Supreme Demon

Chapter 3399: A little fairy mountain!


You can search for "Supreme God and Magic (ie in Baidu! </p>

It is scary enough to suppress the super-grade level with the Guandao level. </p>

But Ling Feng captured super characters at the Guandao level. </p>

This is to scare people to death! </p>

How strong is Zhou Ke? </p>

The gods of Heiyang Divine Realm have a deep understanding, especially the super characters, they are not as good as Zhou Ke, this guy is almost going to be the king in Heiyang Divine Realm. </p>

Zhou Ke is the first arrogant of the Zhou clan in thousands of years, and he can be called the facade of the Zhou clan. </p>

however. </p>

There are one or two people in the world who were born to suppress the captive Tianjiao. </p>

Ling Feng is such a character! </p>

At this moment, Ling Feng used his strength to show his greatness, that kind of greatness can conquer any heaven and gods, and that kind of greatness can make people kneel down and sing to conquer. </p>

Zhou Ke is kneeling! </p>

He had to kneel because he had no choice, they were forced. </p>

He did not sing to conquer because he could not sing. </p>

In the presence of the gods of the entire Heiyang Divine Realm, Zhou Ke knelt in the pure land. The picture was as disharmonious as it was, as powerful and proud as Zhou Ke, wishing to die. </p>

Since ancient times, he has not been so humiliated. </p>

That kind of feeling, he finally experienced today, really is better than death. </p>

"Ling Feng, my Zhou clan will definitely want you to pay for it!" Zhou Ke shouted frantically, completely devoid of the image of Zhou's first super character. </p>

"Look at it, this is crazy!"</p>

Ling Feng smiled and said, "In the beginning, when you insulted Lingshen Tianyu and trampled the predecessors under the foot, did you ever think about today's scene?"</p>

"You want blood to pay for it, so we don't have to pay for it?"</p>

Ling Feng looked directly at the Zhou clan in the sky and said, "If you want to fight, then we will accompany you to the end."</p>

"Lingshen Tianyu is weak, but we will do our best to fight, but once the battle starts, we should never stop!"</p>

"As long as we don't die, the Zhou clan will die!"</p>

This is a **** oath, representing the spirit of God's battle intent. </p>

As long as they are alive, the goal is to slaughter the Zhou clan until one party completely falls. </p>

Either the Zhou clan killed the entire Lingshen Tianyu, or the Lingshen Tianyu slaughtered the Zhou clans. </p>

Not ruthless! </p>

You know, Lingshen Tianyu is, after all, a secret heaven, and its internal resources. There are so many Tiangongs, which does not mean that they can't rise, especially the appearance of Ling Feng, Shen Lie and others, let people see this momentum. </p>

And once the Spirit God Tianyu rises, it will be the Zhou clan that is unlucky. </p>

It is not even necessary for the Spirit God Tianyu to completely annihilate the Zhou clan, as long as it hurts its vitality, there will naturally be forces that want to deal with the Zhou clan. </p>

This is the most terrible. </p>

"Zhou Ke makes mistakes first, we have revenge behind, there is nothing wrong with it!"</p>

Ling Feng criticized the Zhou clan from a moral standpoint, saying: "If you want to fight, you will fight!"</p>

Finished. </p>

He picked up Zhou Ke and faced the holy sun. </p>

"Ling Feng, let go of Zhou Ke, everything is easy to discuss!"</p>

"Ling Feng, we were indeed wrong about this matter. As long as you put Zhou Ke on, you can sit down and talk about everything!"</p>

"Ling Feng, my family admits that I made a mistake!"</p>


The Zhou clan panicked completely, Zhou Xun died, this was already a collapse. </p>

If Zhou Ke died again, it would really break the sky. </p>

Even if the Zhou clan wanted to let go, it was impossible. </p>

"Ling Feng, you have to think clearly, it's not good for the clan of last week, and it's bad for your Spirit God Realm."</p>

"Ling Feng..."</p>

Unfortunately, Ling Feng didn't listen at all. </p>

He squinted and said with a smile: "Do you really think I'm an idiot? I let Zhou Ke go today, will I wait for you to slaughter the Spirit God Tianyu in the next day?"</p>

"Moreover, you will feel that the cost of making mistakes is too small, and you will continue to make mistakes!"</p>

"Why should people who make mistakes be forgiven?"</p>

"I don't forgive!"</p>

When the voice fell, Zhou Ke let out a sorrowful scream, his neck was broken by Ling Feng, the soul of Dao was shaken away by the ancient blade, and the spirit was scattered. </p>

A generation of Tianjiao Zhou Ke fell. </p>

From then on, the first super product of Heiyang Divine Region will not belong to the Zhou clan. </p>

"Zhou Ke!"</p>

Whether it is inside or outside the Pure Land, it is a bleak. </p>

The martial artists of the Zhou clan were completely crazy, and they wanted to swallow Ling Fengsheng alive. </p>

Their dignified Black Sun Divine Territory Zhou clan, with strong power and rich background, a large number of Tianjiao, was actually slaughtered by the weak Heaven Territory such as Spirit God two super-class figures. </p>

How can they bear it? </p>

How can they not hate? </p>

But this is the price of making mistakes. </p>

Moreover, they were completely panicked, Ling Feng and others were too strong, and if these characters were allowed to live, it would be a nightmare for the Zhou clan. </p>

"Ling Feng, you will pay a painful price!"</p>

"Ling Feng, my clan will thwart you!"</p>

"Ling Feng, Lingshen Tianyu is ready to welcome the anger of our race!"</p>


The Zhou clan's martial arts screamed frantically, and even many forces were uncomfortable. They had never seen the bleakness of the Spirit God Realm. From an emotional point of view, they were more inclined to the Zhou clan of their own sky. </p>

"I am waiting for you!"</p>

Ling Feng sneered and said, "Of course, you have to wait for us!"</p>

"No need to wait, we are here!"</p>

A voice rang behind Ling Feng, cold and scary. </p>

The fall of Zhou Ke and Zhou Xun made the Zhou clan crazy. At this time, they didn't care about so much. They invited two Heavenly Domain God Emperors who were in retreat. </p>

Zhou Su and Zhou Kou! </p>

Now, these two characters appeared. </p>

But it was a pity that the Zhou clan was too arrogant and didn't notify them in time. It was not until Zhou Ke's fall that the two heavenly emperors came in a hurry, which eventually became a pity. </p>

"Ling Feng, you killed the Tianjiao of our race, and slaughtered Zhou Ke and Zhou Xun. What should you use to clean up your mistakes?"</p>

Zhou Su's eyes turned red and said angrily. </p>

"Is it Zhou Su?"</p>

Ling Feng squinted his eyes and said, "You appeared in Lingshen Pure Land with Zhou Ke. Should you remember what he said?"</p>

"If the Spirit God Realm has the strength, you can kill me across domains!"</p>

"Now, we are only here to honor his words!"</p>

"What's wrong with this?"</p>


Zhou Su was so stunned that they could not say anything. In this matter, they were indeed wrong, but Zhou Ke and Zhou Xun could not die in vain. </p>

Whether it is Ling Feng and others, or Lingshen Tianyu must pay a price. </p>

"I want you to die!"</p>

Zhou Su didn't want to reason with Ling Feng at all, because he knew his strength was definitely not Ling Feng's opponent, so kill Ling Feng first and solve all problems. </p>

"There are too many people who want me to die, how old are you?"</p>

Ling Feng Lightning retreated, unwilling to trace last week, because he didn't want to show his full strength. </p>

and. </p>

He has just stepped into the realm of Guandao and has a long way to go, which is essentially the same as Shen Lie and Tangjiu. </p>

A character flew over and landed in front of Ling Feng, blocking Ling Feng behind him. </p>

"What is the virtue of the Zhou clan?"</p>

The man spoke quietly, despising Zhou Su, with a natural coldness. </p>

Zhou Su was taken aback and couldn't help but stop, because it was not Ling Feng who stood in front of him, but a genuine heavenly **** emperor. </p>

The diffused heavenly aura made him feel suffocated. </p>

"Who are you?"</p>

Zhou Su asked questions and looked at the celestial cycle vigilantly. </p>

"Well me?"</p>

Celestial Reincarnation smiled and said, "You can call me little brother!"</p>


Many people feel the cold, why is this guy so weird? </p>

Little brother. </p>

Little sister. </p>

Do you think this is a blind date? </p>

"I remember the Spirit God Tianyu, and there is no Tianyu God Emperor." Zhou Su asked again, not wanting to call his little brother. </p>


The celestial cycle replied lightly. </p>

"Oh? What does this mean?"</p>

Zhou Su was very angry, what kind of answer is this? </p>

Yes or no? </p>

Is it Lingshen Tianyu? </p>

"You shouldn't be a martial artist in Lingshen Tianyu?" Zhou Su asked with the anger in his heart. </p>



Zhou Su's heart was full of hairs. He just wanted to force the celestial cycle to avoid getting involved in matters between Lingfeng and the Zhou clan, because he felt that the celestial cycle was very difficult. </p>

"If you are not a martial artist in Lingshen Tianyu, please don't get involved in this battle!"</p>

Although Zhou Su's tone was sharp, his attitude was somewhat polite. </p>

"I am indeed not a martial artist in Lingshen Tianyu." </p>

Celestial Reincarnation finally responded to this question positively, but he then asked: "Are you trying to disadvantage him?"</p>

For some reason, Zhou Su's little heart thumped a few times, always feeling that things were not so simple. </p>

The matter is already in front of you, and the celestial reincarnation has to ask one more question. </p>

Either you are an idiot or you just want to make trouble. </p>

"He slaughtered two super characters of our clan, of course this thing cannot be done well." Zhou Su said forcefully. </p>

"Which Zhou Ke and Zhou Xun are your brothers?" Tianji Samsara asked. </p>


Zhou Su nodded. </p>



After a moment of silence, Celestial Reincarnation spoke again, saying: "Ling Feng, he is my brother!"</p>


The corner of Zhou Su's mouth trembled, completely shocked, that is, everyone present was shocked. </p>

before. </p>

They thought that Ling Feng was a disciple of a certain force in the Lingshen Tianyu, and his background was not a concern, so they dared to shout and kill. </p>

But now, they found that Ling Feng's background was a bit wrong. </p>

Because the celestial cycle does not come from the spiritual **** heaven. </p>

what does this mean? </p>

Ling Feng is not a figure in Lingshen Tianyu. </p>

That Ling Feng's background and origin is a problem. It is more or less taboo for them to be able to simultaneously cultivate such evil forces as Celestial Reincarnation and Ling Feng. </p>

"Which domain are you from?" Zhoukou asked. </p>

"This is important?"</p>

This is not bullshit. </p>

"A small..."</p>

Celestial Reincarnation smiled and said: "Xianshan!"</p>


All the gods present were all shocked. The Seven Gods Heaven Territory was extraordinary. Even in the sacred soil of Xiliang, there were several ancient territories, known as overseas fairy mountains. </p>

Every fairy mountain is extremely terrifying, and its background is unfathomable. </p>

That was the ancient realm most feared by all the heavens and gods. Although Zhou's 100 realms were very strong, they were not qualified to touch the fairy mountain. It was no different from seeking death. </p>

Ling Feng comes from Xianshan? </p>

When this thought appeared, Wu Xiu of the Zhou clan swept through his back with a chill in his heart. </p>

The news is quite bad. </p>

Whether it is real or fake, it is a dangerous signal to the Zhou family. </p>


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