Supreme Demon

Chapter 3307: Please!

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Everything begins to breathe.

As far as its fierceness and heavenly power are concerned, it is indeed inferior to the immortal force, which is coldly and severely killed, sacred and inviolable. It is the unique power of the immortal. If a mortal wants to touch, it will be annihilated in an instant.

Of course, the evildoer like Ling Feng is an exception.

But the beginning energy of all things is different. Even mortals can touch, sort out flesh and blood, change the world, and cast the evil talents. It can be said that all things begin to be more magical.


The real power of the beginning of all things is not just to sort out flesh and blood and to mold potential, but there is no limit.


For now, the Beginning Qi of all things does not show how powerful Tianwei, far less than the power of immortality, but when the Beginning Qi of all things erupts, it can even surpass the power of immortality.

This is the limitlessness of the beginning energy of all things.

If it is limited to this, the beginning energy of all things is still not as good as the immortal power. After all, the immortal power can be achieved overnight, but the problem is that even if the Sea Moon God Emperor can integrate into the immortal power, I am afraid it will be limited. The immortal power can help him become a powerful martial artist. But wanting to be truly detached from asking immortals is an extravagant hope.

Because, at that time, the power of immortality was shackles and imprisonment.

And where does everything begin to breathe?

It can allow Wu Xiu to advance step by step, become strong in the warm and moist, Wenxian is not shackles, Wendao is not imprisoned, it has stronger potential.

At the same time, the primordial qi of all things can be integrated into the universe, which is equivalent to the integration of the universe.

For many martial artists, they are restricted by their eyesight, and they can't see far, especially when the immediate benefits outweigh everything else. They can't wait to immediately integrate the power of the immortal into their bodies. How many people will abandon the distance?

But a person with a truly vast vision pays more attention to the primordial energy of all things, and asks whether the immortal can succeed, not because of the strength of the immortal, but the solitary and courageous potential.

Is Haiyue such a character?

Not necessarily!

When Ling Feng Xianli came out, he was shocked. Most of the time he came to Ling Feng's Xianli, but it was even more curious that Ling Feng cut the Xianli, what kind of power he wanted.

At this moment, he couldn't help but marvel.

Marvel at Ling Feng's evildoers, marvel at Ling Feng's courage, marvel at Ling Feng's ambition.

General Wu Xiu didn't have the courage to cut away the enchanting power of Xianli, let alone this kind of courage, and what surprised him even more was that after Ling Feng cut the Xianli, it was just to give birth to all things.

The power of the immortal is strong, and all things are weak.

I'm afraid that normal Wu Xiu is reluctant to do this, right?

Who is willing to give up the strong and seek the weak?

But Ling Feng is willing!

There is no doubt that this person's ambition is very extraordinary. Knowing that immortal power can make him ask the top, he still does not want to be shackled, but wants to detach, break the imprisonment, and become the first person in history.


Is this the end of Ling Feng?


Suddenly, the Sea Moon God Emperor "woke up" from the exclamation, his eyes frowned and asked: "The power of immortality is strong, and everything is beginning to be gentle and moist. How can you defeat me?"

This is where the Sea Moon God Emperor is puzzled. If Ling Feng had only born the Beginning Qi of all things, I am afraid that he would not be his opponent at all.


Ling Feng said frankly: "Everything's Beginning Qi was originally born in Dantian. Fighting with you is just a gushing transformation. I am willing to cut off the power of immortality and accomplish this!"

The corner of the Sea Moon God Emperor's mouth twitched, and he knew that this girl was not a good thing.

If it wasn't for him to ask more, this girl would definitely not want to say more.

"Everything begins to breathe, what does it look like after transformation?"

The Sea Moon God Emperor asked curiously, horrified in his heart, everything began to be warm, so after the metamorphosis, there was such a terrible drastic change?

"Metamorphosis is not only the beginning of energy, but also flesh and blood!"

Ling Feng smiled.

His more than three hundred and sixty divine acupoints began to aerate, like stars and the universe, consolidating his body and making it invincible.

This is the power from the body that can defend against any field of heavenly power in the body, and it is also the embodiment of Lingfeng's self-style.

Of course, he didn't point it out, because he knew that the Sea Moon God Emperor didn't understand.

"There must be some changes?" Sea Moon God Emperor asked with a smile.


He wanted to know what upheaval it was and whether it was worth his risk.


A ray of light and rain lighted up in the Fengfeng Garden, and in a vague way, a small tree stood out from the sky, with unprecedented pressure, causing the Sea Moon God Emperor's face to change drastically, and he couldn't help using the vast sea field for defense.


The vast sea field is actually collapsing, it is impossible to prevent the ray of light and rain.

Just as the Sea Moon God Emperor was about to offer a stronger defense for defense, the ray of light stopped abruptly and disappeared in a hurry, as if it had never appeared before.

"What power is that?"

The Sea Moon God Emperor was awe-inspiring, and the power that Ling Feng displayed was a bit stronger than before.

"The origin of everything!"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "Xianli is actually one of the origins of everything, right?"


"You evildoer!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor had completely lost his temper, and he finally realized that the feeling of this thing was borrowed from his power to cut away the immortal power, but it caused the beginning of all things to transform, and then formed the origin of all things.

The power of the source is the Tianwei that penetrates the flesh and the bones, and has the strength to be immune to all the powers of the sky, even the immortal power cannot take advantage of the source of all things.

"What if I want the origin of everything?"

The sea moon **** emperor's voice was trembling, which was even more enchanting power than Xianli.

Ling Feng squinted at the Sea Moon God Emperor and shook his head slightly.

"What do you mean? You don't want to give it?" The Sea Moon God Emperor frowned.

"Unless you want to die!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor's eyes were upside down, but he sank again after a while.

Ling Feng didn't mean to be unwilling, but he didn't have such qualifications and strength.

The origin of all things is the power of transcendence, but it can be hard to use, without falling wind, just a ray of light and rain can disintegrate the vast sea field, except for the crescent moon, I am afraid that no power can be able to control it.

But suppression and integration are two different things.

"It is my origin of everything, not yours." Ling Feng explained very simply.

The Sea Moon God Emperor stared at Ling Feng blankly, before taking a deep breath for a long time.

Ling Feng is not so much explaining, it is better to say that Ling Feng is bewitching.

The phrase "your origin of everything" made the Sea Moon God Emperor's heart tremble.

"You need to start from the beginning of everything, and polish it bit by bit, not overnight." Ling Feng said with a smile, "This is not a simple task."

"To you, the Qilin Magic Medicine is just a herb that can be enjoyed by taking blood, but it is different to me."

"I can tell you clearly that there is no way to require resources or unicorn magic medicine, but I can provide all things, and I will personally explain your confusion and lead you to the roots."

"If you are willing, the deal is concluded, if you don't, please return."

This is Ling Feng's bottom line.

Don't think that Ling Feng is taking advantage. Qilin magical medicine is important, but it is still too tender to compare with the beginning of all things.

It is true that Ling Feng is strong because of the Dao Fa of the Self, but only the Beginning Qi of all things can make him cut off the power of immortality and achieve invincible Dao.

Stone ruffians, yin and yang fish, ancient trees in the universe, etc. have not yet been transformed, so have they ignored the terrible origin of all things?

It can be said that once the stone ruffian undergoes transformation, it will be a terrifying story.


To make the Sea Moon God Emperor transform, it takes a lot of effort, which is beyond description in a few words, and its massive amount may exceed the value of resources such as Qilin Magic Medicine.

"Okay, I agree!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor gritted his teeth and finally agreed.

The influence of the beginning of all things is extraordinary, he had to agree, and he knew that even if he did not agree, Ling Feng would not return the Qilin magic medicine and other things to the original owner.

It's just that asking two **** emperors to work hard for him is really not an easy task.

But that is his problem.

After the Sea Moon God Emperor left, another God Emperor came.


Tianmo God Emperor.

The same as the Sea Moon God Emperor was that the Tianmo God Emperor was also overturned by Ling Feng, and his background was looted. The difference was that the Tianmo God Emperor did not receive Ling Feng's invitation.

But when he asked to see him, Ling Feng still agreed.

The negotiation with the God Emperor Tianmo was much easier, the God Emperor Tianmo promised to ask the two God Emperors to help Ling Feng, and Ling Feng promised the good fortune of the beginning of all things.

After God Emperor Tianmo left, Ling Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

A total of six **** emperors helped, and even the Kingdom of Glory was enough to drink a pot.

"But this is not enough!"

Ling Feng's eyes were burning, and the **** emperor could only suppress the **** emperor. To deal with the half-step ancient sage, he needed stronger power and characters.

"Have you ever got the news?"

Ling Feng looked at the sky. He didn't know how many rebellious gods there were in the hundred domains, but when he lit the void with his loneliness and courage, when he shouted out those words, there were hundreds of thousands of rebellious gods fighting for life and death. Come.

This is his magic!

This is the charm of the gods!

I am here. I am here.

Against the gods, please come back!

However, Ling Feng didn't want too many casualties against the gods, so he needed to become stronger.

"How strong will it be if you step into the realm of God Emperor?"

Ling Feng closed his eyes slightly, then opened his eyes.

Han Qing was coming in this direction only because he found that the strange door control around the room had fluctuated, but Ling Feng didn't call, he didn't dare to go straight.

"whats the matter?"

Ling Feng walked out of the room, squinting at Han Qing.


Han Qing bowed respectfully and said, "Outside Jingfeng Garden, Yuan Qing, Zou Yuan, and Xu Hang are asking for a meeting."


Ling Feng smiled slightly, his heart warmed, but he couldn't help but sigh.

He had already felt the breath of Xu Hang, Yuan Qing and others.

"What's the matter?"

Ling Feng didn't summon Yuan Qing and the others first, but asked Han Qing.

"It is reported that a battle group has appeared on the border of the Glory Nation. It has extraordinary strength. It has caused great damage and threatened to predict the Yaotian group. Now the king has agreed to send the Yaotian group.

Ling Feng's eyes flashed.

"Invite them in."

Yuan Qing, Xu Hang, and Zou Yuan worshiped and looked crazy, because they had heard the story of God of War fighting the sky and creating the invincible myth. But how can Wuxiu not be proud?

They can proudly say to others: "The first supreme is the leader of my Yaotian group!"

"Ask for instructions?"

When Yuan Qing and others said their intentions, Ling Feng couldn't help frowning.


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