Supreme Demon

Chapter 3387: In the name of Chaotian!


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Lingshen Pure Land. </p>

The atmosphere is very sluggish, because the God Emperor and others ended in a tragedy and ended in a dead end, and that Zhou Ke was too arrogant, and it was difficult to raise the head of the Spirit God Tianyu. Each life was like A sharp knife pierced the hearts of the people in Lingshen Tianyu. Even after a long time, they still felt the heartache and sorrow. </p>

but. </p>

Due to the rush of time for eight months, people's enthusiasm for the Tianjiao event has also decreased a lot. </p>

After all, there is really no Wu Xiu in Lingshen Tianyu to talk about, and even people are unwilling to face the fall of the God Emperor and others, and they don't want to mention this tragedy. </p>

but. </p>

The fall of the God Emperor of the Sky has changed the spirits of the martial artists in the Spirit God Realm. From their previous decadence, they have become full of excitement and affection. They hope that through their efforts, they can bloodbath the Zhou clan. </p>

Of course, the more important thing is that they don't want the God Emperor to bleed and shed tears, and they don't want to disappoint and pessimistically. </p>

At the very least, they want to let the God Emperor Jiuquan know that Lingshen Tianyu is not so sad, and they still have a future. </p>

Although eight months have passed, the eight ancient powers still haven't expressed their views, as if this incident has never happened, but Xutianmen, Sea God's Gate and others have expressed their views that Zhou Ke must pay the price. </p>

In the beginning, people were indeed full of enthusiasm, hoping that the five major forces would have strong figures to come out and avenge the God Emperor and others, but this wait took eight months. </p>

People's enthusiasm dissipated, and people's eyes were darkened. </p>

however. </p>

Just when people were so sad that they wanted to leave the realm of the sky, a piece of news spread like wildfire, just like thunder on the ground, instantly detonating the entire realm of the sky. </p>

Ling Feng, Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others will be born to fight for the revenge of the Emperor Chaotian. </p>

Even if they end up in a fall, even if they are dead, they will have to play the spirit of the heavens and destroy the prestige of the Zhou clan. </p>

Suddenly, the entire Spiritual God Realm was boiling, even the eight ancient forces looked at it. </p>

But everyone has different opinions. </p>

Such as the eight ancient forces, they are full of contempt. </p>

"You want to be crazy, right?"</p>

"Do you really think you are the Heavenly Emperor? If you want to deal with the Zhou clan, even the Heavenly Emperor is not enough."</p>

"It's just a death!"</p>

"Really ridiculous!"</p>

The Eight Spirits held an attitude of contempt for the actions of Ling Feng and others, and didn't care at all, but these words spread to people's ears, making people feel resentful. </p>

"Are these the eight ancient forces of my spirit **** heaven?" </p>

"It's you guys who are really ridiculous!"</p>

"Even if Ling Feng, Tang Jiu, Shen Lie and others died in battle, they are still the heroes of my Spirit God Tianyu, but what are you guys?"</p>

"When Zhou Ke and others humiliated the Spirit God Tianyu and despised us, when the God Emperor and the eight ancient forces fell, where were you?"</p>

"What qualifications do you have to laugh at Ling Feng and others?"</p>

The people's anger was ignited, and they had long seen the Eight Great Ancient Powers not pleasing to their eyes. </p>

In the past few years, if the eight ancient forces were not engaged in infighting, the spiritual **** heaven was more than twice as powerful as it is now. It can be said that the eight ancient forces are the resistance to the development of the spiritual **** heaven. </p>

"Huh, shameless!"</p>

At this moment, Shen Lie spoke, despising the eight ancient forces and said: "I will not have your turn to give pointers. If you have the ability to fight, we will respect you as a hero!"</p>


"My little master just wants to show off, use his life to show off?"</p>

"If you are not satisfied, then use your life to show off?"</p>

The soup wine is very sharp, completely despising the eight ancient forces. </p>

"Ah, the eight ancient powers are the most terrifying joke in the Spirit God Realm!" Fei Qian said. </p>

These characters are not good stubbles, no matter on the battlefield or fighting against the heroes, they are not let down. </p>

"When the Tianjiao event is over, there will be a settlement between us!"</p>

Ling Feng is the calmest one, quite cold, and bluntly said that once the Tianjiao event is over, the eight ancient forces will be liquidated. </p>


Wu Yun had only one word, but he firmly stated the attitude of Xutianmen. </p>

They are on the side of Ling Feng. For so many years, the eight ancient forces have controlled most of the resources of the Spirit God Heaven. The five forces are not so harmonious with each other and it is difficult to form an alliance, but it is different now. </p>

Ling Feng was in the middle, and the five major forces formed an alliance, and then they had the power to confront the eight ancient forces. </p>

"It's time to liquidate, or else just liquidate at this moment!"</p>

The Poseidon Gate was much more radical. They worried that the eight ancient forces would become the constraints of Ling Feng and others' fierce battle against Tianjiao, and they wanted to solve the problem at this time. </p>

"Even if half a ton of blood is lost, we want to shut up some forces!"</p>

Someone in the Desert Palace spoke, showing a strong will to war. </p>

At this point in the matter, people watched indifferently and did not express their stance, but the indifferent eyes completely showed their attitude. </p>

It can be said that as long as the Seagod Gate and the Xutian Gate dare to deal with the eight ancient forces, they will stab them to make the eight ancient forces die faster. </p>

After all, those are the eight malignant tumors of Lingshen Tianyu. </p>

The eight great ancient forces are completely dumb. Although they are stronger, they really have to fight against several forces such as Xutianmen. The result is unpredictable. What's more, Ling Feng and others have long been eyeing their eyes. Still fresh in my memory. </p>

and. </p>

They vaguely heard that the little brother Samsara had already arrived, and most of them would deal with the Zhou clan. This would be bad luck at this time, and it would only be them. </p>

This is a showdown. </p>

There is no winning or losing, only sadness. </p>

At the time when the Spirit God Realm was the most miserable, they still had infighting between them, showing how fierce the Spirit God Realm was split. </p>

It's the day, the wind is clear. </p>

In the Pure Land of the Spiritual God, a character appeared in lightning, forbidden to hang himself in the void, his eyes were brilliant, flowing with divine light, his figure was as thin as a knife, and he was fat and thin. </p>

They wore blood cloaks, and their faces were wrapped in awe. </p>

The area of ​​the sky, which was still very noisy, quieted in an instant. People looked at the person in the Pure Land, their eyes were burning, and it was almost burning because that person was Ling Feng. </p>

he came! </p>

He has come to fulfill his promise! </p>

Whoosh! </p>

Within a breath, the light and rain in the pure land of the spirit gods, several figures flew down from the void, and appeared in front of people strangely, as if jumping out. </p>

"Bacchus, Fierce, Trouble, Canshen!"</p>

People shout loudly, express their enthusiasm with voice, and express their admiration with voice. </p>

quickly. </p>

People discovered that Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others had different breaths, not limited to the supreme, but transcending the above, becoming the emperor of God. </p>

In fact. </p>

Careful Wu Xiu has long discovered that there have been changes in the Thousand Regions list, whether it is Tangjiu, Shen Lie, etc., or Lingfeng Tianyu's record has climbed a lot. </p>

Today, they are also much higher on the Thousand Domains list, and they are not at the bottom. </p>

"I am Ling Feng!"</p>

Standing in the wind, Ling Feng looked at the spirits and martial artists: "Surely many people remember me now?"</p>

"Ling Di!"</p>

People shouted loudly and were very excited. They didn't just know Ling Feng, this person and that invincible image had already been engraved in people's hearts. </p>

"Senior Huantian is the senior I respect, and now he died in battle. This is not the rule of the Tianjiao event!"</p>

Ling Feng said coldly: "I am very angry!"</p>

"Are you angry?"</p>

"Angry!" people shouted hoarsely. </p>

"Yes, you should be angry!"</p>

Ling Feng nodded and said, "Zhou Ke once said, if the Spirit God Tianyu has the strength, he can be punished, this is his rule!"</p>

People held their breath, knowing that Ling Feng was about to make a point. </p>

"So, now we follow his rules!"</p>

"But once the game starts, never stop!"</p>

"We will fight across domains!"</p>

Ling Feng solemnly said: "If we are lucky enough to win, please cheer for us, but if we die, then you must work hard. One day Lingshen Tianyu will not suffer such humiliation, and Lingshen Tianyu will also I can look down upon the world!"</p>

"Ling Di, you must come back alive!"</p>

"Ling Di, you can kill Zhou Ke!"</p>

"Ling Di..."</p>

People have wet eyes and grief in their hearts. </p>

Because they knew very well how dangerous Ling Feng and others were going here, even though Ling Feng was promoted, there was still a big gap with that Zhou Ke, let alone Zhou Su. </p>

This is not to avenge the God Emperor Xuantian, but to die. </p>

"Di Ling, how we hope you can wait a little longer!" Many people persuaded that they wanted to keep Ling Feng and others, because it was unwise to play at this time. </p>

"Insulting Gods Tianyu, even if it is far away, it will be punishable. This battle... must fight!"</p>

Ling Feng strode forward and directly penetrated the illusion of light and rain: "In the name of the God Emperor, fight!"</p>


Tang Jiu, Shen Lie and others did not say much, and they fought with Ling Feng. Although they were tragic and strong, they were not willing to die. If they were not very sure, would Ling Feng and others come forward at this time? </p>

In fact. </p>

They all want to fight for a few games, especially against the God Emperor of Heaven and Super Grade God Emperor. Their combat power and tempering are unprecedented. If you want to make progress, you must not be afraid of death. </p>

"Ling Di..."</p>

People shouted sadly, but they were so weak. Many women shed tears on the spot. They didn't know if Ling Feng and others could come back alive, but the blood and loneliness really moved them. </p>

When the dignity of Lingshen Tianyu was trampled underfoot. </p>

When each Wu Xiu went to death to fight, the tragedy ended. </p>

Who will clean up the old mountains and rivers for them? </p>

Who will turn the tide for them? </p>

Ling Feng! </p>

Only Ling Feng! </p>

Compared with the eight ancient forces, Ling Feng didn't know how great he was. </p>

Do not! </p>

If it were compared with the eight ancient forces, it would be an insult to Ling Feng. </p>

"They are fighting for my Spirit God Tianyu!" </p>

"Lingshen Tianyu's face is sweeping, they are trying to get it back for us!"</p>

People clenched their fists and felt grief in their hearts, but their eyes were staring at the Thousand Regions List because they could not cross domains and did not know the situation of the battle, but they could see the results from the Thousand Regions List. </p>

They can even see from the Thousand Domains list what **** decisive battles are behind the cold numbers. </p>


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