Supreme Demon

Chapter 3395: Zhou Ke!


You can search for "Supreme God and Magic (ie in Baidu! </p>

Lingshen Tianyu! </p>

The day was quite quiet, so quiet that the needle fell. </p>

People raised their heads from time to time to look at the vast domain list that hung in the air. What they focused on was not the ten domain list or the hundred domain list, but the thousand domain list. </p>

Because they knew that this day was the day of revenge for the Spirit God Tianyu. </p>

Ling Feng, Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and other young generations of Tianjiao fought across domains to complete this gorgeous revenge in the name of the God Emperor. </p>

People are worried about Ling Feng and others, because the Heiyang Divine Realm is too strong. Once they meet the Zhou clan, life and death will be unpredictable. </p>

They wanted to persuade, but Ling Feng and others insisted on fighting across domains. </p>

then. </p>

They can only pray piously, pray for their safe return, pray for them to crush the Zhou clan. </p>

In the beginning, the Thousand Regions Ranking only slightly changed, and it was not obvious. Ling Feng, Shen Lie and other Tianyu records did not change, which made people feel a little relieved, at least it means that they have not started the war at the moment and are not damaged. </p>

Suddenly, the Thousand Regions Ranking made a slight ripple. </p>


I don't know who shouted, and instantly detonated the entire sky domain. </p>

People raised their heads, looking at the achievements of Ling Feng, Shen Lie and others in the universe. </p>

then. </p>

They saw that Shenlie's Tianyu record had changed, with a surge of more than three hundred, which showed that Shenlie swept his opponents and completed gorgeous revenge. </p>

Judging from the Celestial Record, the opponent is not weak, and even has more than 300 Celestial Records. </p>

"Someone from the Zhou clan has been removed from the list of 100 domains!"</p>

Some careful Wu Xiu also found Tianjiao of the Zhou clan on the Hundred Domains list, and discovered that a Weiyu Divine Emperor had been removed. </p>

Obviously. </p>

Shen Lie had just fought fiercely with that Zhou family's Weiyu Divine Emperor. </p>


People were full of excitement, because the Thousand Regions Ranking had changed again, and Shen Lie's ranking had moved forward. </p>

and. </p>

Its Tianyu record surged by more than 500, and there was a tragic ending on the Thousand Regions list, and it was the Weiyu Divine Emperor of the Zhou clan. </p>

"Moved, Bacchus moved!"</p>

People shouted, moved. </p>

Soon after the change of Shenlie's ranking, Tangjiu's ranking changed and moved even higher. </p>

And his Tianyu record also surged by more than 500. </p>

"Thank you, Chan is moving!" </p>

People boiled and trembled with excitement one by one. They knew very well what it meant. Although they didn’t know what kind of **** battles Shenlie, Tangjiu and others had experienced, they were able to get on the list of thousand domains and the record of heaven. figure it out. </p>

More than 500 points of Tianyu record! </p>

It is enough to show how powerful the other party is! </p>

But it still fell under the feet of Shenlie, Tangjiu and others. </p>

"Senior Huantian, Divine Emperor Cracking can look down, someone in my spirit **** heaven has revenge for them!"</p>

"War, let the Zhou family shed all their blood!"</p>

"Look forward to your return!"</p>


People screamed loudly and tried their best. </p>

Although they are not familiar with Ling Feng and others, they respect and admire Ling Feng and others. </p>

It was because Ling Feng and others were defending the dignity of the Lingshen Tianyu and guarding the bottom line of the Lingshen Tianyu. </p>

They do not care about life and death, they deserve praise! </p>


People shouted and said, "Although the previous record of Emperor Ling and others in Tianyu has not changed, the supreme of the Zhou clan on the three lists is basically out. Now, the Weiyu God Emperor is basically out."</p>

"It's amazing!"</p>

"Four gods are mighty!"</p>

"Promote the power of my spirit **** heaven!"</p>

People screamed frantically, because Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others played unimaginable Tianwei, swept all enemies, and made the Zhou clan Weiyu Divine Emperor all out of the game, and the four characters' Tianyu record also happened. Drastic change. </p>

They have directly climbed from more than 800 to more than 400. </p>

There were more than 1,300 points of Celestial Record, which directly soared to more than 2,800 Points of Celestial Record. </p>

This is pretty scary. </p>

According to this momentum, Lingshen Tianyu will return to glory, and it is not a problem to unveil the Ten Thousand Regions ranking. </p>


At the time when people were reveling, a careful Wu Xiu was still staring at the Thousand Regions Ranking, and he found that the names of the three Guandao God Emperors of the Zhou clan had become illusory. </p>

The names of Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others have become brighter and have surged, directly breaking through the 3,000-point Celestial record. </p>

what does this mean? </p>

They defeated the God Emperor Guandao? </p>

Fight across levels? </p>

This is not just exclusive to Ling Feng! </p>

"Monster, how can there be weak people beside Emperor Ling?"</p>

"Fighting across levels, that is Wu Xiu's dream!" </p>

"The Four Gods are so mighty, my role models!"</p>

The people cried with excitement. Although they didn't know the situation of the battle, they knew that Shen Lie and others would have to pay the price. How easy was it to defeat the God Emperor Guandao? </p>

You must know that the gap between Micro Domain and Guan Dao is too big, like a chasm, difficult to bridge. </p>

But Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others did just that. </p>

It is a miracle. </p>

"The Zhou clan is miserable, but they deserve it!"</p>

"Zhou's family supreme, Weiyu **** emperor and three Guandao **** emperors are all out."</p>

"But this is just the beginning. The truly powerful characters have not yet taken action. Once you meet Zhou Ke, Zhou Su and other characters..."</p>

The faces of several characters are a little ugly. </p>

At this time, Shen Lie was able to sweep the Divine Emperor of the Micro Territory because the strongest Tianjiao of the Zhou clan had not yet come forward. If these characters do, the consequences can be imagined. </p>

Can Shen Lie and Tangjiu stop Zhou Ke? </p>

Can Ling Feng stop Zhou Su? </p>

What's more, the Zhou clan is not only Zhou Ke who is a super character, and not only Zhou Su who is a heavenly emperor. </p>

By then, who will resist? </p>

The boiling scene of the spiritual gods became quiet again, and people were full of sadness, and they were full of worry for Ling Feng and others. </p>

Although they hope that Ling Feng and others can defeat their opponents, it is just a luxury. </p>


Heiyang Pure Land is also very quiet. </p>

The terrible situation caused by Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others makes people lose their minds. Any universe, as long as it can fight across domains, and successfully advance is a grand event. </p>

however. </p>

It is Shen Lie, Tang Jiu, and the three creatures that really calm the Heiyang Pure Land. Each of them can cross the ranks. What a terrible potential is this? </p>

To know. </p>

Although Heiyang Divine Realm is extraordinary, can each force produce a talented arrogant who fights across levels? </p>

Obviously impossible. </p>

Like the Zhou clan, there is only one person, and that is Zhou Ke. </p>

It was said that Zhou Ke could fight the Heavenly Emperor God, but that was just hearsay, not a direct proof, because it was only spread by the Zhou clan. </p>

Although Xiang Zhousu and Zhoukou are powerful, they still don't have the ability to fight across levels. </p>

But now there are as many as seven people in front of them. </p>

If these seven characters and creatures are from the same force, how terrifying would it be? </p>

To be honest, people can't imagine. </p>

Hum! </p>

At this moment, the void trembled, and a big hole was broken, and twelve characters flew out of the big hole. </p>

The headed person is a young man, not to mention Fengshen's handsomeness, but at least it looks good, but those dark eyes show his strength and fierceness. </p>

"Zhou Ke!"</p>

Shen Lie squinted his eyes, sending out a cold rain. </p>

"The main player is on the stage!"</p>

Tang Jiu sneered. They did so much. If the Zhou clan had to remain calm, I'm afraid it would be unrealistic. </p>

Today, the Zhou clan has sacrificed Zhou Ke this big killer. </p>

"It's just right!" Fei Qian and Fang Can sneered. </p>

"Three super-quality, nine Guandao, this time they are fat!"</p>

Shen Lie licked the bird's beak and said, "Unfortunately, I was seriously injured. It is not suitable to fight."</p>

"It's cheap Lingfeng!"</p>

"That's it, less cheap Ling Ling!" </p>

Shen Lie and Tang Jiu sang and made a peace, completely treating the twelve figures such as Zhou Ke as air, while Shi Pi was lying on the ancient tree in the universe, snoring. </p>

Lei Ting Yin Yang Fish was completely watching the excitement, without the appearance of a confrontation. </p>

This makes people quite curious. </p>

Given the situation of Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others, even in their heyday, I am afraid that Zhou Ke and others were not able to beat them. Now they are seriously injured, and the three creatures have no intention of ending. Who will deal with Zhou Ke and others? </p>

Don't they think this matter is over? </p>

"Shen Lie, Tang Jiu, Fei Qian, Fang Can..."</p>

Zhou Ke stared at Shen Lie and the others, his mouth twitching, he was almost angered. </p>

How could he have thought that in the original battle of crushing, the Weak Heaven Realm really had the courage to find here, and also killed the so-called Supreme and Micro Realm God Emperor of the Zhou clan. </p>

indeed. </p>

Lingshen Tianyu has given the lives of dozens of martial artists, but how does it compare with the Tianjiao of the Zhou clan? </p>

The price is too heavy! </p>

Can killing a few creatures and slaughtering a few characters save the situation? </p>

Can you regain your face? </p>

People will always remember today, remember this battle. </p>

"We are right!"</p>

Shenlie sneered and said, "Just remember it, I'm afraid you will forget it, the hatred of the day, today we will clean it!"</p>

"Do you dare to come across domains and kill my fellow clan?"</p>

"How about killing?"</p>

"Do you want to be slaughtered?" Zhou Ke's voice became cold, like a sharp knife. </p>

"Tu Yu?"</p>

Shenlie rolled his eyes and said, "It's up to you?"</p>

"Just rely on me Zhou clan!" Zhou Ke said strongly, not only his own attitude, but also the Zhou clan's attitude. </p>

"Then wait for you to be destroyed, we will wait in the Spirit God Realm!"</p>

A voice sounded, a character stepped out, appeared on the battlefield, appeared in front of Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others, and stood on the opposite side of Zhou Ke. </p>

"The massacre that day, have you ever thought about today?"</p>

Ling Feng was expressionless, but looked directly into Zhou Ke's eyes: "Does it feel very heartache and cruel?"</p>

"Ling Feng?"</p>

"It's me!"</p>

"I didn't get rid of you that day, it's a great regret in this life." Zhou Ke was itchy with anger, these people are too vengeful. </p>

"If you just defeat the Spirit God Realm and get them out of the game, we won't come over today, but you raised the butcher knife and cut off dozens of living beings. Do you really think we will slaughter you Zhou clan?" </p>

Ling Feng said coldly and sternly: "If your Zhou clan dares to attack the Spirit God Realm, then we will fight the Spirit God Realm until we die."</p>

"Good, good, you are really good!"</p>

Zhou Ke smirked and said: "Today I slaughtered you first, and then slaughtered the forces behind you!"</p>


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