Supreme Demon

Chapter 3171: Tianxu dog god!

"Supreme God and Demon"


Obviously planted!

Although it was indeed the case, it would be an insult to his profession if the Eight Spirits had found his handle and evidence.

This is a scene.

Ling Feng is an old drama player, with superb acting skills, and the details are quite in place, which is perfect.

The Beginning Qi of all things can make all things, and it can even annihilate all things. Therefore, even the **** emperor can't even think about seeing the problem. Ling Feng does not know how strong the ancient sages are, but the beginning of all things restrains all space and space. Matter, it is not easy for Gu Xian to get a glimpse of the whole picture.

Ling Feng squinted his eyes, despising the Eight Spirit Gods.

That's right, he just looks down on the Eight Spirit Gods. Based on the strength of these eight characters, it is a dream to find evidence. His professionalism and strength do not allow this kind of falsification!

"A piece of gravel?"

Ling Feng smiled coldly and said, "Is there still my breath on it?"

"Exactly!" Tianxu Lingshen nodded solemnly, and he was going to believe it himself.

"That gravel came from your battlefield?" Ling Feng's eyes chilled, and he stared at the Tianxu Spiritual God. It was obvious that the previous lesson was not enough. This Spiritual God even dared to appear, simply saying that Ling Feng started too much. Lighter.


Tianxu Lingshen said firmly, there are many gravels in the world, and there are more gravels in ruins. Who can be sure that the gravel is that gravel?

Gravels are physical evidence, and they are personal evidence.


People just want to find an excuse, a reason to go to war against ruthless people.

"I think my temper has really gotten better these days."

Ling Feng stared at the Spiritual God of Tianxu and said, "Being so planted and slandered by you, can I still make you jump around in front of me?"


The eyes of the eight spirit gods were cold, and the spirit gods of Tianxu were furious. They had had enemies with Ling Feng. The ancient chariots and other treasures were taken away. Now they are ridiculed and despised. They also feel that their temper is too good. Let Ling Feng bounce for so long.

"I don't ask you where the gravel is."

Ling Fenghan said in a voice: "Your real intention is me and Dao Seed. It's useless to talk about it. Let me go."

"You set up a general situation and personally sent four ancient chariots. How could I not satisfy you?"

Ling Feng's face turned cloudy, and he said, "Come on, I didn't do the Tianxu Lingshen and others at the beginning. I deeply regret it, and I will make up for this regret today."

Tianxu Lingshen and so on face chills.

Today, I am afraid that this matter will be difficult to be good, and the ruthless people used murderous intentions and determined to get rid of them.

The other four spirit gods also changed colors, because Ling Feng focused on their ancient chariot, and this was exactly what they were worried about before. If they really fell into ruthless people's pockets, it would be difficult to find them in this life.

Although there are gods present, the four spirit gods are still not at ease, and always feel that there will be major problems.

"Start with you!"

Ling Feng took a direct step, using the shrinking ground into an inch of supernatural powers. In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of the old man holding a sharp arrow. He blasted out with a punch. The sky was shocked, and the void-like rain gushed out eight heroes. Falling.


Although the old man tried his best to defend, and used sharp arrows to shoot nine arrows one after another, using offense as defense, to fully display the strength of the first-class Tianzun, the space set off waves, like a blue behemoth.

But Ling Fengli punched the air, and his might blasted through the ripples without knowing how much space he had exploded. He broke the cyan behemoth, shattered nine sharp arrows, and hit the old man's body like a bamboo.


Just a punch!

The old man was blasted out, and his flesh and bones fell apart in mid-air, turned into blood mud, turned into a blood mist, the Dao Soul was damaged, and he was killed by the fist.

First-class Tianzun couldn't stop a punch.

People couldn't help but linger, and they had more "understanding" of Ling Feng's strength. That flesh and blood body was really advanced to the extreme. Unless it was the Eight Spirits, it would be difficult for others to shake it.

"I just got a better temper, not really to be deceived!"

Ling Feng strode forward, tidying away the old man's treasures and weapons quite skillfully, and he did not shy away in front of everyone.

"Tianxu Lingshen, you still have a face to appear, why did you run away?"

"Tianxu Dao's face has been lost by you."

Ling Feng pointed at the Tianxu Lingshen and reprimanded, like an elder, looking down on the younger Tianxu Lingshen, with contempt and disdain in his words.


Tianxu Lingshen almost spewed out his blood, and Ruthless Man was simply a face-slap professional, and even asked him why he ran away.

If you don't run away, you will die, does he know?

Don't run away, is there still this question today?

This is to force him to death.

"If you ran away, you should never show up. When you come back at this time, it is purely looking for a face." Ling Feng said with a dry mouth and angrily said: "Escape, you still have a face to come back, don't you know What is face?"

"If I were you, I would kill myself now!"


Tianxu's spirit trembled with anger, but didn't know how to refute it.

Of course, he would not commit suicide, only let Ling Feng commit suicide.

"You are so shameless, do your parents know?"


Tianxu Lingshen's face was already green, gloomy and dripping, and his teeth clenched loudly.

"You won't run away this time?"

Finally, Ling Feng offered a killer.

"Naturally I won't run away again..."

Tianxu Lingshen blurted out, he was already angered by Ling Feng, the word "escape" was too piercing, as if two sharp knives were pierced into his heart, making him angry and aggrieved.

Now, Ling Feng mentioned running away again, making him furious on the spot and refuting it.

But before the voice fell off, he reacted. Ruthless was deliberately stimulating him, causing him to lose his mind, and then make an unwise decision.

For example, you won't run away again, will you?

"Very well, that's what you said."

Ling Feng laughed, and the previous look of anger and despair was completely gone: "If you dare to run away, you will meet and beat you once in the future, and you will be called Tianxu Dog God!"


Tianxu Lingshen only felt angry, gushing out from the five orifices, and the internal organs were about to fly out to fight Ling Feng.

"Tianxu dog god!"

If this title is spread, how will he face the Tianxu Taoist brothers in the future?

How would he face those beautiful women who coveted him?

What face does he have alive?

Too much deception!

Of course, it was Ling Feng that made him even more vigilant. Just a few words made him lose his mind and blurted out, but now it's hard to stop.

In the presence of so many Wu Xiu, if he still escapes, he must carry the title "Tianxu Dog God" from now on, and he is afraid that he will live in the shadows for the rest of his life.

"I'm afraid you have no chance."

Tianxu Lingshen took a deep breath, cooled the boiling blood in his heart, and stared at Ling Feng with scorching and stern eyes: "You are indeed a human being. You are the first one to force me to this point."

"But today you never want to leave alive!"

"I just don't want you to run away anymore. Tianxu Dao's face still needs to be maintained. What is it to always run away?"

Ling Feng smiled, as if he hadn't noticed that the other spirit gods had been forced to come, and surrounded him, and the martial arts all around saw it.

The momentum is heavy, suffocating.

"Eight ancient chariots, today you are trying to perfect me."

Ling Feng squinted at the other spiritual gods and sneered: "Should I be grateful to you?"

"It should be."

Yu Hua Ling Shen Yin smiled and said, "Then leave your soul to be grateful."

"I decided that I would burn a stick of incense at this time of the year. I am grateful for your great sacrifice."


The Eight Spiritual Gods can't sit still, and they are unfathomable. Until now, they can't see through. Under their siege, they are still talking and laughing. These characters are either crazy or have enough strength.

A heavenly sword came from across the sky, splitting the space and forming a gap. On the heavenly sword, there was a shining unicorn shadow, which was actually the space of the ancient unicorn beast, and its power was extraordinary.

The clouds moved from all directions, the ancient unicorn beasts roared up to the sky, and the unicorn shot gilded lightning. There were hundreds of them, each of which was extremely thick, like a water tank.

Moreover, the lightning power is amazing, it is carved from the space of a block, and only one can smash the sky, and now the spirit **** uses a hundred lightning.

But this is still not the strongest, the heavenly sword intertwined with lightning is the most enchanting existence.

One shot fell, nine days and thousands of voices echoed, and the space collapsed at this moment.

"Swords can kill gods, swords can kill immortals."

The spirit **** flew over the ancient chariot, and the heavenly sword was flying out of the ancient chariot. That ancient chariot was different from the four previous ones. Dao Yun was carefully crafted to form a heavenly sword.

Tiandao comes from an ancient chariot and is in the same shape as an ancient chariot.

That power comes from the spirit god, who is in the same body as the ancient chariot.


Someone exclaimed that the ancient chariot town had arrived. Although the strength of the ancient chariots of the eight spirit gods is comparable, this spirit **** is obviously different. It can be integrated with the ancient chariots and unified with the sky sword, spirit god, and ancient chariot. The force blasted out, and its power was stronger than the previous four ancient chariots.

"Heaven Swordsman?" Ling Feng's eyes suddenly chilled, and now he already knows something about the eight ancient forces.


Zhantian Lingshen gave a cold cry, and the ancient chariot sent light and rain to the sky, unleashing endless divine power, and completely blasted Ling Feng.

This alone makes people feel chilling and can't help but gasp.

However, when the Feathered Female Spiritual God and the Tianxu Spiritual God came out together, their momentum was like a rainbow, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, which was extremely terrifying, and they sacrificed an ancient altar to suppress Ling Feng.

All the eight spirit gods moved, and the space collapsed as a result, forming a large black hole.

It should be understood that the space of the gods is strong, and the non-small universe is comparable, but just like this, black holes are formed, and they are not torn apart. It is conceivable how powerful the Eight Spirit Gods are together.


The sky was shattered, and the space fragments flew down like ripples, forming meteors and sharp arrows. Four ancient chariots came from across the sky, and when ancient beasts pulled the carts, they could shatter the void during their breath.

At the same time, some characters in the secret could not sit still, and Lightning shot and killed Ling Feng.


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