Supreme Demon

Chapter 3369: Young people, do not speak martial arts!


You can search for "Supreme God and Magic (ie in Baidu!

In the illusion light rain.

An ancient blade pierced through the soul of God Emperor Leng Mo, causing it to burn, and the terrifying flames reflected in the void and disappeared into the distance.

In the ancient blade, the origin of all things is fully released, and the self-dao law is blooming, causing its soul to collapse and become dust and ashes.

The covered Black Abyss field also dissipated at this moment, and it was indeed the Divine Emperor Leng Mo that appeared in front of people.

He has a distorted face, his eyes full of unthinkable and hideous.

How could he think that this battle would end in this way?

How did he think that some characters could slaughter the super-grade **** emperor against the sky?

This is a killing game!

Yin, Tang Jiu, Shen Lie and others are just "shadows of trees", distracting God Emperor Leng Mo in a "whispering" posture.

At the beginning, they were very low-key and knew how to hide. They didn't fully bloom until the situation was formed.

Ling Feng is that fierce knife.

He wanted to slaughter the super-grade **** emperor, but he was not enough, but with the control of Yin, Tangjiu and others, Ling Feng could approach the Leng Mo **** emperor in the name of "melee combat".

The tree of all things and the land of nothingness are the main causes.

The weirdness and concealment of the Void Land, the dominance and suppression of the Tree of All Things allowed Ling Feng to slaughter the God Emperor Leng Mo.

This is a battle they have discussed in advance.

Slaughtering the super products with the micro-domain is a crazy thing. It can be said that every step is extremely important. If Yin, Shenlie and others did not understand low-key and concealment before, the God Emperor Leng Mo discovered the problem and tried his best to beware. Then don't want to distract it.

Then there is no Ling Feng's ultimate blow.

Without the weirdness of the Void Land and the suppression of the Tree of All Things, it would be a fantasy for Ling Feng to slaughter the Super-Rank God Emperor.


Divine Emperor Leng Mo still underestimated them and didn't pay enough attention to it. Otherwise, it would be difficult for Ling Feng and others to successfully slaughter the super products.


They succeeded!

This is a step-by-step calculation, a step-by-step conspiracy, and finally merged into a vast killing game.

God Emperor Leng Mo died unjustly.

Any person who does not understand the strength of the gods, as long as they fall into this situation, they will end in tragedy.

of course.

God Emperor Leng Mo saw more, especially the moment before his death.

He saw the power of Ling Feng. The tree of all things and the land of nothingness were extremely terrifying, and it was a weapon for slaughtering super-quality products. He even saw the terrible things of Yin, Tangjiu and others.

They are Tianjiao, with the potential and strength to fight across levels, but what is more terrifying is the cyclone sickle.

Once they appear at the same time, enter the game at the same time, and fight at the same time, then they can fight Super Grade. If they are promoted to the Weiyu Divine Emperor and Guandao Divine Emperor, even the Super Grade Divine Emperor will be tragedy.

Can imagine.

If they can go further, can advance to a stronger rank, if they are all heavenly emperors, in the Tianjiao event, who dares to stun the front?

World War I Conferred!

Isn't Ling Feng the only conferring god?

This is even more a battle for the gods of Yin, Tangjiu, Shenlie and others!

"The overall situation is settled!"

Ling Feng spouted a few mouthfuls of blood, all of which turned into essence and drifted away.

Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others all sat down and adjusted their breath as soon as possible, while Ling Feng was in charge of sitting, because he was the one with the lightest injuries among Tianjiao present.


The kingdom of glory is in the land of God.

The Glory Ancestor who was sitting in the town suddenly opened his eyes, gloomy flashing, staring at Leng Mo's real body.


A blaze ignited from Leng Mo's true body and soul, causing Leng Mo to let out a sorrowful cry. His body twisted violently, using the power of the black abyss to extinguish the flame in the soul.

However, all is in vain.

His Dao Soul is burning and turning into ashes, which is simply not something that Black Abyss can suppress.


He let out a stern cry, turned to look at the ancestor of glory, and shouted: "The ancestor, save me!"

"What happened?"

The face of the ancestor of glory changed drastically, and he used the field to press against the **** emperor Leng Mo, directly crushing the Dao Soul, trying to suppress the flames and cut off the source.


They underestimated the power of the ancient blade, the self-style method, and the origin of all things, and they were ignited at one point, even the super-grade **** emperor would never want to put it out.


Divine Emperor Leng Mo screamed and screamed, desperate for life.

He knew that it was too late, and the ancestor of glory could not save him. The flames were too terrifying and annihilated everything.


"Leng Mo!"

"Be careful... the tree..."

God Emperor Leng Mo wanted to say a lot. He wanted to warn the dreadful ancestor of the glory of Ling Feng, that little tree is a tree of all things, infinitely powerful, he wanted to warn the ancestor of glory, Ling Feng is not alone, there is indeed a fear behind him The strength of Tianjiao can not only cross the ranks, but also kill the gods.

He wants to say too much, but he has no time.

In the endless flames, Leng Mo turned into powder and ashes.

A generation of super products, just like that!

"Leng Mo!"

The ancestor of Glory had red eyes and blue veins on his forehead. He didn't know what had happened.

Is the tree that Leng Mo God Emperor asked him to be careful about? Or a book?

Divine Emperor Leng Mo wanted to assassinate Ling Feng, which he permitted, because he felt it was a major concern, and with Divine Emperor Leng Mo's super-grade strength, who could shake him unless he was against the Divine Emperor of the Heavenly Domain?

However, Leng Modao died.

who is it?

Ling Feng?

Why does he have such strength?

The Divine Emperor Leng Mo died too hastily, and there was no time to say more, but the ancestors of glory knew that they had encountered the most severe trouble in history.

Whether it is Ling Feng, the forces behind it, or even others, it is a disaster for the glory kingdom.

"Check, we must find out the reason!"

"Check, be sure to find out the real culprit!"

The Glory Ancestor's face was blue and furious, and at this moment he wished to enter the venue himself.


While the Kingdom of Glory was fully investigating the cause of Leng Mo's death, Ling Feng and others had recovered, and they laughed at each other.

"The scourge is gone!"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "But that ancestor is afraid that he won't let it go!"

"Then let him come in for a fight, and we will kill him again!"

He squinted and said: "He dares to come, we dare to accept!"

"That's right!"

Shen Lie patted his paws, and said with a smile: "However, the Kingdom of Glory is so arrogant that he actually used a knife at this point."

"Do you want to inform the five major forces?" Tangjiu frowned.

"No need!"

Ling Feng shook his head and said, "Let the Glory Kingdom check this matter first. I don't think we need to inform, the five major forces should know it soon."

"But we are not Leng Mo, we just want to assassinate our Super Grade God Emperor!"


Everyone smiled and nodded, Ling Feng's note was very poisonous.

As long as they insist that the Super-Rank Divine Emperor assassinated them and were slaughtered instead, the Glory Nation side would vomit blood and dare not disclose Leng Mo's little information. Once the news comes out, the five major forces will definitely find out the truth.

Although in the end they definitely couldn't find out who the super-grade **** emperor was, they could definitely discover what role the Kingdom of Glory played in it.

As long as you are not an idiot, you should be able to understand what is going on.

Some things don't need to be explained. When the time is up, someone will naturally explain for them.

"This battle is over."

Ling Feng smiled and said: "Yin, you guys must break through as soon as possible, the micro-domain **** emperor is still not enough!"


The four statues of Hidden and Luofan bowed and responded respectfully.

"Shen Lie, Tang Jiu, you four have to work hard. Only when we advance to the micro domain as soon as possible, we can use our fists."

"Don't worry!"


Shortly after.

They flew out of the illusion light and rain, really shocking the world.

Because Ling Feng, Yin and the others were intact and their aura was still there, if it wasn't for the wounds of Ling Feng and others that hadn't fully healed, they would have thought it was a farce.

They came out, but the super grade **** emperor did not come out.

what does this mean?

They really slaughtered the Super Grade God Emperor?

Even Lu Shan was puzzled and curious, and wanted to know the truth.

"Brother Yin!"

Luo Luo flew over for the first time, and finally let go of his heart, smiling all over his face.

Several other forces were also relieved, because the four Luo Fans did not fall, and were still strong.

However, after the four Luofan flew back, they were still severely reprimanded by them, and they were determined to not allow them to act without authorization because it was too dangerous.

Ling Feng, Shen Lie, etc. did not explain how the results of the battle were, they did not need to give these people an explanation.

in fact.

Ling Feng wanted to leave directly, but he felt that he was coming across domains at this moment, and the atmosphere was relatively harmonious, allowing Shen Lie and others to sharpen it. If there are enough opponents, he also wants to fight a few games.

"Yin, your battle should be over, right?"

Shen Lie squinted his eyes, looked at the chat with Luo Luo, and asked with a smile.

"It's over..."

Yinzheng and Luoluo were distracted, but after the three words were uttered, he instantly reacted, his face changed drastically.

Because what Shen Lie asked about was not the super-grade battle, but the duel between him and Ling Feng.

"It's over!"

Shen Lie eagerly said: "Before, you seemed to suppress the realm and accept our challenge, right?"

"What looks like, that's how it is!"

Tang Jiu Ying said: "Moreover, he wants to suppress the realm to the supreme, fight our five supreme, and suppress us!"

"Indeed, his junior sister agreed, but there is no objection, that is to say yes!"

Fei Qian and Fang Can made up the knife.

Ling Feng smiled without saying a word, and let these guys make a fuss. After many years, Nishen has not been so busy.


In the previous battle, he felt a lot, as if it had touched the Dao of the Self. He needed some time to digest this feeling.

"Come on then!"

"Please beat us without dignity, please beat them into pigs, come on, we are ready!"

Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and the others moved forward, saying please, but the smiles on their faces seemed to say "being".

"Young people don't speak martial arts!"

Yinan pointed at Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others and said: "The emperor is the main force, and the consumption and injuries are far beyond your imagination. Now you are going to challenge the emperor. You really don't talk about martial arts!"

"The emperor must first return to the forces to heal his wounds, you mouse tail juice!"


Faintly snorted, blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth, turned into a little bit of essence, and drifted away into the void, and then bluntly said to Luo Luo, waiting for his injury to heal, and then return to the Tianjiao event to beat the four statues.

"Hmph, if Senior Brother Feiyin is seriously injured, he will definitely suppress you today!" Luoluo said, glaring at Shen Lie and others.


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