Supreme Demon

Chapter 3298: hidden!

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The sky is blooming.

Beams of light filled the sky, like sacred suns, shining on Luofan's sky domain, lighting up the void.

People couldn't help raising their heads, a little confused, because Luofan Skyland hadn't happened for a long time.


Just a few days ago, there had been such a grand occasion. The four ancient characters were like golden lightning, covering the sky and the sun. They were dazzling and shocked the entire Luofan sky domain.

Zun on the first day.

The first supreme!

It shook the ancients and shone the present, and horrified the gods of Luofan Sky Territory, but that was not the invincible myth cast by Luofan Sky Territory martial arts, it should come from the Great Territory and Ancient Territory.


The light beam is a little different, the stars come little by little, pieced together in the void, a little thin, not like it is lit from within the sky of Luofan, but from outside the domain.

The endless light dots on the void, forming four big characters, the handwriting is not an ancient word, but the current text, which also means that the light dot does not come from the rewards and praises of the sky.

Then, that light spot will only be news for today's people.

"I am Ling Feng!"

The four characters are shining with a faint light, extremely dazzling, just like four giant mountains lying in the sky.

The martial artists in Luofan's Sky Realm were all stunned. They thought this was extremely important news, which should involve the entire God Realm, but the situation was different from what they expected.

"Am I Ling Feng?"

What does it mean?

Someone travels far and cost a lot of money to send this news?

What is he going to do?

Show off?

People don't know who Ling Feng is, except for the martial artists in the realm of the sky, and the martial artists in the other sky, how do they know who Ling Feng is?

However, people have also made some guesses.

That is showing off.

Although they didn't know who Ling Feng was, they praised the Sky Realm twice, giving them some ideas. Was it Ling Feng that was praised?

Although people don't know who Ling Feng came from, people still remember this name.


"It's just being praised, so it's so blatant, can you wait for the entire God Tianyu to know?"

Some people curl their lips and despise Ling Feng's behavior. With this mentality, how did Ling Feng become the first heavenly respect, and even the first supreme respect?

Perhaps, this person has extraordinary talents, but it will be difficult to achieve greater achievements in the future.

of course.

Some people also guessed that this was done by the forces behind Ling Feng, whose purpose was to celebrate, to celebrate Ling Feng's becoming the First Heavenly Sovereign, the First Supreme Sovereign, but it was still too public.

In short, people are full of malice towards Ling Feng.

"Ling Feng?"

In front of the big pot, the beautiful woman burped, squinted her eyes and looked at the sky, and said with a smile: "Brother, this man is such a scumbag. To become the first heavenly deity, or the first supreme, she can’t wait to let the whole **** Tianyu knows it."

"This mentality can't make a big deal."


The beautiful woman was talking eloquently, but she suddenly reacted, a brother who talked and talked, was extremely quiet at this time, without sarcasm and voice.

He was quiet like a lamp.

"Brother Yin?"

The beautiful woman was slightly stunned, because Senior Brother Yin was too quiet at this time, and the whole person looked at the void, her eyes were slightly ruddy, I wonder if it was dizzy, she actually felt that Senior Brother Yin's hands were shaking.

"Senior Brother Yin, what's wrong with you?"

The beautiful woman was even more stunned, because her voice didn't attract enough attention from Senior Brother Yin, which had never happened before.


As the beautiful woman's voice increased, Senior Brother Yin finally recovered. He smiled apologetically and asked, "Luoluo, what did you say?"

"Senior Brother Yin, are you okay?"

Zhang Luoluo asked with concern: "What happened to Brother Yin just now?"

"I'm fine."

He smiled faintly, and said, "It's just that the words on the sky are really stinky."

"That's right, it's a shit."

Zhang Luoluo agreed and said: "If I am a little bit accomplished, I wish everyone in the world would know it."

"That's not an achievement."

Yin shook his head and said, "First Heaven, First Supreme, who in the world can do it?"

"Senior Brother Yin meant that Lingfeng was the number one in the double honor?" Zhang Luoluo did not agree with Yin, and said, "Senior Brother Yin, you really look at him too highly."

"Oh?" asked with a faint smile: "Sister Luoluo have any ideas?"

"First of all, the time span between the First Heavenly Sovereign and the First Supreme Sovereign is not large. It is impossible for him to ask the heavens in a short time and set foot in the ultimate realm just after receiving the first day’s praise. Therefore, the First Supreme Sovereign is not him. ."

"Either, he is the First Heavenly Sovereign, or he is the First Sovereign Sovereign, and the Double Sovereigns are the first.

"Sister Luo Luo makes a lot of sense."

With a faint smile, he praised: "It's really not easy to want double honor first."

"That is, this lady is clever."

Luoluo said proudly: "However, I think it is because Senior Brother Yin is usually too low-key, otherwise, it may not be impossible to get the praise of the sky domain."

Obviously, Luo Luo attaches great importance to hiding.


As if he hadn't heard it, he looked directly at the void, his eyes were slightly ruddy, if it weren't for Zhang Luoluo here, he was afraid that he would be unable to restrain himself.

"Luoluo, brother wants to trouble you something."

"Senior brother, please tell me, as long as Luoluo can do it, he will definitely do it for him." Luoluo patted his chest and said confidently.

"Sister Luoluo, please check for me. When is this the news from Domain?"

"Brother, what do you want to check this for?"

Zhang Luoluo was startled.

"If you want to know something, it would be really ridiculous if these characters don't know their origins."

"Brother wants to challenge that stinky Ling Feng?"

Zhang Luoluo became nervous in an instant. Although she was very confident in Senior Brother Yin's strength, she was not an idiot. The praise of Skyland would not be mixed with any moisture. That person must be an extremely terrifying person.

"A challenge?"

Gazing into the sky, my heart was flying: "I really want to meet these characters."


Zhang Luoluo frowned, always feeling that the current hidden situation was a bit erratic, and he was not focused enough to talk to him. Perhaps he was stimulated by the first supreme, the first day.

"Hehe, but no matter how strong that stinky Ling Feng is, it is only Tianzun and Zhizun. After all, it is not enough to see in front of the brother."

Turning his eyes to look at Zhang Luoluo, his eyes are full of smiles.

It's just that the smile is very strange, clearly very happy, but it has a strange smell.

"He made some publicity, but the first supreme and the first day are both characters that cannot be ignored. I think the palace lord will definitely check it out. If the younger sister can find out the origins of Ling Feng in front of the seniors, they will definitely be Praise." said with a smile.

"Hey, that's a good idea."

Zhang Luoluo nodded his head, his eyes gleamed, and said, "This time I will make my father look at me with admiration!"


Zhang Luoluo left and wanted to find out the origin of that stinky Lingfeng for Yin.

"he came!"

When Zhang Luoluo's back disappeared into the distance, Yin's eyes suddenly became blushing, and his clenched hands had long been pierced by nails. His eyes were moist, and he trembled.

Others have various interpretations of the four people, but for him, there is only one interpretation.

he came!

There may be many "Ling Feng" in God's Domain, but if you dare to use such a handiwork to send messages at high costs, there is only one Ling Feng.


He smelled a familiar taste in those four words.

"Hidden Lord."

Suddenly, a voice rang in the hidden soul sea.

Ling Feng looked still, but he had discovered that a young man was standing on a hill fifty miles away, and the voice came from the young man's soul.

At this moment, the young man was looking at the sky with tears in his eyes, his hands clenched tightly, trying his best to restrain the body from shaking.

"Is... he's here?" the young man asked.


Yin tried his best to suppress her inner excitement, but her voice was still sharper: "It's only him, and it can only be him!"

"Try to find out the source of the news."


The young man pondered for a moment and asked, "Hidden Lord, what do we need to do?"

"Nothing needs to be done."

The hidden voice said solemnly: "The most important thing now is to find the whereabouts of the lord. I think the lord is so eager to call, it must have its purpose."


The young man stayed for a while, and then left slowly.

Luofan Tianyu is very calm.

However, no one noticed that in this calm, undercurrents have long been surging. Although the four words "I am Lingfeng" only gleamed for a time of incense, it made many people completely crazy.

Butterfly, Hidden God, Nishen, Wenxian, etc.

Ever since they entered the God Realm, they have been waiting, waiting for Ling Feng to appear. Now that Ling Feng has really appeared, it can be imagined how crazy the gods are.

Butterfly fully explores the source of the news, while the hidden gods and the gods are responsible for coping.

at the same time.

Other forces are also investigating the source of the news, involving the First Heavenly Sovereign and the First Supreme Sovereign. Even the Ancient Domain and the Great Domain attach great importance to it, but they are in a different direction from the Butterfly.

Butterflies are fully probing the source of the news, while other forces are going to the ancient realm and the big realm. Although they pay attention to it, they have no intention to deal with it. After all, those ancient realms and the big realm are not easily shaken.

Although there are butterflies available in Yin, the butterflies have limitations after all. If they can share news with Zhang Luoluo, it would be even more beneficial, so Yin allows Zhang Luoluo to fully explore.

This is a super storm, everyone is looking forward to it, waiting for it to arrive.

of course.

Luofan’s sky domain is only one of the hundred domains. However, Luofan’s sky domain is relatively close to the spirit god’s domain. It is only a few domains apart, but if you want to cross these domains, you need to pay. A high price.


It is not so easy to find out accurate information, and it takes time and energy.


From this moment on, Nishen's overall aura was different. They were like sharp blades hidden in a sheath, and now they have quietly pulled out a part.


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