Supreme Demon

Chapter 3370: Xuanyuan Goshawk!


You can search for "Supreme God and Magic (ie in Baidu! </p>

Luofan Pure Land is very quiet. </p>

People looked ahead, full of horror and dementia. Although they didn't know the situation of the battle, it was not difficult for them to see that the super-grade **** emperor was afraid of bad luck and bad luck from the state of the characters such as Lingfeng and Shenlie when they returned. </p>

Or, the super-grade **** emperor was forced to evacuate and escape the illusion of light and rain. </p>

Either, this super-grade **** emperor has already come down. </p>

No matter what kind. </p>

For the Tianjiao in Luofan Pure Land, it is quite terrible, because Ling Feng, Yin and others are only micro-domain **** emperors. Although there are eight supreme beings to assist, it is still the same to kill a super grade **** emperor. It's like a fantasy, unimaginable. </p>

People didn't think there would be a third situation. The Luofan **** emperors didn't get involved. If that super-grade **** emperor really had that level of strength, he could cut off Ling Feng, Yin and others, without such "humility." </p>

What is even more amazing and crazy is that none of Ling Feng, Shen Lie and others have fallen, and they all returned safely. </p>

This is terrible. </p>

The dignified super-grade **** emperor, could it be difficult for even the supreme to be removed? </p>

How weak is that? </p>

thus. </p>

People also felt that the super-grade **** emperor had escaped the battlefield, otherwise it would be difficult to explain all of this, and in terms of escape, people could come up with a reasonable explanation. </p>

That is, the Super Grade God Emperor was very jealous of the Luofan God Emperors, and worried that such an assassination would anger the Luofan Super Grade God Emperor, so he fled the battlefield. </p>

otherwise. </p>

Could it be that Ling Feng, Yin, etc. are extraordinary in strength and can suppress the Super Grade God Emperor? </p>

of course. </p>

People don't know the real situation of the battle, but they don't think it is the credit of Ling Feng, Yin and others. </p>

This is taking advantage of Luofan Tianyu. </p>

After thinking about this, people feel much better. </p>

If Ling Feng and others really slaughtered the super-grade **** emperor, then their mood would be quite complicated and sad. </p>

At least, for the proud Luofan Tianjiao, the blow was too heavy. </p>

however. </p>

Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others are really too strong. After the decisive battle is over, they confronted Yin. They wanted Yin to be suppressed by the Supreme, and to fight with them. "Please" Yin suppressed them. </p>

Is this please? </p>

Is this please Yin being suppressed by them? </p>

The smile and gearing on that face have completely betrayed their intentions. </p>

However, Yin was bleeding from a serious injury and was unwilling to fight a decisive battle. Lu Shan and others could naturally see the problem. The hidden injuries were not as bad as they thought, but they were just unwilling to fight. </p>

Only Luo Luo was so naive, thinking that Yin did not fight because of his injuries. </p>

In fact. </p>

People as long as they are not idiots can discover the problem. Shen Lie, Tang Jiu, etc. were all shot out at the beginning, with injuries on their bodies, but they showed the ultimate supreme strength, just the aura is enough to drink a pot of Luofan ten. </p>

Yin is indeed not weak. It used to be Luofan ten, but if you dare to suppress the realm and fight against the gods with the supreme realm, it is very dangerous. If you want to deal with the five supreme, it is to die. </p>

"Young people, don't talk about martial ethics, mouse tail juice!"</p>

Before Yin left, he left such a sentence, which made Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and other people jump off his feet. If the gods were not present, they would definitely beat Yin up. </p>

Yin really returned to power. </p>

His injury was not as miserable as he thought, but the situation was too awkward. He wanted face, Luo Luo wanted face, and their power wanted face even more. </p>

This battle is unbeatable! </p>

So he fled. </p>

"So cheap!"</p>

Shen Lie curled his lips, very upset, thinking to himself that he would beat this thing severely when he regained his rebellion one day. </p>

Do not! </p>

Gang fight! </p>

"He can stay for the same time, can he stay for the whole life?"</p>

Tangjiu sneered. </p>

Fei Qian and Fang Can looked at each other and sighed. This was an opportunity to beat the seniors, so they missed it. </p>

After that, it was not so easy for them to want to beat up and hide. </p>

"Luofan Tianyu is known as the top of the ten domains. Tianjiao comes out in large numbers, and the ten Luofans are even more extraordinary."</p>

Shen Lie turned his eyes and faced all the arrogances of Luofan Tianyu, and said with a smile: "I am waiting for the Supreme Spirit God, today I am here to challenge the ten Luofan!"</p>


Luofan Pure Land is quieter, and the needle drop can be heard. </p>

People looked at the bird, wondering how to respond. </p>

The atmosphere is completely different from when they first arrived. </p>

At that time, Luofan Tianjiao was very proud, did not put Shenlie, Tangjiu and others in his eyes, and shouted to kill Shenlie, Tangjiu and others. Many forces Tianjiao were very enthusiastic. </p>

But now, Luofan Tianjiao's pride is gone. </p>

"What do you mean?"</p>

Shen Lie was very dissatisfied with the reaction of the Luofan Tianjiao, and said: "The previous decisive battle has not ended, now we want to fight again!"</p>

"The elders of the clan shout, we must return to the clan first!"</p>

Xiao Rufeng has dazzled people, and Shen Lie's displayed strength can crush the Supreme. Unless it is a **** emperor, there is no person in the world who can suppress him. </p>

This bird is crazy, but it has crazy capital. </p>

"My home is on fire, I'm going back first!"</p>

Is the soup and wine weak? </p>

That was a figure of the same level as Shen Lie, who blasted him into the air with one punch, and almost knocked him to death with one kick. How can this fight? </p>

Is he an idiot? </p>

Then why let the soup and wine beat him up? </p>

"Something at home!"</p>

The famous tool sect flashed during the day, and his reason was simpler, simply making the face of the famous sect Tianjiao blush. </p>

"I have another date!"</p>

Big Moon Gate Xu Shan flew. </p>

The whole scene is as weird as it is weird. </p>

Luofan Tianyu, the first of the ten dignified territories, actually showed a decadent temperament on this issue, ten statues flashed four, and the other four fought side by side with Shenlie and Tangjiu. At this moment, it showed that the injury had not healed. status. </p>

There are only two others left. </p>


Fengmingzong's first supreme flickered, because people cast their gazes over, it was almost forced to fight. </p>

"This seat is going back to sleep!"</p>

A person behind Lu Shan breathed out and flashed directly, not wanting to be forced into battle. </p>

He could see that Yin was scared away, knowing the strength of these evildoers, only Luo Luomeng was in the dark, and he felt that Yin was seriously injured. </p>

"What do you mean?"</p>

Tangjiu asked dissatisfiedly. </p>

"All ten statues are okay, it's not very convenient!"</p>

Lu Shan smiled and said, "Why don't you move to another heaven?"</p>

There was no objection, but their faces were burnt. This was the most tragic scene in Luofan's history. </p>

but. </p>

They also know that if ten statues are on the field, they are all cannon fodder. Everyone here can fight the Divine Emperor of the Micro Territory, unless they try their best, otherwise, they will really be ashamed. </p>

"The ten deities have something to do, other supreme can also fight."</p>

Shen Lie did not want to move, although they were not afraid of any Heavenly Territory Supreme, but Ling Feng's strength was weaker. </p>

and. </p>

It felt that the red faces of Lu Shan and Luo Fan Tianjiao were "beautiful". </p>

"The weather has been very bad recently, the house is prone to catch fire, not many of Luofan Supreme come!"</p>

Lu Shan said with a smile, it was shameless. </p>

The Supreme Lord Luofan blushed, but there was no objection, because they knew that playing at this time would only be more embarrassing. </p>

"Of course, there are some micro-domain **** emperors in Luofan Tianyu who can fight!"</p>

Lu Shan smiled and said, "I just don't know if you are interested?"</p>


Shen Lie's mouth twitched, and he felt that the old man Lu Shan was very bad. </p>


A voice sounded, and Ling Feng, who had not spoken, said. </p>


Lu Shan's face changed drastically, the corners of his mouth twitched, his face trembled, and he wanted to hit someone. </p>

He just wanted to persuade Shen Lie, Tang Jiu, and other supreme ones, but not Ling Feng. </p>

Ling Feng's momentum once caused all Guandao God Emperors to tremble, not to mention the Weiyu God Emperor, even the Guandao God Emperor is afraid that it will be tragedy, who dares to stand up? </p>

Are they stupid? </p>


Lu Shan did not speak, and other Tianjiao did not speak. </p>

"There are not many Weiyu God Emperors?"</p>

"Not much!"</p>

"The **** emperor of Guandao is also okay."</p>


Although there are indeed many **** emperors in the Luofan Pure Land, they are very cautious and vigilant against this evildoer who dares to slaughter the super-grade **** emperor, and they are not willing to take risks. </p>

If you defeat Ling Feng, everything is easy to say, but if you lose, the consequences will be disastrous. </p>

"If I have time, I would like to ask Senior Lu for advice!"</p>

Ling Feng used the Dao Soul to transmit his voice, clearly "telling" Lu Shan that he was indeed capable of fighting the super-grade **** emperor. </p>

"This is easy to say, my Shinto Gate is always welcome!"</p>

Lu Shan Daohun said, secretly surprised and relieved, which means that Ling Feng is about to solve the matter. </p>

however. </p>

Just when Ling Feng, Tang Jiu and others were about to leave. </p>

The illusion light rain trembled suddenly, and the endless light rain gushed out in an overwhelming attitude, almost submerging Luofan Pure Land. </p>

Lu Shan and the others couldn't help being surprised, because the appearance of the light rain was too fierce and crazy, far beyond the scene created when Ling Feng and the others appeared. </p>

This also means that there are extremely strong celestial figures coming across domains. </p>

Boom! </p>

With a dull sound of the world, more than a dozen figures suddenly landed, and only the aura made the pure land boil, the surrounding light and rain swooped out, forming a stormy wave, and the guards set off them and made them sacred. </p>

Through the light and rain, people saw the dozens of figures headed by a super character, all wearing white cloaks, looking indifferent and solemn, and an eagle embroidered on the white cloak. </p>

"Xuanyuan Goshawk!"</p>

Lu Shan was startled slightly, his eyes chilled, and he recognized the person. </p>

The so-called Xuanyuan Goshawk is the Xuanyuan God Realm Goshawk Gate. Compared with these names, the Goshawk is indeed weak and not big enough to be contaminated with divinity. </p>

But if the Goshawk Gate is underestimated because of this, then any force and any figure will be **** tragedy. </p>

Although the Goshawk Gate is not well-known and grandiose or domineering, but the strength is genuine. This year, it is not a good name, but strength. </p>

Goshawk! </p>

They do look down on all the forces like the heavenly goshawks. In the Xuanyuan God Realm, the Goshawk Gate can rank among the top three. Some people even think that the Goshawk Gate can completely rival the first power of the Xuanyuan God Realm. </p>

The eyes of Ling Feng, Shen Lie and others suddenly lit up because they saw the Divine Emperor of Weiyu, God Emperor of Guandao and Supreme in the Goshawk Gate. </p>

This means that they are not a strong battle, but a battle of the same rank. </p>

Shen Lie and others are gearing up, because at this time all six Luofan have left, only four, but if those four dared to come forward, Shen Lie and others must kick them first. </p>

Ling Feng also had his eyes gleaming. Since he was promoted to the Weiyu Divine Emperor, what he needed most was the decisive battle between life and death. </p>


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