Supreme Demon

Chapter 3367: Tu Lengmo!


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Illusion light rain.

The gilt rain of light falls like waves of water, extremely vast and magnificent, and many rains overflow like spring water, making the whole picture magnificent and extraordinary.

The celestial regions are like star maps, outlining the uniqueness of the illusion of light and rain.

From here, people can fight across domains.

That star chart is the end point.


Ling Feng, Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others stood side by side, wrapped in cold face, cold eyes, and in front of him was a **** emperor, whose strength was shocking, and straight into the super product.

They were injured in their chest, abdomen, back, etc. Some wounds were overflowing with a little bit of energy, making their virtual bodies illusory and not solid enough.


The battle just now was very fierce, even Ling Feng's physique was injured and needed to bleed.


It was worth their effort. The super-grade **** emperor opposite was injured, bleeding in his abdomen, turning into aura and disappearing, and his face paled a little.

His eyes flickered and he was quite surprised.

He couldn't think of how a micro-domain **** emperor built such a solid strength and physique, even if it is super-grade power, it is still not easy to shake when using the top field.

What physique is this?

What makes his face even more ugly is that Ling Feng's strength is too strong, and that mist-like power can even despise the field, forbid it to break open, and not be affected by the field.

If he is not a super-grade **** emperor, it is estimated that the field will be completely suppressed by Ling Feng.

Now, he is only relying on the thickness and vigor of the super product field to overwhelm Ling Feng, otherwise I am afraid that he will really bloody.

after all.

Although Ling Feng's idol method can restrain the tens of thousands of fields, any power has its limits, even if it is tofu, if it is thick enough, it can still restrain a sharp knife.

What's more, the super product field is not tofu. The strength is strong enough to naturally overwhelm the self.


As long as Ling Feng is promoted to the Guandao God Emperor, his idiopathic method cannot be restrained by the super-grade field, just because the idiopathic method can completely fight across levels, which is extraordinary.

"Leng Mo, do you want to hide your head and show your tail?"

"I really thought you were covering your face with a super-grade field, so we don't know who you are?"

Shen Lie stared at the super-grade **** emperor in front of him, sneered.

"Kill him, naturally you can reveal the truth!"

Yin Yin said with a smile.

"Dare to deal with us, then we must think about the fate of the glory kingdom!"

This is Tangjiu's cold questioning, as well as the eerie threat.


Leng Mo's doing this is beneficial to the Kingdom of Glory. If he really reveals the world in his true colors, even if he defeats Ling Feng and slaughters the Tianjiao present, he is afraid that he will be condemned and even slaughtered by forces such as Xutianmen and Seagod.

The impact is quite serious.


Although the Glory Nation and Xuyue Ancient Clan are allies, Xuyue Ancient Clan and Xiaolingtu are not willing to come forward on this issue.

Before Ling Feng was easy to deal with, but now Ling Feng is a sharp knife.

They weren't brave enough to stand up against the five major forces including the Sea God Gate and the Xutian Gate.

after all.

They are not the eight ancient forces, and they don't have that qualification.

Although the eight ancient forces thought of Ling Feng's death, they didn't dare to fight easily. Otherwise, the five ancient forces would go crazy, enough to bring the eight ancient forces to a tragic end.

Is the super-grade **** emperor in front of Ling Feng, Tang Jiu and others Leng Mo?


Only the glory kingdom hates Lingfeng so much, and only the glory kingdom fears Lingfeng so much. Once this character achieves an unimaginable status, he will be promoted to Guandao God Emperor, Super Grade God Emperor, and even Tianyu God Emperor. Domain rankings and so on, the five major forces should be happy to get rid of the glory kingdom for them.

This is a murderous knife!

The Kingdom of Glory naturally wants to kill such characters in the cradle.


They still underestimated Ling Feng’s strength, and underestimated the strength of God Emperor, Tang Jiu, Yin and others. Even Fei Qian and Fang Can have strong strength. However, constraints can still be formed, making Leng Mo very passive.

"Hmph, you are all going to die today!"

Leng Mo was full of seriousness, full of murderous intent.

He knew better than anyone about the terrifying nature of Ling Feng's arrogances and their unlimited potential. Their advancement speed and strength were far superior to those of other tianjiaos. Once they were promoted to Guandao and Super Grade, there were not many that could suppress them in this Tianjiao event.

If these characters are alive, there is only a dead end in the glory kingdom.

He is willing to be the first butcher!

"Similarly, we are also willing to let you die!"

Ling Feng sneered and said: "Don't talk nonsense, let's fight!"


Leng Mo yelled and dived directly towards Ling Feng, because this talent is the main force and can restrain his strength, while other martial arts are just assistance. Once the main force of Ling Feng is lost, it is just the turtle in the urn and the sword. Fish meat.


Void trembling, a low power awakened, and the endless field turned into a black abyss, with the screams of divine beasts, and the howling of sentient beings. The scene was extremely bleak, giving people an intuitive feeling of returning to the blue sky.

Leng Mo is holding a sharp knife, the whole body is jasper-colored, as if flying out of the black abyss, carrying a cold and terrible aura, which makes people sink into the black abyss.


The gilt rain of light was annihilated on the spot, forming a void, covering Ling Feng, Shen Lie and others, to be removed as soon as possible.

"Cut you!"

Ling Feng yelled, the beginning Qi of all things in his body was fully recovered, like a spring rain, nourishing all things, making the gods' acupoints shine with unparalleled momentum.

A light mist appeared on the surface of his body, shining a little bit of spirituality, not strong, but exuding a sharp aura, causing the space to become distorted and collapsed.

"I am me!"

Ling Feng's eyes burned, and the endless power was transformed into his own image, condensed in his body, and became a human-shaped universe, or a field. When it fell down with all its strength, the entire sky was bursting, and space and time were distorted. And collapse.

This is the Dao of the Self!

Ling Fengjian confronted Leng Mo, with full firepower, the enchanting extreme.


He slammed into the black abyss with a punch, the ancient blade was lit up and turned into the most enchanting power, igniting the terrifying heavenly power beyond the immortal blade, and the sharp weapon that belonged to Ling Feng burst out unimaginable heavenly power at this moment.

He fell with one blade!

The world fell!

The black abyss is collapsing. Even though the black abyss is extraordinary and belongs to the super-grade field, the ancient blade lit up by the idol method and the origin of all things can be called a breaking weapon, and even the super-grade field will be split.

However, although the ancient blade is good, it is still difficult to fully break through the black abyss. After all, it is a super-grade field, and it is extremely thick, like a steel plate, although it can be cut, it also requires a few knives, or even dozens of knives.

But Ling Feng was equally extraordinary, and his sharp fist was terrifying.

The punch hit the black abyss, causing the black abyss to collapse, and cracks appeared around it, but he still seemed weak when he wanted to shake the super-grade **** emperor.


Yin, Shen Lie, etc. went into full battle, Li Beng the mountains and rivers, forming a terrible defense and attack, annihilating all the light and rain in all directions, and the space was shattered.


Their power blasted down on the black abyss, in the same direction as Ling Feng. They penetrated the black abyss on the spot, increasing the area of ​​its collapse, and the divine emperor Leng Mo snorted and the field broke open, affecting him. It's quite big, making its flesh and blood painful.

Because the black abyss is integrated with it, hidden in the body and moisturized.

It is like a weapon of a magic weapon, moisturized in the body, and the blood is blended. Once damaged, it will naturally affect him.


Yin directly sacrificed a mouthful of Cauldron, and when the air pressure fell, it blasted towards the black abyss.

Shen Lie sacrificed a phoenix sword, which was originally his life weapon, moisturizing it in his body, but it has become a supreme divine weapon this morning. When it falls, the phoenix can be seen humming.

Fei Qian, Fang Can, and Luo Fan are not weak in strength, and their strength is extremely explosive. They are like a **** emperor. Although they are not as good as Ling Feng, Yin and others, the six will fight together, even the micro domain **** emperor will bow their heads.

In simple terms.

Ling Feng can fight Super Grade and Hidden Taoist God Emperor, Shen Lie and Tangjiu can fight Micro Domain God Emperor, and the other six are equivalent to Micro Domain God Emperor.


Ling Feng's power was able to overcome Chilling Mo, with Yin, Shen Lie, Tangjiu, etc. to assist him, even the Divine Emperor Leng Mo felt strenuous and struggling.

"I use my own war super product!"

Ling Feng shouted, and directly blasted into Leng Mo's black abyss, and the Ancient Blade and Zhanquan broke through strongly.

The blooming of the idol method makes the ancient blade an indestructible weapon and the nemesis of everything.

The origin of everything penetrates everything and can crush everything.


He blasted away the constraints of time and space with a punch, and the black abyss trembled, and a wide range of cracks appeared.


The ancient blade pierced the dark gap and shot down in the black abyss, causing a hole in the black abyss to appear.

He attacked strongly, free from the shackles and suppression of the Black Abyss field, just like a wolf entering a flock, killing and killing quite decisively.

At last.

The black abyss completely collapsed, causing Leng Mo to snorted and his face turned pale.


Ling Feng, Shen Lie, Yin and others all slaughtered Leng Mo, an ancient blade split all obstacles, like a broken bamboo, and slammed in front of Leng Mo, and what Shen Lie and others had to do was to send Ling Feng to Leng Mo.

This is because the Dao Fa of the Self has not yet achieved success, and its power is limited to a certain range.

This means that Ling Feng is not good at long range combat, he is currently only suitable for close combat.

The Dao Fa of the original self is invincible in close combat and can be a god.


Ling Feng landed in front of Leng Mo, his eyes were like torches, and the cold light and rain were emitted, and the Dao Law of the self shot out thousands of magnanimous powers. He didn't need the embellishment of heavenly skills and combat skills. The endless Taoist rhyme is the ultimate expression of Tao.

"Today, you must die!"

Ling Feng moved forward forcefully, broke through everything with a punch, and slammed in front of Leng Mo.


Leng Mo yelled, and the Black Abyss field expanded again, showing around his body, while he himself was placed in the field, so that he could surpass the wind.

As long as he enters his black abyss, it is the fish on his sword.

"Young Master Ling, be careful!" Yin reminded.

"It doesn't matter, kill him in the field!"

Ling Feng strode forward, and forbidden himself to break into the field. The Self-Dharma was completely in full bloom, emitting a glazed light, and when it fell, all the matter in the black abyss collapsed, and as he stepped, Ling Feng’s The eyes are getting brighter and getting colder.


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