Supreme Demon

Chapter 3173: Shattered the mountains and rivers of thousands!

"Supreme God and Demon"

Treasures are all obtained from refining.

Although some gems are extraordinary and can be advanced to ranks, there is no gem that can be advanced infinitely like a corner of the universe.

Ten thousand mountains and rivers, ten thousand fairy palaces.

Saying it is a sculpture, Ling Feng is more willing to attribute it to reflection and imprinting. A corner of the universe can reflect the heavens and all living beings, and this is the charm of the corner of the universe.

As long as there are enough images and strong enough branding, one corner of the domain can be promoted infinitely that day.

Ling Feng even suspected that the corner of the heaven could be promoted to the real heaven, because there were still many ancient chaos in the corner of the heaven that had never been opened up.

Even at this moment, the corner of the realm is so strong that many people are suffocating, because the ancient map reflects and imprints a realm in the realm of Gods. Although all living beings and the heavens are just emerging, they can suppress any avenues and creatures.

Let you be the ultimate god.

Let your charm be unmatched.

In front of a corner of the sky will be turned into ashes.

The four ancient chariots are of great origin. They belong to the four ancient powers. They are blessed by the **** emperor, etc., and their defenses are invincible, especially in the realm of heaven.

But the four ancient chariots were still as fragile as ants in front of the ancient map in the corner of the universe.

These infinite treasures are the supreme Taoist treasures Wu Xiu dreamed of, even the **** emperor would be crazy about them.

Now, those four figures actually urged the ancient map to come, Tianwei suppressed all directions and went straight to the supreme realm, not to mention the eight spirits, but Ling Feng became vigilant.

Obviously, these four characters have a huge background, and they are afraid that they are not weaker than the eight ancient forces. They can stand against each other, otherwise, dare to use these treasures?

"Ruthless man, die today!"

The four old people all have white eyebrows and beards, with a little arrogance on their faces.

They urged a corner of the universe to suppress the ancient map, and the mountains and rivers collapsed instantly, fragile like tofu, not rivals at all, and four ancient chariots were pushed out.

"Then see if you have such strength!"

Ling Feng's eyes were full of smiles. The four old men were extraordinary. They were able to spur the ancient pictures of a corner of the universe. They were not the gods, but the supreme ones, but they used the ancient pictures of the universe to suppress them.

He is not afraid.

The same as the Supreme, he is better hidden.

The same as the supreme, he has a stronger gem!


Without the defense of the four ancient chariots, the eyes of the Eight Spirit Gods became much colder, exploding with a heavenly killing intent, and they slammed into Ling Feng on the spot, bursting with momentum, and piercing the mountains and rivers.

Booming, an ancient chariot galloped over, a sharp sword pierced the void, carrying the nine-fold space and the law down with it.

Bo, like a water wave exploding, a lake appears, projecting thousands of ways, and the lake water is cast by laws, which means that the lake is a space.

"Ruthless person, hand over the stone ruffian, otherwise you would never want to leave today!"

The Feathered Female Spirit God gave a cold cry and sacrificed a tower with eighteen layers, like eighteen layers of hell. Each layer of the tower shining brightly reveals a nine-you aura, and the surrounding space becomes cold and secluded. .

However, when the eighteenth-story tower lights up, the yin qi is scattered, the cold light is gone, and the light rain becomes warm and moist like a spring, and the aura is crushing.

Ultimate transformation!

Shen Tianyu is indeed a magical heaven. Unlike Shenwu Continent, there are countless arrogances here. Even the Little Spirit God Tianyu has such characters. They can complete the ultimate transformation, although it is not the ultimate transformation of flesh and blood, and it is not a realm. The ultimate transformation is just the ultimate transformation in space, but it really pushes the Feathered Female Spiritual God to the Ultimate Heavenly Venerable.

She is different!

She is unbeatable!

When the infinite power rolled down, the thunderbolt, the eighteen-story tower brought the heaven and earth's cunning change, and borrowed this cunning change, so that it was completely integrated into the ultimate transformation and became a killer move.

"They should be under pressure."

Ling Feng muttered to himself, he wanted to wait, but now some things must be advanced.

Their goal is the God Realm, while the goals of Sun Yue Shuang Jiao and others are these characters, both of whom are Tian Zun, Sun Yue Shuang Jiao is still weaker.

This has nothing to do with potential.

It is related to heavenly power, good fortune and region.

But Ling Feng was not worried. When the **** of rebellion came, the potential of these characters would burst out, and in the future they would be able to match the Feathered Female Spirit God, and even the stronger Tianjiao figures.

Although Tianxu Lingshen and Tianchi Lingshen have also taken action, they are not weak in strength, but Ling Feng has already known it and it is quite easy to deal with it. Even the Feathered Female Spirit God can be transformed, but it is still not regarded by Ling Feng. .

The only thing that really made him frowned was the ancient picture of a corner of Tianyu.

"There are still many good people in the world."

Suddenly, Ling Feng laughed strangely. In such a harsh battlefield, he could still laugh, which indeed made many people frown and contempt.

Let him laugh, and see how long you can laugh.

The gods present didn't care what Ling Feng thought, what they wanted was the fall of Ling Feng.

But Ling Feng really thinks that those four characters are really good people, sending ancient pictures from thousands of miles away. This kind of persistence and friendship are rare in the world. They are not good people. How can there be good people in the world?

"I'm afraid this person is crazy, scared stupid?" Someone sneered.

Previously, they were taboo against ruthless people and did not dare to use their full strength, and some were even hidden. They were unwilling to contaminate this kind of cause and effect before the situation became clear.

But the corner of Tianyu came out, and the unparalleled Tianwei burst out, even the supreme came to death.

What scruples do they have?

Ruthless people are strong, but wanting to deal with the ancient pictures in the corner of the universe is simply a dream.

"Ruthless person, you are dead, do you know?" Dongtian Spirit God said with a sneer.

"Under the ancient world map, there is no living soul!"

Tianxu Lingshen breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that ruthless people would go crazy and cause the gods to be damaged, and he would also become "Tianxu Dog God".

But the ancient picture in the corner of Tianyu appeared, so there is really no need to worry.

Ruthless people must die!

"Is it?"

Ling Feng grinned, laughing wildly and arrogantly.

The laughing gods frowned.

The world of laughter is turbulent.

next moment.

Ling Feng stretched out his hands, and a star finally flew out, flowing with a void of light and rain, and its momentum was not obvious, but like the ancient holy sun, dispelling endless haze and illuminating Wanyu.

First star!

It withered from the tree of all things and appeared in front of Ling Feng, exploding into the aura of sinking everything in the world.

Forged by the way of heaven, blended into the beginning energy of all things, it is no longer limited to the way of heaven, but completely detached.

The law is natural, it represents the stars in the world.

"Is the corner of Tianyu strong?"

Ling Feng said foolishly, like asking himself, more like asking questions.

But his eyelids were drooping, he saw the gods attacking as nothing, and he even ignored the ancient pictures in the corner of the sky. Only Ling Feng could understand that kind of power, and only Shen Lie could understand.

The first star has come out, so it's still fun.

If it was Shen Lie, he would have escaped as soon as possible.

"You will know!"

The eyes of the four old people are shining, and they look down upon the universe. Someone dare to question the weakness of Tianyu?

When his Dao soul is destroyed, he should understand it?


The endless heavenly power attacked Ling Feng, and the sharp sword was clearly visible, with a slight blood glow, blooming the cruelest blood in the world; the space flowing with the law and the charm, distorting everything; those martial arts The shaved face is hideous and cynic, so disregarding life...

"Today, I use ancient stars to break through the mountains and rivers of thousands!"

Ling Feng raised his eyes and smiled playfully and calmly. He pointed a finger and landed on the first star.

One finger, nothing more.

People don't know why and don't understand the meaning.

However, at this moment, the first starlight rain was completely released, like a sharp weapon sealed with aura and sharpness, when its seal was unlocked.


A wisp of magnificence penetrates the sky thoroughly, carrying endless power, carrying endless heat and cold in the world, and carrying all the light and darkness.

Light rain is like a sword.

Light rain is like space.

Light rain is like death.

It is not a substantive soldier, nor is it a giant lake or mountain, it is just light!

Dissolve everything, annihilate everything!


The world is turned upside down, and all things collapse together.

The fast-flying weapon was frozen, and the hot light shone down, making its rules blur and melt away, and the space melted, and even the martial arts behind it were purified and annihilated.

What ripples.

What kind of things.

All sink at this moment.

There is only one star, breaking through ten thousand paths, and hitting the sky.

With a click, there was a crack in the ancient chariot, and a spirit **** was knocked into the air on the spot. If it weren't for the suppression of the ancient chariot, it would be fatal.


On the first floor of the eighteenth-story ancient pagoda, the light and rain extinguished, and then the feathered female spirit **** and the ancient chariot were blasted out.

Tianxu Lingshen dodged in time, but was still seriously injured.

He casts his way with flames, but now he really understands that flames are a child in front of the holy sun.

First there is the holy sun before the flames.

The flames dare to compete with the holy sun?

The Heavenly Cave Spiritual God was almost annihilated, and the Heavenly Lake Spiritual God was almost a tragedy... They had treasures to protect them, and although they were not badly injured, this was where the ancient forces were extraordinary.

Finally, the first star matched the ancient map in the corner of the sky.

Hundreds of millions of light and darkness are intertwined, blasting towards the ancient picture in the corner of the universe, facing the mountains and rivers and the fairy palace.


A loud noise hit the sky, and the first star was directly pressed out, approaching the four old people, facing the ancient picture in a corner of the universe, and bursting out endless star power.

In an instant, the mountains and rivers burst, and the fairy palace turned to ashes.

That really shattered the mountains and rivers.


The four old men are all extraordinary, caught off guard, injured, and faced with life and death. They did not hesitate to use the supreme aura to completely suppress their opponents.

Although they will be overwhelmed and crushed by the gods, they can't take care of so much at this moment, because if they don't use their full strength, they will be killed on the spot.

They want to live longer!

They want to live forever!

They want to die cruelly!

But at that moment, the light rain showered the sky, covering the sky and the sun, covering everything, and even obliterating the sense of consciousness.

At this moment, they were suddenly unable to move. They seemed to have a pair of eyes in the rain, shooting out a ray of light, like a **** emperor, looking down on sentient beings.


The four old people had an instant enlightenment and fully understood. They knew how to hide, but some were better than them.

What **** Tianzun!

That is supreme!

They want to curse, God Emperor, your uncle, didn't you just say that you have the limit to the supreme?


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