Supreme Demon

Chapter 3327: People!

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"The top pavilion of the Cloud Tower?"

Tian Lan was horrified, and she was full of surprises. She naturally knew the specifications of the Yunlou. With her strength, it was quite difficult to enter the ten-story pavilion.

But the scenery and specifications of the ten-story pavilion are far less shocking than those of the one-hundred-story pavilion, because the one-hundred-story pavilion eats not only rare and exotic species, but also a kind of glory and background.

The Sea Moon God Emperor didn't know, but Tianlan knew.

At the beginning, the ancestor of glory entered only the ninety-ninth-story pavilion. The Yunlou is aptly named, the hundred-story pavilion is not open, but now it is open.

The highest specification of Yunlou!

What is the origin of Ling Feng?

Tianlan looked at Ling Feng with doubts. She was full of curiosity about this person and wanted to know everything.

Many **** emperors come because of him, so many beautiful young ladies come because of him, and everyone looks like crazy. If the glory kingdom really will slaughter the wind and the gods, she estimates that those crazy young ladies will bring the entire glory kingdom Overturned.

Although the young ladies in the back did not speak and could not talk about any exchanges with Ling Feng, they told her directly that these young ladies had extraordinary feelings with Ling Feng.


Ling Feng personally invited the reincarnation brother and others into the seats, and arranged for the Sea Moon God Emperor and Tianmo God Emperor to sit down, just like the masters here.

"It's been a day of tossing, we are all hungry, let's serve as soon as possible."

Ling Feng smiled to the host of Yunlou and said, "I want the most beautiful wine!"

"Don't worry, Yunlou is already ready!"

After speaking, the host of Yunlou clapped his hands, and suddenly there were a group of beautiful young girls who filed in. They were holding crystal jade plates, which contained rare and exotic species. Although the jade cover covered them, the faint fragrance still escaped. After coming out, people couldn't help but take another look.

When all kinds of rare and exotic species were placed on the jade table, even the Sea Moon God Emperor and the Tianmo God Emperor could not sit still, and could not help changing their color. Although there were no such delicacies as dragon, liver and phoenix, bear paw, Tiger claws are readily available.

However, the same bear paw and tiger paw are fundamentally different.

The Sea Moon God Emperor and the Tianmo God Emperor once enjoyed rare delicacies in the ninety-story pavilion. Naturally, tiger claws and bear paws are listed. The problem is that the tiger claws and bear paws on the top floor are of the God Emperor level.

The degree of its preciousness can be imagined.

The Sea Moon God Emperor and Tianmo God Emperor have only enjoyed the Supreme-level bear paws and tiger claws. How can they be compared to the God Emperor-level?

not to mention.

Cooking this kind of delicacy is quite particular. They can also hunt down the emperor-level monsters, but they are cooked at two levels. The most different thing about the dishes in the Yunlou is that they can cook all the essences in the various monsters. Xiu eating is not only delicious, but also the enjoyment of essence.

of course.

The price of such a rare delicacy is often very painful to the **** emperor. A table of delicacy requires hundreds of thousands of herbs. Even the Sea Moon God Emperor and others dare not be so extravagant.


Bear paws and tiger claws are just cold dishes. When the hot dishes come up, people really feel how extravagant the meal is. There are so many delicious dishes. Only people can't think of it, and there is really no Yunlou.

"The last main course, steamed phoenix meat!"

People are blinded.

This is all right.

The cloud tower actually has the flesh and blood of a phoenix, that is the phoenix, the most powerful beast in the world, the top phoenix can even crush ancient sages.

How precious is the flesh and blood of this creature?

God Emperor Sea Moon and God Emperor Tianmo closed their eyes, even they couldn't afford this meal.

Its expensiveness has surpassed people's cognition, even Han Ruyue and others are all surprised, Ling Feng is also dull, and Xinglan is black.

She just asked the host of Yunlou to be more elaborate, but she didn't let him take out the details.

That was a plate of phoenix flesh and blood. Yunlou used steam to activate all its flesh and blood essence. It could be absorbed by Wu Xiu. Its value is too precious. How many herbs can be comparable to a piece of Phoenix flesh and blood?

This prodigal poster!

"This... is too rich, right?"

The **** emperors invited by Han Ruyue, Bai Yuheng, Yin and others were all overjoyed. They had never eaten phoenix meat in their lives. They didn’t expect that they would be able to eat such delicacies as soon as they walked around. The gratitude of the first supreme Lingfeng.

They wanted to play a few more games like this, but they didn't know if Ling Feng was willing or not.

"Yes... a bit rich!"

Han Ruyue and the others couldn't laugh or cry, and the host of Yunlou was afraid that he would be wrong. This can be seen from Xinglan's black face.


The phoenix meat has already been served, and they naturally have no reason to withdraw.

Therefore, people began to eat phoenix meat with enthusiasm. Although they tried to restrain themselves, they couldn't help but enjoy two more.

There are a large amount of essence in the flesh and blood of the phoenix. When it is in full bloom in the steam, it instantly merges into the people's flesh and blood. They can't help but burst out a rain of light. Brilliant.

"Yunlou's handwriting is really extraordinary!"

"This dish can be called the first dish in the world!"

The little brother Samsara's mouth is full of oil, he is not as restrained as those **** emperors, he is quite rude to Ling Feng, others may be painful for Ling Feng, but he will not.

Before the gods came, Ling Feng dared to do such a big deal with Tongtian Pavilion.

Now that the gods are here, is Ling Feng just being rich?

That's a rich thief!

Samsara's little brother knows a lot about Nishen, knowing what these people are going to do. Nishen has only four forces: Nishen, Hidden God, Butterfly, and Wenxian.

But the little brother Samsara knows that this is only on the surface.

However, the forces on this face are not simple. Let’s not talk about the gods of rebellion, the hidden gods, and the butterflies. Let’s just talk about the immortals. They are cosmic-level alchemy forces. When one pill is sold, the profit is enough for this plate. Phoenix meat, right?

of course.

The main task of Wenxian is to support the three forces of Butterfly, Hidden God, and Nishen. Their consumption is massive. Now Wenxian is not visible, and Nishen is not too stretched. It can be seen that Nishen has their own way of making money.

not to mention.

Nishen also has an invisible force. This force is not strong enough and needs the support of Butterfly, Nishen, and Yinshen, but they will also feed back the three major forces.

However, the war happened too quickly at the beginning, and Yixian's strength was weak, and not many people came over. Those who can enter God's realm alive are even rarer, but they are the most elite figures of Yixian. They not only have strength. More IQ.

As long as one of them is alive, Yixian will not fall, and will develop sooner or later, but the early stage is difficult. Funds, resources and strength are all very important, but there are only a few people, Yixian thinks It is too difficult to spread across the Gods' realm.


Now Nishen is not easy, walking on thin ice, but this is only what he has seen so far.

You know, Nishen has entered God's Realm for 1,300 years, even if it is a pig, I am afraid that it will be fat?

What's more, it is against God?

At present, Ling Feng has not found the whereabouts of Yixian and Wenxian, otherwise, this is a fat and oily guy.

Will the Samsara brother be polite with this guy?

He is now looking for a big tree to shelter it from the wind and rain. When the big tree grows up and the branches and leaves are full, he can hide under the big tree to eat and drink.

I don’t know what kind of force the **** of rebellion is, and may doubt it, but the little brother of Samsara knows, the mere supreme dare to confront the immortal, dare to smash the yellow spring and blue sky. Hard steel fairy on the front.

No strength.

No financial resources.

There is no pill.

What are the qualifications for rebelliousness?

This is a crazy force!

This is a force that knows how to kill!

This kind of force is a terrifying weapon that is indestructible in any region.

Now they need time to accumulate their strength. When Ling Feng and other top figures of the gods ask Gu Xian and ask about the stronger realm, then the branches and leaves of the gods are really full.

"Thank you all for your life-saving grace today, Ling Feng will definitely remember it!"

Ling Feng picked up the wine glasses and toasted one by one.

He first respected the little brother Samsara, the God Emperor of Sea Moon, the God Emperor of Tianmo, and others. Everyone present had no opinion, after all, these people really did their best.


When Ling Feng came to the table of Han Ruyue, Han Ruyue took the initiative to stand up and introduce the **** emperors she invited to Ling Feng.

"White Jade God Emperor, Hanshan God Emperor."

Ling Feng remembered these two names.

Ling Feng respected the two **** emperors invited by Bai Yuheng.

"God Emperor Qiyu, God Emperor Haoshan!"

Yin, Cui Mingfeng and others also invited the **** emperor, but there was not as much as Han Ruyue and Bai Yuheng, there was only one **** emperor, but they still needed attention.

Ling Feng toasted among a few tables, showing enough sincerity and lowering his posture. Although these people didn't contribute much, their overall momentum was a deterrent. Without them, only the reincarnation brother would be a big battle.

People must know how to be grateful.


This is the contacts brought by Yin, Han Ruyue, Bai Yuheng, etc., which are extremely important for the future development of Nishen. Naturally, Ling Feng should respect some, and it is very important to win the favor of these people.

He was full of praise, and respected these seniors, and even surpassed the little brother of Samsara.

This made many **** emperors full of favor. After all, this character was not a cat or dog, but the real first supreme. He asked for success, promotion to the **** emperor, his strength is not weaker than them.

It's great to get acquainted with each other, but how are they unhappy to receive this person's gratitude and praise?

The owner is grateful.

They have the heart to make friends.

It was a hit, and the host and the guest enjoyed it.

After drinking and eating, Ling Feng gifted many **** emperors a jade bracelet. This kind of jade bracelet is not precious. Although the texture is the best, it is still in the eyes of the **** emperor, but people can see this jade. The bracelet is different.

There is a qi rhyme in it, like a fairy qi, turning into a crane soaring in the jade bracelet, which makes the eyes bright and hot.

The jade bracelet is not precious, but the fairy qi is precious.

This handwriting is not so big.

"Little meaning, no respect!"

"Brother Ling, are you too expensive!"

"A trivial jade bracelet, how valuable is it to talk about?" Ling Feng said with a smile: "Dear brothers can come to rescue Ling Feng from the water and fire, Ling Feng is grateful, and I hope you all accept it.

This is personal spirit!


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