Supreme Demon

Chapter 3356: Four supreme!

The void is dull.

Qiu Yu's eyes were cold, like snow in winter, with a force of force.

She looked ahead, Yuyan Hansha, she never thought that Lingshen Tianyu would actually play a house sparrow, small in size, very inconspicuous, not strong, although it is a supreme creature, it did not give her a lot of pressure. .

Fighting her with a monster is an insult to Qiu Yu.

Previously, this house sparrow was reluctant to play, and he was very indifferent, and did not put it in his eyes. Even if it was invited by the **** of the sky, it was reluctant, as if holding a win and despising Qiu Yu.

This is even more insulting!

After the house sparrow came on the field, his eyes squinted at her, and he burped with alcohol, which was quite unsightly, which further stimulated Qiu Yu and made him feel that it was repeated insults.


Shen Lie, drunk and distraught, gave Qiu Yu a sideways glance: "It's boring, I don't want to beat my mother!"


Everyone present was stunned and dumbfounded by the two words Shenlie Lei, feeling that the sky had fallen.

The corners of the mouths of the God Emperors of the Sky and the God Emperors of the Sea Moon were drawn straight, with black lines on their faces. What kind of supreme was Ling Feng brought? How come one is more weird than one?

Before, they thought Shenlie was the most reliable one, but now they have changed their views.

Not to mention that the God Emperor and the others, even the people watching the battle below are covered with black lines, and some can't help but laugh.

"I have a hunch, this will definitely become a classic!"

Someone grinned.

"That bird is indeed vicious!"

"Called the most poisonous bird of the year!"

Of course, these discussions are all in the dark. If they are put on the open, it is estimated that Shen Lie will kill himself.


Qiu Yu had cold eyebrows at Shen Lie, who was very unpleasant to see Shen Lie, but it was only anger, but when these two words popped out, Qiu Yu's hair exploded.

That kind of excitement and insult is far superior to others.


Shenlie will show his contempt to the fullest, mother, so he doesn't want to fight you.

This is even more uncomfortable than killing Qiu Yu.

"You are going to die!"

Qiu Yu's eyes reddened, and a murderous intent gushed out of his chest, making his hair stand upright, looking quite spectacular and crazy.


Qiu Yu yelled, power surging out like a tide, opening layers of space, a sharp sword penetrated the void and appeared in front of Shen Lie.

Space and time formed a fog, floating in the void, where the fog was, Qiu Yu's power space.


In a rage, Qiu Yu used the ultimate heavenly power to get rid of Shen Lie in one fell swoop, unwilling to bother with it.

"Said your mother is still unhappy?"

Shen Lie curled his lips with contempt. Although Qiu Yu's strength was not weak, he still didn't really see enough in front of him.

When Qiu Yu carried the mountains, seas and sky, Shen Lie finally sacrificed the pan that was incompatible with his body.

Grip, cock, swing.

All in one go!

Simple to rude.


The pan made a quaver, a terrible sound wave, and it smashed the endless space on the spot. It was like a ship, ploughing a puddle in the raging sea, and forbidden to move forward.

There was a trembling.

The endless space exploded in an instant, turned into dust and ripples, surging in the void, and the pan was like a broken bamboo, blasting towards Qiu Yu with a swift attitude.


Qiu Yu's expression changed drastically. How could she think that Shen Lie could make a comeback with her best effort?

Moreover, only a pan was used.

She held the sword in both hands to stabilize it, and then the sharp sword slowly smashed down, and the heavenly might almost swallowed this void.

Space and time were condensed into water mist, floating around the sharp sword, and even wrapped a thin layer on the sharp sword.

That sharp sword directly confronted Shen Lie's pan, to completely suppress it.


She really underestimated the strength of Shen Lie. In the supreme class, unless it is Ling Feng, how easy is it to suppress it?

After all, this bird grew up beside Ling Feng and was suppressed and tempered by Ling Feng.


The loud noise rushed towards Xiaohan, and a sharp sword slashed on the pan, making a sound of thunder, and exploding a series of lightning. The momentum swooped out from all directions, shocking people's faces.

That Shen Lie's momentum was not obvious, and he was still strong. It was unimaginable to force Qiu Yu to such a degree with just a pan.

The sharp sword flew, and couldn't suppress the pan at all.

at the same time.

Shenlie lightning strikes, and a pan overturns Qiu Yu.


Frontal assault!

Shen Lie showed an invincible crushing posture. Instead of sneak attack, he slapped the enemy from the front, leaving a deep mark on his forehead, causing him to faint on the spot.


Shen Lie was not polite, and the pan blasted down, smashing Qiu Yu into pieces, completely dissipating into the void.

Qiu Yu was defeated!

The whole scene fell silent.

Xuantian Divine Emperor and others finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although this bird is very unreliable, its strength is quite not weak. It is completely pressed against Qiu Yu. From beginning to end, Qiu Yu did not have the strength to counterattack.

People generally call this fighting method: control the field!


Everyone in Lingshen Tianyu was shouting and making their low voices. Before they were despised too badly, but now someone finally stood up and swept everything.

Although just Qiu Yu does not represent all the forces in the Quartet, people believe that Shen Lie is a bird that can create mythological achievements.

"Shen Lie, great!"

"Shen Lie, I am optimistic about you!"

"The pan sweeps everything, shoot them all!"


People are full of enthusiasm, full of expectations for Shenlie, and longing for it to do better.

at the same time.

On the side of Fang Can, Fei Qian, and Tangjiu, the battle is over. These three guys seem to be drunk and dim, but in fact they are like a mirror, and they have seen everything through.

They were worried that Shen Lie's strength would attract the jealousy of several other universes, and they did not dare to fight, so they singled out at the same time.

At this time, the Sifang Tianyu Tianjiao was not so wary of them. After they entered the pit, they wanted to leave, it would be up to them to be shameless.

"Fei Qian, Fang Can!"

"Soup wine!"

People couldn't help but roar, just like Shen Lie, these three showed control-level strength. Although the other three forces Tianjiao performed very strongly, they still didn't look enough in front of Tang Jiu and others.

"These are the four Supremes of My Spirit God Heaven!"

"What is the Sifang Tianyu? We have four supreme sacreds, which can completely sweep the audience!"


People talked a lot and showed strong enthusiasm, wanting to see Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others sweep the audience, and beat the supreme of the Sifang Tianyu to the ground one by one.

"It's a bit of a way, but if you want to suppress us, it depends on your qualifications!"

A person flew out of Bangshuimen, looked straight ahead, and made a cold sound.

Although Bangshuimen was defeated by one person, it didn't mean that Bangshuimen only had so little strength, and now the real masters appeared.

"Sit on the well and watch the sky, laugh generously!"

A master of Xu Chenzong flew out, smiling coldly, with a trembling sound.

"It's just a house bird, Wan Yumen will surely kill you!"

A master of Wan Yumen stepped out, directly facing Shen Lie, his eyes were contemptuous, and he didn't put the house sparrow in his eyes.

"House sparrow?"

Shen Lie narrowed his eyes and let out a faint smile.

Since ancient times, no one has dared to call it that way, it's just piercing the sky.

In Shen Lie's heart, dare to call it that, that is to make it crazy and to be suppressed.


Shen Lie was simple and rude. He directly waved the pan and hit the Tianjiao of Wan Yumen. The pan was wrapped in a thin layer of aura, which made his strength surge to a terrifying level.


With just a pan, the arrogant Tianjiao was suppressed.

When Shen Lie flickered and galloped, the pan became more powerful, and he blasted the Tianjiao into the pure land on the spot. If there is dirt in the pure land, it is estimated that he will eat it now.


Shen Lie waved the pan, strong to the end, and screamed that character and fell apart on the spot.

"Ah, is this your strength?"

Shen Lie glanced at Wan Yumen with contempt and said, "Today, you will all kneel in front of this seat!"

Strong and domineering!

But people in Lingshen Tianyu like this tune.

They were beaten up by the cross-domain characters from all major universes, and now they can finally fight back. The stubbornness in their hearts has been poured out, how can they not revel?

at the same time.

Tang Jiu, Fei Qian, and Fang Can also did not disappoint. They showed invincible fighting spirit and beat their opponents to the ground.

Still in control!

The Sifang Tianyu did not have the previous contempt, each of them frowned, and they seemed to attach great importance to it, because the performance of the four supreme beings such as Shen Lie was too strong, and the pan was too glaring.

"I'll kill the birds!"

"I'll town you!"

Several people flew out of the Sifang Tianyu to completely suppress the Four Supremes.


They are so whimsical, Shen Lie, Tang Jiu, etc. are simply invincible. In the realm of the supreme, their "authority" is too heavy, and they can't let the Sifang Tianyu supreme make any waves.


Fighting to the present level, they simply can't help the Quartet Heaven to retreat, they also want face.


The Sifang Tianyu Supreme flew out one by one, and fell one by one. In response to Shen Lie's words, there were five Supremes of Wan Yumen kneeling and falling in front of Shen Lie.

Wu Lie, who is known as the first arrogant of Wanyumen, also knelt in front of Shenlie, which means that the supreme level of Wanyumen was suppressed.

"Four Supremes!"

People screamed frantically, full of enthusiasm.

Today, Shen Lie and others brought them eternal excitement and affection, making them full of hope for the future of Lingshen Tianyu.

Who said that the supreme spirit **** heaven is inferior to other heavens?

Who said they want tragedy?

At this moment, Shen Lie and Tang Jiu proved to the world with the strongest strength that Lingshen Tianyu was supreme and immortal.

"Go on together, don't waste your time!"

Shen Lie looked at Wan Yumen and wanted to face all the Supremes of Ten Wan Yumen. His eyes were slightly shining, and his heart was also very excited, because Wan Yumen were all good arrogances, and he carried dozens of achievements in the world.

"Supreme God and Demon"

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