Supreme Demon

Chapter 3397: Super product!


You can search for "Supreme God and Magic (ie in Baidu! </p>

Ling Feng still understands this truth. </p>

The moment Zhou Ke did not hesitate to slaughter the Spirit God Tianyu began. </p>

When Ling Feng and others decided to avenge the Zhou clan. </p>

When the butterfly fully invested and suppressed its Zhou clan alliance. </p>

Ling Feng had never thought of letting the martial artists of the Zhou clan live, and everyone who dared to enter the Pure Land of Heiyang would die. </p>

"Let's go together!"</p>

Different from Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others, Ling Feng performed extremely strong, completely overlooking his opponent in a crushing posture, because Ling Feng did not put these characters in his eyes at all. </p>

His Guandao realm is different from other characters, which also means that his strength is completely different. </p>

The Pure Land of All Things came out. </p>

The world’s super products are all tragedy, not to mention Guandao God Emperor. </p>

The same level is no longer the limit of Ling Feng, his opponent is Super Grade, and even Heavenly Emperor God. </p>

If it were before, it was estimated that the Zhou clan was going to explode, and the top two Guandao **** emperors would rush forward and beat Ling Feng to the point that his mother didn't even know him. </p>

But at this moment, they are very quiet, no one dares to fight. </p>

Ling Feng's performance was too strong, and his strength was so weird that it was unimaginable. How could they dare to fight before they knew Ling Feng's strength? </p>

Even though there are not many people who can understand in the black sun sky domain, as long as they understand, they are all secretive. </p>

"You are really strong!"</p>

Zhou Ke spoke. He didn't want to see this situation. </p>

In just a few moments, several Guandao **** emperors fell, causing the Zhou clan to suffer even more damage and making their hearts even more depressed. </p>

but. </p>

Ling Feng is indeed a very strong opponent, I am afraid that even the Zhou family's Taoist God Emperor is not Ling Feng's opponent, unless it is a super character like them. </p>

This is the saddest day of the Zhou clan! </p>

In the past, they all crushed their opponents and let their opponents go together. </p>

That is an insult! </p>

That is contempt! </p>

That was the bottom line and pride that overturned the Zhou clan! </p>

But now they surprisingly did not refute, because Ling Feng really had such strength. </p>

"So I am qualified?" Ling Feng said with a sneer. </p>

"Want to challenge me?"</p>

Zhou Ke smiled. Although Ling Feng is very strong, he still does not think that Ling Feng is his opponent. With his status as the first super character of the Zhou clan, and even the first super character of the entire Heiyang Divine Region, how could he Easy to play? </p>

"Let me come!"</p>

A character flew out lazily, with a very indifferent expression on his face, gave Ling Feng a sideways look, and then said: "End this tragedy soon, and we can go back to sleep!"</p>

Obviously. </p>

This is a rather lazy guy, but he is highly talented. Although he is not ranked high among the Zhou clan super characters, he is definitely a ruthless character. </p>


Ling Feng readily agreed: "However, don't follow those two people just now. You have to throw themselves into the trap. I'm ashamed not to strangle them, otherwise I feel sorry for their throwing into the trap!"</p> ;


"Don't worry, I have to satisfy you!"</p>

Zhou Xun lazily said, "But, don't let me down!"</p>

"Good to say!"</p>

The two characters don't seem to be fighting at all, but more like old friends meeting for many years. </p>


Zhou Xun said very gentlemanly: "Come to fight!"</p>

"You are much more interesting than that insidious fellow Zhou Ke!" Ling Feng smiled, and didn't mean to take the initiative. </p>

"But you are more boring than I thought!"</p>

Zhou Xun stepped forward slowly, step by step, and the sky fell step by step. The entire sky was trembling, and space and time fell apart on the spot. </p>

His steps are heavy, and his strength is gushing. </p>

"Greetings from Reaper!"</p>

He snorted and a skeleton crawled out of the ground, but Heiyang Pure Land had no surface, but it still crawled out. </p>

Bai Sensen’s bones. </p>

Bai Sensen's head. </p>

And the hollow eyes that exuded strange and mysterious are all interpreting its terrible and cold, making people feel chills in the heart. </p>


Ling Feng's eyes suddenly became cold, which reminded him of the Battle of Biluo, not knowing how many god-defying people died at the hands of the Death God, and it reminded him of the strange kill of the Death God's roster. </p>

His eyes are getting colder and colder! </p>

He didn't know how much Zhou Xun was involved in, and he didn't even want to know whether Zhou Xun was a skeleton formed by strength or summoned a skeleton from the ground. </p>

When it appears, it means death! </p>

The skeleton was as tall as several people, and Bai Sensen was quite scary, especially when it appeared under the holy sun, it added a touch of evil charm. </p>

Boom! </p>

The skull blasted towards Ling Feng, raised his head, black rays of light shot out from his eyes, and the gathering of those lights and rains turned into a space. </p>

Grim Reaper Field! </p>

All my territory is pure land! </p>

Ling Feng's expression was cold, he raised his hand and grabbed it forward, crushing the skeleton in the same way. </p>

but. </p>

The skeleton was not afraid of fear, and threw his fist, exploding with a super-grade Tianwei, confronting Ling Feng's palm in the void, making a sudden explosion. </p>

Ling Feng's unfavorable "ultimate move" had failed at this moment, and he had not been able to catch the skeleton. </p>

The skeleton blasted towards Ling Feng with Zhou Xun. </p>

"Take some strength, your trick is useless to me!"</p>

Zhou Xun said strongly. </p>

"I'm going to use some strength!" Ling Feng nodded slightly, facing the super character, he didn't dare to entrust him. </p>

however. </p>

What is jaw-dropping is that Ling Feng is still motionless, showing a state of support. </p>

suddenly. </p>

There was light and rain around him, and the skeleton appeared strangely and slammed to Ling Feng forcefully, only fifty feet away from Ling Feng, which was an extremely deadly distance for the **** emperor. </p>

At this moment, the breeze around Lingfeng was slowly, and a leaf did not know when it appeared, and flew gently in front of him. </p>

When that leaf floated in front of Ling Feng. </p>

When the light rain and the skeletons pressed down to swallow Ling Feng. </p>

When the Death God Realm was about to suppress Ling Feng. </p>

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth raised slightly, he raised his hand and flicked a finger slightly, his nails fell on that leaf, and his eyes were looking at that leaf, like a naughty child. </p>

Flicking the blade, very interested. </p>

Whoosh! </p>

The leaf quivered slightly, and then flew to the skeleton, welcoming Zhou Xuan. </p>


The light rain flooded Ling Feng, and people seemed to see the scene where Ling Feng was swallowed by the skeleton, but everything was overwhelmed by the rising ripples. </p>

When the light rain dissipated, people were suddenly shocked. </p>

Just because. </p>

Ling Feng still stood there, motionless. </p>

The skull was also fixed there, with a leaf on the center of the eyebrows, green leaves, nothing extraordinary, ordinary, no magnificence and majesty. </p>

Zhou Xun also stood in front of Ling Feng, but the difference was that Zhou Xun's neck fell into Ling Feng's hands. </p>

Ling Feng slowly flew up, holding Zhou Xun with one hand, and pinching the hole on the neck with the other. </p>

The scene is magnificent! </p>

The scene is boiling! </p>

A Guandao **** emperor carried a super product in each hand, and letting them struggle was futile. </p>

That kind of strength and shock makes people crazy about it. </p>

This is simply impossible. </p>

What is to beat a super character into a native dog? </p>

This is it! </p>

In the past, people felt that the ability to fight across levels was the limit, but until now did people know that there is a limit in the world. </p>

Cross-level spike! </p>

Zhou Xun is very strong. Although he is lazy, he is a super-rank figure after all, ranking fifth in the Zhou clan. How can his strength be underestimated? </p>

But in front of Ling Feng, he was still like a dog. </p>


Zhou Xun was finally shocked. He thought he was a super-grade **** emperor and he didn't need to suffer this insult, but he didn't expect to fall into Ling Feng's hands. </p>

Still insulted! </p>

He used all his strength to get rid of Ling Feng's hands, but found that the power was like water and it was difficult to turbulence. </p>

The skeleton was also difficult to move, and was pinched by Ling Feng alive. </p>


Ling Feng looked directly at Zhou Xun, his eyes flickering, and said, "This is really an interesting story. Your strength comes from it, not yourself!"</p>

"Is it from hell?"</p>

Ling Feng glanced at the skeleton and said, "I want to go and see one day!"</p>

Finished. </p>

Without giving Zhou Xun a chance to speak, he broke Zhou Xun's neck on the spot and squeezed the skull. </p>

Zhou Xun has fallen! </p>

This is a super character, even the Zhou clan is not many, there are only five, and they are extremely rare in the Heiyang Divine Realm. </p>

But he was strangled to death by Ling Feng. </p>

This is currently the first super character to fall, and it has sounded the alarm for many super characters. If it is not super quality, it will not fall. </p>

Zhou Ke's mouth twitched, his expression extremely distorted. </p>

He didn't expect this result. </p>

How evil is Ling Feng? </p>

They are too big, if he took the shot himself at the beginning, then there would be no three **** emperors in the Zhou clan, let alone Zhou Xun, the super grade **** emperor. </p>

It is estimated that the Zhou clan is about to explode. </p>

"Why should they be sent to death?" Ling Feng said with squinting eyes: "If you came here to die, you should not have to witness their death!"

"You are really crazy!"</p>

Zhou Ke stepped out. At this moment, he didn't dare to dodge anymore. If he didn't make a move, God knew how many **** emperors would die. </p>

"Do you know that for offending my Zhou clan in this way, Lingshen Tianyu is a capital crime?"</p>

"A threat?"</p>

Ling Feng smiled and said, "You have the right to treat us all as lunatics. If you want to threaten, you will be disappointed."</p>

"Do you want to slaughter the Lingshen Tianyu? Then let go, and we will take it!"</p>

"Of course, if you can't kill me, then we will kill you step by step, as long as you dare to appear in the Tianjiao event, as long as you dare to appear in the sky, as long as you meet... you are all dead."</p> ;

Who said the threat can only be from the Zhou clan? </p>

Do not underestimate the threat of Lingfeng. </p>

To be honest, Ling Feng’s threat is far more dangerous than Zhou Ke’s threat. The sniper of the gods. </p>

of course. </p>

Zhou Ke and the Zhou clan can't think of so much, let alone know that there is such an evil force as godless in this world. </p>

In fact, even the threat of Ling Feng made Zhou Ke slightly discolored. If such a character survived, it would indeed be a disaster for the Zhou clan. </p>


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