Supreme Demon

Chapter 3308: Will we win this game?

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A war broke out in the Kingdom of Glory. The King of Glory had to send the Yaotian group to fight against the mysterious battle group that suddenly appeared. This was an order from the King of Glory himself.

But the three main figures of the Yaotian regiment came to ask for instructions.

What are they asking for?

Will Ling Feng want them to play?

Where do they place the prince of the glory of the king?

Ling Feng looked at Yuan Qing and the others. He really didn’t know whether they were true idiots or pretending to be idiots. He was just the leader of the Yaotian regiment and was only responsible for the Five Kingdoms War. Now the Five Kingdoms War is over, although Ling Feng The empty dumplings did not resign from the group leader, but the attitude was clear.

This is not only his attitude, but also an attitude of honoring the king.

It is impossible for any monarch to give such an important battle group to the hands of a God of War who will return to the kingdom of glory at any time.

He didn't know if Yuan Qing and the others could not understand the situation, or had other intentions?

"The king personally ordered, why do you still ask me for instructions?"

"Because you are our leader!"

Yuan Qing was the first to express his position, saying: "Although the Yaotian regiment was not established by you, you are the first to do your utmost to build the Yaotian regiment. The Yaotian regiment swept the Five Kingdoms battle, that is your credit, but You have not received any awards."

"The Yaotian regiment only recognizes the God of Glory as its leader, and no one else wants to interfere with the Yaotian regiment!"

Obviously, this is not the attitude of Yuan Qing alone, nor the attitude of Xu Hang and Zou Yuan, but the attitude of the entire Yaotian group.

They are not satisfied!

Since Ling Feng’s return, the Kingdom of Glory has not expressed anything, no awards and condolences. The Yaotian regiment, which has just won the crown of the Five Kingdoms God War, has received a great gift. Let alone the substantial rewards, it will be the salutes and salutes of many cities. Condolences is an invincible glory.

But Ling Feng, the group leader, had nothing.

What does it mean?

They are just fighters and are not good at intrigues in officialdom, but that doesn't mean they are idiots.

At the beginning, Ling Feng said in front of the King of Glory that as long as he took the crown of the Five Kingdoms for the Kingdom of Glory, the Kingdom of Glory needed to heal his brothers and let them meet.

But what happened later?

What did the glory kingdom do?

Did nothing!

Yuan Qing, Xu Hang, and Zou Yuan are not so idiots. They naturally know that doing so will cause the hostility of the King of Glory, and even make the entire Yaotian group go to death, but this is the attitude of the Yaotian group.

They dare to love and hate.

They are enthusiastic.

They can throw their heads and blood for the sake of the ancient country, and they can even fight against the king for the brothers.

In the past, Ling Feng felt that Yaotian Mission was too emotional, but now he has a deep understanding.

What can he say?

"You should know the consequences of doing this," Ling Feng said.


Yuan Qing and the others nodded, their eyes were firm, knowing but still know how to do it.

"does it worth?"

"At the beginning, the group leader knew that he would be seriously injured, but still did his best for us, is it worth it?" Yuan Qing said solemnly and moved.

Ling Feng gave a wry smile.

He didn't say anything, because he already knew the determination of the Yaotian group.

"I'm afraid that these days will be difficult, right?" Ling Feng asked.


"Who wants to be your group leader?" Ling Feng then asked.

"The first heaven under the command of the emperor of glory!"

Yuan Qing, Xu Hang and others flashed a strange color in their eyes.

Ling Feng's expression changed, and he smiled faintly. The Son of Glory really couldn't sit still. He wanted to control this battle group as soon as possible, but he didn't expect the Yaotian group to be extremely proud, and the rebound was very strong, even if it was the first day of his command. Can't suppress it.


Today's Yaotian regiment is not what it used to be. Even if the Son of Glory personally suppressed it, I am afraid it would be counterproductive. With the pride of the Yaotian regiment, no one can hold it unless it is Ling Feng.

not to mention.

With Ling Feng, the invincible God of War in front, ordinary martial arts were really unsightly.

This created a rather embarrassing situation for the Yaotian group, with no mastermind.

"What are you going to do?" Ling Feng asked.

Yuan Qing, Xu Hang, and Zou Yuan looked at each other, and respectfully said: "We want to invite the group leader to come back and attack the enemy with us."

Obviously, this is their intention.

Ling Feng shook his head and said nothing.

"The leader of the group is not willing?" Yuan Qing and others' faces are dim. Although they know that characters like Ling Feng cannot stay in Yaotian Group forever, everyone in Yaotian Group wants Ling Feng to stay, even if he only appears every year. Once or twice.

"You guys won't answer."

Ling Feng said indifferently, "No one would want this to happen. A powerful God of War personally controls a battle group. I think our emperor might be awake at night, right?"

"Without the leader, who can become the leader?"

Yuan Qing immediately stated her position and said forcefully: "We only recognize the leader of the group, it's useless if anyone comes!"

"It's dangerous."

Ling Feng sighed and said, "If you really insist and stand behind me, then the should be clear."


"The King of Glory did not express his position, the ancestor of Glory did not express his position, no one would express his position..." Ling Feng said coldly: "But I want to express my position, I want to express my position for my brother!"

"What if they don't want to hand over my brother?"

"What if my brother died in their hands?"

"What if I go out of the kingdom of glory?"

"At that time, how should you deal with yourself?"

Ling Feng stared at Yuan Qing's trio with his hands on his back. The situation and situation had already taken place. Even if he stated that he would not go back to the Kingdom of Glory, would the King of Glory believe it?

Can the emperor of glory accommodate Ling Feng?

This is a dead end!

Ling Feng didn't mind letting them know.

"God of War, do you really want to go back to the Kingdom of Glory?" Yuan Qing and the others turned red in an instant. They had also heard the news before, but they didn't expect that this would be said from Ling Feng's mouth.

"Then look at the attitude of the glory kingdom."

"The king promised you..."

"Yuan Qing."

Ling Feng sighed and said, "There is something called benefit in this world. Once the benefit is too great, any vows and promises are all false."

"But the God of War has made an inexhaustible feat for the ancient country, and can build many powerful battle groups. These benefits..."

"How does this benefit compare to the eight ancient chariots?"

"How does this benefit compare to the peerless Taoist species?"

"How does this benefit compare to Xianli?"

Ling Feng's words were like hammers, and the hearts of the three of them trembled and their cheeks twitched.


In the face of those interests, this benefit is really not worth mentioning, but Yuan Qing and others are unwilling to believe it.

How could the ancient country be so mean?

Is the king so shameless?

"What if we try to dissuade it?" Yuan Qing gritted her teeth and said.

Ling Feng sighed and shook his head insignificantly.

In the face of huge interests, even the Yaotian group is a **** that can be easily discarded.

"Don't talk about this yet."

Ling Feng didn't want to talk more about this topic. He asked, "A battle group has appeared on the border of the Kingdom of Glory? Will it be your goal?"


"Tell me."

Xu Hang whispered that the battles that took place on the border of the ancient country in the past few days have been revealed one by one. The battle group is very powerful and unmatched. However, all the obstacles have been broken open and the major cities have been completely lost.


That battle group pointed out that the Yaotian group would fight in the past.

"Is there no Supreme at the border of Glory Kingdom?" Ling Feng asked.

"Yes, but so far, there is no news. It will either surrender to the enemy or fall, and the battle group will drove straight forward and is heading towards the sky city."

"This battle group should be very unusual. The ancient country should send a **** emperor to check and deal with it, but there is no movement at the moment. I don't know what the king has plans." Yuan Qing frowned.

This is where they are puzzled.

But Ling Feng knew that today's Glory City was even more dangerous, and they didn't dare to distract, even if they paid a lot of cities, they didn't want the **** emperor to be broken by each.

Of course, this is not the focus of Ling Feng's attention.

"No news?" Ling Feng asked, raising his eyes.


Yuan Qing frowned and said: "The ancient country once sent two supreme figures to inquire about some useful information, but they are like a stone sinking into the sea and there is no news."


Ling Feng's eyes lit up, and he knew.

"So, the King of Glory wants to send you over, right?"


"Then go!"

Yuan Qing, Xu Hang and others looked at each other and said, "Don’t hide from the leader, that battle group is very dangerous, even if we are not sure, and the opponent can easily kill Supreme, we..."

"Afraid?" Ling Feng asked with a smile.

"Before you led us to fight, we have nothing to be afraid of. Now you don't want to fight, we..."

this is a big problem.

Crisis ahead, Ling Feng reluctant to play in the rear.

The Yaotian group is difficult.

"Believe in yourself."

Ling Feng patted Xu Hang on the shoulder and said, "This is your battlefield. Don't worry too much. It's good for you to see and experience."


"Relax, I will stare at the battlefield over there, if there is a problem, I will personally go over!"

Ling Feng finally persuaded the Yaotian group to leave.

Naturally, Yuan Qing and the others were reluctant. They hoped that Ling Feng could lead the troops himself, but they also knew that there were too many aspects involved, and the king could not get through it.

They could also see that Ling Feng was angry and was unwilling to contribute to the Kingdom of Glory, but out of caring for them, Ling Feng was still willing to take action.

However, they did not notice that Ling Feng used the words "experience and knowledge" this time.

Suppress the source, crush the supreme figure.

Let the Kingdom of Glory plunge into darkness instantly, completely passive, only one force can do this kind of trick.

Although Ling Feng didn't know who led the battle, he felt the power of that battle group.

After all, the Yaotian regiment is a battle regiment built by him himself, should the opponent show some face?

of course.

Wasn't it the king's intention to split the Yaotian regiment at this time?

This shows that the layout of the Glory Kingdom is almost complete.

"Up to three days!"

Ling Feng looked at the sky and muttered, "Will we win this game?"


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