Supreme Demon

Chapter 3299: Myriad secret soil!

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Falling into the heavens, the secret earth of ten thousand ways.

This is a vast mystery soil that stretches for hundreds of thousands of miles, and it is full of treacherous heavenly might. It can be a **** emperor, and it can be a supreme. It is very scary.


Because there are various treasures and secret powers in Wandao Secret Earth, Wandao Secret Earth is the most anticipated sacred soil.


Ten Thousand Ways Secret Earth is very different. There is an invincible restriction in it. It only opens every five hundred years, and it only takes one year to open each time. For Wu Xiu, this year is precious, because every time When the Tao Secret Land is opened, there is Tianjiao who asks strongly, and in history there is a peerless Tianjiao who has advanced to the rank of **** emperor within one year, and even a stronger level.

Even if some martial artists have never advanced to the ranks, they can still get unimaginable good fortune in the Mysterious Land of Ten Thousand Ways, and they will be promoted everywhere in the future.

This makes the martial artists crazy.


Because the Myriad Secret Earths are too vast, there are only tens of thousands of Secret Earths that are truly opened, and there are more Secret Earths waiting to be opened. Even the magical Myriad Secrets are only dozens of them. Thousands of secret power never came out.

This is the root of people's madness.

Just because the dozens of secret powers previously created dozens of martial artists, making them laugh in the world, and every one of them is a legendary figure in the Fallen God Realm.

Dare to ask, who does not aspire to be that legend?

Dare to ask, who doesn't want to become a myth?


Whenever the Ten Thousand Ways of the Secret Earth opens, all the Tianjiao figures in the Fallen God Realm are crazy. If the Ten Thousand Ways of the Secret Earth is not limited, I am afraid that the entire Fallen Heaven God’s Domain will come over.

The Mysterious Land of the Ten Thousand Ways restricts the ancient sages and even the heavenly ones.

This means that the ancient sages and the stronger characters, and the heavenly and the weaker characters are not allowed to enter the Mystic Land.

Then, only the three levels of martial arts, Tianzun, Supreme, and Divine Emperor, can step into the Myriad Secret Land.

It's the day.

In front of Ten Thousand Miles Secret Earth, there was a crowd like a sea. Although the entrance of the Secret Earth is extremely wide, there are thousands of miles, but because there are too many people, the Ten Thousand Miles entrance seems a bit crowded.

In fact, there are not many martial artists who are truly qualified and dare to enter the Mystic Land of Ten Thousand Paths. After all, any region with abundant resources is accompanied by danger, especially the Mystic Land of Ten Thousand Paths.

Let’s not talk about the many treacherous and fierce lands in the Ten Thousand Ways of Secret Land. Let’s just talk about the great powers of Tianjiao. The conflicts with each other are quite terrible. There is nothing particular about the Ten Thousand Ways of Secret Land. , Even among the brothers and sisters, disasters may happen, let alone between forces.

In order to reduce casualties, all major forces are strictly controlling the number of people entering the Mystic Land of Ten Thousand Paths. Unless it is an extremely talented Tianjiao, they are not willing to other martial artists to set foot in the Mystic Land of Ten Thousand Paths.

of course.

There are some characters who are not controlled, that is, casual repair.

The resources of casual practitioners are scarce. Many casual practitioners are trapped by resources. When encountering the secret earth of ten thousand ways, they naturally want to fight in it. What if they can get stronger resources?

It can be said that these characters are even crazier.

There is no doubt that today is the day when the Mysterious Land of Ten Thousand Ways was opened.

"Yu Lie, why would you refuse to join my Yuntian Sect?"

A delicate and beautiful girl looked at the handsome young man beside her with a grimace, her eyes flashed.

"Xiaoyou's sorry."

Yu Lie sighed and said, "I am used to cultivating. The gate is a kind of restraint to me, and my way is different. If you enter the gate, it will be bad for my way."

More sadness passed through Qin Xiaoyou's eyes, but he didn't let Yu Lie see it.

She turned her eyes and said: "I'm just that I don't force you, but you and me..."

"Xiaoyou, don't be sad."

Yu Lie looked directly at Qin Xiaoyou and said firmly, "I will always be by your side. Give me more time, and I will definitely let them agree."

"it is good!"

Qin Xiaoyou sighed unchecked.

She didn't know what Yu Lie's Dao was, but Yu Lie was indeed a rare arrogant talent. He was once favored by Yun Tianzong. Unfortunately, Yu Lie had no intention of being in Zongmen, and he has been practicing in a casual way.

However, he didn't know.

Because of Lie Sanxiu, Yun Tianzong's feelings for Qin Xiaoyou and Yu Lie were very unfavorable. The elders of the sect had come forward to persuade them, but now they have even more severe warnings.

Obviously, she and Yu Li are getting further and further apart.

If Yu Lieken joins the Yuntian Sect, perhaps the situation will change, at least someone in the sect should stand up for their feelings.

"Xiaoyou's sorry!"

Yu Lie looked into the distance, not daring to look directly at Qin Xiaoyou's eyes.

He really has difficulties. For characters like him, the origin is a problem, and Yun Tianzong is extremely demanding on his disciples. This kind of harshness is not limited to talents, but also a constraint on disciples.

Simply put, once you become a member of the Yuntian Sect, you cannot leave the Yuntian Sect in this life.

This is somewhat different from other forces.

And this is exactly what Yu Lie is unwilling to do, because of his origin, sooner or later he will leave the Yuntian Sect, and then the most difficult thing to do should be Qin Xiaoyou, right?

Yu Lie didn't want to make Qin Xiaoyou embarrassed, so he had to be cruel.

"But, one day I will definitely get the approval of the seniors of Yun Tianzong through my own efforts."

"Yeah, the tone is not small."

When Qin Xiaoyou and Yu Xie you and me, a rather rude voice rang beside them.

A young man stepped forward with his head held high, so arrogant that he didn't even take a look at the hunt and completely ignored him.

"It's windy here, so be careful that your tongue flashes."

The young man contemptuously said: "Just relying on your casual cultivator, you still want to climb up my little princess of the Yuntian Sect, and don't take a **** to take pictures of yourself."

"Cloud Cave!"

Qin Xiaoyou's eyes flashed and she suddenly sank.

"Xiaoyou, don't be fooled by this person."

Yundong seemed to have not noticed Qin Xiaoyou’s sharp eyes, and Gu Zi said: “This kind of casual cultivator simply wants to rub against my Yuntianzong’s momentum. Otherwise, if he only talks about casual cultivator, once he enters the secret earth of ten thousand ways, he will live. It won’t be long."

"Yundong, enough!"

Qin Xiaoyou was instantly angered like a female leopard, Yundong's words were full of insults, and now it was even a curse, which made Qin Xiaoyou look down on.


Yundong smiled at his relative Xiaoyou Zhanyan, and said softly: "I just think for you."

"I know what to do."

Qin Xiaoyou snorted coldly and didn't care about Yundong. After all, Yundong was the grandson of the great elder of Yuntianzong. She couldn't make Yundong too embarrassed without looking at the face of the monk.


She also knew what Zongmen meant. Yundong had extraordinary talents, and now he was a top-level heavenly sovereign. Wentian was just around the corner. Although Yu Lie was good at strength, she was still weaker than Yundong, so Zongmen paid more attention to Yundong and intended to match them.

But Qin Xiaoyou valued Yu Lie more, and the feelings of a person are not based on strength, but on true feelings.

Although Yu Lie was only a casual cultivator, he was extremely dedicated to Qin Xiaoyou, which Qin Xiaoyou felt. At the same time, Qin Xiaoyou always felt that Yu Lie was mysterious. Although he was a casual cultivator, his future achievements were limitless.

This is an intuition, and it doesn't make sense.

"Hmph, once Yu Lie enters the Ten Thousand Ways Secret Earth, stay away from Yun Tianzong!"

Although Yundong didn't dare to lose his temper to Qin Xiaoyou, he blamed his temper on Hunter.

This wild boy who didn't know which mountain ran out wanted to abduct his "lady", no way!

"I will be by Xiaoyou's side!"

Yu Lie said neither overbearing nor overbearing.


Yundong was furious.

"Cloud Cave!"

Qin Xiaoyou's voice became colder.


Yundong gave a cold snort, and finally had to leave.


Suddenly, the Mysterious Earth of Ten Thousand Ways opened, and beams of light with ancient charms were sprayed out from the ancient gates, igniting the void, making people crazy about it.


The gods yelled, and lightning flew to the Mystic Earth.

"The Ten Thousand Ways of Secret Earth Tianwei is extraordinary, it can distort time and space. Although we entered through the ancient altar, we will still spread out. You have to be careful then."

The two **** emperors of Yun Tianzong spoke, their eyes wrinkled insignificantly because they saw Yu Lie.

But they didn't say much, because Ten Thousand Ways of Secret Power was terrifying, enough to be thrown far away from the hunt.



The myriad secret powers shocked the world, erupting unimaginable Tian Might, and instantly broke the Yuntianzong altar passage, even if the **** emperor wanted to maintain the situation.


In the next moment, the gods of the Yuntian School were blasted out by that terrifying power, and they flew in all directions of the Myriad Secret Earth like raindrops.

"Yu Hunt!"

When Qin Xiaoyou raised her head in pain, her eyes couldn't help but a joy, because Yu Lie was by her side and never stayed away.

It's just that the corners of Yu Lie's mouth are overflowing with blood, and the chest and back are all bloody. Normally, this will not happen. Although Qin Xiaoyou is concerned, he doesn't think much.

"I said I would be by your side."

Yu Lie opened his mouth and spilled a puff of blood, but his eyes were full of petting.


Qin Xiaoyou's eyes were bright, and he was very moved.

"Huh, but it's just not separated by Ten Thousand Ways of Secret Power, it's so grand-sounding!" Yundong staggered over, only his face turned pale.

There are still several people behind Yundong, all of which are Tianzong Tianzong, and they have not been dismantled by Ten Thousand Ways of Secret Power.

"Hehe, I gave birth to a clever mouth, which really makes girls happy."

"That is, how many girls do you need to be sharpened at this level?"

Several people were sarcasm about hunting, and were very upset with Ling Feng.

Yu Li just smiled elegantly, what he cared about was Qin Xiaoyou's attitude, not theirs.

"Yu Lie, don't be familiar with them."

Qin Xiaoyou smiled sweetly, these people had a very good relationship with Yundong, and she knew that Yu Lieken refused to enter Yuntianzong for her, and was extremely honest, so she should not have a fish pond in her heart.


Suddenly, Yu Lie's face changed suddenly, and his body flashed before appearing in front of Qin Xiaoyou, blocking her behind him, and pulling her back a foot.


Just when they stopped, a sharp arrow shot down, just in the position where they stood just now. It was strange and unpredictable. If Yuhun didn't respond in time, I'm afraid that Qin Xiaoyou will die at this moment.


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