Supreme Demon

Chapter 3245: Fight in secret!

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Shi Pi did not find the whereabouts of the Heavenly Soul Immortal Medicine, but it heard an extremely important piece of news.

That hatchet is very problematic.

The hatchet flew down from the sky and plunged straight into the Lord's Heavenly Palace of the Kingdom of Glory, which caused great turmoil at the beginning, and even some characters in the ancient realm were shocked.

However, the hatchet is extraordinary, it can't move, and finally the ancient domain characters can only sigh.

In the past few years, the hatchet hasn't moved, and its extraordinary aura has slowly dissipated, like decay, making it almost ignore the hatchet.

However, Shi Pi heard some news that the hatchet was a big problem, and the bigger problem is that there may be an amazing treasure under the hatchet. According to reports, hundreds of years ago, a creature escaped there. Below the hatchet.


"Stuck under the hatchet?"

Ling Feng frowned. The news was scattered. It was the result of Shipi pieced together, but Ling Feng saw some clues from it.

Ordinary creatures don't have this ability, only creatures that give birth to spiritual consciousness can.

Some magic weapons do have this strength, such as ancient sage-level weapons, which give birth to divine consciousness. Although they are not martial arts, they have the same IQ as martial arts. If they are in danger, they can escape into the ground.

But there are some creatures that have more IQ.

For example, Yu Qilin!

For example, falling rain!

This kind of creature is detached, able to give birth to **** flesh, IQ enchanting, not weaker than any martial arts, and more sensitive to danger, and more smelling for some treasures, so they can usually avoid danger in advance.

Regarding the incident at the beginning, the Kingdom of Glory has been in a closed state, and no one wants to mention it, and it is trying its best to annihilate the truth.

still have a question.

That is the Heavenly Soul Immortal Medicine, which hasn't been seen so far, even some martial arts in the Lord of Glory are about to forget this treasure.

Perhaps this is the Kingdom of Glory deliberately weakening the influence of the Celestial Soul Elixir, or perhaps this is a change in the Celestial Soul Elixir.

"In either case, if you can shake the hatchet and escape into it, you should know what kind of creature it is."

Ling Feng said in a deep voice, "If that creature is the Heavenly Soul Immortal Medicine, then everything is much easier."

"What if that creature isn't the anti-aging medicine?" Shi Pi asked.

"It's going to be troublesome!"

Ling Feng smiled coldly and said: "There are still people talking about it for so many years, proving that the creature is extremely important to the kingdom of glory. As long as we can get the creature, we can force the kingdom of glory to surrender the elixir of heavenly soul."

"What if they don't want to?" Shi Pi asked.

"It depends on how they choose."

Ling Feng pondered for a moment before he continued: "Perhaps, that creature is not as good as the Heavenly Soul Eternal Medicine, but it doesn't mean that they are unwilling to exchange."

"In addition, if the final transaction fails, then shake the hatchet as much as possible!"

"You want to shake that hatchet?"

Shi Pi said in surprise.

It should be noted that the hatchet caused the ancient sages to be suffocated. It is very dangerous. Its sharpness is rare in ancient and modern times. With Ling Feng's current strength, if he dares to shake it, I am afraid that the end will not be optimistic.

"This is no way."

Ling Feng sighed. Who wants to shake that hatchet?

He is not willing.

But for Shen Lie, for Qiu Shuyi, he was willing to do this, someone gave his life for him, then why is he not willing to give his life for her in this life?

"It is true that the hatchet is dangerous and difficult to shake, but I am not without a chance!"

Ling Feng thought of the fairy blade. At the beginning, this sharp blade wanted to fly to the hatchet. He didn't know if it was attracted or for other reasons, but it was at least a breakthrough.

At the same time, the tree of all things, the fourth leaf, and the Dao Fa of the Self can all be borrowed. As long as the hatchet fluctuates a little, the glory country will pay the heaviest price.

If the creature can't threaten the kingdom of glory, then use a hatchet to threaten it.

"The hatchet moved slightly, frightening the wind and rain. I am afraid that the glory country will not be peaceful for hundreds of years." Shi Pi nodded, agreeing with Ling Feng's thoughts.

"In addition, I also heard that the ancestors of glory will watch the battle of the five kingdoms!" Shi Pi said.

"I've heard about it."

Ling Feng nodded and said, "Whether this is a trap or not, we must treat it as an opportunity, because if it is missed, it will be gone."

"What are you going to do?" Shi Pi asked.

"I will stay empty and fight with you."

Ling Feng said dullly, the virtual body is far less than the main body, but Ling Feng is even more worried that if it is not the main body, it may be seen through by a figure of the level of Glory Ancestor.

"it is good!"

Shi Pi nodded. This is an extremely dangerous plan. Once it succeeds, it is really qualified to wrestle with the Glory Ancestor.

"How is the situation on Shen Lie's side?" Ling Feng asked.

"I don't know for the time being."

Shi Pi sighed, the area of ​​Glory Ancestor was too dangerous. Although there was Lingfeng's second leaf void, it still felt that it was not safe enough, so he did not dare to go deep.


Ling Feng frowned and said, "I know it's alive for the time being, but it doesn't mean it's not suffering from skin or flesh."

"The Kingdom of Glory is not allowed to be visited, which is really irritating!"

"Their intention is obvious!"

Ling Feng sneered and said, "So, we have to take it down in this battle of the Five Kingdoms, but how to take it down and how to take it down is another matter."

"What are you going to do?" Shi Pi asked curiously.

"I will make them happy and painful!"


Two days in a hurry.

The War of the Five Kingdoms finally kicked off.

On this day, the sky was clear, Dao Wang, Yu Wang, etc. appeared in Yaotian Square early, and Yaokong and Yaoshituan, who had been high-profile and cold since returning to China, were also taken by the Son of Honor and the Goddess of Honor. Come here.

The entire Yaotian Square is strong and vigorous, like creeping giant beasts, Yaoshituan is killing, Yaokong Tuan is cold, they are like two sharp blades, lighting up the void.

On the other hand, the Yaotian group is too heavy, the Shen is very low-key, and the Shen is very inconspicuous.

At least, in the eyes of everyone in the Yaoshi and Yaokong regiments, the Yaotian regiment really didn't look at it enough, and they didn't put this army in their eyes.

And their real opponents in this battle are the legions of the other four ancient countries.

The Son of Glory and Goddess of Glory are all looking at the Yaotian regiment, wanting to see how this legion is different.

When they came back, they had also heard about what happened in the past few months. What Ling Feng said was vivid, and the Son of Honor was very upset and a little bit angry, but there were things that could not be said, let alone said.

For now, he is indeed not Ling Feng's opponent, even after several months of experience, but Ling Feng stagnated?


He wants to completely suppress Ling Feng and Yaotian regiment on the battlefield and promote their reputation.

"It's only a few months, it's hard to have a miracle."

The Goddess of Glory shook her head, the momentum of the Yaotian group was lower than before, as if it was hiding something, but how could it hide in front of them?

Everything is exposed to them.

The Yaotian group is indeed better than a few months ago, but it is extremely limited, and everyone's progress is not much. Although Yuan Qing, Xu Hang and others have successfully advanced, they are still at a small level.

In terms of level, the three heavenly veterans are far inferior to those of the Yaokong and Yaoshi legions.

of course.

Yaoshi and Yaokong were even more unhappy with the Yaotian regiment, because Ling Feng had said that he only needed the first soldier, and the Yaotian regiment brazenly agreed.

Why are they?

Fight those three weak heavens?

Soon after, Ling Feng, the leader of the Yaotian regiment, arrived late, not fast or slow, with his hands on his back and a slight smile on his face, but he ignored the Glory Son and Glory Goddess, with a big grin. Came to the front of the Yaotian group.


Yuan Qing, Xu Hang, and Zou Yuan, headed by three figures, respectfully greet you.


Ling Feng nodded, very natural.

And this is the treatment that the Glory Heavenly Son and Goddess did not enjoy. It is not because the Yaotian Group does not understand etiquette, but the Glory Heavenly Lady and the Heavenly Son don't mean to come over at all. There is no need for the Yaotian Group to run to please peace?

Where is Ling Feng?

Since he came here, he has closed his eyes to rest.

The Glory Son and Goddess didn't come over, he, the God of War, is quite reserved.

Soon, the King of Glory came.

He inspired on the void, mostly rewards and encouragement to the three major legions, hoping that they would be proud of the five nations and return with honor.

After the encouragement, the King of Glory will personally see off the three legions, wishing them a long wind.

Because the battlefield of the five kingdoms is not within the scope of the glory kingdom, or even not in this area.

And because the battlefield is very far away from the glory kingdom, I don't know how long it will take just by foot power.

Therefore, the three legions will go to the battlefield through the ancient altar.

As far as Ling Feng knew, the other four countries would also fly from the ancient altar to the battlefield, and that battlefield would not be open beforehand. It was supervised and determined by the five countries at the same time. Even the figures of the five countries were not allowed to enter in advance.

This is to ensure adequate fairness and prevent cheating.

But when he was about to enter the ancient altar, Ling Feng stopped. His words were dull and sad, and he looked at the Yaotian group and said, "I have a brother. Although it is a monster, it is my most important thing. people."

"It was badly injured and blocked the terrible storm for me."

"Now, the king promised me that as long as we can defeat the four countries, as long as we can win the crown, the ancestor of glory will be able to save my brother!"

"So, please be sure to defeat your opponent and return the glory!"

Ling Feng bowed to Yaotian Group, exhausted his strength, hoarse.

This is his desire!

This is his motivation!

He is begging Yaotian Group!

But this sentence fell in the ears of the King of Glory with another meaning, this is persecution!

Ling Feng negotiated terms based on the results of the five-nation war, a deal that had let go of Shen Lie, and with his IQ, he did not doubt that Ling Feng could see through all of this.

Ling Feng clearly told Yaotian Group and the people of the world that Shen Lie was now with the ancestor of glory, so he wanted to defeat his opponent.

Only when the glory returns can his brother be saved.

This is a deal, it is a secret battle!


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