, because Ling Feng had been occupying the ancient chariot to defend against the enemy and suppress the Spiritual God of Dongtian in an all-round way.


The Heavenly Spiritual God's eyes were full of evil, and his anger was unstoppable, and he ignited himself to fight with his blood.

Tianzun's law was about to revive, and a jade bracelet flew out, actually resisting the pressure of the phoenix in the sky, causing it to explode and reaching the top of Tianzun.

"The jade bracelet is good!"

Ling Feng flew out of the ancient chariot, the sky sword ran across the sky, stirring endless wind and rain in the void, annihilating the surrounding space, and raised his hand to pick the jade bracelet.

"I don't know what I can, the jade bracelet has its own imprisonment!"

The Dongtian Spirit God did not panic at all, it was a treasure of the **** emperor, with the secret power of the **** emperor in it, and the might of covering the secret of heaven. Although it was extremely short, it was enough to kill this person.

However, what made him dumbfounded was that Ling Feng raised his hand and took off the jade bracelet. There was indeed an explosion of God Emperor's secret power in it, but Ling Feng was too cunning. Chariot.


The brilliance of the ancient chariot was scattered, almost blasted by the **** emperor's ray of might, while the sky sword in Ling Feng's hand was completely shattered and dissipated into the air.

A jade bracelet fell into Ling Feng's hands, and he shot with lightning, cutting off the connection between the jade bracelet and the Dongtian Spirit God, and successfully taken away.


The Dongtian Spirit God was furious, and then spouted a mouthful of blood, because the jade bracelet was taken away, causing the Phoenix Heaven to fall under pressure and penetrate the body, causing him to suffer Dao injuries and damage to his dantian. If he hadn't lost his breath of Heaven in time, I am afraid that I will be completely bombed to death.

"What are you? You are a servant today!"

Ling Feng sneered and said, now that the chariot and the jade bracelet are in his hand, there is no fear, and he is forbidden to drive the chariot by himself, and he has killed the cave god.

Dongtian Lingshen's face changed drastically, and the lightning flew away. The situation was too passive, and many of his cards fell to the opponent.

"This Dao brother, that's enough, do you want to be strong in the ancient cave world?"

At this time, a voice came from another chariot, and someone was about to speak for Dongtian Spirit God.

Obviously, Dongtian Lingshen also fled in that direction, and he currently needs shelter.

"Which Spirit God?"

Ling Feng drove the chariot to chase him close, and couldn't help asking, "Ling Gu Dong Tian deceived me in front. Am I going to forget it?"


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