Supreme Demon

Chapter 3175: Show it to you!

"Supreme God and Demon"

Before Phoenix banned the soil, the atmosphere suddenly sank.

People couldn't help looking behind them, but their eyes fell on the faces of the three figures, the Emperor of Glory, the King of Little Spirit, and the God of Xu Yue, and a flash of surprise flashed through their eyes.

Previously, they set up a strategy to deal with the ruthless people, thinking that the ruthless people would use the Phoenix Forbidden Land to contain them.

But who would have thought that there would be three Tianjiao figures in the Phoenix Forbidden Land.

The virtual flame shone, showing a fierce aura. The three figures, such as the Son of Glory, who were in the virtual flame, were a little blurry, making it difficult to see clearly, but when these three figures appeared, the face of the Eight Spirit Gods couldn't help but change.

When people dealt with ruthless people, the three persons of Honor of Heaven, Little Spirit King, and Xuyue Heavenly Daughter did not appear. They didn't think much about it at that time, because their goal was only ruthless people, and the other figures were ignored.

Until this moment, they felt that things were crueler than they thought.

Why didn't Ruthless Man appear Shenhai?

Why not a fierce prison?

Why is Phoenix Forbidden?

He could have stayed in the Phoenix Forbidden Land for a few more days. Why did he fly out after only a few days and face the encirclement and suppression of the gods?

The Eight Spirits keenly felt that this was a game!

A killing game against them!

Why did the three of them, including the Glory Son and Xu Yuetian Girl, appear here?

This is a pretty terrible question.

The only thing the Eight Spirits could think of was "Phoenix Heavenly Gong", which was different from before. At this time, "Phoenix Heavenly Gong" was completely complete due to Xu Yuetian's return, without any defects.

The Glory Emperor and the Little Spirit King once completed the transformation in the Phoenix Forbidden Land, but they had flaws. After Xu Yue Tiannv came back, they would enter the Phoenix Forbidden Land again, and they had to think a lot.

When the phoenix virtual flames cracked, and the three of them, the emperor of glory, the king of little spirit, and the goddess of Xu Yue, came out, people's faces were really ugly, because the three were powerful and their eyes were sharp, like two sharp blades, cutting through the void , More like a king looking down on sentient beings.

They came slowly, calmly, with a faint joy and a playful smile on their faces.

"Luck is sometimes more important than strength!"

The Son of Glory laughed loudly and said: "Don't you think it's too much to unite so many gods to deal with ruthless people?"

"Hehe, the Eight Spiritual Gods are just clowns."

The Little Spirit King contemptuously said, "Do you not feel discouraged if you use these methods to deal with someone?"

Although Xu Yuetiannv didn't say a word, her eyes explained everything. She also despised the Eight Spirit Gods, and when she looked at Ling Feng, she was calm and did not express or care too much.

They are just passers-by who have met, and they can't talk about how deep the relationship is.

of course.

Now Ling Feng is on the same front with them, and they naturally don't want Ling Feng to fall.

"Has it been transformed?"

Tianxu Lingshen stared coldly at the emperor of glory and others. The three of them had obviously completed their transformation, and their strength had surged. Although they may not have been promoted to the Ultimate Heavenly Sovereign, they were similar.

Finally, the three humble figures stood on the same level as them.

"Interesting, ruthless people want to borrow their power?"

The Yuhua female spirit said with a smile, "But what if there are three more opponents of the same level?"

The Eight Spiritual Gods were very cold and didn't put these people in their eyes. Although they were of the same level, there were as many as eight of them. When the ruthless man was seriously injured and dying, three of them were out of sight.

"Then let go!"

The emperor of glory was quite cold and arrogant, forbidden to step forward, appeared in front of Ling Feng, and blocked him behind: "The Eight Spiritual Gods are proud of the past and present, and they are called the strongest arrogance of the Spirit God Realm, but I just refuse to accept it!"

"Today, can you dare to challenge me?"

The Son of Glory is a wise man. Although he has just broken through and reached this level, he is struggling to deal with the eight spirit gods, but dealing with everyone present is like a dream, and the end is predictable.

Therefore, he wanted to hold down the eight spirit gods and the surrounding gods, so that Ruthless Ren had enough time to heal his injuries. As long as Ruthless Healed, they could still get out of the siege.


Tianxu Lingshen sneered and said, "However, wait for me to get rid of the ruthless people first!"

After speaking, he flew out in a flash, and a sharp sword in his hand pierced Ling Feng. After all, Ling Feng was their most taboo character, and the Glory Emperor, the Little Spirit King and others were far from this level.

The gods did not get rid of it with their combined efforts. How terrible would these characters grow up?

Now, it is the best situation. The ruthless person is seriously injured and dying. If they dare to delay and wait for the ruthless person to heal, the characters present will not even want to leave alive.

Other characters are also very clear about this. Ruthless people are terrible, but the star is even more terrifying.

One star suppresses ten thousand ways.

One star burns out the gods.

They don't know if Ling Feng can use that taboo power, but they are not willing to gamble.

The night is long and dreamy.

They understand this truth well, so they must cut the mess quickly and solve the disaster completely.

"You dare!"

The Glory Emperor's eyes were cold, and he directly faced the Tianxu Spiritual God. Between the spread of his hands, a large medicine appeared, and there was a phoenix roaring in it, and the heavenly might was endless, not weaker than the Tianxu Spiritual God.

You know, the Tianxu Lingshen and others were also injured just now. The star was like a nightmare, causing serious injuries to the body and mind of the Eight Spirits.

The Tianxu Spirit God was obviously much weaker than before, with scars on his body, and after confronting the Son of Glory, he also became strenuous.

"Don't do it yet? Do you really want to wait until Ruthless people heal?" Tianxu Lingshen shouted coldly.

"Do it!"

The brows of the other spirit gods all jumped. Ruthless people are definitely their biggest nightmare. If they are not killed immediately at this moment, they must immediately stay away from the battlefield, or even far away from Tianxiang Mountain, otherwise there will be endless troubles.


Four ancient chariots came out suddenly, carrying wild power to the Glory Son.

"It's just right!"

The Little Spirit King flew up into the air, took out a sharp knife, and directly confronted the two spirit gods, even if it was an ancient chariot?


Xu Yuetian screamed, lightning flew out, and raised her hand and blasted at the two spirit gods. The strength was not weak, and it was a world away from the beginning.

A duel broke out instantly, blasting through multiple spaces and creating a devastating picture.

Ling Feng squinted his eyes, and the lightning retreated. Although his body was severely injured and his strength was impaired, his speed was still very fast. Especially when the Glory Emperor stood in front of him, he was not affected and flew backwards for the first time.

"Please suppress me for a while!"

Ling Feng Lightning rushed out, stepped into the virtual flame, and blocked it with the virtual flame. The ancient Phoenix rhyme was suppressed in it, which had a great effect on other martial arts, but had little influence on him.

He took out the pill and medicinal herbs to heal his wounds and healed in a short time, because he knew that the emperor of glory and others would be difficult to suppress the situation.

His movements were panic, but his eyes were very clear, even with a sneer.

Can a mere four supreme be seriously injured?

This is a big show!

It was shown to the gods, and even more to the glory of the emperor and others.

A perfect person is the most terrifying, and a person with an end in strength is more reassuring.

If he completely suppressed the gods present, then the Son of Glory and others would be full of hostility towards him.

"Quickly kill him, don't let him recover!"

The eyes of the eight spirit gods are all green, and the three of the emperor of glory have formed a top defense, offering a treasure, even if there is an ancient chariot, it is not easy to break through in a short time.

Every time they delay, they feel frightened.

They couldn't make a move, so they had to make other Tianzun do it.

"it is good!"

The faces of the gods around were cold, and some of their forces were destroyed by ruthless people. New and old hatreds must be liquidated by ruthless people.

They flew out of lightning and directly hit the virtual flames, and they wanted to kill the ruthless person in the Phoenix Forbidden Land.

"court death!"

Ling Feng's face was cold, even if he was seriously injured, he was still very strong.

After all, although his spatial power was suppressed, his flesh and blood body was unaffected, and he was unmatched.

When its power fell down, all the ways collapsed, and a Tianzun who was suppressed in the realm of the gods was shot to death on the spot and turned to ashes.

Ling Feng staggered, coughing up blood, his face paler, the wounds on his chest opened more, and the blood was rolling out, making his description withered.

"Although seriously injured, I can still kill more than a dozen Celestials!"

Ling Feng shouted violently, his face covered with sneers and determination.

After speaking, he slapped out again, slapped it out with a slap, and moved the clouds, the treasure body Tianwei broke through all obstacles, and shot a Tianzun into blood mud.

He didn't move fast, but his flesh and blood were too strong, even if he was injured, he couldn't insult and shake him.

"Damn it!"

The eight spirit gods all frowned, and there was no need to worry about the glory of the emperor, but the ruthless man was too cunning, and even used the Phoenix Forbidden Land as a hunting ground to completely strangle his opponent.

If in the outside world, they can easily kill ruthless people, but in Phoenix Forbidden Land, even the Eight Spirit Gods are very unhappy.

"He is exhausted, and he can't hold on for long!"

The Feathered Female Spiritual God said: "Shoot together, don't let him break through!"

"it is good!"

Some characters already know that ruthless people are not easy to deal with, and even those who are about to die are difficult characters.

But Ruthless's injury was too serious and he couldn't hold on for long.

In the next moment, dozens of characters came out together and entered the Phoenix Forbidden Land. Although the virtual flame was extraordinary, it was only the first stage, and its power was far not as strong as the Phoenix Daotai.

Some celestial beings are suppressed in the realm of heavenly gods, some celestial beings are in the realm of heavenly gods, and some powerful figures are suppressed in the realm of celestial beings.

In an instant, the situation changed suddenly, that is, the emperor of glory and the others changed their colors.

"Withdraw first and enter the Phoenix Forbidden Land to be more beneficial!"

They are reminding the ruthless people, but also reminding themselves and others that although they are strong, their opponents are not only strong, but they have more numbers. In such a fight, they are bound to fall behind.

But as long as it enters the Phoenix Forbidden Land, it is a different situation.

"Here, you want to go back?"

Tianxu Lingshen sneered, and said, "The ruthless people won't last long, and you won't live long, and don't even want to return to the Phoenix Forbidden Land!"


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