Supreme Demon

Chapter 3394: Whirlwind sickle!


You can search for "Supreme God and Magic (ie in Baidu! </p>

Heiyang Pure Land. </p>

Shen Lie, Tang Jiu, Fang Can and others were injured, and the blood flew dripping down, making their faces pale, but this did not affect their overall strength. </p>

In fact. </p>

People were shocked by these four guys, dumbfounded. </p>

The appearance of such characters as the self-rebellious gods, dumbfounded and horrified became the norm, because people really did not understand how the supreme smashed the micro-domain **** emperor, and how the micro-domain **** emperor swept the whole situation. </p>

At this time of the battle, the Zhou clan was quite miserable, because the Zhou clan Weiyu Divine Emperor was all out. </p>

And it is out of the game! </p>

Today, the Tianjiao event is left with Guandao, Super Product, and Tianyu Divine Emperor to support the situation. At the micro-domain and supreme level, the Zhou clan has not seen enough. </p>

Ling Feng once threatened to annihilate several generations of the Zhou clan, but now he has done so. </p>


Shen Lie glanced at the three creatures of the universe ancient tree and thunder yin and yang fish and said. </p>


The ancient trees in the universe and the Thunder Yin and Yang fish are quite simple and flashy. </p>

Because they know that Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others are going to work hard, although they don't know what power these four characters will use to fight the three Guandao **** emperors of the Zhou clan. </p>

But they knew that it must be a taboo force, and it would be unlucky to involve too much. </p>

can. </p>

Shipi had less contact, and he was still reluctant to leave. </p>

The ancient tree of the universe and the Thunder Yin and Yang fish don't care about this stone ruffian. It has a thick and thick skin. Even if the taboo power comes out, this guy is only damaged. </p>

"Come to fight!"</p>

Shen Lie grinned, and said: "Since the Tianjiao Festival opened, this seat has always wanted to slaughter a few Guandao God Emperors!"</p>

"Hey, let the Zhou clan know the cost of making mistakes today!"</p>

"A battle!"</p>

Fei Qian and Fang Can shouted vigorously. </p>

"As you wish!"</p>

The three Guandao **** emperors of the Zhou clan were already bleeding out of anger. They wanted to slaughter Shen Lie and other four micro domains, but unfortunately the other party was too cunning, they did not succeed. </p>

Directly led to the slaughter of all the micro-domain **** emperors of the Zhou clan. </p>

How can they give up this blood debt? </p>

Today, this is an endless situation. </p>

Even if Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others are not willing to fight a **** battle, they will all kill these four micro domains. </p>


The next moment, the three Guandao **** emperors swooped out, carrying endless heavenly powers, turning the field into a weapon of magical weapons, attacking Shenlie, Tangjiu and others, and their power overturned space and time on the spot. </p>

The field is deforming, turning into a vast sea, covering the sky and setting the sun, to annihilate the fierce Fenxian flames, and to break the grass in the hands of Tangjiu. </p>

no doubt. </p>

This will be the strongest matchup in the history of Shen Lie and Tang Jiu, with the strength of the micro domain to observe the Dao God Emperor. </p>

"Come on!"</p>

Shen Lie yelled, the phoenix sword crossed his chest, and the power was violent, unlike before, the power was surging, and the sound of the mountains and seas roared. </p>

at the same time. </p>

The grass of the soup wine is also making crazy noises, almost exploding. </p>

Fang Can and Fei Qian are even more so. </p>

The four micro domains were violent and their power was surging and monstrous. </p>

When the power of the three Guandao divine emperors of the Zhou clan fell down, the power of Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others was completely unleashed and turned into full of spirit. </p>

bass! </p>

They disappeared. </p>

It's not really disappearing, but because the speed is too fast for people to catch with the naked eye. </p>

They entered the streamer speed. </p>

As a result, people can see only four sickles in the void. </p>

Stabbed! </p>

They slashed forward, and the entire sky was torn apart, the space was more agitated, and the time was more terrifying. </p>

"I knew it was this power!"</p>

The ancient tree of the universe exclaimed. When they tried their best, it was still difficult to shake their opponents, and it was bound to use their ultimate power. </p>

For Nishen, the ultimate power is Wuzhiyun! </p>

Only Wu Zhiyun! </p>

"Be crazy!"</p>

Lei Ting Yin Yang fish said fascinatingly that they and these creatures also yearn for this kind of power, but it is a pity that Ling Feng did not intend to teach it. </p>

Shi Pi immediately escaped. </p>

It wanted to hold on to it, but after the rhyme of martial arts bloomed, the rhyme of the weather would almost explode its stone body, so it dare not escape. </p>

"What power is this?"</p>

Shi Pi asked in the Dao Soul, shaking with excitement, really wanting to have such power. </p>

"Wu Zhiyun!"</p>

The ancient tree of the universe said in awe: "The majesty of the sky belongs to them alone!"</p>

"I want to learn!"</p>

Shi Pi excitedly shouted. </p>

"If you want to be beautiful, I haven't obtained it after following Ling Shao for more than a thousand years." The ancient tree of the universe contemptuously said. </p>

"Then steal it!"</p>

Shi Pi was dazed, but still said without giving up. </p>

"Unless you want to die!" The ancient tree of the universe and the Thunder Yin Yang fish attacked. </p>


Shi Pi cried and looked sad. </p>

Void. </p>

This big showdown really kicked off. With the help of Wu Zhiyun, Shen Lie, Tang Jiu, etc. confronted the three Guandao **** emperors of the Zhou clan. They did not lose sight of the wind, and they played a strong Tianwei, and even the three Guandao The **** emperor was overwhelmed. </p>

Boom! </p>

Shen Lie's phoenix sword smashed down, cutting out a big hole in the field of the Guandao God Emperor, causing it to retreat in a big step. </p>

Boom! </p>

A blade of grass in Tangjiu's hand flew down, like a divine soldier, cutting a Guandao divine emperor back, and cracks appeared in the field. </p>

Fei Qian and Fang Can confronted one person together, fighting quite bravely, making the third Guandao **** emperor regress. </p>

"The pen of God!"</p>

With a loud shout, a Guandao **** emperor of the Zhou clan exploded. </p>

A judge's pen appeared in his hand, zoomed in instantly, and then rushed towards Shenlie with the mountain and sea storm. </p>

thorn! </p>

He drew a stroke in the void and formed an indestructible defense, turned into an indestructible knife, slashing across the sky. </p>

when! </p>

Shen Lie shook with a phoenix sword, and he felt a bit of pressure. </p>

However, the last stroke was broken and collapsed, and the Phoenix Sword still shattered like a bamboo, slashing the Guandao Divine Emperor horizontally. </p>

"Cross knife!"</p>

The Guandao **** emperor yelled, and the judge's pen was drawn in the void, forming a cross-knife that struck Shen Lie. </p>

But Shen Lie still used the phoenix sword to break it into pieces, but the pressure was getting heavier and heavier, because the judge's pen was very common, far surpassing the Taoist weapon he brought with him. </p>

"Grandma's, don't wait, do it one last time!"</p>

Shen Lie couldn't help but swear, knowing that the situation was dangerous, it was not Ling Feng, and it was not easy to really cross the ranks. </p>

and. </p>

It has just been promoted to the micro-domain **** emperor, and its understanding of the field is far less thorough than Ling Feng, because it needs to wait a few years to truly cross-level battle. </p>


Tang Jiu, Fei Qian, and Fang Can also found it very difficult. If this continues, they are bound to lose. </p>

Whoosh! </p>

The next moment, they jumped out of the battlefield and stood shoulder to shoulder. </p>

"Hehe, what other moves, just sacrifice it!"</p>

The three Guandao **** emperors looked at Shen Lie and the others coldly. Although the opponents were very strong, but they were one level apart, they would still be the winners. </p>

"The last battle!"</p>

Shen Lie yelled, forming a straight line with Tangjiu, Fei Qian, and Fang Can. </p>

Then they disappeared. </p>

There is a sickle in the sky! </p>

That sickle is very fuzzy! </p>

That sickle is crazy! </p>

Although they are spinning, people cannot feel that they are spinning. </p>

"It's over!"</p>

The ancient tree of the universe shook his head faintly, and even this kind of power was released, and the three Guandao divine emperors really had no way to survive. </p>

"What's that?"</p>

Shipi asked like a curious baby. </p>

It seems that the four figures have formed a sickle, a sickle that spins crazily. </p>

"The whirlwind sickle!"</p>

The ancient tree of the universe praised: "The rhyme of Wu is the strongest, and now there are only four people. If there are seven or nine, then the whirlwind sickle will be as powerful as a bamboo!"</p>

"So powerful?" Shi Pi said in horror. </p>

"Thousands of years ago, they used the whirlwind sickle against the God of War!"</p>


Shipi's breathing is even more rapid. This is an enchanting skill. If it can be obtained, cross-level battles will not be a dream. </p>

"Don't think about it, you are lonely, even if you get it?" The ancient tree of the universe attacked. </p>

"Get out!"</p>

Shi Pi was very injured, and he wanted to cry. </p>

Stabbed! </p>

A beam of light rain fell from the void, splitting all the restraints and defenses, and the four characters were suppressed together, turned into a sickle, and revolved like crazy. This kind of heavenly might is not as simple as stacking. </p>

It's sublimation and detachment. </p>

At this moment, Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others "advanced" to the Guandao realm and suppressed them. </p>

Click! </p>

Although the **** emperor used the judge's pen to draw more complicated lines in the void, he still did not block the killing of the whirlwind sickle. </p>

When the cracking sound sounded, the **** emperor holding the judge's pen was permanently fixed in the pure land. </p>

bass! </p>

The whirlwind sickle flashed again, passing by another Guandao **** emperor, making him freeze. </p>

When the whirlwind sickle flashes for the third time, everything is over. </p>


The three Guandao **** emperors issued a lonely question. </p>

why? </p>

Why can the micro domain be cut off? </p>

Why is this power able to cross-level? </p>

Why did they come to slaughter the Zhou clan? </p>

There are too many questions and too much sadness in their hearts, but in the end they can only turn into sadness and sadness. </p>

All three Guandao **** emperors have fallen! </p>

Died to death! </p>

At the beginning, the sufferings suffered by Lingshen Tianyu, now Shenlie, Tangjiu and others are paying back ten times. </p>

"Finally, it succeeded!"</p>

Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others said wearily, they dragged heavy steps towards the ancient universe tree and other creatures. </p>

A battle with the three Guandao **** emperors exhausted their power, and now they can no longer fight. </p>

But their achievements shook the Heiyang Pure Land, making them speechless. </p>

This is a nightmare! </p>

Not only for the Zhou family, but also for them. </p>

A character can cross-level, and they have not seen it, but they have not seen the whole cross-level battle. </p>

The three creatures are like this. </p>

This is especially true for the four characters! </p>

How strong is this? </p>

Which heaven is this? </p>

If these characters grow up, how many arrogances can be suppressed? </p>

Once they are allowed to become the heavenly emperor, it will be a situation that will sweep the emperor, and even fight against ancient sages. </p>

The Zhou clan is afraid that it will be miserable for such Tianjiao. </p>

However, what people sigh is that although these characters are extraordinary, their strength is weaker after all, or that they think of the Zhou clan too simple. </p>


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