Supreme Demon

Chapter 3402: Zhou's evening!


You can search for "Supreme God and Magic (ie in Baidu! </p>

How strong are Zhou Su and Zhou Kou? </p>

People know it well. </p>

These two figures represent the highest strength of the Tianjiao event, swept across many horizons, and are the most dazzling representatives of the Zhou clan. </p>

can. </p>

These two characters were so easily blasted by Celestial Reincarnation that they vomited blood. </p>

Even if they are very taboo against Xianshan, they should not vomit blood. From this point, it can be judged that the strength of the celestial reincarnation is very terrible, and the invincible combat power is hidden under that smile. </p>

To know. </p>

When the celestial cycle was in Biluo, he was a top celestial figure, comparable to the super grade **** emperor. More than a thousand years have passed. The celestial cycle has been in the fairy mountain. He has never come out. How much has he improved? </p>

Asked Tianyu Divine Emperor just a small step, right? </p>

Now, he finally showed a terrifying side, and when he raised his hand, he flew into Zhoukou and Zhou Su. </p>

"Ling Feng, this guy hides his strength!"</p>

Shenlie was upset on the spot. </p>

Although it was healing at the beginning, but afterwards I heard the story of Ling Feng refining the Beginning Qi Tianhun, and at that time, the celestial pole reincarnation was about to spurt blood in depression. </p>

Now it seems that this is not the case at all. </p>

"I know!"</p>

Ling Feng smiled, he already knew. </p>

"At that time, he wanted to see who in Lingshen Tianyu dared to do something to me, but unfortunately none of them."</p>

Ling Feng knew that the reincarnation of the celestial pole was hiding and intended to be the **** emperor of the spirit **** heaven, but he thought too much. </p>

In Lingshen Tianyu, no Tianyu God Emperor dared to come forward. </p>

"He was a top super character at that time, and now he is unfathomable!"</p>

Shen Lie rolled his eyes and said, "I don't think even if you are promoted to the Super Grade God Emperor, you may not be his opponent."</p>

"You don't want to provoke separation!"</p>

Ling Feng curled his lips. He knew what kind of virtue Shen Lie was. He wanted to see how strong the celestial reincarnation was, and wanted them to share life and death. </p>

His heart is quite vicious. </p>

"How come?"</p>

Shenlie solemnly said: "I just want to know how far this guy has practiced."</p>

"You can play in person."</p>


Shen Lie didn't want to talk to Ling Feng, because this guy was too smart to be deceived at all. </p>

In the Pure Land. </p>

Celestial Reincarnation smiled and contrasted with the serious faces of Zhou Ke and Zhou Su. </p>

They didn't want to fight because those two punches gave them a deep understanding of what kind of character the celestial reincarnation is. Fighting against these characters is equivalent to looking for death. </p>

can. </p>

Celestial Reincarnation didn't want to just let them go, but wanted to use them to realize the secret technique. </p>

What secret technique? </p>

Fairy Mountain Secret Art! </p>

The expressions of Zhou Ke and Zhou Su changed drastically on the spot, and the term "Xianshan" alone made their hearts tremble, not to mention the legendary secret technique of the mountain. </p>

unfortunately. </p>

The celestial reincarnation does not need to ask for their consent, he only needs to use the fairy mountain secret technique. As for whether Zhou Kezhou can accept the fairy mountain secret technique, it is not a question for him to think about. </p>


When the fairy mountain secret technique began to be performed, the celestial cycle became awe-inspiring, and the power appeared layer by layer, bursting out unimaginable celestial power, just a starting gesture, it caused the void to collapse and large black holes appeared strangely. </p>

He didn't use magic weapons, and he didn't sacrifice the six reincarnations and the black abyss. </p>

He didn't use what he was best at. </p>

He just used the secret technique. </p>

His hands evolved, sometimes pushing forward, sometimes entangled with each other, sometimes rushing like a river, and sometimes silent like an ice lake. </p>

In the end, all people see are the frozen hands. </p>

Boom! </p>

A rain of light shone through thousands of miles of clouds, blasted down in the void, appeared above Zhou Ke and Zhou Su's head without any signs, turned into an ultimate thunderstorm, and fell. </p>


Zhou Su and Zhoukou's expressions changed drastically, and they cried out. </p>

At this moment, all the doubts in their hearts were dispelled, because the celestial reincarnation really used secret techniques. </p>

Magical Secret Art! </p>

Endless thunderstorms fall out of thin air, revealing endless rules and heavenly powers, and there are even more subtle rules of order shining within it, directly penetrating the field, violent like a sharp arrow, no defense. </p>

Stabbed! </p>

An order force in the form of a sharp arrow pierced the field on the spot, hit Zhou Su, and made it bloody. A large **** mouth was torn behind the back, and the muscles and bones were broken, and the terrifying order force really broke out. Is destroying him. </p>


Zhou Su let out a sorrowful cry, but he could only cope with the terrible magical secret technique, and it was difficult to get rid of it. </p>

at the same time. </p>

Zhou Kou was also injured, and a blood hole was cut out in his chest. It was caused by a sharp arrow. The blood hole was difficult to close. Even if Zhou Kou used his endless power, it was still to no avail. </p>

And the power of order is penetrating the blood hole, destroying its flesh and blood, and even its power. </p>

"No, stop!"</p>

Zhou Kou shouted loudly, he had already realized the terrible occult technique, and even felt the desolation of life. </p>

They were only in initial contact, and they suffered unimaginable injuries. If they persisted, they would fall. </p>

At this time he wanted to stop celestial reincarnation. </p>

"Brother Dao, please stop, we surrender!"</p>

Zhou Su took a big breath, his eyes were red, he had tried his best, but he still could only linger. </p>

"Brother Dao, my Zhou clan has already paid a terrible price, and I shouldn't pay that much anymore."</p>

Zhou's tone was full of pleading, and he was scared. </p>

"Brother Dao, please stop, my Zhou clan surrender!"</p>

An old man shouted in the sky, unwilling to watch Zhoukou and Zhou Su fall. </p>

"We were wrong, please forgive me, we will definitely discipline our children from now on."</p>

The elders of the Zhou clan were shouting, tears in their eyes, because Zhoukou and Zhou Su were too desolate, they were covered in wounds, and they were spewing blood. </p>


Celestial Reincarnation was very innocent, and said, "I'm still studying this secret technique. I haven't fully understood it. I can type it out, but I can't get it back."</p>



People yelled. </p>

"Suddenly remembered..."</p>

"Senior, please let them go!"</p>

"You guys are so realistic!"</p>

Celestial reincarnation despise Tao. </p>


"If you make a mistake, you have to bear the price. Don't think we are kind and can be bullied." Ling Feng stood aside and said coldly. </p>

He knew the hatred of the Zhou clan towards them, as long as he found an opportunity, the Zhou clan would definitely bite it back. </p>

Now, just because of their strong strength, they can suppress the Zhou clan. </p>

If you change places, Ling Feng and others will die at this moment. Will the Zhou clan be merciful? </p>

Back then. </p>

But not only Zhou Ke, but Zhou Su and others. </p>

But when the God Emperor and others were killed, did they show mercy? </p>

Want them to be merciful at this time? </p>

Why? </p>

"When those seniors in Lingshen Tianyu were beheaded by Zhou Ke, did Zhou Su show mercy?"</p>

Ling Feng laughed and said, "You can ignore life, you can kill Senior Spirit God, why can't I kill you?"</p>

"Today, when I come, I will kill!"</p>

"No mercy!"</p>

at the same time. </p>

Ling Feng attacked forcefully, directly blasting at the only super character left in the Zhou clan and the nine Guandao emperors. </p>

He used the Pure Land of All Things, turned into illusory light and shadow, and instantly appeared in front of the super character, with three leaves at his fingertips. </p>

That terrible Tianwei killed the super-grade **** emperor on the spot. </p>

then. </p>

Ling Feng Lightning attacked, picking up a Taoist **** emperor and breaking his neck directly. </p>

Click! </p>

That crisp sound caused the Zhou clan to completely collapse. I don't know how many people cried, including many powerful figures. Although they didn't catch a cold to the Zhou clan, they couldn't bear to look directly at it at this moment. </p>

Ling Feng is really too hot! </p>

Simply a butcher! </p>

but. </p>

On the battlefield of the Tianjiao Festival, there is no room for women's benevolence. Perhaps he will appreciate your mercy at this time, but they will do everything possible to kill you afterwards. </p>

And the Zhou clan is such a character! </p>

Ling Feng was heartbroken every time the amiable God Emperor fell. </p>

Those who can die for the Spirit God Realm are most worthy of respect. If Zhoukou, Zhou Su and others are fighting for the life and death face of the Heiyang God Realm, then Ling Feng will persuade the Celestial Reincarnation to stop. </p>

Because he respects such people. </p>

But Zhou Su and Zhou Kou are obviously not such characters. </p>

If they ignore his life and death, and kill him mercilessly, then they will be ignored by others. </p>

Click! </p>

In the end, Ling Feng snapped the neck of the last Guandao **** emperor neatly, causing the twelve Guandao **** emperors of the Zhou clan to fall out of the game. </p>

The three super characters who broke into the Tianjiao event also fell out. </p>

"Uh, no!"</p>

Soon after, Zhou Ke and Zhou Su were also completely destroyed in a terrible thunderstorm. </p>

This is the power of the secret technique! </p>

Although the secret technique is useless to Ling Feng, Ling Feng also wants to observe it, which is beneficial to his next super product and heaven realm, and can open up potential. </p>

"Zhoukou, Zhou Su..."</p>

The Zhou clan cried and griefed to death. </p>

The Tianjiao that their clan broke into the Tianjiao event was basically eliminated, leaving only some supreme ones who did not come forward. </p>

This is equivalent to cutting away thousands of years of luck and heritage of the Zhou clan. </p>

Today is a grand event in Lingshen Tianyu. </p>

Today is the dusk of the Zhou clan! </p>

"I knew today, why bother?"</p>

Ling Feng looked at the Zhou clan coldly and said, "Your grief at this moment, we have tasted it eight months ago!"</p>

Finished. </p>

Ling Feng led Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others to leave the Heiyang Divine Realm. </p>

No one dares to stop. </p>

In this battle, Ling Feng and the others completely gained their prestige, and the deterrent power of the little brother Samsara was stronger, and the Zhou clan alone was enough to drink a pot based on his fairy mountain origin. </p>

At least, if the Zhou clan wanted to deal with Lingshen Tianyu and Ling Feng and others, it would take great courage. </p>

indeed. </p>

The Zhou clan suffered heavy losses, but to really face up to the Spirit God Realm and get rid of Ling Feng and others, once the Xianshan was offended, the one who was removed would no longer be Tianjiao, but the entire Zhou clan. </p>

of course. </p>

Lingshen Tianyu still has to make defenses. Dogs will jump the wall when they are anxious. Although Xianshan has deterrent power, the ghost knows that the Zhou clan would rather kill the entire clan for these arrogances? </p>

Ling Feng and the others did not return to the Pure Land of the Spirit God, because they knew that those martial artists in the Spirit God Tianyu would know the results of the battle. </p>

however. </p>

When he returned to Yuetian Pure Land, a piece of news immediately made Ling Feng's eyes stand upright. </p>


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