Supreme Demon

Chapter 3237: Killing will not pass!

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Ling Feng wants Shenquan.

The expressions of An Xiaoxiao and others turned ugly in an instant, even Fatty Tianzun, Yu Meng, etc.'s expressions plummeted, just because the sacred source is too important.

Prior to this, those characters had come from the sacred source, and they were worried that Ling Feng wanted to trick Tianlan into using this battle to achieve his goal.

Yumeng's eyes flickered, trying to say something, but in the end he could only sigh.

Tianlan agreed.

This is the attitude of the entire Lan Yu Menting.

Although she can be side by side with Tianlan, after all, Lanyu belongs to Tianlan, and the sacred source is derived from Tianlan. If she wants to borrow the sacred source, only Tianlan agrees, and they do their best to keep the sacred. Yuanquan, nowadays they really didn't expect Tianlan would easily agree.

Yumeng thoughtfully advised, but didn't know how to speak.

An Xiaoxiaoyanchu looked at Ling Feng and Tianlan, she was very elf, her mind was obviously different from that of Yumeng and others.

"The woman in love is terrible!"

This is An Xiaoxiao's mind.


They don't understand Tianlan, let alone Ling Feng.

A supreme Tianjiao figure who can suppress the supreme, a supreme power who can enlighten the prelude of the immortal, and an invincible Tianzun who can make Xiaodaowang, Xiaoyuwang and others willingly bow their heads, will he really care about the sacred source?

Tianlan believes in Lingfeng just as Lingfeng believes in Tianlan.

This is an intuition!

"it is good."

Ling Feng ignored the poisonous gazes of others and said with a smile: "At most one day, I will return the sacred source!"

"What are you going to do?" Tianlan asked.

"You will know soon."

Ling Feng didn't explain, this matter was caused by him, then use the sacred source to completely solve the problem.

"Recover well!"

Ling Feng patted Tianlan on the shoulder and stepped into the Lanyu Gate. In the eyes of everyone, he really moved out of the sacred source and directly carried it on his shoulders.

"Ling Feng, I will walk with you."

Fatty Tianzun flew over and galloped side by side with Ling Feng, with a smile on his face, very kind: "I know you are going to do a big deal. You always need someone to clean the battlefield, right?"


Ling Feng nodded, he had known it would be so.

Although Tianlan trusts him very much, it does not mean that Lan Yumenting trusts him. Such an important treasure of the sacred source naturally needs someone to stare at, and the fat man Tianzun is Lan Yumenting's eyes.

In fact, Ling Feng really needs such a person.

"Let's go!"

Ling Feng carried a pool of sacred source and moved forward at a fast speed, but as steady as an old dog, Fatty Tianzun followed closely, looking at the pool of sacred source from time to time, somewhat uneasy.

That is the sacred source. Every drop is of infinite value. If it were so scattered, how many people would be saddened by God?

Did Ling Feng take it to the lake on the spot?

However, Fatty Tianzun quickly felt relieved, because Ling Feng was really as steady as an old dog. Although he was galloping, the sacred source of the pool did not spill.

"There should be a dojo of the Eight Spirit Gods in the sky domain, right?" Ling Feng asked.


Fatty Tianzun was startled, he didn't know what Ling Feng was going to do, could it be that this person was going to single out the spiritual **** dojo?

"do not know?"

"Dare to say?"

Ling Feng frowned and said, "The Eight Spiritual Gods are going to deal with Lan Yu, Tian Lan and Yu Meng are seriously injured, don't you have this courage?"

"Do you really want to single out the spiritual **** dojo?" Fatty Tianzun was solemn and serious than ever.

"The Lingshen Dojo is not Lan Yumen Ting, not to mention the Eight Lingshens, even the figures in the dojo are difficult to deal with."

Fatty Tianzun reminded: "The influence of the Eight Spirit Gods is too great, you should understand."

Of course Ling Feng understood.

Fatty Tianzun wanted to remind him that with the influence of the Eight Spirit Gods, there are many people in the dojo, and the strong are like clouds. This kind of dojo is not comparable to Lanyu.

"Hehe, don't be so vigilant, I just want the Eight Spirits to drink a pot of Shenquan." Ling Feng explained with a smile.


Fatty Tianzun's fat face went dark in an instant. Is this thing about feelings to use the sacred source to give favors and treats?

This is even more unbearable than singled out the entire dojo.

"Don't get me wrong, I and the Eight Spirit Gods are old acquaintances, or can solve the problem." Ling Feng explained again.

Fatty Tianzun looked at Ling Feng, no matter how he looked.

But in the end he compromised.



This is an ancient cave located in a corner of the sky. The birds and flowers in the cave are like a paradise on earth, which is very beautiful.

There is no doubt that the only people who use Gu Dongtian as the gate of the dojo are Dongtian Spirit God.

With the guide of Fatty Tianzun, Ling Feng quickly found the ancient cave sky. This cave sky is extremely vast and can reach thousands of miles vertically and horizontally, which is far from being comparable to Lanyumenting.

From this, one can also see the influence of Dongtian Spirit God.

Gudongtian has only one entrance and only one exit.

At this moment, two figures were sitting cross-legged in front of the ancient cave Tianmen Court. They squinted their eyes slightly, as if falling asleep, but when Ling Feng and Fatty Tianzun appeared, they immediately opened their eyes.


One of the gray-robed figures spoke. He was a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and sharp eyes. Just looking at it would make him feel like a sword.

They looked directly at Ling Feng and the Fatty Tianzun, and a ray of contempt flashed in their eyes, only because the fat Tianzun's strength could see, but Ling Feng did not show any aura. He was like a rock, stable like an old dog when he was not moving It was shocking.

Those two characters only took a look at Fatty Tianzun, and they could "know" Ling Feng's strength.

"This is the dojo of the Dongtian Spirit God, and the idlers stay away at the same speed!"

"Haha, don't bother to get excited."

Ling Feng is still the iconic smiling face, he said: "I have no malice in waiting here, just want to meet an acquaintance."


The man in the gray robe understood clearly, his face became milder, and asked, "I don't know who is the acquaintance of Fellow Daoist?"

"Dongtian Spiritual God!"


When Ling Feng spoke out of the Cave Sky Spirit God, the two characters were suddenly shocked. They didn't expect that Ling Feng's acquaintance turned out to be the Ancient Cave Sky Spirit God, who was the soul figure of the entire Gu Cave Sky.

"I beg you to inform me that the old acquaintance is here, and ask him to drink Shenquan!"

Ling Feng raised his shoulders, and the sacred fountain above it was turbulent and exuded the fragrance of Qingming medicine, which made the two characters couldn't help swallowing.

"It turns out to be a friend of Lingshen, so please enter the cave day, I will go to Lingshen!"

The "frost" on the gray-robed man's face completely dissipated, becoming flattering and flattering. He personally invited Ling Feng into the ancient cave day, and then quickly entered the depths of the ancient cave day, asking for the spirit **** of the cave day.

Ling Feng and Fatty Tianzun were invited into Gudongtian and placed in a pavilion. Some people served tea, all of which were first-class fragrant tea.

Ling Feng first dropped the sacred fountain on his shoulders before entering the pavilion.

Fatty Tianzun's eyelids twitched, he was a little bit unable to understand Ling Feng's intentions, did that sacred fountain just throw it outside the pavilion?


Now that they have entered the ancient cave, the situation is not optimistic. Once a conflict occurs, it is easy to be encircled and suppressed, and even that sacred source is difficult to bring out.

Why is this asking for trouble? It's obviously asking for death!

"Ling Feng, is Dongtian Lingshen really an old acquaintance?" Fatty Tianzun couldn't help asking when the tea servant left.


Ling Feng said with a smile.


"Don't be afraid, they should be afraid!"

Ling Feng comforted the Fatty Tianzun. He could see that Fatty Tianzun was very cramped. Falling into the ancient cave sky alone was equivalent to a sheep entering the tiger's mouth. Once he faced the cave god, it would be the disaster of the entire Lanyu.


Fatty Tianzun rolled his eyes, really wondering what to say.

In fact, what he was really afraid of was that Ling Feng had deceived them by borrowing flowers to offer the Buddha. If this sacred source fell into the hands of the Dongtian Spirit God, it would be too difficult to retrieve it.

But now that they are already here, he can only believe in Tianlan.

Not long.

A breeze appeared in front of the pavilion, and two figures came quickly, and appeared in front of Ling Feng and Fatty Tianzun in the blink of an eye.

The people who came were the Heavenly Cave Spirit God and the man in gray robe.

"I don't know which acquaintance..."

The Heavenly Spiritual God of Dongtian smiled. Someone actually moved a pool of sacred fountains and asked him to drink the fountains. Although with his strength and background, this kind of sacred fountain is not very precious, but it is also a huge face.

How can he reject the good intentions of others?

Thus, the Dongtian Spirit God came.

But the smile on his face completely disintegrated as Ling Feng slowly turned around.

"It's you!"

Dongtian Lingshen's face changed drastically, his body couldn't help flying upside down, and he looked at Ling Feng extremely vigilantly. Although it has been a long time since the battle of Tianxiang Mountain, he still feels that it is a nightmare.

At this moment, the nightmare is coming!

He never dreamed that he would see Ling Feng here.

"Isn't it me?"

Ling Feng squinted and said with a smile: "Daotian Fellow Dongtian, don't come here unharmed."


Dongtian Lingshen's face was trembling, and only felt a little pain on his face, and the part that had been pumped by Ling Feng was feverish and red.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Dao Friendship seems to be fatter, and the food is good."


"Hey, fellow Daoist, what is your expression?"

Ling Feng stood up and said with a smile, "Why, do you feel surprised, unexpected and exciting to see someone you know?"


Dongtian Lingshen wanted to swear: irritate you uncle!

"Farewell to the celestial phenomena, see you today, it is really fate." Ling Feng signaled Dong Tian Ling to sit in the pavilion and invited him to enjoy the sacred source.

The cave sky does not move!

Just kidding, the idiot just passed.

That's ruthless.

Isn't the past the same as looking for death at this time when the eight spirit gods are labeled as the powerful existence of the earth dog?

But if you go, you just don't go, you won't be killed.

"Why, what does Fellow Daoist mean?"

Ling Feng said angrily: "Don't you be upset to see someone you know? If I invite fellow daoists to savor a sacred fountain, is it just that fellow daoists don't give me face?"


Does Dongtian Lingshen know what freak the person in front of him is.

I beat him to the death before, now invite him to taste Shenquan?

What about a liar?


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