Supreme Demon

Chapter 3244: Where is the soul of heaven!

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The door of the long-closed room was pushed open, and Ling Feng stepped out of the room with a little smile on his face. Although he didn't know what treasure was in the pale blue box, he was not in a hurry for a while, and now he is more The important thing is the Yaotian group.

To know.

It has been two days since he entered the realm of the sky. This time is extremely short for others, but it is too long for him.

There are too many responsibilities in his body. The whereabouts of the Heavenly Soul Elixir is still unknown. The Shi Pi side has not found the truth, and his side has to deal with the Kingdom of Glory. The situation on the Shen Lie side is not very optimistic. He also thought Wanted to visit, but was refused.

Obviously, what is the idea of ​​Glory Kingdom.

Before he surrendered the peerless Dao seeds, eight ancient chariots and treasures, the Kingdom of Glory would not let go of the gods, and even if he was willing to do so, the Kingdom of Glory would not let them go easily.


The first thing Ling Feng had to do was to hold the Kingdom of Glory. At least before the Battle of the Five Kingdoms, the Ancestor of Glory should not be against Shen Lie, otherwise the fate of angering Ling Feng would not be so simple.

Sooner or later, he will return to the Kingdom of Glory, but from a moral standpoint, he will obviously suffer. Then, he must make things as beautiful as possible. Even if he turns out of the Kingdom of Glory in the end, he will have no choice but to be forced and helpless from a moral standpoint. Completely standable.

Only in this way would it be logical for him to return to the kingdom of glory.

Otherwise, he will become the target of public criticism, which is not good for the whole rebellious god.


In terms of time, the Yaotian regiment should be back. The Five Kingdoms will be launched within these few days. As the leader of the Yaotian regiment, he will always appear, otherwise, the Dao King, the Domain King, and the King It can't be justified.


Han Qing flew over and landed in front of Ling Feng.

In the past few days, Ling Feng did not leave the room, but he was happy and free. Now that Ling Feng has appeared, he will naturally also appear.


Ling Feng nodded and asked, "Who has been here these few days?"

"The Dao King and the Domain King have been here, but after learning that the God of War retreat, they also left." Han Qing said respectfully.


Ling Feng pondered for a moment. Dao King and Domain King had come. He was not surprised, because he had returned, but the Yaotian regiment had not yet come back. I was afraid that he would be surprised.

"Has the Yaotian group ever come back?" Ling Feng then asked.

"I came back two days ago."

Han Qing said, "However, the Yaotian group is very quiet. It has been standing on the Yaotian Square. It should be waiting for the God of War."

"Well, then I will pass first!"

Ling Feng waved his hand and signaled Han Qing to stay and guard the gate, while he flew to Yaotian Square.

Yaotian Plaza.

A legion stood there quietly. For two days, there was no fluctuation. Everyone was like a rock, not moving, and the momentum was very heavy. It made people wonder what changed in this legion.

However, what surprised Dao Wang, Yu Wang and others was that the Yaotian regiment was a bit different. The three heavenly figures, Xu Hang, Yuan Qing, and Zou Yuan, did not stand side by side as usual, but separated from each other, and felt a bit opposite. .

Behind them, the Yaotian group also felt divided, not as a whole, that is, there were subtle changes in aura.

What's more important is that these three people came back at different times. Although the interval is not long, it is obvious that the three are leaders of their own and have experienced in different secret soils.

Xu Hang led three thousand soldiers, Zou Yuan led three thousand soldiers, and Yuan Qing was four thousand soldiers, each forming a legion. In terms of momentum, the legion led by Xu Hang was like a sharp knife, extremely sharp; Zou Yuan led The army of the army is a bit cryptic, as if it is going to blend in between the heaven and the earth, even the Dao King, the domain king, etc. think this army is a bit ghostly.

And the most different was Yuan Qing at the beginning.

Yuan Qing’s legion should be the worst of the three legions, because when he came back that day, everyone in this legion was scarred, that is, Yuan Qing herself was very tragic, with claw wounds on her back and fragments of five internal organs flowing out. , Although he had healed for two days, his blood is still dull and he has not healed.

of course.

What really surprised the Dao King and the Domain King was that the army led by Yuan Qing was very low-key, as if it had blended into the night, the speed was so fast, and the ghost almost escaped their sense of spirit.

They don't know what the difference is between the three legions, let alone what Yuan Qing's experience is so tragic, forbearing and low-key, let alone what they have experienced and what they have gained.


Soon the Yaotian regiment was not in the spotlight, because the Yaoshi regiment and the Yaokong regiment were back, and the Glory Son and the Glory Daughter personally led the experience. As soon as these two legions appeared, they shocked the entire city.

Not only because the Son of Glory and the Lady of Glory represent the most dazzling talents in the Kingdom of Glory, but also because the strength of these two legions is too dazzling.

They are like two wild beasts, rumbling into the glory kingdom.



Everyone was extremely cold, coming in wearing a battle suit, the sword soldiers radiated metal light, and revealed a fierce **** atmosphere, during which they could sense the wailing of monsters.

There is no doubt that the two legions that were already strong, after a few months of experience, the overall strength has become stronger, and there is a sense of promotion.

Even King Dao and King Yu became very satisfied after seeing the two legions, because the two legions were not weaker than the legions 500 years ago, and even stronger.

There are two legions, enough for the other four ancient countries to drink a pot.

Of course, whether the Yaoshi Tuan and Yaokong Tuan can defeat the four ancient nations and legions, and finally win the crown, depends on the specific performance of the Glory Son and the Glory Goddess.

These two regiments were originally stronger than the Yaotian regiment, but now they return with invincible aura, even less attention is paid to the Yaotian regiment.

If before, the Yaotian regiment would definitely be sad, but now the Yaotian regiment behaves very calmly. Yuan Qing is indifferent, Zou Yuan, and Xu Hang are cold, while the Yaotian regiment completely ignores those two legions behind them.

Perhaps, the glory of the goddess and the glory of the gods can make them stronger, which was their expectation, but now they have no such expectation, let alone expectation.

Although their experience time is short, they really feel the power, a power that can despise any legion!

And this is given to them by the God of Glory.

It turns out that the Legion can fight like this!

A few months ago, they also stood on Yaotian Square, full of grief and anger, because they felt abandoned by the kingdom of glory.

A few months later, when they stood on Yaotian Square again, they only had coldness and identification in their eyes.

There is no grief and anger.

There is no sadness.

There is only one person in their eyes and hearts.

They have to wait for that person to come back!

Ling Feng is here!

His footsteps were firm, he didn't fly into the air, but walked step by step, until he appeared in front of Yaotian regiment, they stopped.

As he moved, everyone in the Yaotian Mission moved their eyes and stared at Ling Feng.

Gods who stare at them!

Glory to the emperor can make them stronger, but unfortunately it didn't give it.

But Ling Feng gave it, not to become stronger, but to transform!

When Ling Feng came, they did not move.

They did not move when Ling Feng took a step.

When Ling Feng came in front of them, they moved.

Headed by Yuan Qing, Xu Hang, and Zou Yuan, they saluted respectfully and solemnly, and then shouted with all their strength: "God of War, Yaotian Group is back!"

They did not complain about how hard the experience is.

They did not complain that Ling Feng came back alone.

When they came back, many questions were already clear.

"Ah, very good!"

Ling Feng solemnly said on his forehead, "If you were so respectful to me a few months ago, I'm afraid I would sneer, but now I am very pleased."

Yuan Qing, Xu Hang and the others had their eyes burning, and they knew that Ling Feng was talking about their backbone.

What made Ling Feng gratified was their strength. Although there was only one month of experience, this time was really enough, because the tempering began from the moment Ling Feng appeared.

They got nothing less than Yaokong and Yaoshituan, but more.

"Yaokong and Yaoshituan are back!"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "I know what you are thinking, but some things don't need proof."

"But you have to remember one thing!"

Ling Feng said with a serious face: "I don't want you to be a foil. If there is such a moment, what I hope you should do is crush all the legions. If there is such a moment, I hope you can turn the tide!"


Everyone in the Yaotian regiment is breathing fast. From this moment on, what they have to do is not to support Yaokong and Yaoshi regimen, but to suppress everything and become the first day regiment of the Five Kingdoms Battle.

"A few days before the Five Kingdoms Battle, we want more than just victory, do you understand?"

Yuan Qing, Xu Hang and the others were taken aback. They didn't want victory?

what is that?

"You don't understand it yet. When that moment comes, you will naturally understand."

Ling Feng smiled. Some problems were not realm enough and it was difficult to see through. He was not in a hurry, Yao Tiantuan would figure it out sooner or later.

"Okay, just polish it up here. Xu Hang, Yuan Qing, and Zou Yuan should communicate more with you. I am a relatively lax person. I can solve some problems for you in the Five Kingdoms War, but in the end I rely on you. ."

Ling Feng left after speaking.

He also had to enter the Lord's Palace to meet the King of Glory, because when he came, he met the King of Dao and the King of Domain. They had spoken for the King and wanted Ling Feng to meet him.

In the evening, Ling Feng walked out of the main heaven. When passing a flower bush, his feet trembled, and a stone fell into the soles of Ling Feng's feet silently.

"Five Kingdoms, the ancestors of glory should also watch the battle?"

When Ling Feng got the news, he couldn't help smiling. This was not a trap, but a traditional tradition. From this, it could also be seen that the Kingdom of Glory attaches great importance to the battle of the five kingdoms.

"Shi Pi, have you still not found the whereabouts of the Heavenly Soul Immortal Medicine?" Ling Feng frowned.


Shi Pi said with some discouragement: "Except for some ancient taboo places, I have searched almost the entire heavenly palace. Even the Canggong Pavilion of the Kingdom of Glory has been searched by me, but I still haven't found the whereabouts of the Heavenly Soul Eternal Medicine."

"I have even eavesdropped on the gossip of the martial cultivators of the main heavenly palace, but no one mentioned the elixir of heavenly soul.

"However, I have heard of weirdness under that hatchet."


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