Supreme Demon

Chapter 3404: Myriad secret soil!


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Yuetian Pure Land.

The atmosphere is dull.

Ling Feng, Shen Lie, Xing Lan and others were looking ahead with a heavy expression, and a chill was flowing among the people.

In front of them, a flying book was lying quietly on the ancient table.

The paper was pale ink, and it looked like a jade plate on the whole, but it was folded into Feihe, with the **** pattern engraved on it, and the **** pattern was used to resurrect Feihe, and then flew into the inverse magic gate and appeared here.

When Xinglan got Feihe, he immediately notified Ling Feng.

This is also the reason why Ling Feng, Shen Lie and others hurried here.

Han Ruyue injured!

This is the news sent by Feihe hundreds of millions of miles.

And this paper flying book came from the Myriad Secret Earth, which means that Han Ruyue was injured in the Myriad Secret Earth.

Judging from this paper flying book alone, Ling Feng and others can hardly judge the extent of Han Ruyue's injury, but flying in this way is enough to show that the butterfly is now difficult to get out and the situation is quite dangerous.

Otherwise, this paper flying book should be sent through a butterfly.

"I need to know everything about the Mysterious Earth!"

Ling Feng squinted his eyes. Although the situation is dangerous, they currently don't know anything about the secret earth.

If it just goes by, they are afraid they will suffer a big loss.

"Butterfly is conducting a thorough investigation. Su Yuan and others have already flown to the Mysterious Land of Ten Thousand Ways. I believe that detailed information will come soon!"

Xinglan said solemnly.

"Our resources are gathering, and the owner and everyone will be able to use it!"


Ling Feng nodded, his face getting colder and colder.

"Do you need me to come forward?"

Celestial Reincarnation frowned slightly. The ones who impressed the gods most deeply were Ling Feng and Ye Witch. He really didn't know who Han Ruyue was.


From the expressions of Ling Feng and others, he could see the importance of Han Ruyue to the gods.

"Wait for details first!"

Ling Feng squinted his eyes and said, "If there are ancient sages and top heavenly emperors, I am afraid you really need to come forward!"


Celestial reincarnation nods.

at dusk.

A piece of news rushed into Yuetian Pure Land, followed by a few butterflies, and the dust pounced on it.

A manual fell into Ling Feng's hands.

In this handbook, some details about the Mysterious Land of Ten Thousand Ways were explained in detail, but at the end, only one sentence was mentioned to Han Ruyue and others.

Never found!

This explains the problem even more.

"Kukitsu and others are afraid of being trapped!"

Ling Feng made a judgment based on this, and said: "The Mysterious Land of Ten Thousand Paths is extraordinary, it has Dao rhyme, and even more Secret Art of Ten Thousand Paths, its importance is not weaker than that of Tianjiao Grand Meeting.

"Mystery of Ten Thousand Ways?"

Everyone's eyes lit up, and even the celestial cycle reincarnated with surprise.

"That's the case at the moment!"

"I suspect that Ru Yue and others have found some kind of secret technique, so they are trapped!"

Ling Feng looked coldly, and said, "The Mystic Technique of Ten Thousand Paths does not belong to any power. It has a very ancient origin and is very important to us!"

"Furthermore, the Mysterious Land of Ten Thousand Paths is the same as the Tianjiao Festival. It is only open to Tianzun, Supreme, and God Emperor. In terms of talent, the requirements are not as harsh as the Tianjiao Festival."

"In that case, there will be more martial arts influx in the Myriad Ways?"

Tangjiu frowned and said, "Especially for the characters in the Tianjiao event, the secret technique is too important. They want to go further. The Ten Thousand Secret Land is an important battlefield."

"Prepare with all your strength!"

Ling Feng didn't say much, the Tianjiao event can be put aside now.

However, they are bound to win the Myriad Ways, and they dare to target Han Ruyue, so that they will be killed if they are trapped.

"I'm afraid I really need you to take a trip!"

Ling Feng said to the celestial pole reincarnation.

If it's just an ordinary battlefield, Ling Feng and others can cope with the situation, but Ten Thousand Ways Secret Earth is different, and its inner secret technique can make people crazy.

It is difficult for ancient sages to set foot, but Tianyu Divine Emperor and others are not restricted.

If Han Ruyue and others are not trapped, they can take it easy, as long as they are given enough time, then they can crush all enemies.


Now that Han Ruyue is trapped, Ling Feng and others don't know enough about the current situation of Myriad Ways, let alone whether there is a heavenly **** emperor among the characters trapping Han Ruyue and others.

With Ling Feng's strength, he is not weak against the heavenly emperors, but what if there are many heavenly emperors?

By then, how will they deal with the situation?

On weekdays, they can run if they can't beat it, but Han Ruyue is inside, can they run?


Let the celestial reincarnation go together, it will be more certain, even if they face many heavenly emperors, they can fight hard.

"no problem!"

Celestial Reincarnation readily agreed.

He comes from the fairy mountain, knows the power of the secret technique, and enters the realm of order with the **** emperor. What is powerful is not only his strength, but more importantly, he can touch the threshold of ancient sages.

The more secret techniques he gets, the more beneficial it is for him to ask Gu Xian.


That is the Mystic Technique of Ten Thousand Ways, even Xianshan is very fascinated by it, even if just listening to the Mysterious Sound of Ten Thousand Ways is a great opportunity, if you can get the Secret Skill of Ten Thousand Ways, it will be similar to breaking the realm of ancient sages in one fell swoop.

"Hey, that's a mystery of ten thousand ways!"

Shen Lie grinned and said, "I want to pick dozens of secret arts in it!"


The reincarnation of the celestial pole gave Shenlie a chestnut, and said, "Although I don't know much about the Mysterious Earth of Ten Thousand Ways, but I have also heard some stories. Every time the Mysterious Earth of Ten Thousand Ways is opened, it would be nice to have several secret techniques come out. , Dozens of secret arts, are you going to overturn ten thousand secrets?"

"Furthermore, most of these secret techniques will fall into the hands of Immortal Mountain and Super God Realm. It is very good that Falling Heaven God Realm can obtain a secret technique."

"Have you ever set foot in Xianshan and Super God Realm?" Ling Feng frowned.


Celestial Reincarnation said solemnly: "It's just very cryptic, all beings in the world don't know it, even many forces in the Fallen God Realm don't know it."

"However, Xianshan has always been very low-key. Even if he enters the Mysterious Land of Ten Thousand Paths, he will go deep directly, and he doesn't want to meet the characters of the Heavenly Domain and God's Domain."

"Does your secret technique come from Ten Thousand Ways Secret Earth?" Shen Lie said with a sneer.


Celestial Reincarnation shook his head and said, "I have my own unique secret technique in Xianshan, which is not weaker than the Myriad Way, and even stronger!"

"The general ten thousand ways secret technique, or the top ten thousand ways secret technique?" Ling Feng asked.


Celestial Reincarnation opened his mouth, helplessly, this fellow Ling Feng was afraid he had seen it through long ago.

"Does Xianshan have plans to enter the Myriad Ways in the next step?" Ling Feng then asked.


"In that case, even if we are not invited, you still have to enter the Mysterious Land of Ten Thousand Ways."


"I was moved in vain!" Shen Lie curled his lips.


The celestial cycle is very helpless, and encountering these evildoers is really painful.

"Xianshan should have enough knowledge of Ten Thousand Ways of Secret Earth, right?" Ling Feng frowned and asked.


Celestial Reincarnation said with a wry smile: "Xianshan knows more about Ten Thousand Dao Secret Earth than other forces. A few days ago, when I was about to check the information on Ten Thousand Dao Secret Earth, you called me."

He spread his hands and said, "It's a pity, I haven't had time to watch it."


"How many immortal mountains outside the sea are there?" Ling Feng asked.

"Six seats!"

"So, we will meet in Ten Thousand Ways Secret Land?"

"It shouldn't be, unless you will enter the depths of the Myriad Ways of Mystery... indeed you will meet."

The celestial reincarnation originally wanted to say that they would not meet, because Xianshan Tianjiao would directly enter the depths of the Myriad Secret Earth, but thinking about it carefully, with the crazy energy of these people against the gods, once they enter the Secret Earth of Myriad Ways, will they not enter the depths?

That is bound to be against forces such as Mount Xianshan and Super God Realm.

"This is very interesting!"

Ling Feng's eyes bloomed with sharp edges, Xianshan Tianjiao, and they had only encountered one at present, that is, the reincarnation of the celestial pole. From this character, you can see the extraordinary of Xianshan.

Once they are up, I'm afraid it will be an extremely terrifying battle.

With Nishen's current situation, I am afraid it is very unfavorable.


Ling Feng and others are not afraid.

It is true that Xianshan is very powerful, with deep background, but Tianyu reincarnation is not weak, and if Ling Feng and others can take advantage of the situation to advance to the ranks, they will become super characters, and even Tianyu characters.

By then, all problems will not be problems.

This day.

Ling Feng flew to the Yunlou, but the place was already impenetrable. Although people could not find Ling Feng, they knew that Ling Feng and others had appeared in the Yunlou. Maybe they could find Ling Feng here.

In fact.

God Emperor Sea Moon, God Emperor Wu Yun, etc. are all waiting in the Yunlou, only here can Ling Feng be found.

Ling Feng is here.

He briefly explained to Wu Yun, Sea Moon God Emperor and others, bluntly that they would enter the Mystic Land of Myriad Paths.

"No, it's too dangerous!"

Wu Yun was the first to object, not wanting Ling Feng and others to enter the Mystic Land of Ten Thousand Ways.

Today, the situation is extremely favorable for the Spirit God Realm. Ling Feng and others fought across the domain and gained a reputation. Even some God Realms are extremely taboo against the Spirit God Realm and are unwilling to cross domains.

But Ling Feng and others want to enter the Mystic Land of Ten Thousand Ways?

How does this work?

You must know that this is not the realm of the sky, but the real world. Ling Feng and others need to go there, once they are sniped and suppressed, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Don't worry, Samsara will go together!"

Ling Feng made Wu Yun and others feel at ease, with the strength of the reincarnation little brother, they could completely sweep the whole situation.

Wu Yun and others are still worried.

But Ling Feng's heart had already been decided and no discussion was allowed.

"The Zhou clan currently does not dare to come across domains unless they want to destroy the clan."

Ling Feng gave out some information. The little brother Samsara came from Xianshan. They had "moved" and revealed the attitude of the little brother Samsara towards the hostile forces of the Zhou clan.

Although this is not the attitude of Xianshan, the hostile forces of the Zhou clan do not think so.


Lingshen Tianyu is currently considered safe, and of course defense is still necessary.

Ling Feng did not reveal that some Tianjiao such as Immortal Mountain and Super God's Domain would enter the Mystic Land of Ten Thousand Ways, otherwise, these old people would not allow them to take risks if they wanted to fry the pot.

In the end, Ling Feng left the Cloud Tower despite Wu Yun, Sea Moon God Emperor and other unwilling circumstances.

That night.

Ling Feng, Celestial Reincarnation and others, carrying inverse **** resources, stepped into the strange door.


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