Supreme Demon

Chapter 3386: Five steps to revenge!


You can search for "Supreme God and Magic (ie in Baidu! </p>

One hundred floors of the cloud building! </p>

Ling Feng asked Xinglan and other five butterflies to enter the room, drinking wine to warm up. </p>

But Xinglan and the others did not take their seats, but stood aside respectfully, with solemn expressions. </p>

at this time. </p>

Xinglan took out a manual from his arms and presented it to Ling Feng respectfully. </p>

The manual is light cyan, the paper industry is a bit old and very ordinary, but this manual is not ordinary at all. </p>

In the eyes of Wu Yun, Haiyue God Emperor and others, this manual is more than ten thousand catties. </p>

Although the strength of Xinglan and others is not eye-catching, they are only supreme, but they did not underestimate these five characters, because Ling Feng attaches great importance to them. </p>

and. </p>

They can also see that these five characters came in a hurry, and their bodies are very dusty, which can also show that they have experienced a long "journey." </p>

Although they don't know what these five people did, they do hope they can bring some surprises. </p>

Ling Feng solemnly accepted the manual, but did not rush to expand it. </p>

"When the predecessor of the sky fell, we began to collect news and intelligence of the Zhou clan. Although time was short, there were 108 important information about the Zhou clan and 15 non-important information, all in the manual." < /p>

Xinglan did not intend to let Ling Feng watch it by herself. She stood beside Ling Feng and explained slowly: "The Zhou family is located in the Heiyang God Realm. Let me talk about this Heiyang God Realm. It can be included in the top ten thousand realms. Tianyu, its background surpasses that of Luotian Shenyu."</p>

"The Zhou clan can be included in the top ten of the Heiyang Divine Realm. They are extraordinary in strength. There are two ancient sages in the clan, six of the Tianyu figures, and twenty-five super-ranks. Among them, only two Tianyu figures broke into Tianjiao. The grand event was Zhou Su and Zhou Kou, Zhou Ke and other five super characters. There were twelve people in Guandao God Emperor, and 25 people in Weiyu God Emperor."</p>

"Zhou Su's strength ranks second among all Tianjiao, Zhoukou is stronger, and Zhou Ke is the number one person in super products."</p>

"The Zhou clan has its own unique talents and is very domineering. These are all listed in the manual, and Ling Shao will know it at a glance."</p>

Xinglan did not focus on this aspect, because Tiangong cannot be explained in a few words. </p>

"The Zhou clan’s influence in the Heiyang Divine Realm is not weak. There are three allies in total, among which the Hei Tianzong is the most. The Zhou Tianzong is as famous as the Zhou clan, and they are extremely powerful. At the level of the **** emperor, the two forces are basically the same. But Hei Tianzong Tianjiao is even more difficult to deal with. Once Ling Shao confronts him, be careful."</p>

"Everything about Hei Tianzong is also listed in detail in the manual, especially its heavenly merit."</p>

"The Zhou clan used to be hostile to several major forces, and they were at odds with each other. They were not weaker than the Hei Tianzong and the Zhou clan, and their strengths and weaknesses, heavenly merit, etc. were also included in the manual."</p>


Xinglan said a lot. </p>

Ling Feng listened carefully. The Zhou clan was involved, and any detail could be used. Any detail was fatal, especially when it came to allies and hostile forces. </p>

What kind of alliance do they belong to? </p>

What kind of hostile force is that? </p>

This is all important. </p>

Tian Gong is even more important, knowing oneself, knowing the enemy, and victorious in all battles, it is relatively easy for them to know the power and characteristics of the Zhou clan, but it is extremely difficult for the Zhou clan to know their characteristics. </p>

Obviously, this is extremely beneficial to them. </p>

Shen Lie, Tang Jiu, etc. listened very carefully, because this war involved too much. For the Zhou clan, it was equivalent to fighting to the end until the death. </p>

As long as they sacrificed a butcher knife, it was not a problem that could be solved by killing a few Tianjiao. </p>

They must not only succeed in revenge, but also prevent repeated enmity from the Zhou clan. </p>

of course. </p>

The most important ones are Zhou Su and Zhou Kou. These two characters need hard power to suppress. If they can hardly suppress these two characters, all their efforts will be futile and a joke. </p>

"Zhou Su, Zhou Kou, this is a problem!"</p>

Ling Feng frowned slightly, although he didn't know how strong Zhou Ke was, but now he asked successfully, the tree of all things can emerge from the body, shrouded in mist, even the ancient sages would never want to see through. </p>

Therefore, Ling Feng can use the power of the Tree of All Things without any scruples, suppressing Zhou Ke is not a problem, unless Zhou Ke can be promoted to the heavenly emperor. </p>

In fact, Ling Feng could completely rival the Heavenly Emperor God, but that was too risky. </p>

"Yes, these two characters can be ranked in the top eight of the Black Sun God's Domain, Ling Shao still don't risk it now." Xinglan said with a smile. </p>

"So, did you invite him?" Ling Feng's eyes flashed. </p>


The corner of Xinglan's mouth was slightly raised, and she knew that she could not hide it from the owner: "We weighed the strengths of Zhou Su, Zhou Kou, and Heitianzong Tianjiao. We feel that it is within a controllable range and can be suppressed with his strength."</ p>

"He agreed?"</p>

"He has no reason not to agree!"</p>

Ling Feng nodded secretly, in order to deal with the Zhou clan, they must have the Heavenly Emperor, and among the characters they knew, only the Celestial Reincarnation was the Heavenly Emperor. </p>

When deciding on the clan of last week, Xinglan naturally had to take the celestial cycle one step in advance. </p>

"Then Zhoukou and Zhou Su will be solved by him. Zhou's super-quality figures and Guandao figures will be handed over to me, and the micro-domain figures will be handed over to the four of them."</p>

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "In this way, the **** emperor is not a problem, but I think once the war starts, the Zhou clan supreme side should not stay alive, right?"</p>

"Leave this to us!"</p>

Shen Lie took the initiative to ask Ying, although the **** emperor crushed the supreme, his face was somewhat damaged, but his face was thick. </p>

"Not beautiful after all!"</p>

Ling Feng said with a sneer, "I will use the same method and the same realm to crush them to death. I want them to fail!"</p>

"They are ruthless, then even more ruthless than them!"</p>

"Killing dozens of people in the spirit **** Tianyu, then kill the Zhou family for generations of Tianjiao!"</p>


Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others all had to shiver. Once this evildoer moved the butcher knife, it really wouldn't keep alive. </p>

But Zhou Su, Zhou Ke and others should indeed be killed. </p>

However, they still have some problems. </p>

"On the supreme side, we are indeed a little weak now." Xinglan sighed. Originally, Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others could sweep the supreme, but now they are all advanced. </p>

"Don't worry about this, I have already chosen it!"</p>


Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others were taken aback for a moment, and they really didn't know who Ling Feng would use to sweep the Zhou clan supreme. </p>

"You don't need to know, this is the surprise I left for the Zhou clan!"</p>

"It must be very exciting to want to come!"</p>

Ling Feng's eyes were bright, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he wanted to laugh out of pig's feet. </p>

"To be miserable!"</p>

Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others didn't know what to say. Ling Feng's expression was enough to show that the evildoers were about to come out. </p>

After moisturizing for so many years, if they were still such waste materials, then Ling Feng would really throw them away. </p>

"From Supreme to Tianyu, I want to let the Zhou family out of the game!"</p>

Ling Feng said fiercely. </p>

The 100th floor of the Cloud Tower is very quiet. </p>

God Emperor Sea Moon and God Emperor Wu Yun were all dumbfounded, and they were shocked not knowing how to speak. </p>

When Xinglan sent out the intelligence and news of the Zhou clan one by one, they were shocked, because this was difficult news for them, not to mention the many details of the unique talent. </p>

Alliance and hostile forces. </p>

How many arrogances of the Zhou family, what level they are in, what strength they have, and so on. </p>

Even the Tianjiao of the hostile forces can find it very clearly. </p>

What kind of evil are these? </p>

How did they find out? </p>

Before the Tianjiao event opened, the news was completely banned, and no forces were willing to spread news and intelligence. How did they get it? </p>

What's more, there is still a lot of intelligence and news written in the manual, which has not been revealed by Xinglan. </p>

How powerful is this? </p>

Are they from Tsutenkaku? </p>

What shocked them even more was that they even evaluated the strength of Zhoukou and Zhou Su, and finally invited one person, enough to suppress Zhou Kou Zhou Su, how did they evaluate it? </p>

You know, Zhoukou Zhoushou hasn't done his best yet, and no one knows where their limits are. </p>

But before they woke up from their surprise, Ling Feng said that shocking god. </p>

From Supreme to Tianyu, make it all out! </p>

How crazy is this? </p>

Even the characters of Heiyang God's Domain dare not say such a thing. </p>

How much will it cost? </p>

Of course, they are also very curious, what else does Ling Feng have? Could it be that there are several enchanting Supremes beside him? Can the supreme of the Zhou clan? </p>

"Elder Wu, I said that after the war, we must ensure that we can hold the rear, otherwise all our efforts will be in vain, and Lingshen Tianyu will usher in a catastrophe!"</p>

At this time, the power of Ling Feng's words was obviously stronger than before. </p>

"We will do our best, and by that time the eight ancient forces will also come forward and do our best!"</p>

Wu Yun said with a cold face: "Although the Zhou clan is strong, but it comes from across domains, it really wants to descend in the spiritual world, even the ancient sages must stay here!"</p>

This is not cruel. </p>

Although the Lingshen Tianyu is weak and has never been a pomp, how can forces like them not leave behind some back players? </p>


Ling Feng nodded and said, "This is just in case, the Zhou clan may not be able to come over, as long as a successful battle, take advantage of the situation, or hurt its roots, so that it has no time to take care of!"</ p>

This involves how the Zhou clan hostile forces, as long as the Zhou clan is weak, these hostile forces are definitely a pack of evil wolves. </p>

Of course, this requires a little "guide" by the butterfly. </p>

"However, this battle still needs some pre-war preparations!"</p>

"What to prepare?"</p>

Wu Yun and the others had no idea now, and followed Ling Feng's thoughts completely. </p>

"First of all, revive the sluggish momentum of the Lingshen Tianyu!" </p>

Ling Feng smiled and said, "I don't need to say anything more about this, right?"</p>

"Secondly, the Zhou clan side, but don't be scattered all over the place, it's best to catch it all at once!"</p>

"Thirdly, break up its alliance!"</p>

"Fourth, activate the wolf!"</p>

"Fifth, defend the rear!"</p>

Ling Feng slowly said, "I will leave it to you for the first, second and fifth steps."</p>


Wu Yun nodded heavily, Ling Feng and the others did the most difficult thing. If they couldn't even do this thing, what face would they have? </p>

"The third and fourth steps, can you do it with Xinglan?"</p>


"If the five steps are successful, I will have the Zhou clan cry for blood for this revenge!"</p>


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