Supreme Demon

Chapter 3176: Take the initiative to deliver it!

"Supreme God and Demon"

The eight spirit gods are like a rainbow.

Although he was injured earlier, he still did not lose sight of the three of them, such as the Emperor of Glory and the Little Spirit King, especially the four spirit gods with ancient chariots, who were stronger and were not damaged.

When Ling Feng stepped into the Phoenix Forbidden Land, the eight spirit gods encircled and suppressed the Little Spirit King and others by lightning, preventing them from entering the Phoenix Forbidden Land, otherwise it would be extremely detrimental to them.

You know, Xiaolingwang and others used the Phoenix Taoist platform to transform. There is ancient Phoenix rhyme in the body. Although it will be suppressed and weakened by the ancient Phoenix rhyme, it is extremely limited.

They are different. Without the ancient charm of the Phoenix, they would be extremely weakened. If there were treasures such as ancient chariots, they would have no fear, but the four ancient chariots of spirit gods fell into Lingfeng's hands. Entering the Phoenix Forbidden Land, the situation is unfavorable for them, and if you want to kill the opponent, you have to pay a heavier price.

How are they willing?

Therefore, they encircled and suppressed the emperor of glory and others, forcing each other to fight in their dojo.

Obviously, the emperor of Glory is too arrogant. Since the transformation, they have somewhat despised the Eight Spiritual Gods and felt that they are at the same level as the other party. They never thought that the Eight Spiritual Gods had already stood at this level and had an extremely good grasp of realm. This level of promotion just now can be compared.


When the emperor of glory and others thought of entering the Phoenix Forbidden Land, it was too late, they had to use many methods to fight with the Eight Spirits.

"You suppress them, we enter the Phoenix Forbidden Land, and kill people!"

There was a sound from the two ancient chariots, and they directly gave up the three figures including the Emperor of Honor and wanted to enter the Phoenix Forbidden Land to kill Ling Feng in blood.

This made the Son of Glory and others very hurt. Are they very strong?

Take a look, take a closer look.

"it is good!"

Foreheads of the other six spirit gods, if they are singled out at the same level, they might really have a hard time trapping the three figures such as the son of glory, but there are six spirit gods present, even if the son of glory and others want to work hard, don’t even think about it. Break through.

The next moment, the two spirit gods drove the ancient chariot into the Phoenix Forbidden Land.

The virtual flame flashed, their power was weakened, but it was not obvious.

Ling Feng's face changed drastically, and the paleness on his face became a little more pale. He broke through with lightning and rushed directly to the deeper part of the Phoenix Forbidden Land, not daring to confront the two spirit gods at all.

"Where to escape!"

The two spirit gods shouted coldly, knowing that Ruthless Man is really the end of the crossbow, such as the grasshopper after autumn will not be long.


The other characters are even more fierce. There are two spirit gods present, they are not as scrupulous as before, and lightning strikes Ling Feng.

With a pop, there was a splash of blood behind Ling Feng, and he was injured in an instant, his body became more serious, and he felt like he was going to stop.

"I want to go into the forbidden soil first to heal my injuries, you guys hold on for a while!"

Ling Feng shouted in the rear, not daring to fight.

"Okay, we are waiting for you!"

Up to now, the emperor of glory and others can't talk about regret. This is a battle that will happen sooner or later. Although the ruthless person is strong, but there have been too many battles before, it is a miracle that he can survive facing the gods.

Now, they can only hold down the six spiritual gods. Although the situation is not optimistic, they may die at any time, but at this time they have no possibility of regret, let alone hope of breaking through, only hope that Yu Lingfeng.

"Don't worry, I will be back, and the time won't be delayed too long!"

Ling Feng's eyes released cold light and rushed to the depths of the Phoenix Forbidden Land with the power of burning essence and blood.


Behind it, dozens of Heavenly Sovereigns pressed out together, with an aura like a rainbow, completely crushing Ling Feng, preventing him from escaping.

But Ruthless was so fast that he really escaped people's pursuit and broke out. Although the injuries were more serious, he did not kill him.

"Damn it, don't let him really escape, otherwise we will all die here!"

The two spirit gods blushed completely, and said angrily: "Don't be too scattered, it is not good for us to be broken by him!"

"it is good!"

The foreheads of the gods are indeed unwilling to happen. They are well aware of the horror of ruthless people. Disperse at this time, it is indeed easier to form a trend of encirclement and suppression, but if they are broken by ruthless people, then ruthless people can still break through. Out.

Ling Feng moved forward frantically, they chased frantically.

One after another, disappear instantly.

With just the tea light effort, Ling Feng disappeared before their eyes. Although the aura was still there, it was very weak, causing the two spirit gods to frown. This force was quite detrimental to them.


They kept pursuing with black faces, and they couldn't let Ling Feng go anyway today.


The one who fell behind felt that there was a dark shadow behind him, so he turned his head back abruptly and fought back to prevent ruthless people from appearing and ambush them in the dark.

However, the shadow was gone.

But before he came back to his senses, he felt his feet sink, and a strange stone suddenly appeared and swallowed it in.

He didn't even have time to let out howls and exclamations, and just disappeared behind the people.

Because the distance was hundreds of feet apart, and people's attention was all in the front, the strange stone did not emit a wave of heavenly power, only a faint ripple escaped, so it did not attract people's attention.

Soon, another Tianzun took the place.

Then, the same scene happened, a strange stone appeared from its feet, and it was swallowed down suddenly. The speed was so fast that it was impossible to guard against. In a short time, the Tianzun was swallowed.

There was still no screams and exclamations, everything was so strange.


In the Phoenix Forbidden Land, there is only the Stone Devourer.

Obviously, this was done deliberately by Ling Feng, first suppressing the scene with a strange stone, killing a few lonely celestial beings, buying time for him, and waiting for him to "recover", then it would not seem so abrupt.

"What's the situation?" After Kistler had swallowed the five Heavenly Sovereigns, people finally found out what was wrong and became vigilant one by one.

"There is a problem with the Phoenix Forbidden Land, and a creature is watching us!"

One or two martial artists are not easy to find, but the five martial artists alarmed the gods, because some forces have come to the heavens. Although they are scattered, they are not far apart, so they can naturally be found.

However, what made people frightened was that the creature was very weird, and silently eliminated the five Heavenly Lords, and the five Heavenly Lords did not make a sound, as if they were suffering from severe pain and would rather die than speak.

But is this really the case?

I'm afraid that the five Heavenly Lords can't make a sound, right?

The first thing they think of is that ruthless people will attack secretly, which can be ruthlessly injured and strong. How can they do such a thing?

He disdains to do so.

That can only be the creatures in the Phoenix Forbidden Land.

The strange and weird region here is the Phoenix Divine Land, with terrifying power, and the birth of three or two strange creatures is not very surprising.

But the creatures that can make the five gods annihilate without making a sound, it is terrifying.

"Be careful, don't spread too far!"

The two spirit gods frowned. They didn't care about the life and death of the five gods, but the creature could silently kill the five gods, so they had to warn them.

Moreover, none of them had any breath just now, it was too weird and terrifying.

But the weird thing happened. Just when the gods gathered around, two more figures who were on the periphery were suddenly disappeared, and their bones disappeared, as if the world had evaporated.

"Everyone, remember to be careful!"

The two spirit gods changed colors, and no creatures were found until this moment.

The speed of the gathering of the gods has increased significantly, one by one is extremely vigilant, fearful of being annihilated by the terrifying creatures.


They formed a circle, showing a trend of encirclement and suppression, centered on the two spirit gods, and a number of old people suppressed them. Even if the creatures wanted to break through the defense, it was extremely difficult to kill the opponent silently.

Just let them know what kind of creature it is and it's easy to deal with.

They stared at the surroundings vigilantly, but any disturbance would not escape their eyes.

However, the creature never appeared. People waited for two hours, but the surroundings were calm and unusual. How could there be any creature shadows?

"No, we were fooled!"

The expressions of the two spirits changed drastically, and finally found that something was wrong.

The creature in the dark first slaughtered the seven heavenly elders, making them afraid and vigilant, and had to stop, but was its real intention to slaughter the gods?


Its purpose was to delay the attacking speed of the gods and give Ling Feng enough time to "recover".

"Kill out, don't care about any weird creatures, we must find ruthless people, otherwise everyone will die!"

The voices of the two spirit gods were low and sound, and they were dragged here for two hours. They didn't know how far Ruthless had recovered, but as long as they recovered, they might stay here forever.

People formed a circle and moved forward quickly to find Ling Feng's whereabouts.

After only the tea light effort, they stopped, each of their eyes became cold, and their hearts became colder, because on a low mountain ahead, a figure was standing against the wind, his pale white clothes were covered with blood, and his long dark hair was scattered. On the shoulders.

He turned his back to the gods, but there was an overwhelming force piercing the void.

"Are you looking for me?"

Ling Feng slowly turned around and looked at the incoming person, with a beautiful arc in the corner of his mouth: "I'm worried that you are too hard to find, so I brought it to the door myself."

People's hair is standing upside down, and their teeth are cold.

At this moment, Ling Feng was facing the mountain breeze, his chest wound had healed, the translucent blood hole behind his back disappeared, the exhausted blood became vigorous, and the whole person was like a sword inserted into the sky.

That strong aura made everyone present feel cold on the soles of their feet, reaching their hearts.

Ruthless people healed!

This is the voice of everyone, even if the two spirit gods have ancient chariots around them, they are full of chills at this moment. The ruthless people in the heyday are incomprehensible. Unless it is the supreme, who dares to speak up?

Moreover, ruthless people's words are too cold, and they take the initiative to send them to the door. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?

If it does, it is a terrible thing.


The two spirit gods looked at each other, and a retreat was born. Ruthless people are inherently terrible, and they are not easy to suppress in the outside world, let alone in the Phoenix Forbidden Land?


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