Supreme Demon

Chapter 3383: The Pure Land of Everything!


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Inside the room. </p>

Ling Feng still sat cross-legged, standing still, his eyes closed slightly. </p>

His body was covered with dust, it was as white as mist, and the color of the room was not as bright as before, as if he was decayed. </p>

Ling Feng had no sense of time. </p>

Time has no more sense of Ling Feng. </p>

Dantian. </p>

This is the most important core of Wu Xiu. It is the place where heaven and power meet. Numerous meridians and air currents must pass through the Dantian. It is like the vast sea. The so-called Baige Zhengliu can also be used in the Dantian. </p>

The divine acupoints are shining with distinctive light, and the virtual light is dim, like stars, eternal. </p>

Inside, the rhyme of Taoism is natural, and time and space are converging, emitting brilliant ripples, casting a distinctive Taoist rhyme of the original self, which is an alternative Taoist rhyme that is different from the universe and heaven, which is beyond the above. </p>

suddenly. </p>

In the divine caves, a faint rain of light was emitted, like an illusory stream of light in the starry sky, and it suddenly fell on the dantian tree of all things, because the light and rain was too weak to illuminate the tree of all things, even a patch Ye is hard to light up. </p>

but. </p>

When more than three hundred divine caves are fully illuminated, they are like the sacred sun, lighting up the tree of all things in an instant, the light and rain are like flames, which can distort the void and collapse the time. </p>

When it lights up the tree of all things, the tree of all things emits a brilliant divine light, which is shaped like a mist, transpiring out, making the entire tree body blurred. </p>

Around the tree of all things, stars are flying, turning into flowers, rustling and falling. </p>

Boom! </p>

Suddenly, Ling Feng's Dantian made a dull loud noise, and all the confusion reached the final chapter. </p>

The flying prosperity came to an abrupt end, the sky full of stars was frozen, and the tree of all things became eternal. </p>

The origin of everything solidified, just like the surging vast sea, suddenly frozen. </p>

Everything seemed so unreasonable, and everything seemed so logical. </p>

Space and time are integrated into the pubic area, the origin of everything is integrated into the pubic area, and the divine acupoints flew out of endless glow, all of which were integrated into the pubic area. </p>

Hundreds of rivers meet the sea, Hundreds of birds compete for current! </p>

now. </p>

Lingfeng's Dantian is like a melting pot, containing everything and solidifying everything. </p>

then. </p>

A black hole appeared, collapsing everything, even the black hole itself was collapsing until the last piece of void was born from that black hole, forming a dazzling small piece with only ten places of heaven and earth. </p>

That is where the tree of all things takes root. </p>

That is where the flowers are flying. </p>

That is the source of everything. </p>

Ling Feng reflected the self in that piece of heaven and earth. </p>

Guandao! </p>

It is not limited to Guandao, it is in Guandao, which makes martial arts drastically change and sublimate. </p>

Ling Feng broke out in the Tianjiao event, went through a hundred battles, and even competed with super-class characters. He had a deeper understanding of the Dao Fa, and he spent eight months observing the rhyme of the Dao and understanding the origin of everything. Reflecting on one's own body will eventually lead to drastic changes in the self. </p>

Achieve the self in all things! </p>

This is the rhyme of the self! </p>

Achieve Taoism in Taoism of all things. </p>

This is the Dao of the Self. </p>

Ling Feng was immersed in the Taoist rhyme. He didn't know the passage of time, the changes of the years, let alone what the idol Tao would evolve into. Everything followed the Taoist rhyme and evolved naturally. </p>

And he is more like a bystander, witnessing the blooming and withering of all things, witnessing the change of time, the awakening and collapse of stars. </p>

finally. </p>

Ling Feng didn't know what the original Tao Fa would look like, and he didn't even know what the end of the original Tao Fa would be. </p>

But this is the idol method, and there is no need to go to the bottom, as long as you proceed step by step and follow the id rules. </p>

Click! </p>

There was an explosion in Lingfeng's Dantian, and powers collapsed, black holes appeared, and collapsed from all directions. It was an unimaginable roar, as if everything was thundering and the origin of everything was annihilated. </p>

In the blur, there seemed to be a Lingfeng phantom in the ten-square space, and it flashed past without stopping. </p>

The divine acupoints are still glowing. </p>

The tree of all things gushes out the spirit of its debut. </p>

Endless power rushes to the ten directions. </p>

After a while, all trees flew into the space of ten directions. </p>

Boom! </p>

All the dust settled. </p>

Ling Feng was also awakened by the loud noise. His eyes were confused and he didn't know what happened, because at the moment he closed his eyes, he was immersed in the origin of everything, and he didn't know what happened. </p>

But when he looked inside, he couldn't help but surprise himself. </p>

Just because. </p>

A drastic change has really taken place in his dantian, the blood of the gods has become gray, the tree of all things has become gray, and everything in his body has become gray, which presents the shiny and extraordinary space. </p>

Only ten parties! </p>

About three feet away. </p>

But it is the intersection of endless divine blood and rain, space, time and the origin of all things, just like a vast sea. </p>

Inside, the tree of all things takes root. </p>

Inside, the fallen leaves are like rain. </p>

Its "ground" is like the materialization of the void, and there is no sky above it. </p>

"A piece of pure land?"</p>

Ling Feng was slightly stunned, because this piece of pure land was somewhat similar to the pure land of immortals, like a reflection of his heart, and wanted to appear such a pure land, so he appeared. </p>

"This is my Guandao?"</p>

Ling Feng said idiotically, because he could feel the changes in his body, his overall strength surged too much, a hundredfold, and the essence of the Tao became thin, but when it touched the ten-square space, he could feel that. The majestic rhyme of Taoism. </p>

A hundredfold increase! </p>

and. </p>

There was a crisp sound in his body, as if he had broken the boundary wall and entered another level. </p>

no doubt. </p>

He borrowed eight months to finally see through the level of Guandao. </p>

Now, he is the God Emperor of Guandao! </p>

bass! </p>

Ling Feng's mind moved, and the ten-square space flew out, hanging over his head, emitting a faint rhyme with no vigor, but the difference at this moment was that the tree of all things also flew out and took root in the ten-square space. , The roots are not visible, the surrounding haze is hazy, and it can be seen vaguely that it is a tree, but I don't know what the tree looks like. </p>

The colors, leaves, and charm are all invisible. </p>

But it is elegant and atmospheric. </p>

Ling Feng flashed and landed in the ten-square space. </p>

This space is really too small, only three feet long, not to mention the **** emperor, even the martial artist can pass through in an instant. Compared with other Guandao martial arts fields, it is really small and pitiful. </p>

What's more different is that there is no obvious spatial separation in Shifang Space. Although Ling Feng is in Shifang Space, it is more like standing on a piece of void debris. </p>

Fallen leaves are flying. </p>

Ling Feng turned his back to the Tree of All Things. </p>

He closed his eyes slightly, and carefully realized the difference in this space. </p>

After a long while, he opened his eyes, a slight smile filled the corners of his mouth. </p>

"Shifang Space?"</p>

"Shifang field?"</p>

"Shifang Realm?"</p>

Ling Feng murmured: "This is not right!"</p>

"Shifang... Immortal Forbidden?"</p>

Ling Feng pondered for a moment, then shook his head, he didn't want to be contaminated with the word "Xian". </p>

"The Pure Land of All Things!"</p>

In the end, Ling Feng determined that this is the pure land that came out of the origin of all things. Although "Jing" is different from "Prohibition", "Prohibition" is more overbearing, but Ling Feng prefers to call it "Jing". </p>

Just because. </p>

The Pure Land of All Things is too shocking, and it is bound to survive the endless blood. He wants to use the word "Pure Land" to purify the hostility of the Pure Land of All Things. </p>

"Good progress!"</p>

Ling Feng nodded slightly. </p>

Since he asked the **** emperor, he was promoted to the **** emperor Guandao only a few years ago. This speed is quite astonishing. If the **** emperor of the sea and the moon and the **** emperor Tianmo were known, he would die of jealousy. </p>

But in the past few years, Ling Feng has experienced too much, bathed in blood, shed tears, and has an even more unparalleled understanding of the Dao Fa of the Self, and he has achieved today. </p>

This was not accomplished overnight, but an achievement that Ling Feng measured step by step. </p>

"The next step is super quality!"</p>

Ling Feng frowned slightly. </p>

It's been several years since I entered the realm of God, and I have obtained many ancient books from the kingdom of glory, and I have a certain understanding of super products. </p>

Guandao is a transformation, while Chaopin is a drastic change. </p>

Everyone's understanding is different, and martial arts are also different. </p>

But his Dao is different, many more accumulations, in this respect Nishen can't satisfy him, because he needs a huge amount of ancient books and has to experience more martial arts. </p>

"Ten years of super quality, ten years of horizon!"</p>

Ling Feng squinted and smiled: "Just set a small goal!"</p>

He was not eager to leave the room, but sat down, meditation to experience the pure land of all things, let the power blend into his body, and experience its magical effect, so that he can exert the top power of all things. </p>

"Similar tunes with the same work, but even more different!"</p>

The Pure Land of All Things is reflected in his heart, which is somewhat the same as the Forbidden Land of Immortals, but more is different. </p>

More magical functions. </p>

Power is not a level. </p>

If the Guandao God Emperor can make his field turn into a divine tool, then Lingfeng's Pure Land of All Things is a kind of embodiment. The field is changeable, but the Pure Land of All Things is immutable. </p>

It is set! </p>

In other words, this is the manifestation of Lingfeng's Self-Dharma. </p>

"Falling leaves can cover the sky!"</p>

In the end, Ling Feng opened his eyes and said such a shocking sentence. </p>

He sorted his clothes, swept away the dust, pushed open the door, and walked out. </p>


The two middle-aged figures were standing in front of the room. Seeing Ling Feng stepping out of the room, they were overjoyed and stepped forward and bowed. </p>

"I have troubled you all these days!"</p>

Ling Feng said with a smile. </p>

"This is what we should, and it is our honor!"</p>

The two middle-aged people said with a smile. </p>

"What happened these days?" Ling Feng asked. </p>


The two middle-aged people looked down and said in a deep voice, "Many things have happened, and the Spirit God Tianyu has encountered the most miserable ending in history, and now the traveler is collecting information..."</p>

The two people talked a lot, and Ling Feng listened very carefully. </p>

But the knowledge of the two middle-aged people is limited, because they have been responsible for guarding in front of Ling Feng's room, so Ling Feng has not received much exact information. </p>

Xinglan did not appear, but Ling Feng already knew the seriousness of the situation, because Xinglan personally collected the news, which was enough to show how difficult the matter was. </p>

After a few brief explanations with the two characters, Ling Feng moved forward. He had to find Tangjiu, Shenlie and others, or Tianlan, and figure out the truth. </p>

"Did they succeed in the promotion?"</p>

Ling Feng did not find Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others, even Tian Lan did not find it because Tian Lan was in retreat. </p>

But what surprised him was that the most noisy guys were not even in Yuetian Pure Land. </p>

"Where did they go?"</p>

"Cloud Tower!"</p>

"How about eating and drinking?"</p>

"Emperor Sea Moon and God Emperor Tianmo are invited!" A butterfly responded respectfully. </p>


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