Supreme Demon

Chapter 3401: Take Zhou Clan in Xianshan Town!


You can search for "Supreme God and Magic (ie in Baidu! </p>

Heiyang Divine Realm! </p>

People looked at the figure in the sky with solemn faces. </p>

Although people did not know his name, he jokingly uttered the words "Xiaoxianshan", which silenced the entire pure land and sky domain. </p>

Fairy mountain! </p>

These two words are too heavy, too heavy to breathe. </p>

In this divine land of Xiliang, there are not only the heaven and the gods, but also a few fairy mountains. They are in the open sea, separated from the world by some distance, and appear very mysterious. </p>

But Xianshan represents the highest realm, which is a dream that many gods are out of reach. </p>

But as for Xiliang Wuxiu, who doesn't want to enter the fairy mountain to practice? </p>

But where Xiliang Wuxiu, who doesn't want to be a fairy mountain character? </p>

Although Xianshan is unpredictable for many characters and lacks understanding, people have heard the story of Xianshan. </p>

If the Heiyang God Realm and others can overlook the Spirit God Realm, etc., then Xianshan can overlook the Ten Thousand God Realm and God Realm. </p>

That is the heavenly sacred soil that is detached from the heavens and gods of the world. </p>

In the realm of heaven, Gu Xian is rarely seen, in the realm of God, Gu Xian is the top figure. </p>

can. </p>

In Xianshan, Gu Xian is not the end of Wu Xiu. </p>

Xianshan has the power to become an ancient sage. </p>

Xianshan has the secret technique to transcend ancient sages! </p>

Immortal mountain has an immortal legend...</p>

It was a magical place, representing the strongest strength of Xiliang, and even the strongest power of Xiliang. </p>

The Zhou clan can be listed in the top ten in the Heiyang God Realm, but placed on the fairy mountain, it is the lowest power. </p>

This is the difference! </p>

This is the gap! </p>

thus. </p>

When people heard that the celestial cycle came from Xianshan, they couldn't help but take a breath. If this is true, then the Zhou clan is afraid that they have kicked the iron plate, and they are bound to pay the heaviest price. </p>

and. </p>

Celestial Reincarnation said it was very relaxed, there was no pressure, and even ridicule. </p>

Xiaoxianshan! </p>

If the celestial reincarnation is not true, then his origin is terrifying, definitely not as "small" as he said, and it is most likely a super power. </p>


Ling Feng was a little inexplicable, because the term was very unfamiliar, and no one had ever mentioned Xianshan since it appeared in God's Domain. </p>

Even when the celestial pole reincarnated, it didn't mention it. </p>

This guy is hiding very deep. </p>

When everyone was doubting the authenticity of the words of celestial reincarnation, Ling Feng had no doubts. With the deadly virtue of celestial reincarnation, the force to be selected must be a very strong force. </p>

Because this guy wants to take care of it </p>

From this point of view, as well as people's reactions, Ling Feng guessed that Xianshan should be an ancient realm that transcended God's realm, with a deep foundation, enough to make God's realm extremely taboo. </p>

"This guy!"</p>

Ling Feng's heart was slightly warm, with the low-key celestial reincarnation, there was no need to tell the origin. </p>

But now, the reincarnation of the celestial pole is still said. </p>

Is it just answering Zhou Su's question? </p>

Of course not. </p>

Celestial Reincarnation is not a stupid person, he has IQ and sentiment, and he is full of gratitude to Ling Feng. </p>

thus. </p>

After knowing that Ling Feng had come to God Tianyu, he flew there without hesitation. </p>

When they knew that Ling Feng and Lingshen Tianyu were going to face the Zhou clan directly, Celestial Reincarnation stepped forward. </p>

Xiaoxianshan! </p>

The binding force for Ling Feng, Shen Lie and others is not so strong, but for the major gods and heavens, it is a terrible butcher. </p>

It was not a terrible thing that they slaughtered a Guandao **** emperor. </p>

But if what they slaughtered was a **** emperor of Xianshan Guandao, then this would be a terrible thing. </p>

Five thousand years ago. </p>

There was once a super power in God's Domain, and a super-grade **** emperor was powerfully destroyed. </p>

This is nothing. </p>

After all, there will be people falling in God's Domain every day, and Super Grade characters are no exception. </p>

but. The super product **** emperor is a figure on the fairy mountain. </p>

And what that super power did completely angered the fairy mountain power, and on that day some fairy mountain characters stepped out and wiped out the super power by thunder. </p>

One person but one force! </p>

Only Xianshan has such strength! </p>

Since then, whenever the word "Xianshan" is mentioned, the characters of the major gods will not change their color, and they are extremely taboo about the fairy mountain. </p>

Although Xianshan was low-key and not born in these years, it did not mean that the major gods could bully Xianshan Wuxiu. </p>

You must know that Xianshan is quite short-sighted. Once it is discovered that a disciple has been bullied, there will be strong ones coming out to suppress all enemies. </p>

Can the Zhou clan not be surprised? </p>

Can they not be afraid? </p>

Although the Zhou clan is not weak, it is relative to the Lingshen Tianyu. If you go to the Xianshan Mountain, it will be dead. </p>

"They come from Xianshan?"</p>

Zhou Su swallowed hard, only to feel dry and dry. A deep pressure penetrated his body. </p>

in fact. </p>

When the word "Xianshan" appeared, people thought that way too, especially the Celestial Reincarnation specifically mentioned that Ling Feng is his brother, which is even more illustrative. </p>

Ling Feng, Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others, the three creatures are too evil. </p>

It is invincible of the same order. </p>

And Ling Feng, the enchanting evildoer, can even cross-level spikes, and even Zhou Ke ended in a tragedy and fell out. </p>

Such talents and strengths cannot be cultivated at all in the major heavens and gods. If they are placed on the fairy mountain, then everything becomes reasonable. </p>

Xianshan Tianjiao was born and experienced! </p>

The celestial cycle just smiled and didn't answer. </p>

Some things can be said, and the impact is not profound, but some things should not be nonsense. Otherwise, the old people in Xianshan will have to suffer when they ask their crimes. </p>

Zhou Su and Zhou Kou glanced at each other, both choked. </p>

The celestial cycle is too mysterious, giving people a sense of unpredictability. </p>

Although they are highly skeptical of the origins of the Celestial Reincarnation and others, who dares to question? </p>

Does Xianshan Wuxiu need them to question? </p>

can. </p>

The Zhou clan paid a tragic price, killing more than 100 people, and hurting bones and muscles. How could one be miserable? </p>

In particular, the fall of Zhou Ke and Zhou Xun was even more painful to the Zhou clan. </p>

How can they give up? </p>

If the celestial reincarnation really came from Xianshan, the Zhou clan would have to endure even the severe pain, but what if they used this excuse to frighten and deter them? </p>

"The origin is not important!"</p>

Celestial Reincarnation smiled and waved: "I'm not here to talk with you about the history, I'm here to talk with you about life and death."</p>

"You bullied my brother, then I will bully my brother back!"</p>

Ling Feng is strong. </p>

He is also very strong. </p>


Zhou Su, Zhou Kou and others really wanted to slap the celestial reincarnation to death. </p>

Indeed, Zhou Ke and others have bullied Lingshen Tianyu, but now Ling Feng is not a figure in Lingshen Tianyu, is he still bullying? </p>

and. </p>

Ling Feng and others have already been bullied back, okay? </p>

There were dozens of people who fell out of Lingshen Tianyu, including a super-rank figure, but now the Zhou clan has already paid the price. </p>

Two super characters have fallen out. </p>

They still feel that it is not enough? </p>

Why are they? </p>

At this moment, the martial artists of Zhoukou, Zhou Su and the Zhou clan really wanted to cry. </p>

Is there such a bully? </p>

"Don't be stressed."</p>

Celestial Reincarnation said with a smile: "Although come to fight, if you want, you can come together!"</p>


"I'm here, can't I just go back like this?"</p>

Celestial Reincarnation said: "I promised my brother that he would speak badly for him. I can't speak for nothing, right?"</p>

"So, what prestige does my big brother have?"</p>

"Just treat you as me."</p>


Ma Dan, deceive people too much. </p>

Is it so perfect? </p>

Why don't you fulfill them? When we kill you all? </p>

Are they really idiots? </p>

"Of course, I know you are very unconvinced."</p>

Celestial Reincarnation is very empathetic and said: "Zhou Xun and Zhou Ke are dead, and the Zhou clan has paid such a tragic price, how can it stop at this time?"</p>

"Let us leave? Are you willing?"</p>

"Don't let us leave? Then we have to do it."</p>


For the first time, the Zhou clan felt tricky. </p>

They really want to suppress the celestial reincarnation, they want to try their best, but they are even more taboo against Xianshan. </p>

But they are even more reluctant to backhand at this time. </p>

"Come on!"</p>

Celestial Reincarnation said with a smile: "This matter is my personal matter, and it does not involve Xianshan. I just want to spit out evil for my brother."</p>


"Well, you don't want to do it, let me take the initiative!"</p>

Celestial Reincarnation looked helpless, these guys were so boring. </p>

Finished. </p>

He attacked decisively, raising his hand with a punch and directly hit Zhou Su. </p>

"This is what you forced us, not us to bully you!"</p>

Obviously, Zhou Su and Zhou Ke are still very jealous of Xianshan, but today, the nature of the extreme reincarnation is different. </p>

That is the celestial reincarnation bullying them. </p>

They are always right to fight back, right? Although Xianshan is very strong, it has to be reasonable. </p>

boom! </p>

Zhou Su did not hesitate to fight forward, fist-to-fist. </p>

In an instant, the sky and the earth were undulating, and light and rain pierced the sky. </p>

When the light rain fell, Zhou Su flew out backwards, while the celestial cycle did not move. </p>

"Come on, it's you!"</p>

Celestial Reincarnation is very enthusiastic in inviting Zhoukou, with a natural look. </p>

"..." Zhoukou really didn't want to fight this evildoer. </p>

Zhou Su flew with one punch. How strong is this? </p>

Completely swept the heavenly **** emperor. </p>

How to fight this? </p>

At this time, people began to believe that Celestial Reincarnation was Ling Feng's brother, and only people of the same race had such talent and strength. </p>

Although Zhoukou did not attack, he stepped out of defense. </p>

As a result, Celestial Reincarnation blasted a punch without hesitation, knocking it upside down, and spouting a mouthful of blood. </p>

Heiyang Divine Realm was completely dumb. </p>

People watched this scene, really wondering what to say. </p>

The dignified Heavenly Territory Divine Emperor, ranked first in the Zhou family, ranked among the top three in the entire Heiyang Divine Territory, but was knocked down by the celestial reincarnation. </p>

This must be against the sky. </p>

At this time, even though Celestial Reincarnation told them that they were not Xianshan Wuxiu, it was estimated that few believed it. </p>

"You have to work hard, otherwise it will really be dead!"</p>

Celestial Reincarnation said with a smile: "I'm experiencing a secret technique recently, so please do me a little and let me try the power of this secret technique?"</p>

"We don't..."</p>

"Okay, I admire your courage!"</p>

As soon as Zhoukou was about to speak, Celestial Reincarnation had already said one step ahead. </p>


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