Supreme Demon

Chapter 821: If you can, please forget this moment!

Chapter 821 If you can, please forget this moment!

Magic soil!

It has become a demon time and space.

Ten thousand years ago, their magic soil was cut off. Since then, they have been sealed and isolated from the Shenwu continent and blocked.

Thousands of years ago, a person killed and killed five thousand demons. The blood in the magic soil sensationalized the entire demon world and almost killed those devils alive.

Thousands of years ago, a loli smashed in and smashed three thousand demons. She sang the world and wrote the demon elegy. At that time, unlike the thousands of years, the demon was in a prosperous age, and wanted to open the magical array, but was blocked by one person. In the magic soil.

That is the scream of the whole magic road!

Now, two people have come in, the blood is not strong enough, the realm is not high enough, and even the eyes are not sharp enough. A seven-level Wu Zun, a four-level Wu Zun, can not be compared with the previous two people, this is to humiliate What about them?


I am angry!

"Hey, swallow them!"

"Dare to kill us in the magic land, only we have invaded the human world, no one dares to despise us."

A demon-like eyes are cold, like cold winter cold water, looking directly at Lingfeng, Qiu Shuyi, making people feel like a cold current, invading the bones.

It is worthy of the demon, the devil's son emerges, the strong hegemony, and there is more than one. If there is not a magical array to stop, what the gods and battlefields, and what six big holes will be captured by them, they are the supreme.

At this time, there are two small fish running into the magic soil to provoke, this is pumping their face, squeaking, if you do not kill these two people, they feel the whole demon world must be shamed.

"The girl is kept for the demon. I want to swallow her bit by bit, how delicious and delicious." An old demon came out of the darkness, and his face was stunned. He looked at Qiu Shuyi straight. The human female warrior is very sweet, but it is delicious food.

"The old undead demon!" Qiu Shuyi secretly said, she was full of disgust, and when she thought of being smashed by the old demon, she was sweating.

too disgusting!

"Oh, kill them!"

"Swallow up their souls, that person's body is very suitable for me, I want to win!" A demon out, full of hope, they have always wanted to invade the Shenwu continent, and to win the human genius, this is undoubtedly the most correct path of.


However, just as his voice fell, a sharp knife stabbed in from his chest, the dark magic blood rolled down the chest, and he looked incredulously at the seemingly weak The man, then, looks together and dies.

He couldn't think of how this person would be so fast.

And a group of demons did not think of it, therefore, the boiling screams, the anger sounded to stop, each demon face is a tight, both eyes are more cold.

"killed them!"


In the next moment, thousands of demons were all killed by Ling Feng and Qiu Shuyi. They held the magic soldiers. The turbulent magic was like the tide. It smashed and annihilated the entire sky, forming an amazing big crack.

On the occasion of the killing of the magic soldiers, the world was turbulent, and the cracks in the road were shattered. In the turbulent hustle and bustle, the space swayed, and the **** sun in the sky was turbid.

"The magical soil dilemma, draw inspiration in the predicament, and temper the martial arts in life and death!"

Ling Feng said to Qiu Shuyi, this is his experience. He has a vain Shinto, from the Holy Mountain, from the hand of the Lord, but this is not the control of the Holy Mountain, it is extraordinary.

However, with the ancient days of the restricted areas, their exercises will never be inferior. The demon moon is promoted in the sixth hole, which is an excellent proof. However, this kind of promotion is inexplicable, only three kinds of martial arts are combined. In order to capture this wonderful pen.

Budo, not the same as drawing the heavens and the earth.

Qiu Shuyi has reached the peak of the seven-level Wuzun. What is lacking is not the heaven and the earth, but the inspiration from the gods. Once realized, it is a new world.

"Yes!" Qiu Shuyi promised, concentrating on watching the demons, holding the jade hand of the sword, can not help but tighten a few points.

Too many demons are chilling.

Yes, this battle is to die!


She smugly smashed the past, and the sword smashed out a rainbow, turning into a clear and sinister sword. An ancient Buddha appeared above Tianyu, and the whole earthquake was suppressed, while in the ancient Buddha At the rear, there is also a sword for the sky.

Buddha shock soul!

Sword destroys the devil!

"Hey!" "噗"...

This sword set off a prelude to the **** battle of the demon. She stabbed a seven-level demon with a sword. All seven rainbows on her body flew out, and a sword and a sword went into the demon.


Daddy, the four heavy stones flew out, the heavy momentum, the devil's soil was shaking, and when Ling Feng was fully urging, it directly exposed nearly seven million kilograms of giant force.

Immediately, the four heavy stones broke into the demon.

For a time, Feisha took the stone, the ghosts were crying, and the four-level and seven-level demons were directly crushed into cookie biscuits. Wanting to dodge is a idiotic dream, how fast and how fast is it?


Ling Feng is cold and proud, and the four stones are rushed to kill. Every time between the rotations, there will be demon and bloodshed. They are not strong enough, but Lingfeng is too strong.

The fourth demon black hole, at this moment, shows its terrible side, wherever it passes, even the eight-level demon are in horror.

"Resist him!"

The four-headed and nine-level demons are discolored. This person is only a four-level martial artist, but he is violently messed up. His body has reached the level of silver sacred body, but this is what the sacred body.

And when they screamed, the eight-headed and nine-level demons flew over and guarded in all directions, and they wanted to kill the wind.

"Inch God!"

Ling Feng took a step forward and instantly flew out, tearing the blockade of the eight demons. Then he turned to be a stone, and he was unable to prevent it under a nine-level demon.


The Nine-level Devil was flying backwards, and his magic light was scattered. He was extremely sensitive to danger. Although he found it in time, it was a step later. The magic soldier only resisted a corner of the four stones and removed some of the heavy weight. But that's it, he still suffered a slight injury.

"Destroy him!"

The nine-level demon bleed and angrily looked up and shouted.

This is the more monsters that come in, the Ling Feng is completely surrounded, the triple is triple, and even the **** sun can't shine in. The idea of ​​the demon is very simple. This human is fast enough, then they completely blockade and get rid of him. Going on the road, let him have no way to escape.

"not enough!"

Ling Feng does not change color, it is very calm.

He is waiting for an opportunity, although there are nine heads and nine monsters, but in the dark, those powerful demons have not yet moved. Now, in the eyes of the latter, he is just a small fish and shrimp.

Therefore, when the opportunity comes, he wants to attract those demons.

"Star is absolutely!"

"Float Eighteen Palms!"

"Counter chaos!"

Ling Feng was bright and the broken blade flew out. Under the control of the ice-burning fire, a heavy starry sky was released, and a blade flew out of the starry sky, as if the entire starry sky was cut off.

The edge of the blade is over, and it is instantaneous.

Three consecutive demons were smashed under the broken blade.

Immediately, the 18th palm of Futu also took the light of the gods, pierced a world, and killed the five demon creatures. The degree of fierceness exceeded the star.

When many demons were killed, Ling Feng urged the rebellion, and the artistic conception of the fighting stars was completely unfolded.

Vertical and horizontal, clear wind and bright moon.

A magic light flew, flashed on the huge Taiji diagram, and suddenly killed, killing a demon, and eight magical lights, Tai Chi figure long depression, in the blink of an eye, turned into a weapon of attack.

It’s all messed up!

This is a turmoil that makes the devils look dumb. They all kill the person, but giving them the feeling is like playing themselves. All the magic light is rushing in all directions under the turbulence of Taiji. But did not hurt the person in the center.

However, in this process, Ling Feng also suffered a very terrible force, the whole person is going backwards, the mouth is constantly overflowing with blood, not to mention, he still has to pay attention to the situation of Qiu Shuyi, once there is any accident, there is time to rescue. .

Wars and blood!

The first battle is a full nine days!

This is what Ling Feng and Qiu Shuyi never imagined. The demons hate the two men in front of them. Especially this man is simply not strong and strong. Whenever he seems to be falling, the Turkic Live and live.

From time to time, I will rush into another battlefield, pulling Qiu Shuyi back from the edge of death, three times and five times, completely treating them as playthings, and in front of the inch God, they can not stop.

"A terrible practice."

"No, more than one!"

At this time, in the dark world, finally, the devil came out, and the body was shining with the atmosphere of the atmosphere. The demon world and the human world were also the same. This demon **** can not walk out, and naturally became the land of the demon. And the demon king also represents the supreme ruler of this magical land.

At this moment, their eyes are bright, not only because Ling Feng killed nearly a thousand demon, but also the inch of God and rebellion, such as entering the uninhabited territory, is simply the invincible power of the group battle, madness.

This is exactly what they want.

"Autumn Book Yi, retreat!"

Ling Fengyi La Qiu Shuyi, quickly rushed backwards, they were bathed in blood, whoever faced thousands of demons, **** to the tenth day, I am afraid to be seriously injured, the two faces are very pale, this magic soil than they The imagination is even more tragic.

"Want to retire?"

A cold voice, from behind the two people, ten heads to the demon, standing in front of the magic circle, they have long expected that Lingfeng two will take away, the first time they cut off their retreat.

"Qiu Shuyi..."

"I won't regret it!" Qiu Shuyi interrupted Ling Feng, the **** face, filled with a smile. "It's only half a step, but we don't have time, but we can fight with you, I am very happy!"


Is this confession?

Ling Feng brow flashed a black line, when is this time, this girl is crazy?

"Autumn Shuyi, if you can, forget this sixty interest time."

When the demon gathers and Qiu Shuyi's face is dim, Ling Feng flies up. At that moment, he is bathed in the light curtain, one side is white and the other is black.

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