Supreme Demon

Chapter 3326: Yunlou!

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This is a Wannian restaurant located in Rain City, a country of glory, but it is not the most prosperous area in Rain City, but on a strange mountain away from the main city.

This strange mountain is hazy with a layer of mist all year round, and the top layer is cloudy and misty, not limited to white mist, but colorful mist, colorful and extremely magnificent, which can be called a fairyland on earth.

The Cloud Tower was built on this strange mountain, located on the top floor, as if being in the colorful mist, you can have a panoramic view of the entire Yucheng, the scenery is unique and beautiful.

The scenery alone makes many people look forward to it.

Not to mention the specifications of the dishes in the Yunlou, all kinds of rare and exotic species, only people can't think of, there is no Yunlou.

of course.

The level of expensiveness of the cloud tower is beyond ordinary people's imagination.


The Yunlou is still hot and popular every day, and it is not deserted because of its high price. On the contrary, it has become more popular and popular because of its growing popularity.

As long as Wu Xiu passes through Yucheng, he doesn't want to come to Yunlou for a meal.

Because, that's enough for them to brag.

no doubt.

The century-old cloud tower has become the most dazzling symbol of the cloud tower!

Many people in the Kingdom of Glory even only know the Cloud Tower, but not the Yucheng. It can be seen how influential the Centennial Cloud Tower is.


Yunlou has very demanding requirements for Wu Xiu's strength, and without sufficient strength, I am afraid that the strange mountain below the Yunlou is difficult to climb.

Dare to use this style, and the cloud tower still stands today, enough to explain the profound background of the cloud tower.

of course.

This kind of profoundness is only limited to the Kingdom of Glory. If you really want to look at the gods, the background of the cloud tower appears weak, like the stars, dare to compete with Haoyue?


On this day.

The huge gate of the Yunlou opened, and two rows of beautiful girls formed a slight arc, with a nice smile, as if they were welcoming big people, and the host of the Yunlou personally greeted them, standing in the middle of the two rows of beautiful girls, slightly fat His figure and that fat face formed a unique sense of joy.

This scene really made everyone around him startled and curious. In recent years, they really rarely saw the Yunlou host come out in person, unless it was a visit by a top-notch.

Back then.

When the Glory Goddess visited, the mysterious Yunlou poster never showed up.

What's the situation today?

Many people frowned and looked at the giant gate of the Cloud Tower, thinking about what characters would appear. In the Glory Kingdom, the host of the Cloud Tower could be such a posture, at least he is a **** emperor?

But wanting to welcome him with a smile on his face, slightly squatting, there are really not many such characters in the Glory Kingdom.

Based on the background of the Yunlou, even if the King of Glory is coming, it is estimated that there is no such pomp. After all, the respect for the strength of the Yunlou far exceeds the background.

The Lord of Glory has a strong background, but his strength is not enough. With the strength of the Yunlou poster, there is really no need for such a low profile.

"What character made this old guy come forward?" someone scolded with a smile.

"At the beginning, my old man didn't have such honors!"

"Hey, I want to see who has such qualifications!"

The giant gate of the Yunlou became lively, and people were waiting for the character to appear.


The void shuddered, the mist slowly disintegrated, dozens of people came in a hurry, the mist guarding them behind, making it difficult for people to see their faces immediately.

But the leader is a young man, dressed in black, handsome and rich, his skin is like carved from jade.

He appeared suddenly and fell in front of people.

Generally, when this kind of character appears, although he looks handsome, it is still difficult to attract people's attention. After all, he is too young to look like a strong man.


This person instantly formed the focus of attention of the gods, only because the host of Yunlou personally greeted him with a smile on his face, which was not substantially different from the **** both sides, and even more humble.

what's the situation?

People were shocked.

The original poster of Yunlou is actually courteous to a young man?

People don't think there is anything about that young man worthy of the humility of the host of Yunlou.

In terms of momentum, the youth's momentum is not obvious.

In terms of strength, the youth has a weak aura.

No one in the audience felt any pressure.

It feels like that young man is a Tianzun. A figure of this kind is fully qualified to enter the Yunlou, but if the host of Yunlou is so humble, how can he be a figure at the level of the ancestor of glory?

So, this young man is a half-step Gu Xian?

Or is it the Heavenly Emperor?

There are indeed young people in God's universe who can ask Gu Xian to comprehend the power of order, but they are generally the arrogant figures of the top big realm and ancient realm, not to mention the glory kingdom, even the Spirit God realm does not have such a person. .


People don't think that young man is a half-step ancient sage.

So, what is the origin of that young man?


The harshness of the Yunlou is not limited to its strength. When its background is extraordinary, it is also eligible to enter the Yunlou. Like some top-level domains and ancient domains, although their strength is insufficient, their family background can despise any martial arts. Xiu, even the ancient sages must kneel in front of such characters.

But Lingshen Tianyu does not have such a family.

Could it be that the young man came from outside the territory? A super family belonging to the top domain?


People didn't find in that young man the temperament that a super family child should have.

If it wasn't for the half-step Guxian, if it wasn't the son of the super family, then why did this young man make the Yunlou poster so important?

This is weird.

"Are you here?"

The host of the Yunlou is an old man with a childlike face and full of energy, but he is not tall enough. He arched his body slightly, and his forehead was about to touch the young man's chest.

He used the term "you".

This makes people even more surprised, even if the ancestor of glory is here, the host of Yunlou does not need to be so respectful.

The origin of this young man is even more curious.

Who is he?

"Old man, you don't have to be so polite!"

Ling Feng said with a smile, and helped the host of Yunlou up.

"Yes, the distinguished guests are here, and there are misses to welcome them."

"Old man, you are too serious!"

Ling Feng patted the hands of the host of Yunlou and said, "We are just here for a bite!"

"You can come, that's the great blessing of Yunlou, please!"

The host of Yunlou respectfully introduced Ling Feng and others into Yunlou, which made many people present dumbfounded. Didn't it mean that Yunlou is very high?

Without strong strength, he doesn't even have the qualifications to enter the Cloud Tower.

But soon someone discovered the problem.

The reason is that the giant gate of the Yunlou is a huge pressure from the sky. Without the strength to enter, it is almost a dream to be blown off on the spot. I don't know how many such things have happened over the years.

But that giant gate seemed to have no effect on Ling Feng.

Not to mention Ling Feng, even those people behind Ling Feng are useless.

Tianlan was surprised.

This kind of surprise is better than those who are watching.

How could she not know Yunlou's compulsion?

Even if she wants to enter the Yunlou and eat a meal, it is extremely difficult for her to take a lot of energy and resources, and she can't afford it with her background.

But it was this kind of high-spirited Yunlou, the host actually greeted him personally, very humble.


This kind of courtesy is not to the little brother Samsara, the Emperor of the Sea Moon, etc., but to Ling Feng.

What is the origin of this person?

The few **** emperors behind like Han Ruyue didn't feel anything wrong, but the Haiyue **** emperor and the Tianmo **** emperor were different. They looked at each other and were surprised, as if they saw the other side of Ling Feng.


They have been here and have eaten it several times. For many Wu Xiu, it is a cloud tower with a threshold, but they are not fortified because they are strong enough.


Even these **** emperors, the original Yunlou had never met him personally.

What is the origin of this guy?

Han Ruyue, Liu Shushu and others were very calm, as if they hadn't seen anything. If this kind of thing happened, there were only two reasons.

First, the host of Yunlou has an extraordinary relationship with Xinglan and other gods, and the host of Yunlou is most likely a **** of gods.

Second, the entire Yunlou belongs to the **** of rebellion.

They think it is the second situation.

This can be seen from Xinglan's expression, because when the host of Yunlou led Ling Feng and others into the main building, he once looked back and glanced at Xinglan insignificantly, while Xinglan nodded slightly.

Is there a more obvious hint than this?

Although Yunlou has a history of ten thousand years, this does not mean that there is only one owner of Yunlou. If Nishen wants to support one owner, then with the strength of Yunlou, he is not qualified to resist.


Yunlou has a strong background, even if you face the ancestors of glory, you can talk to the same generation. It can't talk about how humble, but he is too enthusiastic about Ling Feng.

Ling Feng's strength is not as strong as the Glory Ancestor, and now his power is not obvious, not many people know him, let alone influence.

Then, there is only one person who can make the host of Yunlou so humble.


Although Nishen is still very scattered at present, more than a thousand years of development has made their strength scattered in each heaven not to be underestimated. Financial, strength, resources, etc., with Xinglan's strength, if it is really crushed, The mere Yunlou has no ability to confront.

This is because the Inverse God Consortium is not in the Spirit God Realm. Otherwise, Han Ruyue suspects that it would not be a big problem to buy the entire Glory Kingdom with Inverse God's financial resources.

Strength is a powerful.

Financial resources are even more powerful.

Led by the host of Yunlou himself, Ling Feng and others entered a mountain and river, where the scenery is picturesque, magnificent as rainbows, and breathtakingly beautiful.

The river rushes through the picture, which gives the picture a sense of fragmentation, but the whole is so beautiful and colorful, like a beautiful woman flying out of her own painting, like a fairy.

A few jade tables fell on both sides of the river, sitting along the river, there is indeed a special flavor, Ling Feng and others were arranged on these jade tables.

The **** emperors invited by Han Ruyue and Bai Yuheng didn't have any deep feelings, but the **** emperor Haiyue and the **** emperor Tianmo were very surprised, because this is the accord on the top of the cloud tower, representing the entire cloud tower. The highest specification.

The Cloud Tower has a history of 10,000 years, but it only has a hundred-story pavilion. Each floor represents a kind of power and background. For example, the Sea Moon God Emperor and the Tianmo God Emperor can only enter the 90-story pavilion. According to their knowledge, this 100-story pavilion It has never been opened several times in history.

Whether people like the Glory Ancestor are qualified to enter a hundred-story pavilion, the Sea Moon God Emperor does not know, but now he is bragging for a lifetime.


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