Supreme Demon

Chapter 3403: sensation!


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There are tragedies in the Zhou clan!

This is the most amazing event in the Tianjiao event.

Although the incident happened in the Black Sun God Realm and the speed was very fast, it only took half a day, but the sensation really broke out after the battle ended.

Lingshen Tianyu.

People are waiting nervously.

They thought that Ling Feng and others would be a disaster for Last Zhoukou and Zhou Su. After all, Zhoukou and Zhou Su were God Emperors of Heaven, and Ling Feng was only God Emperor of Guandao and wanted to fight across two levels, unless Ling Feng It's heaven.


The most unexpected thing happened.

With only Chazhan Kungfu, the names of Zhoukou and Zhou Su were gloomy, and were removed from the Thousand Regions List, while Ling Feng's name shined in the world and became one of the most dazzling beings on the Thousand Regions List.


While people were cheering, some Wu Xiu found that Ling Feng's surging Tianyu record did not match the Tianyu record points of Zhoukou and Zhou Su.

This means that Zhoukou and Zhou Su were not suppressed by Ling Feng, but by others.

"How do you feel that the reincarnation brother did it?"

Today, in addition to Ling Feng, Shen Lie and others, the Tianyu record has surged, and people have also discovered that the Tianyu record called Samsara Little Brother has undergone drastic changes, with a surge of more than 3,000 points.

This corresponds to the Tianyu record of Zhoukou and Zhou Su.


Suddenly, a Wu Xiu screamed and said: "The Zhou family Tianjiao is almost removed!"

When people were looking at and researching Tianyu's record, some Wuxiu didn't join in the fun, but watched the Ten Regions, Hundreds and Thousand Regions.

And found out the few remaining figures of the Zhou clan, and all other figures were removed.

To know.

Before, the Zhou clan still had several Guandao emperors and a super character, so why were they all suddenly removed?

"It's Emperor Ling!"

Soon after, people found the truth on Ling Feng's Tianyu record point.

Because Ling Feng's celestial record coincided with the fallen Zhou's Guandao and Super Grade figures, and it was exactly the same.

"Di Ling got rid of the Taoist and Super Grades of the Zhou clan, then who got rid of the Zhou clan celestial figures?"

This is a problem.

Although people suspect that it is the little brother of Samsara, they are not sure.

"It's him!"

The faces of the emperor of glory, the goddess, and the goddess of Xu Yue are gloomy, and the eight ancient forces can be determined, because only the little brother of Samsara and Ling Feng are close, and he is his brother of life and death. There are enough reasons to take action, and it is also that Ling Feng is currently able to ask for it. The only heavenly **** emperor.


They secretly rejoiced that they didn't slap the reincarnation brother at the beginning, otherwise the Zhou clan's fate would fall on the glory of the kingdom.

With the strength of the glory ancestor, I am afraid that it is not enough to warm up the Samsara brother, right?

This is simply a horror story.


Ling Feng's strength also embarrassed the faces of the Son of Glory and the Goddess. What kind of arrogant character did they miss?

If Ling Feng now represents the kingdom of glory, what kind of scenery would it be?

However, they now have to consider another issue.

With Ling Feng's ability to crush the super-grade **** emperor now, wouldn't it be a problem to deal with the ancestor of glory?

Although God Emperor Leng Mo has fallen, all beings in the world do not know.

But Leng Mo went to punish Ling Feng and the others, and now he died unfavorably. Did he die in Ling Feng's hands?

If so.

Ling Feng would definitely know the intention of the Kingdom of Glory.

At that time.

Ling Feng wants to deal with the Kingdom of Glory, and there are five major forces behind it, and those strong people suppress it. How should they respond?

"Go home first and discuss countermeasures!"

The Son of Glory took a deep breath and looked at each other with the Son of Glory, both silent.

When Ling Feng was about to kill the Heiyang Divine Realm, he had thought that this person who had brought eternal shame to the glory kingdom was about to fall into a foreign land.

But today's ending is not satisfactory.

"Good!" The Goddess of Glory nodded slightly and left with the Son of Glory.


On this day, the madness and boiling are not only the Spirit God Realm, but also other Heaven Realms and God Realms.

Because the incident happened suddenly and most Tianjiao were digesting the fruits of the battle, they did not catch up with this big showdown.


The Zhou clan was removed from the third list, and the Thousand Domains were instantly detonated. The major heavens and gods were awakened from a deep sleep. One by one entered the sky and the pure land to check the three lists. After being confirmed, they were shocked. Inexplicable.

To know.

The Zhou clan is very strong, and some horizons have even been swept away by several celestial figures from the Zhou clan. Their power is moving and has become a nightmare for many horizons.


It was this powerful Zhou clan that was completely wiped out.

If it was just out, the Zhou clan could not afford such a big storm. When people knew that the Zhou clan Tianjiao was completely removed and died of unfavorable life, the waves would be even more turbulent, and it would almost overturn the sky.

What exactly happened?

The Zhou clan is so powerful, if it is said that it was removed from the cross-domain battle, how would people believe it?


A piece of news reverberated through Qianyu. The Zhou clan was attacked by Lingshen Tianyu because of the heinous crimes committed in Lingshen Tianyu.

Tianjiao stepped into the sky and swept the Zhou clan with an invincible posture.

"The three spirit creatures are invincible to the supreme!"

"Four micro-domains can sweep Zhou's micro-domain, and they slaughtered Zhou's Sanguandao with a micro-domain look!"

"Of course, the most terrifying thing is Brother Ling Feng!"

The person who got the truth for the first time said with a solemn expression: "Let’s talk about Ling Feng’s elder brother. Although he is at the same level as the Zhou’s Heavenly Emperor, he completely exploded the Zhou’s Heaven and blasted Zhoukou and Zhou alive with secret techniques. Weekly review."

"Secret technique?"

People were surprised and couldn't help asking questions.

The secret technique is a kind of extraordinary ancient book, surpassing the power of heaven, and it is the power of the highest realm. Even the ancient sages covet it, and it is beyond hope.

Performing secret techniques in the realm of God Emperor, these characters generally come from extraordinary origins, and they are by no means comparable to God's Domain.

"Yes, Ling Feng's brother came from Xianshan!"


The people gasped, and the corners of their mouths trembled.

This is a real evildoer.

The Zhou clan is tragic enough that it actually provokes Xianshan Tianjiao. What is the difference between that and death?

That's a fairy mountain.

Don't say that the Zhou clan, even the top power in the Thousand Regions Ranking, would be desolate to Shangxianshan.

Although there are not many Tianjiao in Xianshan, only one person can sweep all heaven and gods Tianjiao.

That is the top figure of the ten thousand domain list!

In fact.

As long as the Ten Thousand Domains list is unveiled, people may encounter Xianshan Tianjiao, which will be a terrible duel, even God's Domain is extremely cautious.

of course.

The top gods in Xiliang are not weak, and they are completely comparable to the immortal mountains, while the Tianjiao Grand Tournament battle to the end, most of the top gods and the fairy mountains.

"It's pitiful!"

People shook their heads speechlessly.

"So, I'm afraid that Ling Feng also came from Xianshan?" someone asked.

"I don't know exactly, but it should be like this."

The person who got the news said, "Because only Xianshan has such a arrogant talent."

"Oh? You talked about Ling Feng's brother first, and then you talked about Ling Feng. So, Ling Feng is better than his brother?" Someone grasped the point.


The man smiled and said, "These two words can't describe the terrible Ling Feng!"

"Oh? Specifically."

"Fighting at the same level and sweeping Guandao, isn't it scary?"

"It's okay, my clan is not without such arrogance!"

"Isn't it scary to behead Zhou Xun across levels?"

"It can only be said to be amazing."

"What about the cross-level sweep of the Super Grade God Emperor?"


People's faces gradually became serious. Just killing Zhou Xun, Ling Feng's strength was indeed powerful, but not terrible, but sweeping the Super-Rank God Emperor meant that all three Super-Rank figures of the Zhou clan were slaughtered.

Zhou Xuan is not terrible.

Terrible Zhou Ke!

And that person actually used the word "sweeping", which was enough to explain the situation at the time.

"Quickly punish super-quality products, Sanye captured Zhou Ke!"

The man said solemnly and solemnly: "The entire battlefield is completely Ling Feng's show, and three super-class figures of the Zhou clan were slaughtered in just a few seconds."

People are standing upright, what kind of evil is this?

Cross-level slaughter Zhou Ke?

And, still captive?

Only used three leaves?

"The impact of that slaughter on the Black Sun God's Domain was terrifying. Many Super-Rank figures are unsteady and have not recovered yet."

"Unfortunately, Ling Feng didn't fight the Heavenly Domain God Emperor, otherwise it would be even more terrifying!"

He revealed many things.

Ling Feng's prisoner Zhou Ke waited very relaxedly, and did not use his full strength to complete it with a finger. People even felt that Ling Feng could rival the Heavenly Emperor.

It's a pity that Ling Feng's elder brother didn't let people do as they wanted, and came out strongly to end the tragedy.

"Are these people fighting in the Spirit God Realm?"

People's faces are gloomy.


People opened their mouths and shut up completely.

Some heavens were still thinking about crossing the heavens of the spiritual gods, but now they are dead. When confronted with these evildoers, isn't it looking for abuse?

of course.

People talk more about the origins of Ling Feng and his brother Xianshan.

The Zhou clan is sinking.

Due to the fall of the heavenly arrogances, the Zhou clan was covered with a haze, and when the butterfly was born, the atmosphere of the Heiyang Divine Region was not right, and the Zhou clan felt a great deal of pressure.

How can Yi Xinglan's IQ let go of this "resource"?

As long as the news is revealed to the hostile forces of the Zhou clan and its allies, and the Tianjiao of Xianshan is cryptically showing the attitude of the Zhou clan, the hostile forces will "echo" and the alliance will be emptied.

Within the system.

To suppress the Zhou clan with the strength of the Heiyang Divine Realm, the Zhou clan would not dare to send troops to the Spirit God Realm.

of course.

If the Zhou clan were really going crazy and had murderous intent on the Spirit God Realm at all costs, then I am sorry that when they left the Heiyang God Realm, it was when the Zhou clan was annihilated.

The troubles of Lingshen Tianyu were resolved.

At this moment, Ling Feng and Nishen didn't have time to deal with these things, and the atmosphere of Yuetian Pure Land became tense because of a piece of paper.


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