Supreme Demon

Chapter 3385: What is powerful?


You can search for "Supreme God and Magic (ie in Baidu! </p>

"A lot?"</p>

Ling Feng raised his eyes and asked. </p>


The heads of the Sea Moon God Emperor, Tianmo God Emperor and others were about to blow up. </p>

Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others closed their eyes quite simply. They knew it wasn't that simple, they just echoed the two **** emperors. </p>

Zhou Su and Zhou Ke are both extraordinary, and the origin is a big question. </p>

It is not easy to deal with such characters, especially Nishen, before he can figure out the origin of Zhou Su Zhou Ke and others, how could Ling Feng sacrifice a butcher knife? </p>

and. </p>

It is easy to deal with Zhou Ke Zhou Su, but as long as they set foot in other heavens, they must face the forces behind it. At this time, the alliance of the Zhou clan becomes very important. </p>

This is revenge! </p>

Any mistake in any step will have a price. </p>

Ling Feng is a very enchanting character. Once he wants to do a game, he will count every step and no error is allowed. Although this is troublesome and cumbersome, it is a weapon that Nishen can turn over. </p>

but. </p>

This is incredible for the two **** emperors. </p>

It's just revenge. Just kill those people. Why do so many things? </p>

Is it that complicated? </p>

"Still too few!"</p>

Ling Feng squinted his eyes and said, "If it's just these, then we still can't come back alive!"</p>

"Let’s talk about those characters first. It’s not easy to deal with just the Heavenly Emperor God. How easy is it to kill him?"</p>

Ling Feng said slowly: "Is there such a figure in Lingshen Tianyu who can deal with Zhou Su?" </p>

God Emperor Sea Moon and God Emperor Tianmo sighed. </p>

"Zhou Ke waits for us to do it!"</p>

Ling Feng resolutely said: "But will the problem be solved just by getting rid of Zhou Ke and others? That will only cause more trouble!"</p>

The Sea Moon God Emperor and the Tianmo God Emperor were pleasantly surprised at first, but they immediately felt cold and startled in cold sweat. </p>

"Therefore, either do not move the knife. Once the butcher knife is sacrificed, it must be done once and for all, and the future problems will be solved completely."</p>

The two **** emperors are like children, humbly taught. </p>

"The matter must be resolved!"</p>

Ling Feng pondered for a moment, and said, "But there are many more problems to be solved."</p>

"For example, if we kill Zhou Ke, Zhou Su and others, how do we leave safely? Once the forces behind it ask the guilt, will the Spirit God Tianyu have the strength to control this situation?"</p>

"For another example, how can the sluggish momentum of the Spirit God Realm be resolved?"</p>

"Furthermore, once the Zhou clan alliance is involved, what shall we do?"</p>

The two **** emperors were dumbfounded. There were too many doorways in the process. They really couldn't think of so many. Although they knew what Ling Feng said was reasonable, they only thought about how to get revenge, but they didn't think much about the situation after revenge. </p>

They can get revenge and pass the Tianjiao event. </p>

But does the Zhou clan want revenge? What if they do not pass the Tianjiao event? </p>

At that time. </p>

How does Lingshen Tianyu deal with this situation? </p>

Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others did not speak, but their eyes were burning. When Ling Feng got the news, they made so many assumptions. If they were only to persuade the two great **** emperors, they didn't need to say so much. </p>

Then, Ling Feng's intention was clearly revealed. </p>

This evildoer doesn't use his brain easily, but as long as he uses his brain, it is not a simple decisive battle. </p>

It was obvious that Ling Feng was going to pierce the sky. </p>


Ling Feng said coldly: "If you want revenge, is it enough to just get rid of Zhou Su Zhou Ke?"</p>

The two great **** emperors didn't know how to speak, because Ling Feng taught them an extraordinary lesson today. </p>

"Have you all successfully advanced?"</p>

Ling Feng turned to look at Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others and asked. </p>


Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others looked at each other, and a smile flashed under their eyes. With this sentence, Ling Feng's intention became even more obvious. </p>

"If you are sure of the top microdomain **** emperor, can you be sure?"</p>

"Don't worry!"</p>

Shen Lie said with a smile: "Even if you are facing the God Emperor of Guandao, this seat can knock him over."</p>


Tang Jiu and others nodded and agreed. </p>


Ling Feng's face was solemn, and he said, "I have notified Senior Wu and several other forces, and now we are waiting here."</p>


Tang Jiu's eyes lit up, he knew that an unprecedented duel would begin. Zhou Su, Zhou Ke and others could not imagine what level of figures they angered. </p>

Although the Zhou clan is very strong, it does not mean that they have no solution. </p>

Not long. </p>

Wu Yun and a few people came, and they fell in front of Ling Feng and others. </p>

"Old Wu, I don't need to say anything extra."</p>

Ling Feng bowed respectfully, and then said, "Senior Noisy has fallen. I am very sad when I wait, but things must be resolved."</p>

"I just want to ask, if we have the strength to get rid of Zhou Su, Zhou Ke and others, can Lingshen Tianyu guard the rear?"</p>


Wu Yun was slightly taken aback, and asked a little surprised: "Are you going to deal with Zhou Su Zhou Ke and others?"</p>


"Ling Feng, although we are very resentful, there is too much involved in this matter, and it is not easy to deal with that week."</p>

Wu Yun's face changed suddenly, there were too many problems in it, but it didn't mean that Zhou Su Zhou Ke and others solved the problem. </p>

"I know."</p>

"Do you know how strong the Zhou clan is?"</p>

"Do you know what background the Zhou clan has?"</p>

"Do you know how many arrogances of the Zhou clan?"</p>


Wu Yun said a lot, his mouth was dry, but Ling Feng just stood indifferently and didn't say much, because he had thought of everything he should think of. </p>

The Sea Moon God Emperor, Tianmo God Emperor, etc. were not too shocked, because Ling Feng mentioned earlier than Wu Yun. </p>

"This is not a simple revenge."</p>

Wu Yunyu said earnestly: "That Zhou Su Zhou Ke is not easy to get rid of."</p>

"Ling Feng, don't be reckless."</p>

"I know!"</p>

Ling Feng smiled and said, "But there are solutions and ways to solve any problem!"</p>

"I just ask if you guard the rear for us?"</p>

Ling Feng's eyes were heavy, but he was extremely firm: "We will solve all other problems."</p>

"Are you...really going to fight?" </p>


"But how do you solve these problems?"</p>

Wu Yun sighed. Although Ling Feng was willing to do something for the God Emperor and others, they were very moved, but he did not say that bravery would solve all problems. </p>

"I can't solve it."</p>


"People who can solve these problems are on their way!" Ling Feng's eyes were slightly moist, and every battle and every dazzling one of them could not do without the loneliness of the butterflies. </p>

They were very tired, but they didn't say anything. </p>


"Hold the rear, this is the bottom line of Lingshen Tianyu."</p>

Ling Feng said gravely: "Otherwise, it will only lead to stronger sadness!"</p>

"I don't know what you think, but we must fight this battle!"</p>

Ling Feng's tone became firmer and firmer, because Xinglan personally came forward to prove that Butterfly had paid too much on the Zhou clan, and it represented the will of the **** against God. </p>

They want to suppress the Zhou clan! </p>

When Nishen showed his posture, Ling Feng and others had to stand up. </p>

Even if it is to pay a heavier price, this battle will be a must! </p>

"You...really fighting?"</p>

It was a headache for several people to look at each other, because they were too reckless and many problems have not been solved yet. </p>

"Ling Feng, the Zhou clan is very terrifying. With our strength, we haven't received much information so far, so revenge is really unwise!"</p>

Several **** emperors advised. </p>

"Yes, how easy is it to get complete information?"</p>

Ling Feng smiled slightly, heartily. </p>

"So, they are great, aren't they?"</p>

Ling Feng looked at Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others, his eyes were reddish. </p>

Others don't know how much the butterfly will pay, but Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others do know that they are ridiculous, they are cynical, they can ridicule Ling Feng, they can ridicule, but they never dare to ridicule the butterfly. </p>

Without their contributions, how could there be today's rebelliousness? </p>

Their nirvana, how can they be against God? </p>

They are the pioneers of rebelliousness! </p>

They are unknown, but they are doing the greatest and most tragic thing in the world. </p>

Who says women are inferior to men? </p>

The beauty they bloom can be used by men in the world. </p>

The Sea Moon God Emperor, the Tianmo God Emperor, and others were a little dazed. They didn't know what Ling Feng was talking about. They always felt that today Ling Feng was a little bit divine, sometimes crazy, sometimes idiotic and faint. </p>

"They are here!"</p>

At this moment, Ling Feng's eyes brightened, and he personally appeared in front of the door, Shen Lie, Tang Jiu, etc. followed closely, standing properly. </p>

Wu Yun and other **** emperors were very curious, and came over. </p>

In front of the door. </p>

Five beautiful women suddenly arrived. Their clothes were a bit old, their hair was withered and their faces were haggard. </p>

Their eyes are gloomy, and their bodies are covered with dust. </p>

Their breath is weak, and their strength is weak. </p>

but. </p>

They are finally here! </p>

It was Xinglan who was headed by him, who personally collected news and intelligence, and mobilized a large number of people before he came in a hurry. </p>

When Xinglan saw Ling Feng goodbye, his eyes couldn't help but light up. </p>

But before she could speak, Ling Feng took a step forward and came to Xinglan. </p>

He gently patted the dust on Xinglan's shoulders, blowing off the dust on Xinglan's hair, and then he walked to the other women and did the same thing. </p>

it is more than words. </p>

What they paid, he knew. </p>

The hearts of Xinglan and others are full of warmth. Every character is working **** the antagonistic journey. They are working hard. Didn't the host and others work hard? </p>

Butterflies are only collecting information behind the scenes, which is relatively easy, but the owner and others are living and dying step by step, making it more dangerous. </p>

What they paid, he understands! </p>

What he paid, they understand! </p>

Xinglan's eyes were slightly wet, and he bowed forward, while the four women behind him were also bowing. </p>

This is moving! </p>

Cherish it even more! </p>

"Young Master Ling, are you going to fight the Zhou clan?"</p>

Xinglan asked respectfully. </p>


Ling Feng nodded and said seriously. </p>

"While Ling Shao was in retreat, I was very angry when I heard the news that the God Emperor and others had sacrificed his life for the Spirit God, so we did our best to collect news about the Zhou clan."</p>

Xinglan solemnly said: "Now, we have organized it into a book for Ling Shao to use!"</p>

What is powerful? </p>

This is powerful! </p>


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