Supreme Demon

Chapter 3362: Fight across domains!


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Ling Feng stood on the void.

He was arrogant and despised the sky.

When the Lingshen Tianyu was weak, when the endless supreme defended the glory with his life, when a pair of eyes were bloodied...Ling Feng came forward, and he unveiled the list of the 100 domains with his prosperous passion and passion.

The vast texts spilled down from the void, forming a light curtain, reflecting behind Ling Feng, guarding and setting off, and setting off the magnificent waves.

Ling Feng was standing on the void, he did not do anything.

So, Shen Lie is the one who does it.

Among the people present, who knows Ling Feng best?

Of course it is Shen Lie.

When Ling Feng stood up with a cold and solemn expression, Shen Lie knew the end.

Therefore, when Ling Feng's voice fell, it relentlessly moved the pot, a pan with a dark mentality, and overturned the clamoring Supremes on the spot.


Shen Lie is not Fei Qian and Fang Can, dare to be brothers with Ling Feng, Shen Lie’s strength can be imagined, that is beyond the level of strength, it forbids to confront the Emperor Xuchenzong, its strength is full, and it can fight the Emperor. .

The Emperor Xuchenzong was seriously injured due to the previous decisive battle, and his strength was not as good as before. He did not expect that the mere supreme would dare to attack him, so he didn't respond immediately. When he discovered it, it was too late.

Shen Lie had already flew down from the void, and a pan suppressed it.

With the help of several supreme and **** emperors' achievements in the heavens, Shen Lie did not hesitate to break through the ten domain list and unveil the hundred domain list.

Dazzling in an instant!

Like billions of beautiful flowers spilling from the void.

The whole emptiness was lit up, like the day, a broader and more dazzling list, falling straight down from the nine heavens, dazzling and unparalleled.

The domain list is still the color of the void, with invincible momentum, and outlines a distinctive temperament.

Two ancient seals are carved on it with Taoist rhyme.


This means that the Lingshen Tianyu has unveiled the Hundred Regions list, making it thoroughly displayed and presented to people.

People are excited and sad. This list of hundred domains is hard-won, and many supreme and **** emperors have paid a miserable price, with many deaths and injuries.

The Hundred Regions Ranking is a huge impact on the Spirits Heaven, and one carelessness is a dead end. Although Shen Lie can expand the 100 Regions, the overall strength of the Spirits Heaven is still too weak.

There is no Tianyu God Emperor!

How do they maintain the situation?

It should be noted that there are many heavenly **** emperors on the Hundred Domains list, with extraordinary strength, each of them can sweep the Spirit God heaven, and the Spirit God heaven is reported to have only two super-grade **** emperors, and the God Emperor is one. The other one is unknown.

Even if the super-grade **** emperor in the hundred domains appeared, it was estimated that they would be enough to drink a pot in the spiritual **** heaven, the situation at that time was truly terrible, and no one could turn the tide.

"One hundred and twenty-point Tianyu record!"

Shen Lie was quite satisfied with this result. Although it ranked only more than 900 on the Hundred Domains list, it was at the bottom of the list, but it was also No. 1 in the Lingshen Heaven Domain.


Shenlie was also removed from the ten domain list.

"After all, it was revealed!"

The **** emperor Xuantian had red eyes. They worked hard for a long time, but they didn't want this domain list to come out, but they still couldn't hold back the situation, and they couldn't help but shake the pot.


The advent of the Hundred Domains List means that the number of horizons that can cross domains has decreased. It is estimated that Xiaochu Tianyu and others are not qualified to come, but as long as they come, they will be a stronger list of characters.

The 100 domain list has a limit.

Only the Tianyu release of the Hundred Regions list can be cross-domain, and the "civil war" of the hundred regions will be carried out, and this will be a stronger decisive battle.

"I knew this, why should it be so miserable?"

Someone smiled, and anger was aroused on the spot. People looked faintly towards Dongtian, because it was Dongtian God Emperor who spoke.

If they don't know the reason, people guess they will hate Lingfeng and others, but after knowing the reason, people will hate the eight ancient forces.

If they are willing to fight bloodily and pay a more miserable price, perhaps the situation is not so unbearable.

But what did the eight ancient forces do?

They did nothing!

When the battle was over, they sneered and sneered at the efforts of the Xutianmen, Seagodmen and other forces, which hurt people.


People didn't speak, and didn't want to remind the eight ancient forces, because they didn't need it.

The hatred in their hearts even disagrees with them.

The eight ancient forces are like eight malignant tumors, poisoning the spiritual **** heaven and restricting the growth of the spiritual **** heaven. I don't know how many Tianjiao have been strangled by the eight ancient forces these years.

The major forces were originally dissatisfied with the eight ancient forces, but now the resentment has turned into hatred!

Xuantian God Emperor had cold eyes, staring directly at the eight ancient forces, but did not speak, he wanted to watch the eight ancient forces kill himself step by step.

Ling Feng just squinted at the eight ancient powers. These eight powers were really idiots. Can't you see how weird the current situation is?

This is a killing game!

It's a pity that the eight ancient forces were not alert and didn't even know they were entering the game.

It can be said that as long as someone stands up and shouts, to deal with the eight ancient forces, there will be many forces responding.

However, what people have to deal with is the Hundred Domain List, not the eight ancient forces.


After this incident, the eight ancient forces were completely isolated, their influence was weakening, and one day they would be overthrown by the Spirit God Realm.

The Spiritual God of Cave Sky, the Spiritual God of Snow Mountain and others frowned slightly, and finally sighed.

Now, the situation has been formed. Even they can't even think about turning the tide and turning the situation around. Although it is not easy to overthrow the eight ancient powers with the current power of the Spirit God Realm, no power dared to jump out and wrestle with them, but Over time, the eight ancient forces will have problems sooner or later.

After unveiling the 100 domain list.

Lingshen Tianyu quieted down weirdly. Within a few hours, no power or characters came across the territory, but people felt the pressure.

100 domain list.

Once there are powers and characters coming across domains, it will be a tragedy for the Spirit God Realm.

"The Hundred Domains List has been unveiled, there is no need to wait, we will fight across domains!"

Ling Feng's eyes flashed, and he didn't want to wait any longer and wanted to cross-domain.

Who says they can only be beaten passively?

Today, they will take the initiative.


Shen Lie was the first to agree. It was a restless guy. If it hadn't been suppressed by Ling Feng, it would have cross-domain.

"I agree!"

The God Emperor nodded. They wanted to prevent the Hundred Regions from coming out, but their wish fell through. Since they are destined to face the endless wind and rain, it is better to take the initiative.

"Maybe it's a bit tragedy, but as long as you live, there is hope!"

Ling Feng pursed his lips and smiled: "Everything can wait for us to come back!"


"Tianlan, you can withdraw first!"

Ling Feng glanced at Tianlan. She had just asked the sky for success. She was only the elementary supreme, and any Tianjiao figure could suppress it. Ling Feng allowed her to enter the Tianjiao event, only to sharpen her, not to let her fall prematurely.


Tian Lan nodded and knew Ling Feng's intentions, so he didn't try to be strong.


If Ling Feng and others want to cross-domain, they need to have no worries. If she stays, it will be Ling Feng and others' back care. Only if they leave, Ling Feng and others are not involved.

"Lingshen Tianyu will be handed over to you!"

Ling Feng finally glanced at the God Emperor and the others.


Xuantian God Emperor solemnly nodded his head, characters like them, at best, unveiled the Thousand Regions list, and there is not much room for improvement. Therefore, forces such as Xutianmen, Sea Gods and other forces put their treasures on Lingfeng.

These figures are the key figures to unveil the Wanyu List.

It can be said that as long as Ling Feng is alive, it is not a problem to unveil the Ten Thousand Realm Ranking, and even to reproduce the glory of the Spirit God Realm.

What they are most afraid of is Ling Feng Tuo Da, a super-grade **** emperor.


Ling Feng smiled and nodded.

For them, the Tianjiao event is more than just hardening, and more importantly, reunion.

Reunion against God!

"What we promise you, we will do it!"

This is Ling Feng's promise, and it is also the promise of the gods!


There are only five Nishen people, but they are full of passion and invincible fighting spirit. They hold their heads high, and they face the wind and rain.

"Everything must be safe!"

Tianlan waved his hand, left the Tianjiao event, and flew out of the pure land.

This means that she will not participate in the war at the moment, and will stay behind.


She flew back to Yuetian Pure Land at the fastest speed, and had to guard against being sniped to prevent the Eight Ancient Forces and the Glory Kingdom from dealing with her.

"We will pay attention!"

Ling Feng's eyes flickered, and he squinted at the direction where the Son of Glory and Goddess were.

next moment.

They entered the illusion of light rain.

The terrain here is obviously different from the Pure Land, and dozens of vague and hazy heavens appeared in front of them, representing the dozens of heavens on the list of hundred areas.

Ling Feng didn't know the topography of the big heavens, he didn't know which heavens the hazy images of heavens represented, and he didn't deliberately search for them, and walked directly towards a heavens.

Shen Lie, Tang Jiu, etc. followed closely, this will be their strongest battle.


The light and rain flashed, and they only felt that their footsteps had crossed the long river of years, and when they walked out of the illusion light and rain, they appeared in a heaven different from the spiritual **** heaven.

Ling Feng's eyes were torch, staring coldly at the front. At this moment, he is the leader, but he is only at the micro-domain level. Once they are attacked by characters such as the Super Grade God Emperor, they will easily die.

Shen Lie, Tang Jiu, etc. were very alert, staring coldly at the front.

After a while, they laughed.

Just because they saw an acquaintance in the crowd.


At the beginning, when Ling Feng was in the Glory Kingdom Inner Mongolia, Yin had appeared, and invited several Guandao **** emperors. Ling Feng did not communicate with Yin too much, but knew that he was in the ten heaven domains around the spiritual **** heaven Inside.

Now, if they meet again, it means that Ling Feng and others have appeared in Luofan Tianyu.

In fact.

The illusion of light and rain changed, and five characters came across the domain, which also attracted the attention of the characters in Luofan Tianyu, and many eyes were cast on Ling Feng and others.

The hidden eyes suddenly burst out with two rays of light, and the eyes were full of excitement.

He knew that some characters were coming.

Although the Tianjiao event is extremely demanding, it is not a problem for many people who are against God.

At this moment, they are here, carrying the full of grandeur, carrying the strongest fighting spirit against God.



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