Supreme Demon

Chapter 3325: It does not matter whether the reward is not rewarded!

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There are heroes in every age.

They have broad minds, they have lofty ambitions.

For example, the Lord against God.

For example, Wen Yuan.

For example, Sikong Jue!

More like Wu Yun.

The old Nizhu lays his liver for the sake of Nishen, without any selfish intentions, just wants Nishen to grow, and can confront the characters of Nishen from the past in Jiuquan.

When Nishen was weakest, Wen Yuan and Sikongjue stood firmly behind them and supported Nishen. Even if Nishen grew stronger, it could cover the sky and the sun, Wen Yuan and Sikongjue did not say much.

They didn't want Ling Feng to fall away like Tianjiao.

They don't want to make endless efforts and pierce the void like a sharp arrow.

What kind of a strong mindset is needed to help a person and force that can become a rival?

How determined is it?

When Nishen is weak enough to fall down, the lonely and desolate figure of the old Nizu is the firm footsteps of Nishen and the invincible madness of Nishen.


Nishen was in Lingfeng's hands, completely in full bloom.

He sweeps the star map.

They dominate the small universe.

They can overlook any force.

But if the wild secret realm does not have the painstaking persistence of the old rebellious master, there will be no rebellious **** today.

They are so respectable!

They are sad and weeping!

They have resurrected an era, they are heroes!

Ling Feng asked himself that he didn't have such a mindset, but he respected these heroes. Without them, there would be no strength and invincibility of the small universe. They could change the tragic ending of the eternal and immortal ancients.

Now, Ling Feng saw this kind of character again.

Wu Yun!

He was not jealous because of Ling Feng's tyrannical and invincible talent, but tried his best to maintain it. He just wanted to "resurrect" the Spirit God Tianyu.


The Lingshen Tianyu is very glorious, and Tianjiao has appeared in large numbers, which has made many big and ancient realms pay attention to them. They once became famous for the Gods Tianyu.

But later, the spiritual **** Tianjiao Tianjiao withered, each other internal friction, many Tianjiao did not die outside the territory, but died within the internal friction.

How lamentable?

Wu Yun wanted to change the tragic ending of the Lingshen Tianjiao. He wanted to see if the Lingshen Tianyu could be saved. He persuaded many forces to retreat for Ling Feng. Therefore, there are only eight ancient forces now.

Is this kind of character stupid?



But this kind of person is heartache.

Because they are not destined to be bright enough, they are destined to be the heroes behind the scenes.

Ling Feng respectfully worshipped.

This is his respect for Wu Yun!

Wu Yun was stunned.

He didn't expect Ling Feng to do this, but he just froze for a moment, then laughed.

His eyes shone with a smile.

He smiled extremely relieved.

Because Ling Feng's attitude is very sincere, no teasing, no sarcasm, but heartfelt gratitude.


Soon, his smile stiffened.

Because Ling Feng worshipped him three times.

One worship is gratitude, what is second worship?

What about three prayers?

"One bow, the bow is moved!"

Ling Feng said in a loud voice, "We have never met before, so seniors can do so much for Ling Feng, and Ling Feng is moved."

"Second worship, worship is the predecessor's measurement pattern of mind."

"Three worships, worship is respectful!"

Wu Yun's eyes were completely demented. He fixedly looked at Ling Feng before sighing softly: "They all said you were floating, but they didn't see this scene."

Is this floating?

This is not only a personal essence, but also a personal thing.

Ling Feng paid his respects solemnly, and he felt calm.

Ling Feng knew what he did.

Ling Feng knew what he wanted.

Is this kind of character just powerful and invincible?

Is there no equal mind to understand everything he does?

Talent creates strength.

The pattern creates power!

This kind of power does not mean how powerful Ling Feng wants to build, but he convinces everyone with an invincible heart, and over time, he will naturally be able to win a trend.

This "power" refers to people, things, time, geography, and harmony.

Just like now.

When Ling Feng broke into the Palace of Glory, the **** of endless rebellion came with invincible warfare. The Emperor Sea Moon and the God Emperor Tianmo tried their best, and all the major powers helped each other, that is, the little brother of Samsara has galloped hundreds of millions of miles .

This is the "potential"!

It is intangible, but when one day, this momentum is completely in full bloom, Ling Feng raised his arms, and endless brothers and friends of life and death came bravely and crushed the opponent to pieces.

Any force that wants to deal with Ling Feng must weigh the "potential" behind Ling Feng.

When everyone felt that Ling Feng was going to be tragedy, only Wu Yun didn't think so. If a Tianjiao figure really floated, he wouldn't have to consume it so much.

Baiyu is in full bloom!

How shameless this can be done?

Now, it has been confirmed.

He is calling his "power".

"The three forces of the Kingdom of Glory are not unjustly defeated!"

"They are not as good as you!"

"Senior praised."

"Have you been rewarded?"

Wu Yun smiled and shook his head, and said, "The First Heaven, the First Supreme, sweeping the past and the present. If this is an award, I would rather praise you several times."

Tell the truth.

If Wu Yun just thought that Ling Feng was an invincible supreme before seeing Ling Feng, then Wu Yun was really shocked at this moment.

Strength and talent are just the most dazzling aspects of Ling Feng.


People often fail to notice the deepest hidden part.

This is completely different from those fledgling, prematurely famous Tianjiao, this girl is going to live as a little evildoer.


Everyone present was trembling, staring at Ling Feng dumbfounded.

How could they not know what happened in the realm of the sky?

On the first day, the first supreme and the first supreme have no idea how much noise has been made, and they almost did not overturn the sky. The major forces are investigating the origin of the first day and the first supreme.

Their direction is Da Yu, Gu Yu, because only those places can give birth to such Tianjiao.

But people didn't expect that the first heaven and the first supreme were not in the great domain and ancient domain, but here.

Ling Feng!

People remembered this name deeply, and remembered how this person looked.

They didn't even think that what they want to help today is the First Heaven and the First Supreme.

What is even more frightening is that this person was successfully promoted, and now he is the Divine Emperor of the Micro Domain.

How strong is this?

Although Ling Feng didn't do anything from beginning to end, people could faintly feel Ling Feng's terrifying and enchanting aura.

"It is the first heaven and the first supreme that we help each other?"

Asked the old man behind Han Ruyue.


Hanruyue replied loudly.

If you can't hide this kind of thing, why do you need to hide it?

Her eyes were burning with affection.

When the first heavenly respect and the first supreme respect came out, she had a very strong intuition that only one person in this world could transcend the past and the present.

He is the owner!

More than twenty **** emperors behind Ling Feng gasped in shock, and they rescued a heavenly evildoer.

No wonder these friends rushed for hundreds of millions of miles to help.

No wonder the little brother Samsara didn't have any strong posture in front of Ling Feng.

No wonder the three forces and eight ancient forces, including the Kingdom of Glory, targeted Ling Feng in this way.

That is the first heaven, the first supreme.

Even if these characters are placed in the top ancient domain, the major forces are fiercely competing against each other, and it is estimated that they will cause the two major ancient forces to fight.


As long as they can break ancient and modern myths and achieve a legend, they can shock the ancient realm and achieve unimaginable achievements. For them, the realm of ancient sages that are difficult to break through is just a monster for the first heaven and the first supreme.


Since the distant antiquity, the record of the sky domain has become more and more difficult to break, just because it needs to crush the record of the predecessors.

For example, the record of Lingfeng casting today.

If anyone can break the record of Ling Feng, he can become a new legend and become the stronger first supreme of ancient and modern times.

There is no doubt.

The more this kind of record goes, the higher the gold content, and Ling Feng is the first person in these millions of years.

They have no doubt that if the news is leaked today, the forces of those ancient realms and great realms will be completely crazy, and the spiritual **** heaven will be broken by ancient sage-level figures.

of course.

They were not jealous. Although they were very curious about Ling Feng's power, they had to see the situation clearly, unless they wanted to die.

At the same time, they are also quite excited.

Although the emperor is detached from mortals, he is not without desires.

What they saved today is only a **** emperor, but not in the future. At that time, Ling Feng was only a heavenly **** emperor, an ancient sage figure, or even a more invincible existence.

Will Ling Feng forget such kindness?

Unless he is shameless.

In fact, in many cases, Ling Feng does not need to come forward, as long as they spread some news.

They have saved the life of the first **** emperor and the first ancient xian Lingfeng!

Who would dare to die?

At this time, when they looked at the Zongmen Tianjiao next to them, their eyes were different again.

That is grateful!

What is the difference between this kindness and falling from the sky?

After all, they did nothing.

To be honest, they still have a little guilt in their hearts.

The Sea Moon God Emperor looked at the red eyes around him, and his heart was full of grievances. He wanted to tell others that Ling Feng’s stuff was stepped on his shoulder... but no one seemed to listen. ?


"Well, if you respect me, then call me Mr. Wu." Wu Yun said with a smile.

"Okay, Mr. Wu."


"Elder Wu, this matter is too extensive, and I don't have any preparations yet."

Ling Feng pondered for a while, and then slowly said, "Moreover, I am not very interested in the affairs of Spirit God Tianyu."


The smile on Wu Yun's face stiffened again.

However, when he saw Ling Feng staring at him with scorching eyes, Wu Yun felt cheated.

This guy doesn't look unprepared.

He lowered his eyebrows slightly, and then laughed.

"It is said that those arrogances are quite rich."

"Moreover, this time the reward is very generous."

Ling Feng's eyes were still burning.

"I am a poor ghost." Wu Yun said sadly.

"Ahem, reward or not is not important."

Ling Feng cleared his throat, and Yizheng said: "It's mainly because I like to enjoy the process of fighting!"

"Then it's settled!"


Just as Wu Yun was smiling and admiring Ling Feng, Ling Feng suddenly asked, "I take the liberty to ask, how many of you have invited me? Are they poor?"

Wu Yun's face twitched and twitched, he felt that he admired it too early.


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