Supreme Demon

Chapter 3384: a lot of?


You can search for "Supreme God and Magic (ie in Baidu! </p>

Hundred-story cloud building! </p>

Haiyue God Emperor, Tianmo God Emperor, Shen Lie, Tangjiu and other six people sat opposite each other. Several jars of immortal brew fell around. Their eyes were reddish, and they were drunk. Fei Qian and Fang Can’s drink volume was worse. , Is already lying on the ground at the moment. </p>

Shen Lie was rolling up his sleeves to go shopping with the Sea Moon God Emperor. It stepped on the gravel with one paw, and drank a bottle of fairy jewellery the size of a lantern. While pouring the wine, he said, "Huh, if it wasn't really true at that time. When the ancestors of the glory were poisoned, the first supreme was none other than this seat. You don’t know how this seat made Ling Feng bruised and swollen."</p>


The Sea Moon God Emperor said drunkly: "If it weren't for this seat to release the water at that time, he would not have the reputation of being the first supreme one!"</p>

"It's cheaper for him!"</p>

"It's cheaper for him!"</p>

The two guys smashed the cup, it was a bit late to meet each other, and they maintained a high degree of agreement on the issue of Ling Feng. </p>

"It's a pity that it is the first supreme reputation!"</p>

"Yes, I followed Ling Feng to the dust!"</p>

Boom! </p>

The two guys smashed their cups again, crying in their hearts, feeling that Ling Feng had picked their reputation first. </p>

"Damn, if it wasn't for the talents of this seat, I have to skin those people!"</p>

The God Emperor Tianmo was fighting wine with soup and wine, drinking quite fiercely. </p>

"Hmph, if you are here, even if you are shopping, you will have to kill one of them!"</p>

Tangjiu said with a burp. </p>

" can't!"</p>


Tang Jiu blushed, and said dissatisfied: "This seat is now a **** emperor. When Ling Shao leaves the customs, we will definitely return to the Tianjiao event!"</p>

"Too difficult..."</p>

The eyes of the Tianmo God Emperor were red, and he said, "Although we hate those people, we have to say that they are too strong. Even the Heavenly God Emperor of the Heavenly God Realm of my Spiritual God Realm has no luck against it."</ p>

"Hey, that's because we haven't really returned yet, otherwise..."</p>

The soup wine drank heavily and his neck was red. </p>

At this moment. </p>

Ling Feng came in with a black face, these guys would really enjoy it, the host of Yunlou was about to cry, because these six guys have been eating and drinking here for a month. </p>

The delicacies of the mountains and the sea are all on the table, even so, the guy Shen Lie is still very picky. </p>

"Hey, look at Ling Shao's exit!"</p>

Tang Jiu let out a hey, drunk eyes and dim, he didn't really see clearly. </p>

"I said soup wine, you are known as the **** of wine, but the amount of alcohol is too far."</p>

Shen Lie belched his wine, glanced at the soup wine obliquely, and said, "Is this drunk? Have hallucinations?"</p>

"It seems... true, right?"</p>

Tangjiu rubbed his eyes, looked at it for a moment, and said, "It seems to be a little drunk, but this person is really like Ling Shao..."</p>

"It's a bit like it."</p>

Shen Lie followed Tangjiu's eyes and said drunkly, "However, this man is much handsomer than Ling Feng's."</p>

Fei Qian and Fang Can woke up after hearing the sound. When they saw Ling Feng, they were abruptly shocked. They sobered up in an instant. They stood aside honestly, bowing their heads, because they saw Ling Feng clearly and even more clearly. The angry look on Feng's face. </p>

"Isn't it, it seems to be more handsome!"</p>


Ling Feng said, "If he comes and sees you in this situation, he will slap you in the air, right?"</p>

"Ah, just rely on him?"</p>

Shen Lie turned his face on the spot and said: "If it is really him, this seat will suppress it with a wing, haha...oh..."</p>

Before its voice hit the ground, it was strongly fanned by Ling Feng. </p>

It's really a slap! </p>

Slap loudly. </p>

All the people present shuddered, and the soup wine and the Sea Moon God Emperor were all awakened in cold sweat. </p>

"Young people, don't talk about martial arts..."</p>

Shen Lie only felt a sharp pain in his face, and then flew away. </p>

It was annoyed on the spot, who actually attacked himself while he was drunk, and really didn't use martial arts. </p>

But when he woke up and saw Ling Feng's appearance, he was shocked and ran away with lightning: "Mouse tail juice!"</p>

Boom! </p>

It was a pity that it looked down upon Ling Feng too much. As soon as it took off, Ling Feng grabbed its wings and lay it on the ground with its head on the ground, causing it to pull twice before rolling its eyes. </p>

"Mouse tail juice, right?"</p>

"Don't talk about martial arts, right?"</p>

Ling Feng looked down at Shen Lie and said, "Come on, I'll give you a chance to fly me with one wing!"</p>

"I'm badly injured!"</p>

Shenlie murmured, his nasal voice was so heavy that he lay on the ground and didn't want to get up. </p>

"Don't think that I will hit you like this!"</p>

Ling Feng said coldly, "When is it time, I'm having fun eating and drinking here, isn't it?"</p>

"I don't know anything!"</p>

Shen Lie closed his eyes and refused to admit it. </p>

Boom! </p>

Ling Feng slapped it flying, too lazy to talk nonsense with this bird. </p>

"Ling Feng, don't deceive the bird too much, this seat is a successful advancement, it is a **** emperor bird!"</p>

Shen Lie's nose is blue and swollen, and he is very faceless. It just bragged to the Sea Moon God Emperor that it can suppress Ling Feng. The first supreme belongs to it, and it deserves its name. This will be beaten in the face. Is it shameless? </p>

"Bring your horse here!"</p>

Ling Feng gave Shen Lie a cold look. </p>

"This seat..."</p>

Shen Lie gritted his teeth first, but then turned off after a while: "Don't lie to me. Retreat for eight months. According to your urinary sex, you should be promoted. You want to find me as a live target. I tell you, there is no way!" </p>

It flies. </p>

Although his mouth is very bullish, his strength is indeed very tragic. Don't say that Ling Feng has successfully advanced to the rank, even if he is in the same micro-domain **** emperor, this bird will be miserable. </p>

of course. </p>

It is logical to blame everything on Ling Feng's promotion. The implication is that I can't beat him, I just can't beat him after promotion. </p>

"Don't worry, I won't take advantage of you."</p>

Ling Feng signaled that Shen Lie could be at ease, he would not use the power of Guandao, only the power of the micro domain to fight against him. </p>

"Young people, must speak martial arts, rat tail juice!"</p>

Anyway, Shenlie just doesn't fight. </p>


Ling Feng glared at God Emperor Haiyue and God Emperor Tianmo. Although these two were seniors, they really lacked the image of seniors. </p>

"Ahem, we are the super-grade **** emperor, you don't have to be our opponent if you really do it!"</p>

The Sea Moon God Emperor made a defensive posture and said quite domineeringly. </p>

Snapped. </p>

Snapped! </p>

The Emperor Haiyue and the Emperor Tianmo were slapped by Ling Feng on the spot, but unlike Shen Lie, Ling Feng was merciful after all... he didn't hit them in the face. </p>

"If you have this strength, why not slap them in the face?"</p>

Ling Feng rolled his eyes with anger, these two **** emperors were really outrageous. </p>

The Sea Moon God Emperor and the Tianmo God Emperor stood firm with horror on their faces, because they had already defended before, but they didn't even see the shadow of Ling Fenggui, so they were blown away. </p>

Is that human being? </p>

Even the Heavenly Emperor, it is not easy to smoke them like this, right? </p>

Ling Feng borrowed eight months of time, what kind of transformation has happened? </p>

The Emperor Haiyue and the Emperor Tianmo felt that even if Ling Feng did not succeed in the promotion, his strength would have been greatly improved. </p>

How strong is this? </p>

The two **** emperors could not imagine. </p>

of course. </p>

They haven't lost consciousness for too long, because there are more important things to do. </p>

"Ling Feng, you finally came out!"</p>

Regardless of the previous "face-slap", the Sea Moon God Emperor eagerly stepped forward and said: "Some things have happened in the Tianjiao Festival, and the spiritual **** heaven is full of tragedies..."</p>

"I got it!"</p>

Ling Feng was still very calm, without red eyes. </p>

"That's right."</p>

The Sea Moon God Emperor nodded and said solemnly: "Those people are really too vicious, they are simply slaughter!"</p>

"The God Emperor and others have all fallen, and can't come back!"</p>

The God Emperor Tianmo said sadly: "Senior Wu Yun and others are also helpless, and now..."</p>

"Do you want us to spell them out?"</p>

Ling Feng asked. </p>

"This...of course not..."</p>

The God Emperor Haiyue and the God Emperor Tianmo froze for a moment, and sighed sullenly. </p>

When the God Emperor of the Sky fell, and the tragic events of Tianjiajiao, the first thing they thought of was Ling Feng, because this person never let them down. </p>

can. </p>

What do they want Ling Feng and others to do? </p>

The opponent is a very powerful super character, and even the Heavenly Emperor, with the strength of Ling Feng and others, what can he do? </p>

It should be noted that Ling Feng and others are the last "fire seeds" in the Lingshen Tianyu. </p>

"Everything is in no hurry!"</p>

Ling Feng motioned to Haiyue God Emperor and others to sit down first, and said, "Senior Huantian gave up his life for the Spirit God. It is a pity to die, and to die more gloriously. I respect Senior Huantian. This is a blood debt. It is not a Xuantian gate or a Haishen gate. , But should belong to the entire spiritual **** universe."</p>

"However, the opponent is very strong, we always need to know how far apart we are before we can get revenge!"</p>

Ling Feng asked Shen Lie and Tang Jiu to come over and sit opposite each other. </p>

"Let’s first talk about what kind of person the other party is? What strength, and from which power? How many people are there?"</p>

"The other party has five people in total."</p>

The Emperor Haiyue sorted out his thoughts and said, “Among them, Zhou Ku was swept out of the game by the predecessors of the sky. It is not a threat. The strength is the God Emperor of Guandao. Among the other four, one of them is the Emperor of Heaven and named Zhou Su. One was named Zhou Ke, and he was a super-grade **** emperor. It was he who killed the **** emperor and others, and his heart was vicious."</p>

"They are from the Zhou clan of Heiyang Divine Realm!"</p>

"What else?"</p>

Ling Feng raised his eyes and asked. </p>


God Emperor Haiyue and God Emperor Tianmo looked at each other, and they were all blinded. Isn't this what Ling Feng wants to know? </p>

What else is needed? </p>

"Is the Heiyang Divine Realm of the same level as the Falling Sky Divine Realm?"</p>

"What kind of power does the Zhou family belong to in the Heiyang Divine Realm?"</p>

"What are the allies and hostile forces of the Zhou clan in Heiyang Divine Realm?"</p>

"How many Tianjiaos of the Zhou clan broke into the event?"</p>

"How strong are Zhou Su, Zhou Ke and others?"</p>

Ling Feng threw out questions one after another, blinding the God Emperor of Sea Moon and God Emperor Tianmo, completely dumbfounded. They just wanted revenge and asked what so many things were doing? </p>

You should know that in the days of the celestial event, the origins of the major arrogances are under strict supervision. It is not easy for them to inquire so much news. </p>

Does he know? </p>

understand? </p>

Moreover, with their strength alone, how can it be so easy to inquire so much news? </p>

They got news from several forces such as Xutian Gate and Sea God Gate. </p>

Wu Yun and other figures were unwilling to show up for Ling Feng and others, and had to bear it down. After all, Ling Feng represented the future instead of the present. </p>

Once they come forward, Ling Feng and others will be caught in a dilemma. </p>

But Haiyue God Emperor and Tianmo God Emperor still couldn't stand their temper and wanted to see if Ling Feng and others could do anything about it. </p>

This is what happened. </p>


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