Supreme Demon

Chapter 3363: Can we go together?


You can search for "Supreme God and Magic (ie in Baidu!

Luofan Tianyu!

This is the most in the ten heavenly domain.

In the most dazzling era of Luofan Tianyu, they had unveiled the Ten Thousand Regions rankings and broke into the top 100, far from the Lingshen Tianyu can match.

In this year, Luofan Tianyu is even more talented, and the strength is quite strong.

This can be seen from the number of Tianjiao in Luofan Tianyu. There are more than 1,500 characters, almost twice the number of Lingshen Tianyu.


From the supreme level, the **** emperor level, they are stronger than the spiritual **** heaven.

Although Luofan Tianyu does not have eight spirit gods, there are ten, each of which can look down upon the sky, representing the most dazzling realm in Luofan Tianyu, and its status cannot be shaken.

They are also the proudest place for people in Luofan Tianyu.


After unveiling the Hundred Domains list, Luofan Tianyu seemed extremely vigilant, because every heaven that could uncover the Hundred Domains list was not simple. Luofan Tianyu was only the top of the ten regions, not the top of the hundred regions.

Like Luotian Divine Realm, once encountered it is the opening of tragedy.


Luofan Tianyu is not eager to cross-domain, fearing that Tianjiao will be damaged. At the same time, keeping the real Tianjiao in Luofan Pure Land is more conducive to dealing with those who come from across the domain.

In fact.

As long as the Tianyu who unveiled the 100-domain list, they did not cross-domain at the first time, unless they are the most in the 100-domain, but they also have their own problems. Once they cross-domain, some things will be uncontrollable. If the thousand-domain list is unveiled , The consequences will become serious.

It can be said that in the early days of the Tianjiao event, making the situation controllable is beneficial to all major universes.

after all.

The Tianjiao Grand Tournament is not the speed of unveiling the domain list, but the record of the domain. This is not the accumulation of time, but the crushing of strength.

"Where do you come from?"

When five people including Ling Feng appeared in front, an old man asked questions.

"Lingshen Tianyu!"

Ling Feng responded with a faint smile on his face.

"Lingshen Tianyu?"

Some characters in Luofan Tianyu frowned and thought deeply, and they were still relatively unfamiliar with this Tianyu. Ling Feng and others were not surprised at this point.

Lingshen Tianyu is a relatively "low-key" Tianyu. Even the most dazzling era in history is quite short. However, the people in Luofan Tianyu are generally the most dazzling Tianyu in the hundred realms, and the real low There are not many such weak areas as the Lingshen Tianyu.

"It seems not strong!"

The old man opened his mouth, knowing the Spirit God Realm, but what surprised him was that the Spirit God Realm had the courage to unveil the 100 Realms list this time. I really didn't know if he had hard power or wanted to die.

"It's just a weak universe!"

A woman said indifferently, she had never put Ling Feng and others in her eyes, because she knew very well how weak the Spirit God Realm was.

"Ten Tianyu, Lingshen Tianyu should be the last five fields!"

A character said.

For example, Xiaochu Tianyu, Henggu Tianyu, etc. are all ranked high, while Lingshen Tianyu is tied with several other heavens in the bottom five fields. For the top five fields, people are interested in dividing them up and down, but they are not People in the last five domains lack interest.


The last five domains do not distinguish between high and low, but they represent a kind of weakness.


Ling Feng smiled slightly and didn't feel that this was an insult. He didn't recognize the Spirit God Tianyu so much, and he couldn't empathize with him.

However, even if he was a figure in Lingshen Tianyu, he did not feel insulted.

This is the fact!

A hard retort is worse than a hard punch.

No matter how strong the mouth is, it is just empty talk, but what Zhanquan brings is the last word.

"Don't you think this is insulting you?" the man asked coldly.

"Why do you feel insulted?"

Ling Feng squinted and smiled: "Weak is weak, strong is strong, there are some things I can't change, but some things I can change!"

"Are you going to challenge us?" someone asked with a smile, quite eager to try.

They thought that the cross-domain came from the powerful Celestial Domain among the Hundred Domains, but now they found out that they were the characters from the last five domains. This is simply death.

They are naturally willing to receive the Tianyu record of Ling Feng and others.


Ling Feng smiled and said, "However, we are only the Divine Emperor and the Supreme, but we don't know if Luofan Tianyu is willing to fight at the same level?"

"Naturally willing!"

Some characters laughed heartily.

Suddenly, Luofan Tianyu formed a burst of laughter, and everyone around the Pure Land laughed.

Faintly smiled.

It’s just a different smile.

His smile was contemptuous. The Spirit God Realm is a weak realm, but it does not mean that some characters are weak. If the first supreme is strong and advanced, they can all be called weak, then who in this world deserves Strong?

Fight at the same level?

I have to say that some characters are really laughing too optimistic.

of course.

Some characters did not smile, their faces were full of solemnity. After some forces in Luofan Tianyu agreed, they even twitched their mouths and their faces turned black.

There is no doubt that these characters are the two **** emperors who were saved in the glory kingdom.

Although Ling Feng hadn't demonstrated his strength at the beginning, he was able to make the celestial reincarnation all be called brothers and sisters, the supreme who could suppress the strongest evil in history, once he became a **** emperor, his strength can be imagined.

How terrible is that?

Is this evildoer fighting at the same level as Luofan Tianyu?


Before they could speak, someone said: "Look at our forces, which force has entered your eyes, you can come and fight."


The two **** emperors' faces sank, and their hearts sank.

They tried hard to wink at Yin, hoping that Yin could stop all of this. God knows how tragedy Luofan Tianyu will be once that evildoer takes action.

It is estimated that some super-grade **** emperors and heavenly **** emperors will jump out to slaughter them.

Unfortunately, Yin didn't pay attention at all.


Ling Feng smiled slightly and said, "I'll choose him!"

Ling Feng raised his eyes and looked at Yin.

"As for which force they choose, that's their problem!"

Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others were thrown away, fighting at the same level, these guys could handle it completely.


Frozen, he didn't expect Ling Feng to choose him.

This is a big joke.

Although he has made a lot of progress over the years and is at the same level as Ling Feng, he knows how terrifying this evildoer is, and is invincible at the same level.


With Ling Feng's talents, he could definitely advance to Guandao, and even a super-grade **** emperor, but Ling Feng is only a micro-domain **** emperor so far, so the problem is not simple.

Or, Ling Feng was delayed due to serious injury.

Or, Ling Feng had been immersed for too long for the micro-domain **** emperor. Once it was the result, the micro-domain **** emperor would be suffocating.

He believes it is the latter.

"Yes, it's you!"

Ling Feng said with a smile.


"Hidden, suppress it, and raise me Lofan Tianwei!"

"It's just a mere microdomain. If I hadn't chosen me, I would have eaten this kind of dish!"

Some characters said sadly.

But they don't know if they want to cry.

"Don't talk nonsense, I have something to discuss with you!"

Ling Feng used Dao Soul to communicate his intentions. This is not a simple battle, but something to discuss.

"Okay, no problem!"

Yin agreed, smiling, as long as Ling Feng didn't want to beat him up.

"Of course, I also want to examine your strength!"

The smile on Yin's face stiffened, but no one noticed it.

"Brother, beat him down!"

Luo Luo cheered for Yin on the sidelines.

"Yes, although we are both characters of the Spirit God Tianyu, we also see him unhappy."

Shen Lie smiled from a distance: "Yin, don't show mercy, try to suppress it, we are optimistic about you!"

"Yes, brother Yin!"

Tangjiu said with a smile: "We cheer for you!"


The characters in Luofan Tianyu became quiet for an instant, and their faces were full of shock. What's the situation?

These guys are not the same force?

Although it has long been heard that the conflict in the spiritual gods is very fierce, it is the first time it has been put on the bright side.

They couldn't help but despise Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others.

It is not a good person to fall into trouble at this time.


Shen Lie and Tang Jiu regarded everyone as air at all. They just stared at Yin and smiled wickedly. They didn't have the courage to face Ling Feng, but Yin was very brave.


The heart of dreaming of death is gone.

What's the point of cheering up here? It's just getting into trouble.

Even if Ling Feng just wanted to examine his strength, at this moment, I was afraid that he wanted to beat him up first.

"Shut up!"

Angrily said: "You have the ability, you go!"

"We are the same forces, how can we fight at this moment, we are just optimistic about you, is there nothing wrong with this?"

Shen Lie spread his hands and said to Ling Feng: "I think he is very unconvinced with you, he is angry!"

"Yes, I still feel his contempt!"


Trying to choke these evildoers to death.

"I remember you, when this battle is over, I will challenge you one by one!"

Said with gnashing teeth.

"We only accept a battle at the same level!"

Shen Lie righteously said, but in fact he refused.

Yingang wants to say: I am waiting for you to advance to the rank of **** emperor.

But Luo Luo was too angry, and said one step ahead: "Huh, even if Brother Yin drops the realm to the supreme realm, he can still suppress you."



"Is that so?"

Shen Lie and Tang Jiu squinted and asked in horror.

"Not bad!"

Luoluo smiled indifferently: "After Senior Brother Yin suppresses him, he will suppress the realm and suppress you!"

"Is this what you meant, or did you mean Brother Yin?" Shen Lie asked "frightened".

"I mean Yin means brother, right?"

Luo Luo smiled and looked towards Yin, full of expectation and admiration.

So Shen Lie and Tang Jiu's eyes moved from Luo Luo to Yin, waiting for him to express his attitude.

As long as he dares to suppress the realm, Shen Lie and Tang Jiu will dare to beat Yin.


In the first battle of the same rank, they only served Ling Feng. Although the Yin was very good, they would be unlucky against Shang Shen Lie and Tang Jiu.


The corners of the hidden mouth trembled, he hated it.

Luo Luo, what are you talking about, do you know what your brother would look like?

"Weakly ask, he is the powerful arrogant of Luofan Tianyu, and we are from the weak Tianyu, even if he suppresses the realm, it is estimated that it is very similar, you one or two are not his opponents, can we be together Come on?" Fei Qian and Fang Can asked eagerly.


The corners of Yin's mouth twitched harder, so I wanted to beat him severely.

"Of course, Brother Yin can fight all of you!"


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