Supreme Demon

Chapter 3405: Falling Tenjin area!


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The void trembled violently, and billions of light and rain spewed from the strange gate, pushing the space to twist, forming a shuttle tunnel, supporting Lingfeng, the celestial cycle and other people to travel far.


The billions of light rain set off on the surface, forming a recoil, like a sledgehammer hitting the ground, so that the strange gate **** pattern became gray, but at this moment, the strange gate sent out a little bit of ripples, protecting the billion. Wan Guangyu made Qi Men steady, and was not torn apart by the recoil force.

Because the Hundreds of Lights and Rain Cave opened the speed of light tunnel, it was not discovered by people.

Xinglan looked at the tunnel going away, with deep eyes and deep worries. Since Ling Feng entered the God's Domain, every decisive battle involved the destiny of God.

Now, Ling Feng took the strongest line of spirit **** Nishen to the Ten Thousand Ways Secret Land, and if something went wrong, the consequences would be disastrous.


The importance of this battle to the gods is self-evident, Ling Feng and the others had to fight.

To know.

At present, secret techniques and ancient sage's heavenly skills are the shortcomings of the gods. Without this kind of heavenly skills, it would be difficult for them to set foot in the realm of ancient sages, and it would be more difficult for them to sail far.

Therefore, Ling Feng and others urgently need ancient Xian Tian Gong and secret techniques.

It is true that Yin, Han Ruyue, etc. are the influential figures of the Shinto Sect and other forces. It should not be difficult to obtain the ancient sage's heavenly arts, but this is only a small part of martial arts, and most martial arts require the god-defying unique arts and secret arts.


If they want to promote rebelliousness and make them grow, they need these heavenly powers and secret techniques even more. Otherwise, how can they attract the heavenly arrogance and the strong?

Although Falling Sky Divine Realm attaches great importance to the Myriad Ways of Secret Earth, does it need to be so crazy with its cold-like talent and strength?


Han Ruyue was not crazy for the God Emperor Luotian, but crazy for rebellious god.

"If you succeed in one step, you can go forward bravely!"

Xinglan's eyes were burning, and the victory of Ten Thousand Ways of Secret Earth was only a small step for Ling Feng and others, but it was a big step for Nishen.


Ling Feng and the others flew down from the void, and the billions of light and rain extinguished. Although the strange door against the gods is not weak, this time is a cross-domain battle, and its distance is unimaginable, as if it has crossed a dozen small universes.

Even a few forces such as the Xutian Gate and the Sea God Gate were unable to achieve the goal in one step.

Ling Feng and others fell into a strange gate.

This strange gate is seated by eight people. Their faces are solemn and tense. They have to be vigilant because it involves the owner and this battle.


When Ling Feng and others appeared, the eight figures stood up and gave their hands, showing their respect for Ling Feng and others.

"Well, hard work!"

Ling Feng nodded slightly.

"It should be!"

The eight characters lighted up Qimen, and Ling Feng and others sailed.

After more than a dozen cross-domains, even Ling Feng felt exhausted and tired, because he had to be on guard at all times. Once Qimen was unstable and collapsed, they could respond instantly.

Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others are in good condition, because they don't need to make defenses. With the strength of Ling Feng and Celestial Reincarnation, they can completely prevent everything.

Fallen God's Domain!

This is different from Lingshen Tianyu.

First of all, in terms of geography, the Fallen God Realm is far beyond the Spirit God Realm and is vast and unpredictable, and its ancient kingdoms, sects and other territories are not comparable to the eight ancient powers and glory kingdoms.

In terms of overall strength, as long as it can be included in the domain of God, its strength must be stronger than that of Heaven.


The Fallen God Realm is one of the top five celestial realms among the hundred realms, and its overall strength can be imagined.

The essence of the Fallen God Realm is obviously stronger, the martial arts atmosphere is stronger, and the resources are more abundant.

Unique and outstanding.

It can be used to describe the Fallen God Realm.

It is precisely because of the unique temperament and terrain that today's Falling Sky God Realm is prosperous. This time Falling Heaven God Realm is better than Heiyang God Realm. There are more Tianjiaos who can be recognized by the Pure Land, and the top figures are even more powerful.

Although the Zhou clan was proud and self-confident, Zhou Su and Zhou Kou had never set foot in the God Realm from beginning to end. Otherwise, they would not be able to wait for Ling Feng, let alone the reincarnation of the celestial pole.


Ling Feng and the others stepped on the land of the Fallen God Realm, their eyes sharp, with a touch of solemnity.

Although they didn't know the specific situation of Han Ruyue's side, they had already wasted some time, especially in Qimen, after all, the Spirit God Realm was too far apart from the Falling Sky God Realm.

Moreover, this is a long consumption, and Ling Feng also needs to adjust his state.

Because this is the Fallen God Realm, not the Spirit God Realm, even if the Celestial Reincarnation is the Heaven Realm God Emperor, be careful. After all, there are ancient sages in the Fallen God Realm.

The landing place of Ling Feng and the others was thousands of miles away from the Myriad Secret Earth.

There is a reason why Nishen set up the strange gate here. If it is too close to the Mystic Land of Ten Thousand Paths, it will be easy to find out with the old people of some powers.

Therefore, Ling Feng and others need to fly past these thousands of miles.

A leaf unfolded, turned into ten feet, and flew to the distance with Lingfeng and Celestial Reincarnation.

Ling Feng sat cross-legged on that leaf, his eyes closed slightly, and he took Dan Tian to restore his strength. Only when he reached the peak state could he deal with the overall situation.

Shen Lie, Tang Jiu and others are also very cautious. They are not slumbering, but sitting cross-legged and feeling calmly.

After the Zhou clan's battle, they have also gained a lot of insights about the micro-domain. With this time, they may be able to understand more deeply.

Nowadays, time is very important to them, and any progress can save the situation.


Ling Feng's progress was so fast, Shen Lie was quite dissatisfied, and he wanted to catch up with Ling Feng as soon as possible.

Tang Jiu naturally knew what Shen Lie was thinking in his heart, and he even wanted to dry Shen Lie under his feet.

Thousands of miles are not too far away from the celestial cycle. They only took a stick of incense to fly to the Mystic Earth.

This is a vast secret soil.

The light and rain inside is very magnificent.

But the most different place of this vast secret soil is that it is not as vast as imagined, only a radius of 100,000 miles, but the vastness of it is beyond people's imagination.

Because the space in the Ten Thousand Ways of Secret Earth is folded, and it is really unfolded in the Secret Earth, which is difficult for people to discover from the outside world.


The Mysterious Earth of Ten Thousand Ways is very strange, even the ancient sages, it is impossible to tear the Mysterious Earth of Ten Thousand Ways from other directions, they will directly penetrate through and fall into the void, not the world of the Mysterious Earth.

It is like an illusory world floating in the void, never enter the strange door, and always have an illusion.


Surrounding the Myriad Ways of Mysterious Land, there is a sea of ​​people, not only the various forces in the Fallen God Realm, but also other forces from the heavens.

Although the strongest person people saw was the Heavenly Emperor God, and they were all elderly people, the Celestial Reincarnation felt a faint chill.

"Be careful, don't let people recognize it."

Celestial Reincarnation reminded: "There are a few breaths in the void that are extraordinary!"

Obviously, only Gu Xian can be called "extraordinary" by the celestial cycle.

What he reminded was quite necessary. Many people remember the terrible turmoil caused by Ling Feng, Shen Lie and others, and the Celestial Records they carried on their backs were all original sins.


Ling Feng and others sacrificed their power to change their appearance based on the field and the origin of all things, took root in the body, and used forbidden devices to suppress it. Even the ancient sages wanted to see through it.


Ling Feng, Celestial Reincarnation and others walked towards the Mystic Land of Ten Thousand Ways, trying to break in.

In fact.

The Ten Thousand Ways of Secret Earth is much more lively than before. Because the Tianjiao Grand Event will begin, all forces, such as Tianjiao, must be promoted quickly. The emergence of Ten Thousand Ways of Secret Earth is a powerful resource. How could people give up this opportunity? ?


There are secret techniques and so on in the Myriad Secret Land, which is an important force for people to fight against fairy mountains, ancient domains, and super big domains.


The void trembled, and several characters stepped into the air and flew into the Mysterious Land on the spot.


Several other figures also walked in the air. Rushed to the Mystic Earth

Obviously, these characters are not the forces of Fallen God's Domain, but the forces of Tianjiao from other heavens and gods.

Suddenly, Ling Feng stopped, not eager to enter the Mystic Earth, but fell into the crowd and listened carefully.

For a long time, his eyes fell on a young man.

"Not bad!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and said.

"It's really good!"

Shenlie grinned and smiled.

The two guys looked at each other and both smiled, which made Celestial Reincarnation a little inexplicable. I don't know what these two guys are laughing at.


When the young man rushed into the Myriad Secret Land with endless aura, Ling Feng and the others did not delay any more, and entered the Secret Land of Myriad Paths in a flash.

At this time, there are not many people who have entered the Mystic Land of Ten Thousand Paths, because here is not as harsh as the Tianjiao Grand Gala. Some heavenly emperors and super-grade emperors can enter and compete for secret techniques, resources, etc.

How are they not tempted?

Therefore, after Ling Feng and others changed their appearance, they did not cause any storms, and entered the Mystic Land without any surprises.

Ling Feng and others landed on a mountain.

There is no response from the gods, Su Yuan and others are searching for Han Ruyue's whereabouts, and Ling Feng and others do not need such a nourishing response.

Now, finding Hanruyue is the top priority.

It was the young man who landed on the mountain with Ling Feng and others.

He frowned slightly, and a light flashed under his eyes, and he was extremely hearty, but he didn't feel any gloomy feeling.


When Ling Feng cast his eyes, the young man also cast his eyes. He was slightly surprised, but he did not expect that Ling Feng and others would also fall on this mountain.


Ling Feng also screamed in surprise. If he doesn't cooperate at this time, doesn't it appear to be very lacking in acting?

"Hehe, several Dao brothers are really destined."

The young man smiled heartily, his burly figure slightly forward.

"It is indeed very destined!"

Ling Feng smiled and said.

"Meeting is fate, drink a pot of wine!"

The young man said to Ling Feng and others with a haha.

"This...isn't it great?"

Ling Feng frowned slightly, appearing a little wary.

"Oh, don't be so nervous."

The young man was bold, unconcerned, and said: "I have come for mystery and resources. Now we are very easy to suffer when we first arrived, and maybe we can form an alliance."


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