Supreme Demon

Chapter 3238: Snap Finger Town Spirit God!

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The atmosphere can be as weird as it is.

In the pavilion, Ling Feng made an invitation, but Dongtian Spirit God was quite reserved, he was so cold to the end, he didn't make any response, and he didn't look like an acquaintance.

However, the Fat Tianzun and the gray-robed man could see that Ling Feng and Dongtian Spirit God were indeed acquaintances.

"Fellow Daoist Cave, is the celestial phenomenon so strange once you don't?"

Ling Feng said with a smile, "Look, I have brought all the sacred sources you want, and I just want to invite you to drink a pot."


Dongtian Lingshen's face changed, but he still didn't dare to enter the pavilion, and his muscles were tight, and he was very afraid that Ling Feng would show off his power at this time. Once he fell into Ling Feng's hands, he would be thrown into the rat-hold.

Moreover, he didn't know what Ling Feng's intention was.

"Ruthless man, what do you mean?"

Dongtian Lingshen stabilized his expression, took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and then asked, "This is the realm of the sky, and it is the Dongtian Taoist Temple, not Tianxiang Mountain."

"That's not it."

Ling Feng nodded and said, "This is your dojo, I'm here to invite you to drink a pot, a pot of gratitude."


Dongtian Lingshen felt that Ling Feng was a strange thing more and more. He had already understood what he said, but the other party didn't understand it. Of course, if he treated Ling Feng as an idiot, he would be insulting himself.

"Ruthless person, what do you want?" Dongtian Lingshen asked with a headache, even if it is ancient cave sky, there are strange door restrictions and ancient altars, but facing the ruthless person, he still feels too dangerous.

To be honest, he really didn't want to fight Ling Feng at this time.

Fatty Tianzun and the gray-robed man were very startled. How could this atmosphere not be like an acquaintance meeting.

It felt more like Ling Feng came to the door after being wronged.

Wait... Ruthless?

Why is this name familiar?

Fatty Tianzun frowned and tried to meditate. He always felt like he had heard it, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"I didn't think about it, I just came to invite you to drink the holy spring!"

Ling Feng smiled and said, that marked smile really made Dongtian Spiritual God mad.

"Don't deceive people too much!"

Dongtian Lingshen was a little annoyed, and his aggrieved eyes were red. He was beaten so badly in Tianxiang Mountain that even the ancient chariot was taken away, but this person actually hit the door.

Pin Shenquan?

Is this bullying his naivety?

"Daoist, what does this mean?" Ling Feng curled his lips and said, "When did I bully you?"


Dongtian Lingshen really wanted to cry, when did he bully himself?

He forbids the land in Phoenix.

He is on the Wuming Mountain.

He is in Shenhai...

Is his face still aching?

How could he say that he didn't bully himself?

But Dongtian Spiritual God is very shameless, Ling Feng didn't mention it, does he need to be embarrassed by himself?

"Daoist, I don't know what you mean here, but please tell me clearly." Dongtian Lingshen was really unwilling to talk to Ling Feng too much, because he was afraid that he could not help but beat him up.

But I was afraid of being beaten badly, so I was beaten up.

"I'm here to give you the Shenquan."

Ling Feng Nunu said, "I heard that you are making this Shenquan idea, so I sent it here."


Dongtian Lingshen's face changed again.

The Tianxiang Mountain is over, and the heavenly Dao seeds are missing. People guess it has fallen into the hands of Ruthless People, but now Ruthless People are in the Glory Realm and it is not easy to get the peerless Dao seeds.

Therefore, some people want to start from within the sky to force out ruthless people, or to know the whereabouts of the peerless Dao.

of course.

The eight spirit gods are all among them. They not only want to obtain the peerless Dao seeds, but also want to find the ancient chariots, but this thing is very vague. They started by Lan Yu and threatened several other gates, but the time is in a hurry. After the month, Ruthless Ren still didn't show up, even the Eight Spirits were discouraged.

But he didn't expect that Ling Feng would come to him at this time.

"Cruel man, what do you mean?"

Dongtian Lingshen flashed his eyes and said, "I have a lot of resources in the cave, and a small pool of sacred spring is really inconspicuous. How can you make a decision?"

"I understand what you mean, and I hope you can understand what I mean." Ling Feng looked directly at the Dongtian Spiritual God and put a smile away, because he had already understood some truth.

"What do you mean by ruthless people? I really don't understand." Dongtian Lingshen asked vigilantly.

"Does the wound on my face hurt?" Ling Feng asked.


The Dongtian Spiritual God pretended not to understand, but there were tens of thousands of alpacas running wild in his heart, and this thing was finally mentioned.


Ling Feng shook his head, too lazy to talk nonsense with Dongtian Lingshen.

Because he can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep, but he can definitely hurt the person who pretends to be asleep.


The Dongtian Spirit God flew upside down and his face changed drastically. He knew that things couldn't be good here. If a ruthless person appeared here, Qingyi would not let him go.

Therefore, he is always defensive and vigilant when talking.

As soon as Ling Feng's voice fell, he reacted.

"Ruthless person, you know that this is my dojo, if you dare to do something here, you are looking for death!"

The Dongtian Spirit God said coldly, although he was very jealous of Ling Feng, there was no fear here. Perhaps he would be struggling alone, but with the help of the ancient cave heaven altar and the power of the gods, even the Supreme would kneel.

"Then you have to work hard!"

Ling Feng said indifferently: "Farewell to the sky, you should make a lot of progress, right? Did you ask Tian to successfully advance to the Supreme?"


He flew down in the courtyard, facing the cave god.

"Thanks to you, ask God for success!"

Dongtian Lingshen smiled, but more coldly.

At the beginning, the fierce battle at Tianxiang Mountain made him a nightmare, but because of Ling Feng's suppression, he was promoted to a supreme figure. Now Ling Feng mentioned that the Dongtian Spiritual God is not happy.

When the brothers and sisters in the cave all exclaimed, they did not understand the sadness of the spirit and **** of the cave.

That is being abused alive to become the supreme.

"It turns out that stress can make you stronger!"

Ling Feng nodded and said, "Then, give you a little more pressure, can you break through more?"


"I am looking forward!"

"I don't expect it!"

The Dongtian Spiritual God was a bit fraught, and Ling Feng's words were too scary, even the Supreme was chilling against Ruthless.

You know, Ruthless Tianzun is invincible. Once Wentian succeeds, God knows how terrifying it is, I'm afraid it will abuse the Eight Spirits into a dead dog.

"Defensively, especially the face!"

After speaking, Ling Feng rushed to the Dongtian Spiritual God. Out of instinct, the Dongtian Spiritual God flew backwards at the first time. He didn't dare to fight against Ling Feng. This person was his nightmare and left too deep sadness. .


When Ling Feng's power was displayed, but there was only Tianzun, Dongtian Spirit God's eyes suddenly brightened.

"It turns out that you haven't asked the sky yet, you are still Tianzun!" He said with a smile.

"Tian Zun can suppress you, why is it Supreme?"

Ling Feng said indifferently, his Tianzun is different, and he is extremely detached. Is it possible for ordinary Tianzun to be equal?

What's more, Ling Feng's enlightenment of the Dao of the Self was even more unpredictable.

"Hmph, it depends on your qualifications!"

Dongtian Lingshen stopped, his eyes filled with evil spirits, what he was really afraid of was Ling Feng Wentian's success, but now Ling Feng is still Tianzun, there is nothing to be afraid of.

This is an excellent time to wash away the humiliation, if it waits until Ling Feng Wentian that is a nightmare!


This is his dojo. There are many senior brothers, senior sisters, senior sisters, and Tianxiang Mountain. Although Dongtian deliberately suppressed things, there are still many senior sisters and sisters who have learned the truth. What he has to do is to turn the tide and completely suppress the ruthless people.

"Ruthless man, today you are dead!"

The space was in full bloom, and a sharp knife broke through the space quickly and slammed into Ling Feng.

At the same time, time is blooming, a star releases the vast sea and sky, and night and day bloom at the same time, which represents the change of time. Although there is no long river of time for the ninth aspect, this kind of star is even more terrifying.

Because the ninth phase wants to control a longer time change, but the strength and perception are too shallow to control at all, while the Dongtian Spirit God is different. He knows that he has no ability to use the longer time change, but only in day and night. It bloomed, still terrifying.


The void suddenly collapsed, the night and the day changed, the sun and the moon alternate, and the sky and the earth changed color.

A cold gust of wind exploded the sky, and day and night turned into the most powerful blade, slashing towards Ling Feng.

The Dongtian Spirit God is extraordinary. Although he has just been promoted to the Supreme, he can smelt the law of time. It is not weaker than any century-old supreme. The strength is extremely strong and should not be underestimated.


He still underestimated Ling Feng, or his understanding of Ling Feng was too superficial. If he could know how enchanting things Ling Feng had done in the Kingdom of Glory, he probably wouldn't be arrogant at this time.

"The stars are falling!"

A star appeared on the sky, unleashing the power of shaking the sky, endless essence and aura came surging, all poured into the first star, making it release the power of time.

"Gods Twilight!"

When Ling Feng yelled these words, the entire sky was dull, and a piece of pure land appeared, releasing light power, but the first star was integrated into it.

Ling Feng did not place himself in the pure land, but stood behind the pure land, with a layer of light in his eyes.

"Falling, dusk!"

He faintly yelled, that is, at that time, the Twilight Pure Land of the Gods actually evolved into a jade bead, and the first star was integrated into the Pure Land.

The stars are falling, the gods are at dusk, melting a pearl.

"What is the id!"

"All my martial arts are based on me!"

Ling Feng murmured, when his voice fell, the jade pearl fell between his two fingers.


He snapped his finger out, and the terrible riot was completely released at this moment. The Twilight of the Gods was already terrifying. After being integrated into the first star, Tianwei was even more invincible, but all this was completely changed due to smelting.

Such a great and terrifying Tianwei Pure Land was actually blended into a jade bead. How powerful is that jade bead?

Unprecedented, unprecedented!

Snap Finger Town Spirit God!


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