Supreme Demon

Chapter 3400: Crazy Lingshen Tianyu!


You can search for "Supreme God and Magic (ie in Baidu! </p>

Lingshen Tianyu! </p>

The sky is overcrowded. </p>

Whether it is the Sea God Gate, Xutian Gate and other forces, or the eight ancient forces, they are all watching at this moment. </p>

The Thousand Domains List is the focus of people. </p>

When the rankings of Shenlie, Tangjiu and others as well as the record of Tianyu changed, people were crazy, excited, and even weeped. </p>

But they knew better that Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others suppressed only the Weiyu Divine Emperor and the three Guandao Divine Emperors. </p>

But the Zhou clan is not limited to Guandao God Emperor, they also have Super Grade God Emperor and Tianyu God Emperor. </p>

With the strength of Ling Feng and others, can it deal with the super-class figures of the Zhou clan and the heavenly emperor? </p>

This is a problem! </p>

thus. </p>

The realm of the sky was quiet, and people had their eyes like torches, staring at the Thousand Realm Ranking, waiting for a victory. </p>

Although they can't see it, they can imagine that it must be a tragic battle. </p>

Some Wu Xiu clenched their fists, their eyes were deep, fearing that Shen Lie, Tang Jiu, and Ling Feng would disappear from the Thousand Domains List. </p>

What they want to see is that Ling Feng and others can turn the tide, defeat the super-class figures of the Zhou clan, and suppress the heavenly emperor. </p>

But that is hard to happen. </p>

Some female martial artists even shed tears, they were sad tears. </p>

however. </p>

Just when people's eyes became blushing, and when they were tired, the Thousand Domains list finally changed. </p>

That change did not come from Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others, which meant that their battle was completely over. </p>

This change comes from Ling Feng. </p>

First in the ranking, Ling Feng advanced five places. </p>

These five are enough to make them crazy, because Ling Feng has obtained more than 500 points of Celestial Record. Although his ranking is not as good as Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others, it means that the battle belonging to Ling Feng has started. </p>

Ling Feng defeated a character! </p>

In fact. </p>

Some careful Wu Xiu had already discovered on the Thousand Domains list that a Taoist God Emperor of Zhou had a tragic ending and was completely out. </p>

but. </p>

The people didn't shout, but watched calmly, because they knew very well that the real decisive battle would come next. It would be no problem to sweep the Guandao God Emperor with Lingfeng's strength, but sooner or later they would face the super-class characters of the Zhou clan. </p>

Was Zhou Ke here? </p>

Does Ling Feng have any chance of winning against Ke last week? </p>

People's hearts seemed to be tugging, thumping nervously. </p>

As if people's prayers worked, Ling Feng's ranking changed again, sliding up six places. </p>

what does this mean? </p>

Ling Feng once again defeated his opponent and suppressed a Taoist God Emperor of the Zhou clan. </p>

and. </p>

The speed is obviously much faster, and there are changes in almost a dozen breaths, which really surprises people. </p>

At this moment, they wanted Ling Feng too much to win the battle. </p>

Hum! </p>

Suddenly, the Thousand Domains Board made a light and trembling sound, and a light burst through the sky, and people couldn't help but startled. </p>

In such a quiet atmosphere, in the eyes of people, this kind of change suddenly appeared, how can we not break people's quiet heart? </p>

Some female martial artists screamed, Ding Chu looked at the Thousand Regions Ranking, because they were afraid that Ling Feng's name would be removed. </p>

At first glance. </p>

They got a chill. </p>

Because they did not find Ling Feng in the previous rankings, even if there was no Ling Feng in the top five or six, people's first reaction was heartache, which meant that Ling Feng was likely to lose out, and even died. </p>

But they still didn't give up, still looking for it on the Thousand Domains list. </p>


A voice shocked the audience, and a woman covered her mouth, pointed at the Thousand Regions List, and pointed to a location. </p>

She tried to make a sound, but she couldn't say anything. </p>

People frowned slightly, followed the woman's fingers and looked at the Thousand Regions Ranking, instantly stunned, and then screamed and popped. </p>

Because in the 500th place on the Thousand Domains list, "Ling Feng" was quietly "lying down" there, shining with a little rain. </p>

He was not expelled, but he was ranked higher and there was a big change. </p>

"A sharp increase of more than 1,200 Celestial Records, what happened to the Heiyang Divine Realm?"</p>

People are crazy. </p>

At this moment, they desperately wanted to go to Heiyang Divine Realm to take a look. </p>

Because they wanted to know the battle situation so much, how many Guandao God Emperors did Ling Feng kill before this surge could happen? </p>

"Not Guandao, but..."</p>

The woman pointed to the Thousand Domains list again, and was speechless again with excitement. </p>


People asked, but few found the problem. </p>

"Previously, that position belonged to the Zhou Xun Super Grade God Emperor of the Zhou clan!" The woman shouted excitedly, tears flashing in her eyes. </p>


The people were shocked and then ecstatic. </p>

This meant that what Ling Feng had just killed was not how many Guandao God Emperors, but a Super Grade God Emperor. </p>

Fight across levels, still strong! </p>

This is Ling Feng! </p>

"Zhou Xun, where do you rank among the super characters of the Zhou clan?"</p>

Someone asked. </p>


Generally speaking, there are not many people who can know this kind of news, especially when it comes to outland matters. </p>

But the Sea Moon God Emperor and Tianmo God Emperor are exceptions. </p>

They had sneaked a glance at Ling Feng's manual before and knew that Zhou Xun ranked fifth, far behind Zhou Ke. </p>

"Which is Ke ranking in that week?"</p>

People asked, all eyes were on the Sea Moon God Emperor. </p>


The Sea Moon God Emperor said heavily. </p>

It was originally agitated, but the noisy people instantly calmed down, and their breathing stopped. That was suffocation. </p>

They originally thought that Ling Feng could kill Zhou Xun, so as long as Zhou Ke was not too strong, he could kill Zhou Ke, but now it seems that there is a huge gap between Zhou Ke and Zhou Xun. </p>

Although Ling Feng was able to remove Zhou Xun, it did not mean that Ling Feng was able to remove Zhou Ke. </p>


The previous woman yelled again, because when the atmosphere was down, she raised her hand slightly, and saw the Thousand Domains list tremble again, sending out inaudible ripples. </p>

And Ling Feng "disappeared" in the Thousand Domains list again. </p>

of course. </p>

The first thing she saw was not that Ling Feng "disappeared", but Zhou Ke's ranking. </p>


People can't help but look up and follow the woman's pointing. </p>

next moment. </p>

The whole scene fell silent, and a deep excitement was surging. </p>


"Damn Zhou Ke got removed!"</p>

"The top-ranked Super God Emperor of the Zhou clan is out!"</p>

"Ling Di, Ling Di!"</p>

People shouted frantically, and this moment could no longer be contained. </p>

The suppressed heart was revived, and the low and sentimental atmosphere was reversed. </p>

The people embraced each other and shed tears of joy. </p>

At this moment, Ling Feng became a hero of Lingshen Tianyu. </p>

He defeated an invincible opponent. </p>

He defeated Zhou Ke! </p>

He repaired his enemies for dozens of Wu Tian, ​​including the Emperor God Emperor. </p>

He is the benefactor of many forces! </p>

When Lingshen Tianyu was weak, only Ling Feng stood up, challenged the super figure with a weak level, and crushed the strong opponent with the strongest will. </p>

"Huantian, have you seen it?"</p>

Wu Yun's eyes were weeping. </p>

Even an old man like him was moved. </p>

Although Ling Feng is not a figure in Lingshen Tianyu, they are doing their best for Lingshen Tianyu. </p>

If the Lingshen Tianyu can produce several such characters, how can the Lingshen Tianyu be so dark? </p>

"Look at it, my Spirit God Tianyu will surely create a blue sky in the Tianjiao event!"</p>

Wu Yun said in a low voice. </p>

"Go, prepare for the battle with all your strength, and welcome the counterattack of the Zhou clan!"</p>

Wu Yun stopped watching. He knew that Ling Feng and others would definitely come back alive. What they were most worried about was whether Ling Feng could defeat Zhou Ke, and it was confirmed now. </p>

Then, there will be no suspense in the next battle. </p>

Zhou Su and Zhou Kou are very strong, but for the little brother of the last reincarnation, there is no half-wool hope. </p>


The five great forces flew out in an all-round way, even the Sea Moon God Emperor and the Tianmo God Emperor had left, and the eight ancient forces had to come forward because their influence also lost many people. </p>

If you don't show up at this time, it will chill everyone's hearts. </p>

no doubt. </p>

Today belongs to the Lingshen Tianyu, people are crazy, shouting the names of Ling Feng, Shen Lie and others, looking forward to their return. </p>

Although the Zhou clan still has two heavenly emperors, people are willing to believe that Ling Feng and others can come back alive. </p>

"Ling Di rushed to the top 100!"</p>

People shouted, with the help of Zhou Ke, the super-grade **** emperor's heavenly record, Ling Feng directly broke the 3,000-point heaven record and became the top 100 talents. </p>

This is pretty scary. </p>

Because the figures in front of Ling Feng are all super-grade and heavenly **** emperors, only Ling Feng is such a Taoist **** emperor. </p>

This makes everyone in Lingshen Tianyu feel very proud! </p>

Although Lingshen Tianyu currently does not have any super characters, they believe that sooner or later they will give birth to a super grade **** emperor and a heaven **** emperor. </p>

The glorious page of Lingshen Tianyu was opened. </p>

at the same time. </p>

The layout of the counterattack against the Zhou clan has begun. The eight ancient forces and the five major forces have moved out of the strongest ancient altars and placed them in secret places. </p>

and. </p>

Several forces such as the Sea God Gate also sacrificed the ancient sage soldiers and the ancient sage brand. As long as the ancient sages of the Zhou clan dare to set foot in the spiritual **** heaven, they will suffer the strongest sniper. </p>

This is also the foundation for the Spirit God Realm to be able to not fear other Heaven Realms and God Realms. </p>

"Ling Feng, you will avenge them, and we will contain all blood disasters for you!"</p>

The Sea Moon God Emperor gritted his teeth and said: "We will shield you from all wind and rain, I hope you can really shine in the Tianjiao event."</p>

The Sea God Gate did its best this time. </p>

You should know that the ancient sage brand is a treasure made by the ancient sage characters. There is a virtual body branded in it, which can be sacrificed at the time of life and death to snipe opponents or defend opponents. </p>

This imprint is rare in the world. </p>

Poseidon had taken out all his family assets, and had to accompany Ling Feng and the others in a gamble. </p>

If Ling Feng and others finally fell to the Tianjiao event, then their gamble would be quite uneconomical, and even suffer a big loss. </p>

and. </p>

In order to be able to activate the ancient sage brand, the Sea God Gate not only had characters from the universe, but also used a huge amount of resources. This consumption would be astronomical. </p>

How can the Sea Moon God Emperor not jealous? </p>

But he values ​​Ling Feng and others more, as long as Ling Feng and others can sweep the Thousand Domains List and break into the Top 100 in the Ten Thousand Domains List, all the efforts are worth it, because the rewards of the Ten Thousand Domains List are too rich. </p>


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