Supreme Demon

Chapter 3254: Glory first battle!

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This is a small river that is not well-known in Wanshan. It is only eight hundred miles in length and breadth. The ancient woods are lush and blooming, covering small mountains and rivers.

But at this moment, the flowers are shattered and messy, and strands of essence and blood have formed a small stream that is gurgling.

The corpses of monsters and beasts filled the mountains and rivers, creating a blood-like scenery.

The Ancient Dao Legion is standing in the hills and rivers. The headed Guardian Tianzun has sharp eyes, but he is a little tired at the moment, because there is a very strong Tianzun level monster in the Xuntianchuan. If he were not stronger, the entire Ancient Dao Legion would have covered in wounds.

"Adjust your breath as soon as possible, then stay away!"

Guardian Dao's eyes are cold. Although the terrain here is beneficial to them, their speed is not fast. They are currently behind a lot. They must increase their speed to catch up with the other two legions of the Gudao Empire.


Just when Wei Dao closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, he was suddenly shocked and couldn't help but raise his head. The surrounding flowers were scattered, the turbulent void had not subsided, and the smell of blood was floating in the air.

This is nothing, but Wei Dao keenly felt the danger.

He seemed to be peeped at by a terrible monster, his flesh and blood couldn't help being strained, and the blood pouring down, this feeling had not appeared for a long time.


Wei Dao shouted, he didn't know what dangers lurked in the dark, but at this time, as long as there was a moment of hesitation, the old road army would pay a heavy price.

The gods of the Ancient Road Legion instantly awakened from entering the concentration. Although a little at a loss, they immediately cheered up and looked vigilantly around.


Suddenly, a voice sounded, a little dull, like a person's footsteps on the ground, and like a huge beast coming.

"The Quartet is on alert!"

Wei Dao let out a cold cry, his eyes shining sharply, they were still not vigilant enough, they didn't expect that there was a terrible beast hidden in the dark. Fortunately, he found out in advance, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

All the members of the Old Road Legion stood up, and a huge sickle was formed in a hurry, and the direction of the sickle was the direction where the sound sounded.

They don't know what monster beast is in front of them, but as long as they dare to set foot here, they have to go down.


The voice seemed duller, louder, and he couldn't see clearly with the eyes of Guardian Dao. Obviously, this Xuntianchuan had the power to shield the spirit.

However, from the loudness of the voice, they can roughly judge the huge beast.

"Where is the scout?"

Wei Dao's eyes were cold, staring straight ahead. At this time, none of the Scouts of the Old Road Legion came back, let alone lit fireworks to inform them.

Even if that monster is terrifying, with the scout strength of the Guardian Legion, there is no time to light fireworks.

not to mention.

There are not only two scouts, but dozens of them. They are scattered around the Xuntian River and can detect things within a hundred miles. With the vigor and movement of this beast, even if the scouts in one direction are slaughtered, Scouts in other directions should also find out.

But there are none now.


The sound got closer, and the sound became much louder, causing the ground to tremble.

The old trees collapsed, the flowers withered, and the low and solemn aura swooped down, as if people heard the screams of endless monsters, and the **** atmosphere filled the sky.

In the distance, a black cloud is coming close to the surface, carrying a spirit of shocking killing.

at last.

The black cloud appeared in the eyes of the people of the ancient road legion, but it was not a monster, let alone a black cloud, but a murderous legion in battle armor.

The pitch-black flag floated, blending with the pitch-black armor.

They stepped slowly, not fast or slow, but like a whole, when they fell, there was only one voice.


The loud noise made everyone present tremble.

What kind of corps can have such an overall pace?

What kind of legion is this kind of aura?

They are like a torrent in the night, stepping through the mountains and rivers, appearing strangely in front of the ancient road army.

Their steps were not fast, but they were moving forward with lightning, so fast that the Legion of Ancient Roads felt suffocated.

When the legion finally approached them ten miles, they finally saw the legion flag.


The two ancient characters are supported by a red cloud, like a black lightning hidden in the red cloud.

"The Glory Kingdom ranks third in the Heavenly Legion!"

Wei Dao's expression changed slightly, but he soon calmed down. Although the momentum of the Yaotian group was very strong and came to kill, he roughly estimated that it was only three thousand people.

This is obviously not the full strength of the Yaotian group.

So, what is this army doing here?

Do you want to fight them?

Since ancient times, it is true that some powerful legions will solve their opponents in advance, but that is only what the top legions dare to do, and these years, the top legions have been extremely cautious, because they will pay an extremely heavy price, which is not good for the subsequent battles. .

To know.

Even the top legion would take a lot of effort to kill the ancient road legion, and it would be damaged. If thousands of people were injured, the top legion would basically be out.

Therefore, this kind of thing rarely happens.

After all, it is not yet the time for the decisive battle, Wanshan hasn't passed it yet, and doing so will only hurt in vain.

The Yaotian regiment is only the third-ranked legion in the Kingdom of Glory, which is comparable in strength to the Ancient Dao Corps. If they fight decisively with each other, they will be greatly injured and will only benefit the fishermen of the other three countries.

The Glory Son and Goddess would not do this as long as they are not idiots.


There are only three thousand people in the Yaotian regiment. Want to fight a decisive battle with the army of ten thousand people?

How can they think about it?

Now it is not a question of whether the Yaotian regiment will fight them decisively, but whether they are willing to eat the Yaotian regiment.

Wei Dao felt that this might be the fact that the Yaotian regiment had encountered a beast tide and was dispersed, and these three thousand people just passed by here.

"Dare to ask who is the leader of the Yaotian regiment now?" Wei Dao stepped forward and asked.

"it's me!"

A voice rang in the void, and I don't know when Ling Feng had already appeared, not far from Yaotian Group.

"Oh? Fellow Daoist, what does this mean?" Wei Dao narrowed his eyes, he hadn't noticed a heavenly being hidden in the void before.

"Please fight!"

Ling Feng said very concisely.

"Please fight?"

Wei Dao is a little deceived, where is this lunatic?

Fight the Ten Thousand Ancient Dao Legion with a 3,000-men Yaotian team?

"This is the meaning of the emperor of glory?" Wei Dao asked with cold eyes.

"No, this is the meaning of the deity!"

"You are really crazy!" Wei Dao laughed coldly.

"Don't you dare to fellow Taoists?"

"Why not dare?"

"Then come to fight!"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "But, you and I are both leaders, don't you need to get involved?"

"Okay, as you wish!"

Wei Dao said indifferently, although I don't know why Ling Feng is so crazy, but if the 10,000-member Yaotian regiment can't eat even the 3,000-member Yaotian regiment, what use is his leader?

"But it's not just their battle, it's our battle!"

Wei Dao didn't want to let Ling Feng go. Today, the Yaotian regiment has only 3,000 people. Even if it is eaten, there are still 7,000 people. But if you kill Ling Feng, the leader, then the Yaotian regiment is a piece of loose sand.

"Okay, then create another battlefield!"

Ling Feng flew into the distance, and Wei Dao flew into the distance together.

"Gudao Legion will eat Yaotian regiment for me!" This is the stern voice Wei Dao made when he left. In his opinion, Ling Feng used three thousand Yaotian regiments to challenge them, which was an insult.


The eyes of the gods of the Ancient Road Legion were chilling, and they exuded a cold smile. If the Yaotian group were intact, they would be a little jealous, but there were only a mere 3,000 people. Is this a gift?

If they are still "kind", then I'm really sorry for the "kindness" of the Yaotian group.

Unlike Wei Dao, Ling Feng said nothing.

This is the first battle of the Yaotian regiment, and it is also the moment for them to set sail in glory. They follow the wind to provide intelligence with all their strength. If they can't solve the ancient road army, how to deal with the top five countries?

"Brothers, eat them!"

The Legion of the Ancient Road mobilized with all its strength and blasted towards the Yaotian Group, a killing formation in full bloom, erupting extremely strong combat effectiveness.

The whole world roared as they stepped, and the world was shaking.

The Ten Thousand Army Legion is indeed good. It has a strong momentum and strength. It is comparable to a non-three thousand Legion, but it is just an ordinary Legion, and the current Yaotian regiment is not among them.

Xu Hang was cold, and Yaotian Group was also cold.

They didn't start immediately, like a solid rock, but when the Ancient Road Army approached them one mile, Xu Hang's eyes suddenly brightened, and the entire Yaotian group made a deep and long howl.


Only one word.

Xu Hang's body glowed, and the second-class Tianzun's strength was in full bloom, together with the Yaotian group.

The low sonic boom didn't really release until this moment. Is it just their footsteps that are neat?

Neat is the momentum.

Neatly is the killing.

Neat is the glory aura!


The aura space that was different from the killing formation of the Old Road Legion unfolded in an instant, making the Glory Legion look like one. When the Old Road Legion struck, the Glory Legion suddenly became gloomy, and was instantly dispersed by the Old Road Legion.


This is the evaluation of the Old Road Legion on the Yaotian regiment.

The legion duel, once dispersed, the number of people is so small, it is easy to be broken by each.

But is the Yaotian regiment a general regiment?


"Glory aura, kill!"

Xu Hang yelled, the Glory Legion that had been dissipated suddenly merged, and unimaginable top-level Tian Might broke out. Every member of the Glory Legion turned into a sharp knife and strangled mercilessly in the Old Road Legion. .

They are like a fishing net with knives hung.

When the enemy attacked, they were suddenly dispersed. When the enemy did not react, they had already begun to close the net.

The glory aura space is the fishing net, and the members of the Yaotian group are sharp knives. When the fishing nets are tightened, the sharp knives emit the strongest heavenly power. Every "sharp knife" is not just a "sharp knife". ", but exponentially multiplying, exponentially killing.

In ancient times, there was one enemy ten!

Today there is Yaotian group aura blending together, and Wu breaks ten gods.


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