Supreme Demon

Chapter 3172: One corner of the heavens!

"Supreme God and Demon"

The eight spirit gods are like a rainbow, and they come with precious treasures, especially the Tianxu spirit gods and cave sky spirit gods. Their strength is extraordinary, even if they are not the ultimate gods, they are similar.

They did their utmost to drive the ancient chariot down, causing the space to collapse, the sky and the earth rumbling, and the space was extremely dazzling, flowing various colors of light and rain, building a terrible prison, and trapping Ling Feng inside.

With the Eight Spiritual Gods in front, the other characters couldn't sit still, and they fell down together. They were very taboo against ruthless people and yearned for Taoism, making them completely crazy.


Many people think Ruthless People are too strong and don't know which power they come from, but if they can get rid of it here, it will be beneficial to the Spirit God Realm, and at least many patterns will not change.

When they fell down, Ling Feng was a "trapped beast" and was besieged by many forces.

Ling Feng felt the pressure, because there was still a supreme figure here. Although it was very vague, how could it not be sensed by his spiritual sense?


The world was turbulent rapidly, and four ancient chariots were shot out by Ling Feng. They came from the four spiritual gods. They were his trophies, and now they have become his weapon.

He placed four ancient chariots around to suppress all directions and defend, otherwise, even Ling Feng would be injured.


An ancient chariot was in constant turbulence, and a sharp sword stabbed on the ancient chariot. The light rain gushed and the space exploded, forming endless divine clouds and mushroom clouds, tumbling in the void.

At the same time, more than a dozen spaces were knocked down on the ancient chariot, and their strength was not weak. If there was no suppression by the ancient chariot, Ling Feng would stop moving at this moment, because he had to face the eight spiritual gods directly.


Another ancient chariot made a turbulent sound, and the five characters stood side by side, wanting to break into the ancient chariot.

"Character in the cave!"

Ling Feng's eyes were cold. The ancient chariot belonged to this force. After being seized, they always wanted to take it back. Now they appear strong, and the eight spirit gods confront Ling Feng, and they are responsible for retaking the ancient chariot.

"Just looking for death!"

Ling Feng sneered, the endless brilliant light rushed out of the ancient chariot, forming a holy space, hazy and misty, lingering in the air, it was invisible, but it exuded extremely domineering vigor.


The sacred space suddenly condensed into a sharp arrow, passing through the air, carrying death aura and unmatched vigor, passing through the chest of a Tianzun, and killing him on the spot.

The spatialization of sharp arrows is something that the Eight Spirits cannot do.

It's not that it's difficult to spatialize a sharp arrow, but to condense the entire space into a sharp arrow, you need a strong suppressing force to condense it, and then burst out unparalleled Tianwei.

Although the size has become smaller, the power has increased several times, and it is impossible for other Tianzuns to resist it.

"I am waiting for the blood sacrifice and the spirit casting **** to recall the ancient chariot!"

Dongtian Tianzun was extremely fierce, burning his essence and blood, igniting a raging flame, sacrificing an ancient curse in the flames, communicating with the ancient chariot, and making him communicate with the spirit of Dongtian.

"Sad and ridiculous!"

Ling Feng said coldly, using four ancient chariots to defend, while shooting spatial arrows, penetrating the void, killing the five characters one by one.

Then, the space arrow pierced the sky, shot down from the void, and pierced the blood sacrifice on the spot, breaking out in it, and the terrifying ripples shattered everything, contaminated the causality of the ancient curse, and caused it to collapse.

"The ancient curse is out, you can't stop it!" The cave sky spirit **** flew up and appeared above the cave sky ancient chariot, and was about to fly down, completely recalling the ancient chariot.


Ling Feng said indifferently, without any panic. When the ancient chariot reached his hand, even the **** emperor would never want to retrieve it, let alone the Heavenly Cave Spirit God.

It's just that he doesn't want to show too much now, but even if he uses the power of the Tianzun level, it is not something that Dongtian Spirit God can contend.

He kicked out and traversed the void, almost too fast for the spirit and **** of Dongtian to react.

With a bang, the Heavenly Cave Spirit flew away, and there was a huge footprint on his face, extremely clear, and the heavy force caused it to spurt blood, and his face was broken.

"It's useless, the ancient curse appears, and the ancient chariot has lost control!"

Dongtian Lingshen smiled and said: "It is my Dongtian god, you can't take it away!"

As soon as the voice fell, the ancient chariot flew out in the sky, galloping in the direction where the Dongtian Spirit God was, and wanted to blend into his flesh and blood.

Obviously, the ancient curse has not been broken, it is still useful, and the ancient chariot is being recalled.

"That also depends on whether you have such strength!"

Ling Feng rushed out of the endless heavenly might, dodged all kinds of attacks, and flew directly into the ancient chariot of the cave. His hands evolved, and a star flew out of his body. The light rain was not obvious, the momentum was not strong, but the momentum was like a broken bamboo. The ancient curse was dismantled on the spot, cutting off the charm between the ancient chariot and the cave god.


Dongtian Lingshen's complexion changed drastically, and he didn't expect Ling Feng to be so strong. The ancient curse was an extremely terrifying blood curse of Dongtian Lingshen, and he could find lost treasures at the cost of burning life essence.

Unless this ancient curse is a **** emperor, who can break it?

There are always accidents in everything. Although the blood curse is strong and full of secret power, it will still fall apart when facing the first star.

Because the first star is even more unpredictable and terrifying than this kind of ancient curse, the light and rain shattered thousands of mountains and rivers, and the ancient curse has nothing to hide under this kind of light and rain, and it will naturally be annihilated.

"I will kill you later!"

Ling Feng ignored the Dongtian Spiritual God, it would be hard to hurt him with just such a trick.

Moreover, he could see that this kind of ancient curse had done a lot of harm to the main messenger, and if the ancient curse was broken, the main messenger would also be seriously injured.

If it weren't for too much Wuxiu suppression, he would now get rid of the Dongtian Spirit God.

"Who else wants to take back the ancient chariot?" Ling Feng looked down at the audience, suppressed it with four ancient chariots, and confronted the seven spirit gods, but did not let the wind fall.


The other three spirit gods all frowned, and their hearts were so angry, but they couldn't help Ling Feng. They really wanted to regain the ancient chariot, but the way was different from the cave god.

Ancient curses are useless to ruthless people.

When they knew this, they were more vigilant, because they couldn't understand what kind of stars Ruthless Man had used to annihilate the ancient curse.


They had chills in their eyes, and said, "Destroy the ancient chariot first, otherwise it will be too exhausting for us to use this defense."

Ancient chariots are mainly defensive, and there are strange door restrictions, etc. Even if they want to break through the ancient chariot, it is not easy to attack ruthless people, let alone other characters.

If you want to slaughter the ruthless person, you must first destroy the ancient chariot.

The faces of the seven spirit gods are very ugly. Their treasures once belonged to them, but now they have become tricky "accomplices."

"Don't hide it, everyone, I have to get rid of the ruthless people, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

Tianchi Lingshen shouted, reminding the gods that those present will be remembered by ruthless people. The situation is now in their favor. It is so difficult to suppress ruthless people. If the ruthless people are free, who can live?

"it is good!"

Several old people spoke in the darkness, agreed with the suggestions of the seven spirit gods, and landed together, offering a painting.

Mountain river **** figure.

"A corner of Tianyu!"

People were greatly moved, and it was unimaginable that the old men had obtained this treasure.

According to reports, there is an ancient picture in God's Tianyu named Tianyu.

Tianyu is amazing, extremely extraordinary, because the mountains and rivers in it are the mountains and rivers of God's Tianyu. Every strange mountain and every fairy palace is carved in it. Even some ancient forces are carved in it. I really don’t know who has this. Waiting for Shenwei, he dared to carve the entire Shentian realm.

Of course, the real power of "Skyland" is not painting, but power.

If these ancient maps fly down, they can blast through the mountains and rivers for hundreds of millions of miles, the **** emperor will be turned into ashes, and the ancient sages will be turned into waste bones, a powerful mess.

Unfortunately, that is just a legend, the world has never seen the real "Tianyu".

Nowadays, several old people jointly urged an ancient picture, which instantly evoked people's memory. Some people lamented that perhaps "Sky Domain" really existed, but it was divided into multiple parts because of heaven's tolerance.

When the corner of the sky appeared, Ling Feng was visibly drenched, and finally felt the vast sky and majesty. There are countless strange mountains glowing in the mountains and rivers map, forming a galaxy, like a star map.

There was a heart-palpitating power, and only a few ripples could collapse the mountain and destroy the river, like a **** emperor.


The ancient picture was suppressed and blasted on the ancient chariot in the cave, causing the ancient chariot to mourn and be blasted open, cracks appeared on the curtain, and the strange door restriction became gray, as if it was about to break and collapse.

"I can break its defenses by waiting!"

Several old people appeared and drove the ancient map together, ignoring the ancient chariot, as if it was a **** that was born to restrain the ancient chariot.

"it is good!"

The eyes of the eight spirit gods brightened, and the eyes were filled with amazing light and rain. This ancient picture is much more than an ancient chariot. Even if the **** emperor sees it, they will be tempted. If they are not forced to be anxious, these people will still Will be hidden.


The four old people stand at the corner of the ancient map, with a bright rainbow between their hands, pouring into the ancient map, making the mountains and rivers shining, the ancient trees shimmering, and the fairy palaces, etc., and the ancient beasts roar like real mountains and rivers. .


The ancient chariot of Tianchi was blasted off, not Gutu's opponent, and was restrained.


The ancient snow-capped chariot was shaken off, creaking, as if it was about to break.


Ling Feng didn't panic, urging the ancient chariot of Tianxu, resuscitating the flaming bird, emitting a monstrous flame, shaking the world, even the eight spirit gods did not dare to approach, for fear of being burned by the flames.

However, the four old people were not afraid, urging a corner of the heavens to come, making it magnify in the void and become a curtain, covering the ancient chariot of the Tianxu on the spot.

The next moment, the Tianxu ancient chariot was squeezed and it was difficult to move, and the four old people actually wanted to put the Tianxu ancient chariot into the ancient map.

There is no doubt.

Ling Feng's defense was broken, and without the ancient chariot, he had to face the endless wind and rain, and the pressure was much greater.

"A Treasure Without Limits!"

Ling Feng looked at the ancient picture, his eyes shot out lightning, he saw some doorways, the ancient picture can evolve, and it can also detain sentient beings.

The more evolution and the stronger the detention, the stronger the power of Gutu.

Equivalent to no limit.


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