Supreme Demon

Chapter 3396: Self-investment net-style battle!


You can search for "Supreme God and Magic (ie in Baidu! </p>

The scene was cold. </p>

The war is about to start! </p>

Ling Feng stood in front of Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others coldly, ignoring Zhou Ke, the heavenly power of the Zhou clan, he learned a lot from that manual. </p>

What kind of strength Zhou Ke can explode, he also has a bottom in his heart. </p>

But what kind of heavenly might he could burst out was beyond Zhou Ke's imagination. </p>

of course. </p>

With the pride of the Zhou clan, even if Ling Feng's information is placed in front of Zhou Ke, Zhou Ke is afraid he will not pay attention to it, let alone put Ling Feng in his eyes. </p>

At this point, Ling Feng was quite relieved. </p>

Moreover, he likes Zhou Ke who despises his opponent and doesn't really know him. </p>

Why do you know so much? </p>

Why don't you accept it? </p>

If you can't do it, you will die. </p>

How easy! </p>

"It's just a massacre!"</p>

With a smile on Ling Feng's mouth, he said, "I hope the Zhou family will like this story and ending!"</p>

"You are crazy enough!"</p>

Zhou Ke sneered and said: "I admit that your potential is very extraordinary. You can succeed in asking questions in just one year. The promotion of micro domains and Guan Dao has made my family suffer. You can call them excellent, but excellent is limited to excellent. !"≪/p>

Ling Feng smiled. </p>

"In front of my clan, even if you are a real dragon, you have to kneel for me!"</p>

"You said my lines!" Ling Feng said. </p>

"Don't talk so much nonsense, right?"</p>

He went on to say: "Come here for a fight. It is said that you are a prodigy of the Zhou clan once every 10,000 years. You can fight across levels."</p>

"Rely on your Guandao?" Zhou Ke sneered. </p>

"Isn't it enough for Guandao to kill you?" Ling Feng said in surprise. </p>

"You are too weak!"</p>


Ling Feng smiled disappointedly, and didn't care. Some characters were used to being high, and would always underestimate the world, especially the Zhou clan. </p>

All this is due to Ling Feng's "born" in the spiritual **** heaven. </p>

If Ling Feng was "born" in the ancient realm and other super large realms, wouldn't the Zhou clan despise it like this? </p>

of course. </p>

Ling Feng really liked the style of the Zhou clan. If they wanted to go against the gods and did enough homework beforehand, it wouldn't be fun. </p>

"So, you don't plan to play anymore?" Ling Feng asked with a smile. </p>

"Hehe, my brother is a super-grade **** emperor, and he is not far from the heavenly **** emperor. Are you qualified to challenge?"</p>

At this time, a character flew out from behind Zhou Ke with a sneered face, and did not put Ling Feng in his eyes at all. </p>

Only because Ling Feng is the God Emperor of Guandao, and he is also the God Emperor of Guandao. </p>

In the decisive battle at the same level, he can overlook his opponent, not to mention the Guandao God Emperor from the weak world, so he should not be taken seriously. </p>


Ling Feng smiled lightly and said: "What you said makes sense, then I will wait for the super character of your clan to challenge me."</p>

"Are you qualified?"</p>

The Zhou family's Guandao **** emperor is full of contempt, and there is really no meaning to compare Zhou Ke, because Zhou Ke wants to become a character of the heavenly **** emperor, and may become the first heavenly **** emperor of the Heiyang **** domain. </p>

Simply put, Zhou Ke is the kind of fire of the Zhou clan. </p>

Zhou Ke has long been embedded with divine light by the Zhou clan, like a god, illuminating the entire Zhou clan. </p>

"Yes, how do you qualify?"</p>

Ling Feng laughed self-deprecatingly, and said, "The so-called dog's eyes look down on people, is that so?"</p>


The Guandao **** emperor was furious, and the expression on his face became distorted. His eyes burst into flames, glaring at Ling Feng, and said, "I will slaughter a hundred people of my clan, today I will slaughter you too. Even more to slaughter you thousands of people!"</p>

"Then what are you waiting for?" Ling Feng asked with a smile. </p>


The Taoist God Emperor didn't wait any longer, lightning struck out, and blasted Ling Feng with a punch. He didn't have the experience of fighting against Ling Feng and other evildoers, but fought according to the "convention" in the past. </p>

The pure land sky was illuminated by the field of the God Emperor Guandao, a cyan field unfolded, turned into a dragon, and pounced on Ling Feng. </p>

Its strength is soaring. </p>

The divine dragon held up its head, making the avenues gloomy, collapsed layer by layer, disintegrating the space, and withering inch by inch. </p>

Wherever the Shenlong went, everything was decayed, because the Shenlong was breathing. Although there was no flames gushing out, it was not spectacular enough, but the light power was the mighty force that crushed everything. </p>

He attacked by lightning, and the dragon soared above his head. When it swooped, the pure land space and time were borrowed and swooped together. Just that momentum was enough for a general Guandao God Emperor to drink a pot. </p>

If Shen Lie, Tang Jiu, etc. were against such characters, it would be a tragedy in the first place. </p>

but. </p>

Ling Feng is not Shen Lie and Tang Jiu, he is Ling Feng. </p>

He is the unique and surpassing owner of God! </p>

He is the first supreme ever! </p>

When the Guandao **** emperor swooped down with the sky full of storms, the dragon roar, and the sky full of energy, Ling Feng did not respond. He seemed frightened and stood still. </p>

The endless Tianwei is sweeping his long hair, and the endless Tianwei is crushing the space and time around him. </p>

Ling Feng remained motionless. </p>

This caused many characters to sweat for Ling Feng. If Wu Xiu of Lingshen Tianyu was here, he would probably yell. What's the difference between this and death? </p>

"This idiot!"</p>

Shen Lie Youyou despise, and dare to be so big to Lingfeng, without trying his best, what is the difference between seeking death? </p>

"Some people are always like this, but if there are no such characters, do we lose a lot of fun?" Tangjiu said with a smile. </p>

"That's right!"</p>

As a result, the four looked at each other and laughed. </p>

People have been confused by the reactions of Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others. Perhaps only a few characters such as Celestial Reincarnation and the Three Creatures can understand it. </p>

Facing Lingfeng, even the celestial reincarnation at this time must do his best. </p>

at last. </p>

The God Emperor of Guandao appeared in front of Ling Feng carrying a sky full of storms, the vast Tianwei, almost buried Ling Feng alive. </p>

however. </p>

When Ling Feng raised his hand and grabbed forward, the sky full of storms dissipated, and the Emperor of Guandao of the Zhou clan was like a moth fighting the fire, and he took the initiative to plunge into Ling Feng's hands. </p>

To be precise, the Guandao God Emperor put his neck into Ling Feng's hands. </p>

The whole process is quite clear, but not many people can understand. </p>

The Shenlong wailed, dissipated in the void, and turned into a sky full of energy. Before the Guandao Divine Emperor could react, his neck fell into Ling Feng's hands. </p>

He didn't understand why such a nightmare thing happened until he died. </p>

He used a very strong force to blast Ling Feng. In the past, Wu Xiu could only suppress it with a stronger force, even his brother Zhou Ke would do his best. </p>

But Lingfeng is different. </p>

Ling Feng didn't use such a powerful and magnificent power. He just stretched out a hand, grabbed it forward, and let the Guandao **** emperor "throw himself into the net" and become the fish on his sword. </p>

"This is your strength?"</p>

Ling Feng faintly shook his head, holding the Guandao Divine Emperor's neck, condescending and smiling. </p>


The Guandao God Emperor was shocked and deceived until this moment, not knowing why he fell into Ling Feng's hands. </p>

"If this is the strength of the Zhou clan, I am afraid I will say sorry!"</p>

Ling Feng carried the Guandao **** emperor and threw it on the pure land. The powerful force didn't appear until this moment, and he killed the Guandao **** emperor on the spot. </p>

Because Ling Feng used the ancient blade in his hand to directly penetrate the Taoist soul of the Taoist God Emperor, leaving no future troubles. </p>


The God Emperor of Guandao let out a scream of sorrow, dissipated in the pure land, turned into a sky full of energy, and died. </p>

"Now, am I qualified?"</p>

The scene was quiet. </p>

Even Zhou Ke had a slight discoloration, even if he hadn't seen how Ling Feng captured his brother alive, it felt like a force bound his brother and then caught him alive. </p>

The martial cultivators of the Black Sun God Realm were even more silent, and they were also stunned by Ling Feng's move. </p>

With their intelligence and vision, it is still difficult to understand this way of fighting. </p>

"So scary!"</p>

A heavenly **** emperor closed his eyes slightly, feeling amazed: "Can't fight!"</p>

He didn't explain too much. It was only a matter of time before he reached the level of Ling Feng, because Ling Feng had already begun to understand things at the level of Heavenly Territory God Emperor, and even things that could be involved at the level of Gu Xian. </p>

It's like order! </p>

"I'll kill you!"</p>

The Zhou clan was not frightened by Ling Feng's move. A Wu Xiu flew out on the spot, still the Emperor of Guandao, very tyrannical, far surpassing the previous one. </p>

He played Guandao Tianwei, one field was turned into two, and both became phoenixes, blasting towards Lingfeng together. </p>

Its Tianwei disappointed everyone because it was too strong. </p>

Those two phoenixes both have the power of Guandao, if you count the Guandao main body, they are the three Guandao divine emperors, and any martial arts encounter will be bloody. </p>

however. </p>

The full weather finally became a foil. </p>

Set off Ling Feng's tyranny. </p>

It highlights the greatness of Ling Feng. </p>

Set off a suicidal self-survey. </p>

Yes. </p>

He was still like the previous **** emperor Guandao, flew flying and fell into Ling Feng's hands, becoming a sacrifice. </p>

Click! </p>

Ling Feng did not hesitate to break the neck of the **** emperor Guan Dao, so that he could not look at him, but the soul of Dao was cut off by the ancient blade, and his body died. </p>

By this time, the Zhou clan was completely dumb. </p>

To know. </p>

Just now, the Guandao **** emperor could be ranked third among the Zhou clan Guandao **** emperors. He was strong, but he was still like a chicken by Ling Feng's neck, which was strongly broken. </p>

What kind of evil is this? </p>

What kind of **** is this special? </p>

At this moment, they were completely shocked. God knows how tyrannical Ling Feng is? </p>

Even the first-ranked Emperor Zhou's Guandao divine emperor, it is estimated that it is not enough for Ling Feng to kill, and this person is directly slaughtered, without any emotion at all, they don't want to die. </p>

"You can go!"</p>

Ling Feng said forcefully: "Just as Zhou Ke said in the Lingshen Tianyu, I allow you to survive!"</p>

The situation reversed. </p>

Now Ling Feng has begun to despise the Zhou clan. </p>

"Of course, even if you don't want to, there is no way. When you set foot, don't think about leaving alive, right?" Ling Feng said forcefully, really not wanting to give the Zhou clan a way to survive. </p>

If you kill a snake, you will suffer. </p>


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