Supreme Demon

Chapter 3382: Four micro domains!


You can search for "Supreme God and Magic (ie in Baidu! </p>

Tragic! </p>

How can one be miserable? </p>

There are few and pitiful characters in the Lingshen Tianyu, the **** emperor Leng Mo never appeared, and he was crushed to death by Ling Feng, Yin and other lives. Only the **** emperor was left in the Lingshen Tianyu. </p>

now. </p>

The God Emperor Xuantian has fallen. </p>

This means that there is no super character in Lingshen Tianyu, and the highest level is Guandao God Emperor. </p>

can. </p>

What people really hate is the loneliness of the God Emperor, and the entire Spirit God Realm cannot find a brother who can accompany life and death, and spend this life alone in the endless rain of blood. </p>

He defended the last face of Lingshen Tianyu with death. </p>

He was beaten to death by Zhou Ke alive, with a brilliant record of punching to the flesh, in his most domineering way. </p>

Spirit God Tianyu martial arts are hated. </p>

Hate, Zhou Ke is too hurtful. </p>

Hate, they are too weak! </p>

Hate, the eight ancient forces! </p>

The last look in the God Emperor's eyes stabbed people and made their hearts hurt. How helpless and lonely, it was the sentimental sentiment of picking the Spirit God alone. </p>

He worked hard. </p>

It just didn't succeed. </p>

but. </p>

Xuantian Divine Emperor believes that one day, Lingshen Tianyu will be able to give birth to more super-grade Divine Emperors and Tianyu Divine Emperors. When that day, he can smile at Jiuquan. </p>

He believed even more that when the news spreads, someone will surely step into the air and cross the field against the wind and rain. </p>

It's a pity... he can only get here. </p>

"God Emperor!"</p>

The eyes of the Sea Moon God Emperor were wet, and big tears rolled down. </p>

Who said that the **** emperor had no tears, but that he was not sad. </p>

"God Emperor!"</p>

The God Emperor Tianmo shed tears, and they could perceive the sacrifice of the God Emperor Huantian, which was exactly what they wanted to do. </p>

What really angered them was that Zhou Ke penetrated the sky and cut off the God Emperor. </p>

This is not the rule of the sky! </p>

But to vent anger! </p>

Because the Emperor Xuantian defeated Zhou Ku and got him out, Zhou Ke wanted him to die. </p>

This is too much! </p>

But they are very powerless, because they have no ability to get rid of Zhou Ke, and they are not even qualified to fight against the likes of last week. </p>

A generation of Tianjiao, the sky has fallen. </p>

After the Emperor, there will be no Emperor God! </p>

"Weakness is a mistake!"</p>

Zhou Ke looked around coldly, ignoring the life and death of sentient beings. </p>

"Is weak a mistake?"</p>

In the pure land of the spirit gods, a **** emperor raised his eyes, full of red. </p>

Even the **** emperors of the eight ancient forces can stay in the pure land without "strategic transfer", which is enough to see their feelings for the spiritual **** heaven. </p>

Although they didn't have any feelings for the God Emperor, but when the God Emperor did not hesitate to go to war, Yu Zhou Ke's contempt and insult was annihilated, which completely touched them and made them feel sad. </p>

Indeed, Lingshen Tianyu is very infighting. </p>

Indeed, the eight great ancient forces have confronted Xutianmen and other forces for many years. </p>

Indeed, there is a difficult story between them. </p>

but. </p>

When the Emperor Xuantian gave his life to Lingshen Tianyu, they felt a touch of trauma in their hearts. </p>

"Weak, but still have to fight!"</p>

An old man flew out and rushed towards Zhou Ke. They were only the **** emperor Guandao, not as good as the **** emperor in the sky, let alone Zhou Ke. </p>

"Come or die!"</p>

Zhou Ke gave a cold shout, lightning struck, and kicked the rushing old man into the air with one punch. </p>

then. </p>

He suppressed it from the void with a punch, and banged on the old man's head, making him annihilated on the spot, not even the Dao Soul remained, just because Zhou Ke used his battle armor, he could hit the main body directly. </p>

"Damn, you guys are too much!"</p>

The **** emperors of the Spirit God Tianyu were completely angry, because Zhou Ke was too poisonous, but none of the Wu Xiu who confronted him could survive. </p>

It's hard to imagine. </p>

"Strong is a kind of madness!"</p>

Zhou Ke said coldly: "If you can suppress this seat, you can also kill me!"</p>

He is crazy! </p>

More ruthless! </p>

To put it bluntly, as long as someone in the Lingshen Tianyu can suppress him, he can be killed. </p>

"This is the battlefield. It only talks about life and death, not about playing family!"</p>

"If you don't have the courage, let's go home as soon as possible to coax the children!"</p>


Some old people yelled, with a cold expression: "One day, the **** emperor will personally suppress you and get rid of you!"</p>

Boom! </p>

As soon as his voice fell, he was punched to death. </p>

The soul of Tao is annihilated and dissipated from the world. </p>


Everyone in Lingshen Tianyu killed Zhou Ke, even if they ran out of the last drop of blood, they would fight to the end. </p>

unfortunately. </p>

They are too far away from Zhou Ke, they are not rivals at all, they were suppressed one by one by Zhou Ke, and then killed. </p>

cold! </p>

The coldness of the Lingshen Tianyu penetrated the spleen and lungs. </p>

In the void, Zhou Ke, Zhou Su and others stood in the air, watching the audience, the vast majesty of the sky slowly spilled down from the void, causing the world to sink and make people bow their heads. </p>

On this day, the Lingshen Tianyu sank! </p>

People's eyes were wet, their fists were clenched hard, and their hearts were powerless and grief. Since the Emperor of the God, an old man stepped up in the footsteps and died in the pure land. </p>

This kind of death is not the annihilation of the body, but the death of the body. </p>

It was not one or two characters, but more than 20 **** emperors, none of them survived, and they were all killed by Zhou Ke. </p>

Quite vicious and crazy. </p>

It can be said that this kind of thing has never happened since the Tianjiao event started. Zhou Ke made a move to slaughter the domain just because his brother was out. Its viciousness and coldness are rare in the world. </p>

People can't wait to strip it alive. </p>

Being out is one thing. Although sad, it is acceptable to people, because it is a fair battle, and the strength is not as good as that of others. There is no anger or collapse. </p>

But the situation was different at this time, the God Emperor and others really fell. </p>

Obviously. </p>

This is not the rule of Tianjiao event, but the rule of Zhou Ke. </p>

The martial cultivators of Lingshen Tianyu were completely angry. They wanted to break into the pure land of Lingshen personally, smash with Zhou Ke, and fight to death, even if they died, they would get rid of this vicious character. </p>

unfortunately. </p>

They have no such qualifications. </p>

"Zhou Ke, Zhou Ku, Lingshen Tianyu will remember today's blood debt!"</p>

God Emperor Sea Moon and God Emperor Tianmo had gloomy faces, and their teeth were about to be ground. </p>

"Hehe, scare me?"</p>

"You are not qualified enough!"</p>

Zhou Ke was very cold. He didn't pay attention to the threats of a few people at all, and ridiculed the Sea Moon God Emperor and others for not being qualified to enter the Pure Land. </p>

"Zhou Ke, dare to come and fight?"</p>

A super character spoke, glaring at Zhou Ke. </p>

"Wait until you can break in!"</p>

Zhou Ke is not an idiot. A super character is not a problem, but there are too many martial arts in the entire Lingshen Tianyu. Even super characters can hardly deal with so many characters. </p>

not to mention. </p>

He was worried that the God Emperor of the Spirit God Heaven was staring at him. Once he entered the Spirit God Sky, he was afraid that it would be difficult to return. </p>

How can a person like him take risks? </p>

"Hehe, if there are arrogances in the Spirit God Realm, you can enter the Pure Land and come and fight!"</p>

Zhou Ke stood upright in the air, looking ahead, completely indifferent to the martial arts practitioners of the Spirit God Heaven. </p>

Let these martial arts scream crazy, he enjoys this feeling very much. </p>

You see me upset, but you can't kill me! </p>


Yuetian Pure Land. </p>

Ling Feng, Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others are back. </p>

They only had time to say goodbye to Wu Yun and other top-ranked venerables, but they didn't know what happened after the Tianjiao event. Otherwise, with their resentment, they estimated that they would really want to go shopping for Zhou Ke. </p>

Several characters including Shen Lie, Tang Jiu, etc. entered the room in the first time, and they had a hundred decisive battles. The polishing of them was unprecedented. At this moment, they were closed, and the result was twice the result with half the effort. </p>

To know. </p>

The supreme is only a low-level figure in the Tianjiao event. Because Ling Feng and others are suppressing in the front, they can fight against other supreme. Otherwise, who wants to fight them? </p>

It swept on the spot, isn't it fragrant? </p>

Therefore, Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others are very eager to advance to the ranks as soon as possible. Only at the level of God Emperor can they achieve their ambitions. </p>

Although the Weiyu Divine Emperor is still the weakest among the Divine Emperors, this is just the beginning. With their talents, they will be promoted to the Celestial Divine Emperor and even the ancient sages within hundreds of years. </p>

Ling Feng didn't say much, Shen Lie and the others knew very well what he wanted to say. </p>

"Pay attention to the trend of Tianjiao event!"</p>

Ling Feng said to the flying Xinglan. </p>


"I'm going to retreat!"</p>

"The room is already ready!"</p>

Xinglan knew that this was the result a long time ago. With Ling Feng's talent and potential, he had gone through so many decisive battles, and his progress was definitely not small. </p>

Ling Feng did not retreat immediately, but went to the two rooms to see Qiu Shuyi and Yu Lie. </p>

It's a pity that they haven't improved much yet, but Qiu Shuyi and Yu Lie's Taoist spirits have obviously strengthened a lot, which shows that Beginning Qi Tianhun is useful to them. </p>

"But in case, let me know immediately!"</p>

Ling Feng was full of sadness, and ordered Xinglan. </p>


next moment. </p>

Ling Feng flew into the room, and it was too important to them now, as long as they could shine in the Tianjiao event and stabilize the situation in the spiritual world. </p>

Then, Nishen can gain a firm foothold in the Lingshen Tianyu and even suppress the eight ancient forces. </p>

Today, the eight great ancient forces have lost their hearts and will sooner or later become the dust in history. </p>

Inside the room. </p>

Ling Feng sat cross-legged, his face full of solemnity, his mind immersed in his body, he perceives the acupuncture points, the rhythm of aura, and the origin of everything. </p>

The so-called Taoism is to observe the Taoism and Taoism. </p>

The most important thing is to experience the field and transform it. </p>

of course. </p>

For Ling Feng, what he wanted to observe was his "Way of Heaven." The origin of all things, the Dao of the self, etc., all came from the body, and he didn't need ten thousand ways. </p>

One by one the divine acupoints are set off, releasing the essence of all things and the essence of Taoism, and the beginning of the galaxy gurgling and gurgling, emitting a strange light, burning and shining, making the entire room set off. </p>

If this is not Yuetian Pure Land, something will happen. </p>

Light rain flooded Ling Feng, and everything came to an abrupt end. </p>

It seems that time is frozen. </p>

It is eight months in a hurry. </p>

During these eight months, the Yuetian Pure Land was filled with waves, Shen Lie, Tangjiu, etc. were successful in asking questions, and Fei Qian and Fang Can were a little slower to advance to the Divine Emperor, but today’s Yuetian Pure Land is different. They were full of the primordial aura of all things, and were able to make good fortune, which caused them to undergo drastic changes. After six months, they also successfully advanced and entered the threshold of the micro-domain **** emperor. </p>

Ling Feng still did not move, as if he was getting old. </p>

can. </p>

If you are close to the room where Ling Feng is, you can clearly capture the drastic changes of Tao Yun here, the sky is like a collapse, and Tao Yun is heavenly. </p>


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