Supreme Demon

Chapter 3368: Melee invincible!


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At present, Ling Feng is most suitable for this type of combat.

The origin of all things is condensed in the body, and it is not obvious to release it. It is very difficult to stimulate it and fight, especially if it wants to hurt the super-grade **** emperor, it is even more difficult.


The fighting method that is beneficial to Ling Feng is close combat, and only close combat can let the idol method exert lethal damage.

Ling Feng flies directly to the Super Grade Black Abyss, not afraid of life and death, and full of power, but his aura is far less than Leng Mo, even less than Yin, Tangjiu and others, because the origin of everything is the power condensed in the body, only blooming on the body surface It's just mist.


Anyone who dares to underestimate this layer of mist will have to pay the heaviest price.


The ancient blade emits a light ray, not conspicuous enough, and not strong enough, but this is the embodiment of the origin of everything and the way of the self.

next moment.

Ling Feng fell within the range of the Super-Rank Black Abyss, the ancient blade screamed, and the fist roared, blasting towards the black abyss, bursting out endless ripples, each ripple could shatter space and everything.

Ling Feng tried his best to suppress the refrigeration Mo with the strongest combat power.

"Hehe, is it true that the Black Abyss field of this seat is made of mud?"

Leng Mo's voice became cold and severe, with a little sneer.


He is just showing the enemy's weakness.

If you want to get rid of Ling Feng and others, you have to think a little bit. Ling Feng's strength is very strong and quite cunning. If he doesn't bring it into the Black Abyss field, he wants to get rid of Ling Feng. Very not easy.

Now, Ling Feng took the initiative to break into the Black Abyss field, that is, he has cast himself into the net.

"Do you have any last words, now you can explain it!"

Leng Mo's eyes were very cold, and two cold rays of light were suddenly shot out. When he stepped into his dojo, there was no example of being born alive.

Although Ling Feng is not weak, he is only the Divine Emperor of Micro Domain after all.


Ling Feng smiled indifferently, how could he not know that God Emperor Leng Mo didn't do his best?

But it would be quite troublesome and tricky to get rid of God Emperor Leng Mo without entering the game.


He is quite confident in the gods.

"Then my last words are to get rid of you before death!"

Ling Feng squinted and sneered, his sharp fists unfolded, the ancient blade was crazy, punch and blade was splitting the black abyss, it was not easy to suppress Ling Feng even in the super-grade field.

The origin of all things and the Dao Law of the Self can indeed restrain the black abyss.

"That's a pity, your last words will never come true!"

God Emperor Leng Mo laughed wildly, without paying attention to Ling Feng and others.

Because in his eyes, Ling Feng is the fish on the knife.


His voice was clear, with the sound quality of cutting fresh bamboo with a knife. When his voice fell, the black abyss suddenly collapsed, just like a black hole. The instant collapse caused the power to double, and the endless heaven and power flowed into the black abyss.

At this moment, the void will collapse and be swallowed!

At this moment, everything is withering and annihilating.

Hei Yuan was originally terrifying and terrifying in power, but when it collapsed, the wave it caused was unimaginable, detached from the world, and its power surged to such an extent that the faces of Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others changed drastically.

Because the collapse of the black abyss will detonate everything, it will annihilate all matter, within the range of the black abyss, except for the master Leng Mo, everything else will become powder and fly ash.


The gravitational force erupting from the black abyss was too strong, swallowing everything, everything within a radius of thousands of miles was swallowed, even Tangjiu, Shen Lie, Yin and others are flying towards the black abyss, to become the fly ash and齑粉.

One can imagine what situation Ling Feng is facing at this moment.

"The Ultimate Battle!"

Shen Lie's eyes glowed like torches, and at this time, no one dared to hide.

"Okay, then the ultimate battle!"

Yin, Tangjiu nodded, eyes cold, exuding a cold air.

"Full bloom, headed by me!"

Yin yelled, looking straight ahead, a sharp sword in his hand pointed at God Emperor Leng Mo.

"No problem!"

God Lie nodded his head, his power was in full bloom, and there was a low and treacherous power in his body, finally awakening at this moment.


The Taoist rhyme of the sky collapses and everything is empty.

A Taoist rhyme sweeps everything, carrying the strongest will of Guwu!

That is... Wu Zhiyun!

at the same time.

Tang Jiu, Yin, Fei Qian, Fang Can and other characters are in full bloom, and they all have sacrificed the rhyme of Wu. This is the unique Taoist rhyme of Guwu, which can rival the realm of the world and can be proud of the endless arrogance.

At the beginning, Ling Feng borrowed the charm of martial arts to kill celestial creatures.

of course.

It's not just Wu Zhiyun that is really powerful, but also against the gods.

The rhyme of one or two martial arts, even if it can make them fight across levels, still seems weak, but what about the rhyme of nine martial arts?

Leng Mo is hiding, they are hiding even more.

Because there is a sickle in the world, they have never used it.

Now, they used it.

Whirlwind sickle!

The power of Shen Lie and Tangjiu came, the power of Fei Qian, Fang Can, the power of Luo Fan's four deities came, and when the Yin sacrificed the charm of Wu, all the powers merged.


A thunderstorm appeared on the sky, and it disappeared in a sudden flash.

Also disappearing together were Yin, Shenlie, Tangjiu and others. They were thunderstorms, and they were the limit state of Wu Zhiyun.

The black abyss was collapsing, and the thunderstorm was galloping.

The thunderstorm even borrowed the gravitational force of the collapse of the black abyss, and completely killed it. The violent level far exceeded the micro-domain **** emperor.


A flash of light flashed, and the Divine Emperor Leng Mo let out a sorrowful cry, because one of his arms was chopped down by life, causing his face to be distorted with severe pain.

He was dumbfounded, in disbelief.

In his opinion, Ling Feng is trapped, who is qualified to deal with him?

Are you just those characters like Pingyin and Tangjiu?

Not enough to see!

They are ants!

But now ants eat people!

With the combination of Wuzhiyun, Ling Yin, Shen Lie and others erupted with unimaginable heavenly power, which was close to the Super Grade God Emperor, even if they were against the Shangguan Tao God Emperor.


It is the most powerful place of the gods against gods!

Cyclone sickle.

The rhyme of Wu is in full bloom!

That is tens of times, a hundred times of full bloom.


Yin yelled, gathered together with Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and other eight supreme, rushed towards Leng Mo God Emperor.



The face of God Emperor Leng Mo changed drastically. A single Ling Feng was enough to cause him a headache, but now there are more people like Shen Lie, Tang Jiu, etc. The powers are strangely blended, and they are in an urgent state, and a low and stalwart force destroys the dead. , Even the collapsing black abyss can penetrate.

What power is this?

It's not super grade, but it can penetrate!

Is this Ling Feng second?

When Yin and the others came to kill, he had to throw his fist to sniper, and his attention was naturally distracted. Although Tang Jiu, Shen Lie and others were brave, they did not have much luck with the Super Grade God Emperor.

They were bombarded on the spot, if it were not for the combination of martial arts, their strength would surge, and they would either die or be injured at the moment.

They flew out, spurting blood on the spot, their bodies and souls were damaged, but there was no tragedy of death.

"Fight again!"

Yin, Tangjiu and others shouted, and Wu Zhiyun was in full bloom again, completely blended, and blasted towards Leng Mo.

"You are from the same force!"

"Who the **** are you?"

Leng Mo's face changed drastically, and he finally saw the problem, because Tangjiu, Yin, Shen Lie and others used the same power, all of them were Wu Zhiyun, and their temperament and aura were similar. Only the same power had such powers and powers.

This reminded him of the scene of the glory kingdom that day.

At that time, many Tianjiao flew in. Although he did not pay attention to Yin and others, he was deeply impressed by Han Ruyue and Xinglan, and Shen Lie was even more impressed.

Although Fei Qian, Fang Can and others were unfamiliar, Leng Mo felt that these two supreme beings had been there.

what does this mean?

It means that those Tianjiao all come from the same power, but now they are scattered in the major powers of the major universe.

What forces are they?

What are they going to do?


In response to him, Yin, Shen Lie and the others violently violent Heavenly Might, the cyclone sickle split everything, the hard bar Heiyuan collapsed, and the hard bar Super Grade God Emperor killed Leng Mo at the price of blood.



Leng Mo bleeds, and he still looked down upon Yin, Tangjiu and others. The Cyclone Scythe was unique and terrifying, and it could indeed uncover everything, crazy.

He was injured and one arm was wiped out.

The chest, abdomen, etc. are all damaged, but this injury is not enough to destroy it.

"You are all going to die!"

Leng Mo has a stronger intention to kill. If he only wanted to kill one Ling Feng before, he would want to kill everyone at this moment, because the strength of these arrogances is too terrifying, let them live, and once they grow up, the kingdom of glory will still be annihilated.


A soft sigh, faint and sad.

Divine Emperor Leng Mo couldn't help shaking, his heart was chilling, because the voice was too clear, as if it was in his ears.

When he turned around, he was even more shocked.

I don't know when Ling Feng appeared behind him. He was not swallowed by the collapse of Heiyuan, taking advantage of Yin and Shen Lie's use of martial arts to distract Leng Mo's attention.

Then, he got here.

Close combat, must be close enough!

of course.

To achieve this level, there is only one power.

A place of nothingness!

For some reason, the first reaction of God Emperor Leng Mo was not to slaughter Ling Feng, but to fly backwards, because Ling Feng and Cyclone Sickle were so weird that they made him hairy.


At this moment, the Divine Emperor Leng Mo found that he could not move, as if a mortal fell into the mud and was sinking.

"Is that... a small tree?"

His eyes widened, he couldn't believe it, because a small tree appeared above his head, shining with a rain of void light, and rippling, just like that, but it stopped him.

"Oh, why bother?"

An ancient blade fell from the void, at the same pace as Ling Feng, slow and cold.

It pierced the eyebrows of God Emperor Leng Mo, pierced the soul sea, and pierced Dao Soul.


Divine Emperor Leng Mo's face changed drastically, struggling violently, he never thought that this would be the result.

Ling Feng's close combat is not just a fight, but a use of the tree of all things.

Only the tree of all things after the drastic change could immobilize Divine Emperor Leng Mo, even for a moment was enough.

What is even more tragic is that the ancient blade used by Ling Feng is so extraordinary. The Tree of All Things radiates invincible power, forbidden to penetrate Leng Mo's virtual body and hit the main body directly. This is the same as the Soul Calming artifact.

That is to cut the real body by the virtual body!


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