Supreme Demon

Chapter 3355: What kind of strange thing is this?

The atmosphere of Lingshen Tianyu was even more treacherous.

People's eyes are deep and pessimistic. Although the eight ancient forces and the eight spiritual gods cannot represent the entire spiritual **** universe, they are after all the pinnacle of an era in the spiritual **** universe.

Today, all the eight spiritual gods have failed miserably, which is equivalent to the fall and tragedy of an era.

How can the characters of Lingshen Tianyu not feel sad?

Over the years, they have been intoxicated in a closed state, but when the heavy giant gate of the Spirit God Heaven Territory was blasted open, they were only exposed to fragility and decay in front of other Heaven Territories.

If there is no sudden emergence of Ling Feng, Shen Lie and so on.

At this moment, all they can see is darkness and eternal night.

People can't help thinking about how much the Spirit God Tianyu has fallen behind in these years, and how many arrogances have been suppressed during the years when the eight ancient forces were in full bloom?

Where is the future of Lingshen Tianyu?

The entire sky became quiet, no one spoke, and it was quite cold.

Qiu Yu was startled slightly, her eyes flicking from the crowd, unknown, so she wanted to ask for advice again, but no spirit **** was willing to end.

What is the solution?

"Are there no spirits willing to enlighten me?"

Qiu Yu asked again, obviously with emotions. She looked down on the spiritual **** Tianyu, and walked out of the "powerful" scenes of the eight spiritual gods.

In the spirit of enlightenment, we must fight another eight spiritual gods.

But... don't the Eight Spiritual Gods dare to fight again?

On this day, Qiu Yu's impression of the eight spiritual gods changed a lot, with a strong contempt.

"The Eight Spirit Gods dare not come forward, right?"

Qiu Yu asked again, his words were more intense, with criticism.


The faces of the gods of the eight ancient powers were quite ugly and gloomy. Many people clenched their fists, wishing to punch this woman into a pig.

Because every time Qiu Yu asks a question, it is equivalent to a face slap.

The eight ancient forces were all beaten into "pigs", but she didn't know that this kind of "innocence" was the most hurtful.

"Don't ask again, the other spirits and gods have all failed miserably in the previous cross-domain battle!"

An old man spoke, and he did not want to be insulted again. If he did not explain, then the face of the Eight Great Spiritual Gods and the Eight Great Ancient Forces would be lost, and this was not limited to the Spiritual God Realm, but the ten realms.


Qiu Yu was slightly stunned, and nodded when he reacted.

This is understandable.

Although the ten-domain list has been launched soon, with the strength of the eight spiritual gods and the current state of the spiritual god's universe, I think it was cross-domain or cross-domain.

Although the Eight Spiritual Gods are good, they are far worse after all.

"Then, dare to ask who else can fight in Lingshen Tianyu?"

Wan Yumen Tianjiao roared in the rear, despising the Spirit God Realm. The eight strongest Spirit Gods in the "Legend" failed miserably and lost to the cross domain Tianjiao. That Spirit God Realm was really vulnerable at the supreme level.

Everyone in Lingshen Tianyu clenched their fists, breathed fire in their eyes, and glared at Wanyumen Tianjiao.


People surprisingly did not make a sound, but looked at Tangjiu, Fei Qian, Shen Lie, Fang Can, etc., because in the insult of the gods of Wan Yumen, these four people did not respond at all, and they still talked about wine tasting with laughter. The Wu Xiu of the Sifang Tianyu became air.

of course.

Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others don't think that these characters are air, they just think that those people are native dogs.

Everyone sees.

In an instant, Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others tasted very tasteless, because the Tianjiao of the Sifang Tianyu also cast their eyes, as if they were being roasted on the fire.

What made them quite uncomfortable was that the God Emperor and others also cast their gazes, hot, with a smile in their squinted eyes, there are as many thieves as there are, and as cheap as they are.

Moreover, Jianzhong also carries enthusiasm and blessings.

"What do you mean?"

Shen Lie rolled his eyes and glanced at the God Emperor with disdain.

"Ahem, someone from Wan Yumen has asked for a fight."

The **** emperor Huantian felt very shameless, the **** emperor was actually scorned by a bird.

"Oh, let her wait!"

Shen Lie didn't raise his eyes, and said rather forcefully: "I have a bit of insight to see if it is good or not, I am tasting wine."


Had it not been for Ling Feng, the **** emperor would have wanted to overthrow this stinky God Lie on the spot and commit violence on the spot.

What is the virtue of this bird?

The God Emperor Huantian turned his eyes and looked at Tangjiu. He didn't want to be familiar with birds. In terms of the overall situation, how can a bird be equal to a person?

"Don't look at this seat."

The soup wine hiccuped, and said with a blushing face: "It's rare for me to get together today. I want to drink a few more glasses."

Huantian Divine Emperor's face turned black.

He looked at Fei Qian and Fang Can.

"Senior, would you like a drink?"

Fei Qian held up a glass of wine, and said to the Emperor Huangtian, he didn't even know what happened.


The Emperor Huang Tian is really going to lift the table.

What is going on with these guys?

I was vying to suppress the supremacy of Xiaochu Tianyu, but now he is lazy and unprepared, as if he did not dare to face Qiu Yu at all.

Xuantian God Emperor suppressed the anger in his heart and looked at Ling Feng.

But this guy actually lowered his head slightly, tasting the wine by himself, completely unaware of the gaze of the God Emperor.

Xuantian Divine Emperor trembled his hands straight, wishing to cut off the realm directly and go to battle himself.

These guys are really unreliable.

Even the martial arts practitioners of Lingshen Tianyu were very blinded, not knowing what these personalities were going to do and why they were so calm.

Qiu Yu cast his eyes over, staring directly at Shen Lie, and then flicked over, without putting a bird in her eyes at all, she looked at Tang Jiu, Fang Can and others.

"Is this the Lingshen Tianyu?"

Qiu Yu said coldly, "No one dares to fight?"

Even the opponents were suffocating a fire, and the spirits of the heavens and the gods moved toward them and signaled those characters to do something, but they just ignored it. This was a great insult to Wu Xiu.

"Fang Can, how about you do it first!"

In the end, the Emperor Xuantian couldn't stand it anymore, and let Fang Can do it first, because he could see that Tangjiu and Shen Lie were old fried dough sticks, which was very difficult to convince.


Fang Can pointed to his face, blinded, flushed all over his slightly drunk face.


The God Emperor said, holding back his anger.

"Okay, then I'll take it hard!"

Fang Can staggered up, holding a glass of wine, and headed directly to the east.

And Qiu Yu is not in the same direction at all.

He came to the people of Henggu Tianyu, slightly drunk and powerfully said: "Whoever of you wants to challenge, come and fight!"


The face of the Emperor Huangtian was about to explode, red and purple.

What is this strange flower?

Qiu Yu was about to fight, but Fang Can ran to find the people of Henggu Tianyu. In this kind of battle, he was actually drunk.

Lingshen Tianyu shameless?


Someone reminded with his face covered.

But Fang Can was slightly drunk and couldn't hear clearly.

The Emperor Huang Tian didn't bother to remind him, his face was about to explode with black lines.

"Haha, interesting."

One person flew out of Henggu Tianyu, and said with a sneer: "I thought I could wait a while, but I didn't expect you to deliver it to the door personally. Then you will be fulfilled, and I will fight you!"

The God Emperor's eyebrows frowned, Qiu Yu's problem had not been solved yet, and Fang Can faced Henggu Tianyu again.

"Fei Qian, go on!"

The Emperor Huang Tian spoke, and asked Fei Qian to come out.

"it is good!"

Fei Qian swayed to his feet, restraining himself... rushing to the south, where Xu Chenzong was located in the dry moon universe.

"Arrogant, come out for a fight!"

The morality of Lingshen Tianyu shattered the ground, and the corners of the God Emperor's mouth twitched, gloomy to the end.

Fei Qian turned a deaf ear to the reminders around him, his eyes were red, his alcohol was sour, and he completely despised Xu Chenzong.

"But a drunkard, wait until this seat suppresses him, and see how you clamor!"

Xu Chenzong flew out and directly confronted Fei Qian.

"Tangjiu, I still have to maintain the face of the Spirit God Tianyu." The Emperor Huangtian said flatteringly, these four things are too difficult to serve.

"That's right, I want to fight!"

Tang Jiu stood up awe-inspiringly, and then rushed to the west in a straight line, stubbornly facing the Wanshutianyu water gate.

"Wait, let's go together!"

Tangjiu was so arrogant that he didn't put the other party in his eyes at all, threatening to blow up all the supreme.

Just because of the violent temper of Bangshuimen, how can you let the soup and wine clamor?

Several characters flew out on the spot to single out the soup and wine.

"Shen Lie, it's about the face of the Spirit God Tianyu and the list of ten areas, you have the last hope."

The Emperor Huantian was about to collapse, so he had to cast his gaze on Shen Lie, he had no more choice.

I hope God Lie will not go wrong again.

"Hehe, they are really unreliable, and in the end they have to clean up the mess!"

Shen Lie first glanced at Tang Jiu and the others: "One by one, he called himself a wine fairy, but a few bottles of wine drifted away, scum!"

After scorning Tangjiu and others, Shen Lie staggered towards Qiu Yu.

Thankfully, it's finally right this time.

People touched their chests and panted violently. Even the God Emperor Huantian couldn't help taking a sigh of relief. These guys didn't have a good product, and they drifted off after drinking some wine.

At this time, Ling Feng finally raised his head, expressionless, making people wonder how he was happy or angry.

"These four guys are so much troublesome!"

The Sea Moon God Emperor bared his teeth.

"Too irresponsible!"

Tianlan looked at the four guys speechlessly, very helpless.

What is even more speechless is that these four guys are actually facing the Sifang Tianyu. Once a problem occurs, the consequences will be disastrous.

after all.

The top supreme of the Lingshen Tianyu is them, and once they fail, it represents the tragedy of the entire Lingshen Tianyu.

Only Ling Feng who could restrain them was present, but Ling Feng did not express his position, as if he agreed with the actions of these four guys.

No matter what the people of Lingshen Tianyu think, this will be a must-fight situation.


The sky and the earth roared, a storm suddenly fell from the void, and a terrible storm swallowed the entire sky.

There are all supreme in the Quartet universe, this is a great opportunity to sharpen the supreme and make him advance to the rank of **** emperor, and it is still only the ten domain list, and there are not many **** emperors.

However, like Tianlan who has just succeeded in Wentian, who belong to the bottom of the Tianjiao event, they need to be sharpened. Their battlefield is the future, not the present.

"Supreme God and Demon"

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