Supreme Demon

Chapter 3273: It's crazy!

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Devil's Ridge!

This is a unique scenic ridge in the battlefield of Wanshan, with extraordinary momentum and endless majesty.


The reason why Devil Ridge is Devil Ridge is completely named because of its yellow sand sky. Unlike other places, the yellow sand sky will form a picture of the devil. For a time, the ghost cries and howling, and the picture is shocking.


The night is in the sky, with two crescent moons illuminating the sky, and the overall momentum is very dazzling. If it were not for the battle of the five kingdoms, this is indeed an excellent scenic spot.

The Wanyu Legion is rushing, their expressions are solemn, even the scenery of the Devil Ridge and the terrible Devil Storm will not change its color.

Their goal is only one: to be number one!

Sweeping Yaoshi regiment and Yaokong regiment greatly boosted their morale. Wanyu battle group proved their strength with strong strength. They are no longer the weak battle group that was 500 years ago, but the strongest. Battle group.

We do not know Tianchen corps, Hao? Snow falling sub-dumping whine Jun grub Fang leaven throw halo decorated Ficus school sent waving thread vermiculite Hu stunned flexible blind sauce Fou Pang feeding broom Metaplexis stauntoni waving Union Minamata Ran sacrificial victim benches Chennai paternity of someone I Dream Song Γbr />


As long as they go to war with any legion, it is bound to be cheaper than the other legions. Therefore, Wanyu Corps does not want to waste time and energy, as long as they are the first to cross the Wanshan battlefield.


At this moment, the devil storm suddenly screamed, with a sharp weapon breaking through the air, as if there was a devil in the devil storm.


The emperor Wanyu took a step forward and shot out with a sword, like the Tianshan falling, breaking the Devil Storm on the spot, and then a battle group wearing a light ink armor appeared in their eyes.

The battle group was cold and solemn, standing there neatly, but it gave people a sense of giant mountains.

Two faint handwritings are embroidered on their chests.

Bright sky!

The leader was Xu Hang, his eyes were low, and he was facing the storm in his armor. When the devil's storm disintegrated, Xu Hang's eyes were just raised, and he met the eyes of the emperor Wanyu.

In an instant, the wind stopped and the clouds stopped.

Xu Hang's eyes were red, the Yaoshi regiment and Yaokong regiment were killed by this legion, and the other party was so fierce that they did not let go of a Yaoshi regiment member.

This completely angered the Yaotian group!

Although it is the battle of the Five Kingdoms, you must keep a bottom line in life. If the opponent does not have a bottom line, then the Yaotian group has no limits.

"Yaotian Group?"

The emperor Wanyu asked with astonishment. He really didn't expect that the Yaotian regiment appeared in front of them. This third-class regiment shouldn't have been annihilated in the dust long ago?

Both the Yaoshi group and the Yaokong group have died. How did the Yaotian group survive to the present?

Should the other three countries be so useless?

When the Yaotian group was fully presented in front of the emperor Wanyu, the emperor was even more speechless. The Yaotian group now has only three thousand people. It can be seen how heavy the casualties are, even if they can live to the present?

of course.

He is happier.

Because after defeating the Yaoshi and Yaokong regiments, he always feels unhappy because the Wanyu regiment has not completely wiped out the Glory Kingdom battle group. However, I don’t know if the character is too good. This side is dozing, that side Someone brought pillows.

Yaotian regiment personally sent it to him.

Is this God's favor?

So why is he embarrassed to disappoint God?

"Yaotian Group? Interesting!"

Not only the emperor Wanyu laughed, but also the members of the Wanyu battle group laughed.

The mere third-class army regiments, even in their heyday, are not enough to cram the teeth of the Wanyu War regiment, not to mention these remnants now.

Where is this battle group?

Is this just fish meat?

"For glory!"

"In order to show off the world!"

"For the glory of the kingdom!"

Xu Hang didn't pay much attention to the emperor Wanyu. For them, it didn't matter who their opponents were, the important thing was that they had to play the strongest prestige.

As the **** of war Ling Feng said, this is the battlefield for their gods.


Holding a sharp knife, Xu Hang rushed towards the Wanyu battle group step by step. Behind it, the Yaotian group was like a rainbow, igniting the void, and when the sky-shaking light and rain burst into the void.

The glory aura space was finally born.

Also born at the same time is the Magic Gate of the Devil!

The most dazzling thing is that these two great weapons are completely integrated to form the most insoluble attack. A butcher knife is sacrificed, carrying a sky full of storms, and slashing towards the Wanyu Army.

"Kill them!"

The emperor Wanyu grinned. Although the Yaotian regiment displayed extremely strong strength, in the eyes of Wanyu Battle regiment, it was still only a third-class regiment, not their opponent at all.

The Wanyu Legion sacrificed the Divine Feather Killing Array, and the misty sky rose into the sky, forming a divine universe, illuminating the world, and the storm of Devil Ridge was dispersed by this force.

Although the Wanyu Corps despise the Yaotian regiment, once they enter a fighting state, they must do their best. This is not because the lion is lying down, but because they like the pleasure and feeling of abuse.

Only by destroying their opponents can they have a hearty feeling.

This is the consequence of wolfing!

Although the transformation of wolves has tripled the strength of the Wanyu Legion, it has also brought many problems, such as bloodthirsty and torture, which cannot be solved by the emperor Wanyu.

Of course, the emperor Wanyu never thought about solving this problem.


The two legions collided instantly, violently shooting ripples all over the sky...

The night is deep, and the pitch-black desert is a little light and rainy.

Hao? @ 湯鉛⑻斐 straw yeast pong   诩 Can school     four 芄 paralysis ≡ 绺 sage grub 钫 yeast cow   strong sled   read phlegm, animal husbandry ζ plus Mongolia narrow forgiveness br/>

However, they are running wildly, and the Wanyu Army is also running wildly, even if it can exceed two hundred miles a day, it will take a long time.


The two legions had to use all kinds of artifacts, especially Tianchen Tianzi and Hao? @熳樱 渣胖厣船嘁  米燎可衿魑﹥樂倀FEbr/>

As a result, their speed suddenly increased a lot, they could travel 1,500 miles a day, and it took only two days to keep up with the Wanyu Army Corps.

Today, they are no more than a hundred miles apart.


Just as the two large groups were resting, they suddenly discovered that there was light and rain in the distance, and the atmosphere was bursting.

"Where is that?" Tianchen Tianzi got up and looked straight ahead.

"Devil's Ridge!"

"Does Devil's Ridge have such scenery?"


"What's the situation?"

"According to the news from the scouts, it should be the two major legions merging together!"


The eyes of the emperor Tianchen brightened, and now there are only the top four in the five kingdoms battle, any two legions are extremely beneficial to the other two legions.

If you can take the opportunity to kill the two legions...

Thinking of this, the eyes of the emperor Tianchen suddenly heated up.

at the same time.

Hao? You can slap, play, and confuse the lawsuit, and you can see the wood, the building, and the awkwardness, the material, the illusion, and the speech. Training


Hao? @熳邮其應換心昴愛機橋 加淅缂 劬 淅鳎   黾 溲斓斓點點 br/>

"The two tigers must be injured in the fight, but the emperor is very curious, then which legion was the last one to cross the Wanshan Gorge?"

"Yao Shi? Or Heaven?"

"But no matter which one it is, it is bound to be damaged."

"Then take advantage of it and kill it!"

Hao? @熳右趵涞男α 鋼鶵 倀倀倀倀倀離離複複認愛 old chlorine ィ  fermented chuku Bi蚰Ч 耄 br/>

At this level, the strength of the four major legions should be similar. Once the battle is fought, it will be very tragic, and Hao? @⑻斐骄蛮 龅木澅澅涓數學饬饬缶懦沟壮鼍 framebr/>

If you can take advantage of the chaos and force the opponent into a melee, it would be better to dare to love.


"Tianchen, Hao? 寣j Yun蚰Ч ⺶校 Ωevery time you go back to the gum and sauce  smith. br/>

In an oasis, Yuan Qing was listening to the news reported by the wind, and the smile on her face gradually deepened.

The situation is moving in the direction they expected.

The Battle of Devil Ridge, if Ling Feng wanted to do it, it would completely obliterate his news silently, but why did the news pass so quickly?

There is credit for following the wind.

To tell the truth, it is not easy to exchange messages in a short period of time based on the strength of the scouts of the two major legions, so they helped each other casually.

Now, all the major legions are flocking to Devil Ridge, then everything can be over.

"Let the notice go on, suspend all news with the wind, and rush towards Devil's Ridge!"

Yuan Qing smiled, and said coldly: "The God of War is going to wipe out the three major legions in Devil Ridge. He has been hiding with the wind for so long. It is time to be born!"


The wind-following staff immediately geared up and was overjoyed.

Since they entered Wanshan, they have been hiding. Although they are showing up on the news, it is not what they want after all. What they want is to crush their opponents with strength. Now, God of War finally agreed.

This is the second battle of the Yaotian regiment's Conferred God!

Also the last battle!

The Yaotian regiment, the night blade, and the wind unite together to punish the three legions.

This crazy idea really shocked Xu Hang, Yuan Qing and others. From the beginning of the Five Kingdoms War to the present, no army has dared to do this.

That is just looking for death!


Yuan Qing, Xu Hang, and even everyone in Yaotian Group did not object, but their eyes were burning and excited.

They long for a battle!

They crave crazy!

There was no such thing in history, but starting today, the Yaotian Mission will cast history!

This will be the glory of the Yaotian group!


Yuan Qing got up, flew into the sky suddenly, and rushed into the distance in the dark.

At the same time, wisps of "wind" in the darkness rose suddenly and blew towards Devil Ridge.

This is the last battle!

Above the battlefield of Wanshan, those who were watching the battle were somewhat distracted, because the four major legions were running fast these days, but there was nothing fighting, and the Tianyu legion was too fast, and it was very likely that the speed would end the battle.


On this day, the situation suddenly changed, and the Yaotian regiment overtook a strong overtake, and Hao? Pang Fei arrogantly ponged the locust locust huai      narrowly sent the grub to be screwed.

However, they never thought that the Yaotian regiment would dare to directly blast the Wanyu Legion, and even dare to "bewilder" the other two legions.

It's crazy!


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