Supreme Demon

Chapter 3274: First in history!

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Devil's Ridge!

The fierce battle collapsed the sky, ripples surging out like a frenzy, crushing the whirlwind in the form of a devil, causing it to disperse like fireworks and dissipate into the void.


The Wanyu battle group is cold and fierce, like a sharp blade piercing the sky. When it steps forward, there will be a divine universe covering the sky. The hazy space is like a void, and the void is dim and dark, making the surrounding sky dark, like being in the sky. Rainy weather.

They have a cold temperament, exuding a strange atmosphere, and a little wolf appeared on each person's back, with black hair standing upright, looking cold and fierce.

When the Wanyu Legion struck forward, the killing aura suddenly pierced the sky. The terrifying force annihilated the soil and tore the space apart, and they directly rushed towards the Yaotian group.

"Hehe, Yaotian can punish the demon, can't it also punish the demon wolf?"

Xu Hang gave a cold shout, the glory aura space burst out with more dazzling light, a space emerged, carrying the momentum of mountains and seas, and everyone in the Yaotian group was integrated into the space, just like the fragments in the space. dust.

The space trembles and the power surges, making the strength of everyone in the Yaotian group surge. Even characters such as Xu Hang and Zou Yuan are borrowing the power of the glory space to increase their strength, but there are no members of the Yaotian group. That's amazing.


When Xu Hang's voice fell, the members of the Yaotian Group suddenly changed their momentum, and the sharp weapons in everyone's hands emitted brilliant divine light, shining the Devil's Ridge like daylight, and the light and rain were gradually overwhelming.

at the same time.

The Yaotian regiment was scattered and opened. Unlike the previous overall formation, the Yaotian regiment at this moment is more like spreading its wings, revealing a "sharp blade". The wings are in the shape of a sickle, as if the Wanyu regiment was deliberately put in. , Opened his chest, but the murderous aura and the fierce offensive were completely different.

If the previous Yaotian group was just a heavy hammer, then the current Yaotian group is a huge sickle.

The sickle of the death sickle!

When this sickle melted into the Glory Space, the sickle's offensive and power surged. Just staying in the void could make the void tremble, and a large crack tore and open in the sky, pitch black like ink, transmitting trembling.

At this time, the Wanyu Legion was completely wolfed and brought the Shenyu Killing Formation to attack the Yaotian Corps. The momentum of the Ten Thousand Universe Legion was as magnificent as a sky, which really caused a surge of pressure, but the strength of the Wanyu Legion was obviously greater. It is stronger than the general ten-thousands army, and it can sweep the two big groups of Yaoshi and Yaokong, which shows that it is unpredictable.


The Wanyu Legion swooped down, fifty feet apart, but the terrifying evil aura caused the void to explode and wailed. When they raised their soldiers, the vast killing intent penetrated their backs and wiped out everything on the spot. Turning a radius of tens of miles into ashes.

It can be imagined how shocking the Wanyu Army Corps is.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it can be the enemy of the two first-class battle groups, and this is because the Wanyu Legion underestimates the enemy and has not used all its strength, otherwise the strength of the Wanyu Legion will be stronger.


The Wanyu Legion can underestimate the enemy, but the Yaotian regiment, which Ling Feng personally tuned and taught, does not have such a stupid concept. The Wanyu Legion strongly killed the Yaoshi regiment, resulting in only the Son of Glory leaving alive, and the Yaokong regiment also died. In front of Yu Zhan Tuan.

It's spicy can be ranked first.

Generally speaking, the battle of the Five Kingdoms is mostly to force the opponent to surrender. When the Yaotian regiment defeated the Gudao Legion, it only killed 6,000 people, but it has made Wei Dao distraught.

Can the Yaotian Regiment completely eliminate the Old Road Legion?


But if they really did that, it would be equivalent to tearing their faces with the Old Road Legion. After that, whenever the Five Kingdoms fights, the Yaotian Regiment will be the deadly enemy of the Old Road Legion.

This is a tragedy for both large groups.

Therefore, although the battle between the battle groups is divided into life and death, it is also "point-to-stop", and it will not do things that are both angry and angry. However, because of the hatred and anger, the Wanyu Legion has actually done things that kill the battle group and other people and gods. , How can the Yaotian group not be angry?

The Wanyu Army Corps is scorn and contempt.

The Yaotian regiment is a vengeful spirit of revenge.

One trades and the other, Wanyu Battle Group is afraid it will be difficult not to suffer.

Indeed, the number of the Yaotian regiment is far less than that of the Wanyu Corps, and the size is very different, but who said that there will be no spring for three thousand people?

At this moment, the Yaotian regiment used its invincible will and strength to let the Wanyu Legion know that any battle group or person who dared to despise them would have to pay a painful lesson.

When the Wanyu Legion came to kill, the Yaotian regiment’s "Devil Slaying Knife" was also lifted. They were motionless like a mountain, and their aura was like a forest. When the "Jackals" carried the mighty heavenly power, they attacked. When they were, the Yaotian Regiment's Demon Slaying Sword finally smashed down.


The sour voice resounded in the sky, Tu Modao drew a beautiful arc in the void, beautiful like a graceful woman, but that woman was a **** of death wearing a black robe and black cloak. .

Death's sickle!

After the sour voice, it was the sound of tearing armor and flesh and blood, and the Yaotian Regiment's Demon Tubing Knife finally smashed into the flesh and blood of the Wanyu Legion.

After the Wanyu Legion became wolves, it was only a two- to three-fold increase at best, but what about the Yaotian regiment?

Borrowing the glory aura space and the Qimen of the Jade Demon, their strength can be increased by five times, and both the aura space and the Qimen of the Jade Demon have completely exploded the Wanyu Army.

Just as Xu Hang said: The dazzling butcher knife can kill the gods and demons, but can't it kill the wolf demons?


The speed of the Yaotian regiment was so fierce that the Wanyu regiment had no time to react. In fact, the Wanyu regiment was also stunned by this scene, and his faces were shocked, as if he had seen a ghost.

As far as they know, there are three legions in the Kingdom of Glory. The Yaoshi regiment is the strongest, the Yaokong regiment is second, and the Yaotian regiment is the weakest.

Therefore, the ancient kingdom of Wanyu paid far less attention to the Yaotian regiment than Yaokong and Yaoshi regiment. In their thinking, how could a third-class army defeat the first-class army even if it could shake the sky?

That is a huge gap that cannot be filled by manpower.


At this moment, the Yaotian regiment showed an invincible fighting posture, a magic knife that slaughtered the vicissitudes of life in the world, its mighty as a mountain, and its momentum like a forest.

When the handle of the Demon Tubing Sword fell, the powerful Tianwei directly broke the defense. Even though the Shenyu Killing Array was extraordinary, it was still not enough to see in front of the glory aura space and was split on the spot.

next moment.

That handle of the Demon Sword with a desperate power, in the Wanyu battle group, plowed a wave of blood, and rolled it like an autumn lake.

This was only a momentary matter, but the Wanyu Legion paid an extremely painful price for it. More than 800 Wuxiu fell on the spot. The Demon Slayer Blade was cold and domineering. Once it hits the opponent, it will burst out the soul-slashing power , Smashed his soul and destroyed his body and spirit.

This is the battlefield, any kindness may kill him, the Yaotian group does not have such stupid ideas.


The emperor Wanyu hadn't attacked before, because he felt that the Yaotian regiment was not worth it.

But at this moment, he was stunned by this horrible fact. How could he think that the third-class battle group could burst out of such a heavenly power?

Moreover, it is only a battle group of three thousand people!

It's incredible!

"Fully wolfish, enter the ultimate combat state!"

The speed of this battle was developing too fast, completely surpassing Wanyu's expectations, but Wanyu was very vigilant. After discovering that the Yaotian regiment was different, he immediately changed its strategy and let the Wanyu battle group directly enter the ultimate decisive battle state.

This means that Wanyu battle group will show unprecedented combat strength to sweep all opponents.

This is the first time they have shown this fighting state since they entered the Five Kingdoms War.

Originally, the emperor Wanyu didn't think he needed it anymore, but now he is afraid.


With a dull response, Wan Yu Legion was completely wolfish, scarlet eyes opened, sharp claws opened, strength exponentially increased, and there seemed to be wolf howlings in the sky.

The overall momentum of the Wanyu battle group has completely transformed, like a giant wolf sweeping the void, the momentum is bursting, the power is turbulent, the vastness is like the ocean, and the world is dumped.

Triple explosion!

What a terrible thing this is!

In the history of the Five Kingdoms War, this kind of thing has never happened, and the strength has tripled, which is equivalent to casting a legend and a myth.

At this time, the Wanyu battle group was able to compete with the top celestial being, and even able to carry the supreme.

When the emperor Wanyu also blended into it and became a member behind this surge, the strength of the Wanyu battle group was even higher, tyrannical and suffocating.

"Wan Yu battle group, we all underestimated him before!"

"Threefold surge, who can defeat it?"

Above the Wanshan battlefield, the people who were watching the battle were also stunned by this momentum and strength. Many people were speechless. The triple strength surge was like a myth. Not to mention them, even in the history of the Five Kingdoms War Can't find any battle group that can defeat the Wanyu Legion.

This kind of strength is not easy to crush Yaokong Yaoshi Tuan.

The Son of Glory and the Goddess of Glory looked at each other, and they both closed their eyes deeply.

It's not that they are not strong, but the opponent is too strong.

This contrast caught them off guard and embarrassed.

Obviously, Wanyu and Glory are not heavyweight players at all.

"The Yaotian Mission is over!"

"Although they are good enough, it is a pity that they met the monster-like Wanyu battle group, they are dead!"

People couldn't help sighing.

To be honest, the strength demonstrated by the Yaotian regiment this year is really not weak, and I feel that it is comparable to the Yaoshi regimen, and even stronger, because there is still no Ye Blade that has appeared.

However, anyone facing the triple-strength Wanyu battle group would be a tragedy.

"Where is the night blade?"

The Goddess of Glory frowned, Ye Blade didn't even show up in such an important battle?

Is it just relying on the Yaotian group to come and die?

This goddess has a temper.

"Hey, winners and losers, this class is not strong enough."

"Hao? @湯裝蠔項鋒 br/>

Being in the south, Hao? @湯耪得姆闪斯楚  twist on calf oil grub Francium yeast br/>

"Tianchen battle group is here too!"

Zhengxi Under the leadership of Tianchen Emperor, the Tianchen battle group is quietly appearing in the west of Devil Ridge, watching the fierce battle coldly.

Wanyu battle group is very strong, but if you want to kill the Yaotian group, I am afraid that you will have to pay a lot of money, and your vitality is bound to be greatly injured. At this time, it is the Tianchen battle group and Hao? Baking cricket br/>

Although not glorious enough, victory is the most important thing.

The Five Kingdoms War is not only about strength competition, but also a test of IQ and strategy.

The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind!

They will be that humble oriole.


Suddenly, the people who were watching the battle suddenly noticed the difference. There were hundreds of people galloping between several battle groups at an extremely fast speed, and everyone's final direction was pointing to Devil's Ridge.

"What are they doing?"

"A scout?"

At first, people were a little puzzled and didn't understand who these were and what they were going to do, but gradually they understood, and there was a shock of light in their eyes.

Wanyu battle group is fighting against the Yaotian group at Devil Ridge.

Tianchen battle group, Hao? @ 湯耪诶溲叟叟叟郏 飧鍪baking 虺夊夊the emperor cuts the vinegar and vinegar to play   谷心乌br/>

"Yaotian Group!"

When this terrible thought appeared, people's hearts sank suddenly, and everyone almost ignored the other force.

That is another battle group that surpasses the Yaotian regiment and the Yaotian regiment of the night blade!


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