Supreme Demon

Chapter 3253: The information is terrible!

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Galloping three thousand miles!

When the Yaotian group showed their full strength, their speed did indeed reach an extremely terrifying level, far exceeding the limit that ordinary legions could do, and only then did they realize the importance of Ling Feng's experience.


After practicing in Wanshan Mountain, the speed slowed down too much. It took five hundred miles on the 20th and was left far away by other legions. But because they resisted, they tried their best to live and die, and they survived life and death. .

They have the speed they are today!

The ancients said: Sharpening a knife does not mistakenly chop wood!

Everyone in the Yaotian Mission wants to say: The ancients sincerely don't deceive me!

Although they were thrown a great distance away, when they were at full speed, it was like a flash of lightning. Even in these ten thousand mountains, even in the howling of ten thousand beasts, they could still travel five hundred miles a day.

This is unimaginable for other legions.

Because there are many monsters in Wanshan, the terrain is dangerous, and they will fall at every turn. They must maintain sufficient vigilance and slow down to reduce damage. Naturally, they will not be so fast.

The Yaoshi and Yaokong regiments led by the Glory Son and Goddess only travel three hundred miles a day, and this is already the limit speed to ensure damage.

Although some of the legions of other ancient countries were faster, they only traveled four hundred miles a day.

The Yaotian regiment has traveled five hundred miles a day, and this speed is becoming faster as the Yaotian regiment gradually becomes familiar with Wanshan.

Glory aura plays a top role at this time.

The entire twenty-day experience of the Yaotian regiment has given them a more comprehensive understanding of the Wanshan Monster Beast, as well as coping strategies, and even their sense of spirit.

At the beginning, they were not calm enough to deal with it, so they would encounter many monsters, but after the tenth day, they could already perceive the aura of the monsters in advance, and then they could dodge quickly.

of course.

The Yaotian regiment slaughtered many monsters, and naturally they formed evil spirits. Some monsters avoided it as soon as they heard it, and they were unwilling to meet this evil army.

They only need to pay attention to some dangerous mountains and always pay attention to the movements of other legions.

Xu Hang and the others were very tired, but their spirits were quite agitated, because these few days they felt that their condition was unprecedentedly good, their speed had reached the level of six hundred miles a day, and they were approaching Yaoshi Tuan and Yaokong Tuan with lightning.

"Everyone, be careful!"

Xu Hang reminded.

Three thousand miles away, Ling Feng gave them ten days, but the Yaotian group was far more dazzling than Ling Feng imagined. They only took six days to cross three thousand miles.

But by the tenth day, they had already crossed five thousand miles, and here should be close to the emperor of glory and others.

Therefore, they have to be more vigilant.


On this day, Wu Tong reappeared, carrying a clear air and charm, and appeared in front of them in an instant. Even Xu Hang was a little surprised, how long it was, Wu Tong's speed actually made him a little surprised.

"Yao Shituan appeared in Wangbeichuan, 1,500 miles away."

"The Yaokong Mission appeared in Moon Sky Valley, one thousand and three hundred miles away!"

"The Tianchen Legion is currently resting in the Streaming Gorge, one thousand six hundred miles away!"


A piece of news was presented to Xu Hang and other Yaotian groups in this way, and everyone present was surprised. It was not because the speed of those groups had increased so much, but because of the news brought by Wu Tong.

You should know that the Yaotian group came through the thorns, the speed is not unpleasant, but Wu Tong is faster, he not only found Suifeng, but also brought the news to them accurately.

What speed does this require?

What terrible control does this require?

Although they are in the mountains, the army in the mountains is like a bright mirror in their eyes.

What did Suifeng do?

At the same time, Xu Hang also noticed that there were two more legions in the news that Suifeng brought this time, which meant that Suifeng currently had eight legions.

How terrible?

Of course, this also means that more energy must be allocated to control the movements of the major legions with the wind.

"Tianzun, the Yaotian group can go straight from the mountain to the Tianchuan, looking north all the way, the monsters and natural dangers have to be reduced a lot, which is the safest road currently."

Wu Tong said with a smile.

Xu Hang was shocked again.

At this moment, he knew why Ling Feng wanted to build Suifeng. There is such a corps in charge of intelligence, which is no disadvantage. They have not moved forward, everything is clear, and even the route has been planned. .

In the past, the Yaotian group also had scouts, but they were just spying on the movement of a hundred miles around. Even so, sometimes the news was still very untimely, and more serious was that the scouts were found dead and they were exposed to the enemy. .

But the wind at the moment is different.

They were really too powerful, and at the same time they were in control of the movements of the eight legions, and they had to devote more energy to search for the whereabouts of the other six legions, and be able to deliver them at all times and give the best route.

How evil is this?

Everyone in the Yaotian regiment was very excited. They knew that the Yaotian regiment had finally transformed. Only the power of following the wind was extremely terrifying, and they also had the night blade.

What does Ye Blade do?

they do not know?

Ling Feng didn't say anything, and Zou Yuan was mysterious, but he said frankly that the real power of Ye Blade could not be shown until the Five Kingdoms Battle started.

The Yaotian group is in the light, and the wind and the night blade are in the dark.

But Ye Blade is the darkest legion.

"You have to be careful too!" Xu Hang said.


Wu Tong left.

According to Wu Tong, the Yaotian Mission was forbidden to cross Tianchuan and look north all the way. Although it is not a smooth journey, the number of monsters and natural risks are indeed far less than before.

Since this day, their speed has increased a lot, traveling eight hundred miles a day.

A few days later.

They approached the Yaokong group, and when they got here, the news on Suifeng's side became more and more dense, not as scattered as before. News was sent every other hour, and the dynamics of the major forces were clear at a glance.

"For now, the fastest should be the Wanzong Army of the ancient Qizong country, led by the emperor of the Qizong, and it is only eight hundred miles away from us."

"There are already ten legions controlled by the wind, and four have not been found, but I want to come soon!"

The Yaotian regiment stopped on the mountainside to rest, and Xu Hang discussed with a few small leaders. Based on the current situation, they would be able to surpass the Wanzong regiment in two days and become the current number one, and Suifeng also gave it. The safest way.


In the evening, the Yaotian group received a message from Suifeng.

It was sent by the **** of war Ling Feng through the wind, and the content of the news made everyone's face sinking and became unprecedentedly serious.

"Punch the enemy!"

Only two words.

But Xu Hang and others are not stupid. After a little thought, they understand what Ling Feng means. The Yaotian group has been training for so long, and the cooperation with Suifeng has become more and more tacit. If Suifeng only helps them pass the Wan Mountain, that's really a big use.

They had long known that Ling Feng would not wait until the final battlefield and would definitely resolve the battle in advance.

He sent two words to show his attitude.

But which legion does Ling Feng need them to kill?

Ling Feng didn't make it clear, but put this question before them.

Just as Xu Hang and the others frowned and thought, Suifeng sent a piece of information. When they unfolded the information, they couldn't help but smile.

"This is the terrible intelligence!"

Xu Hang sighed deeply, his eyes burning, almost burning.

Because, in this piece of information, the advantages and disadvantages of the ten legions were listed in detail, and even the combat power of the first Tianzun was listed.

What the other person is good at.

What the other party lacks.

The speed of the opponent.

The opponent's combat power.

The opponent's marching route...

When these pieces of information are presented one by one, they can see what Suifeng has gone through these days, and what makes them even more smiling is the assessment of the danger levels of the major army groups.

For example, the Yaokong regiment, the regiment that used to be extremely powerful in their eyes, in Suifeng's assessment: medium danger.

The strongest Yaoshi regiment was included in the High Dangerous Corps.

The Tianchen Legion led by the Emperor Tianchen was also included in the High Danger Legion.

This rating is not because of the status of the emperor of the leaders of the major legions, but is completely based on the level of combat power. Even in the high-risk legions, the Yaoshi regiment is currently not the first.

of course.

In terms of Suifeng's current strength, even if it is combined with the strength shown by the current major legions, it is not accurate. After all, the major legions have not shown their full strength.

This is just a preliminary assessment of the major army groups.

But some are certain, that is, the low-level legions of the major legions, such as several legions that are comparable to the once Yaotian regiment, but not every legion can get the guidance of characters such as Lingfeng, and it is even more difficult to have Yaotian. Such progress in the regiment.

From a whole legion to three legions, not every legion has such courage.

Among the few primary dangerous legions, Xu Hang chose the one that ranked last.

Ancient Road Legion!

This is the third-ranked legion of the Old Road Nation. When the news was brought by the wind, the pattern had not changed, but the experience had been enhanced, and the overall situation had not changed much. The leader was a top-level heavenly sovereign, whose strength should not be underestimated.

To be honest, if there is no War God Ling Feng, the Yaotian regiment would also find it very dangerous. It is easy to defeat the Gudao Legion, but it is not easy to defeat the top heavenly sovereign.

"I don't know what the **** of war means."

Xu Hang frowned. If Ling Feng didn't play, then this confrontation would be very dangerous for them.

"The God of War told us to punish the enemy, so naturally he wouldn't stand by. He didn't show up, I'm afraid he was waiting for us to make a decision."

"Then punish the Old Road Army first, and please follow the wind to provide information!"

Xu Hang said to the person following the wind.

"Follow the wind and do your best!"

With the 3,000 legions of the 10,000 legions, everyone in the Yaotian regiment is very nervous, because this is the first battle in their experience, which is extremely important, and this is not just a question of victory, but a victory!


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